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Unconditionally: Chapter 10

E - Words: 3,048 - Last Updated: May 31, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
145 0 0 0 0

"Shh. Daddys here. Daddys here." Blaine stumbles into the nursery where the youngest member of the house is screaming his head off with an exploded diaper. Crying can be heard from the other room where the older pups had been sleeping. What he wasnt expecting was the site of Levi passing an extremely upset Eric a pinkie and some stuffed animals. "Thank you Levi, but I smell something else he needs."

"Oh…" Levi hops down and runs over to the changing table, pulling out a diaper and wipes. "This?"

"Thank you Levi, yes that is just what he needs." Blaine gently lays his son down on the table, undoing his onesie. "He also needs a new sleeper, did you want to help me get one?"

"Yes!" Levi pads over to the dresser after Blaine takes the diaper and wipes, pulling his stool over so that he can reach to top drawer where the sleepers are. "Here!"

Kurt leans against the doorframe now that hes gotten the other pups back to sleep. "I see how it is. Youre only faster at changing his diaper because you have help."

"Dont act like you dont get any help from the little helper extraordinaire, Timothy." Blaine takes the new sleeper once his son is all cleaned up and redresses him. "Thank you Levi. I think you can go back to bed now."


Gently wrapping the boy in a hug, Kurt leans in like its a secret. "If you go to bed now, Ill let you help me give Eric his bottle in the morning instead of Timmy."


"Really Babyboy." Kurt laughs at the happy broken squeal the little guy did. "Shh, hes sleeping again. Dont want to wake him. Now off to bed."

He doesnt have to be told twice. Levi scurries off back to bed leaving Kurt and Blaine amused at his antics. "You know, all of our signing has gotten a lot better and his speech is improving."

"It is. I think its because hes relaxing more and taking his time on his words, they are still a little off." Kurt takes Eric and rocks him as the baby finally slips into a deep sleep.

"They probably always will be because of how he hears things, just like his jumpiness when in a large crowd of people he doesnt know will probably always be there. His wolfs way of keeping itself safe."

"Blaine… you think hell end up in… in a…"

"No. I dont think any of us will allow him to be taken into a forced mating, but hey that is fourteen years from now yeah? So just teach him to be strong like you and hell be fine." Blaine kisses his mates cheek before taking the sleeping baby from his arms and putting him back in the crib. "I dont think any of these pups will be in a forced mating. Just look at their role models. Were all in love matches or were." He then turns to lead Kurt back to bed. "What we need to worry about is that Lizzy is pulling some pretty mean tricks all in the name of being an alpha."

"Um yeah I was wondering where she got all of that from." Kurt yawns as he crawl back into bed. "I think I concluded it-"

"Is one of the kids at the mass runs? Yeah thats what I was thinking." Blaine slides in behind Kurt, kissing his neck while he breathes in his scent. "We cant change what other wolves think or teach their young. Well just have to sit all of ours down and teach them the only real difference between alphas and omegas."

"Um, and what is that difference?"

"Omegas are so much better smelling then alphas." Blaine pushes at the sleep pants that are in the way of him touching his mates perfect skin.

"Nn. Blaine please, you know Im not ready yet."

"I know. Sorry." He pulls the pants back into position. "You know, I dont care if youre still working off the baby weight."

"I know. Im just… self-conscious about it. Ive got more stretch marks then I did last time and I just, please, just let me get back into shape a little more before we get intimate again."

"Alright, but I still say there is nothing wrong with your body. I love you, all of you no matter what. Plus, these marks are just proof that you gave me the greatest gifts in the world." He slips his hand under Kurts baggy shirt, caressing the not quite so flat stomach. "You gave us our pups."


"I mean it. Id carry them if I could, but thats just one thing I cant do as a gay alpha."

"You smuck. Ugh come here." Kurt turns around in his arms and attaches their lips in a searing kiss. "You know just how to woo me, but not tonight. Eric will be up again in a couple hours, along with Levi. Both wanting breakfast."

"Cockblocked by responsibility."

"Shut up, goober."

"Yeah yeah. Close your eyes and get some sleep my love."


"Nick!" Alain laughs as he gets tickled until he flops back into bed. "S-stop!"

"Nope. Not until you agree to stay in bed with me all day today."

"Um and what are we supposed to do about our son?" He starts to catch his breath as Nick settles for snuggling around him instead of tickling him to death.

"Already taken care of. Kurt said he and Blaine will watch Richard for the day so that I can have you, freshly casteless, all to myself while they take care of freshly casteless Richard running around the zoo."

"Really? The zoo?"

"Yes the zoo. Apparently all of the kids really loved it and there is some end of summer event going on that Sebastian, Kurt, and Blaine are taking the kids too." Its with a serious face he continues. "That way we can talk."

"What do we need to talk about? Theres nothing to…"

"Alain. We need to talk about how you havent let me touch you since before the accident. You always change the subject when someone brings it up or if you cant change it you get quiet and depressive."

"Hun, please I just…"

"Were going to talk about it."



"Everyone has everything?" Blaine does a last walk through to make sure he wasnt forgetting anything for their day out.

"We have everything but you love. Kids are in the van with Sebastian and I was sent in to come and get you, which is good since youre talking to yourself." Leaning in Kurt kisses his cheek before pulling him towards the door. "Alain and Nick need this time."

"You think they will get through this?"

"I know they will. Their wolves and that means their forever. What they need to work on is Alain opening up about the accident so that he can heal emotionally."

"And is that meaning you might…"

Jaw clacking Kurt glares at Blaine before walking away, swaying his hips. "Mine is not an emotional issue. I just dont have the want or the stamina to make love to you right now. Especially since we have a month old pup who thinks we dont need any sleep, but I never said I wouldnt be ready within the next few days. Too bad you keep pushing the issue because all that does is make me want to have you wait."

"Wait! So… you want too?" His eyes are wide as Blaine tries to figure out what is going through his mates mind.

"I always want to love, but not when we have a pup that is very needy and wears us out on a nightly basis. Yes I feel horrible about the way my body just isnt bouncing back, but whatever. Im still the hottest wolf around." With that he hops into the passenger seat of the van, laughing when Sebastian just raises his eye brow at their antics. "Hush."

"Not saying a word." He throws his hands up in submission before starting the engine while Blaine finally gets in the back with the kids. "Everyone ready?"

"YES!" all the kids and Blaine call out as their adventure for the day begins.

A day full of squealing kids, crying baby, scraped knees, too much sugar, to many jokes about how their strollers and wagon make them look like a parade, and awkward questions.

"Papa, why are those wolves locked in a cage?" Lizzy turns her head as one of the wolfs studies her back.

"Because they are wild wolves, not weres sweets."

"So? They should be out in the woods hunting, not sitting there being stared at." She frowns as Kurt sits behind her, turning his daughter to look him in the eyes. "Its not fair papa."

"Sweets, if they werent in there they would starve to death. Unlike us, they cant co-exist with humans unless they are in a cage. It keeps them safe."

"But what about their packs? Dont they miss their packs?"

"Look at the sweets." Kurt turns her to watch the wolfs interact with each other. "They are a pack. A family. It doesnt matter where they are or what happens these wolves will always be a unit. Now, do you hear them complaining?"

"No papa."

"Do you see them starving?"

"No papa."

"Can you hear how happy they are together?"

"I… yes papa."

"Does that settle your mind a little?"

"Sort of papa. I wish they had a more natural cage since thats where they have to live."

"Well then why dont you study really hard and when you grow up you can make their cages better for them."

"Really? That is something I can do?"

"You can do anything you want to my love." Kurt kisses her cheek as she hugs him tight.

"Love you papa."


"So my dear, what did you want to talk about?" Alain puts on a strong front even though he knows what they are going to talk about.

"You know what were discussing today." Nick sits up taller on his side of the couch. "Why dont you start with why you dont want me to touch you?"


"Guilt? You dont want me to touch you because of guilt?"

"Yes. I feel guilty for what happened to you."

Nick reaches out, but stops when he sees Alain flinch away. "Can you explain? Please. I know it wasnt your fault, it was no ones fault."

"I feel guilty for not pushing my rights so we could go home on time. I feel horrible that because I pulled you and Richard along with me, while letting that stupid man dictate my career when he didnt have the say in if I should or shouldnt extend my road trip time. I hate the fact that your voice, your gorgeous voice is now scratchy because I was an idiot."

"Baby, it wasnt your fault. That guy took advantage of the fact you didnt know you could tell him no. Anyways, I didnt mind the extended road trip. Us travelling as a family is such a perfect way to spend our time, plus Richard got to see you on stage. Ive never seen him so happy as when you would starts to dance and sing up there."

"But Nick… if we had come home sooner…"

"Then maybe the accident would have happened here and been worse because maybe then the other pups would be with us or Kurt or Blaine. You dont know what might have happened because we went down a different path." He slips closer to Alain. "You and I are on a trip down our road of life, at some points we come to crossroads and have to make a choice. Whatever happens because of that choice, we have to live with and grow around. Each crossroads makes us stronger and you should never look back and wonder what was down the other path because it doesnt matter. I love you so much Alain and I want to help you with this, but that wont happen unless you allow me to help you and you can admit that it wasnt your fault."

"I feel like it was though and every time I hear your voice crack it hits home again." He sniffles a little before leaning in against Nick. "I was so scared when I heard Richard screaming in pain. Just over and over again. Screaming and I couldnt get to him. I couldnt get to you. I just... I couldnt do anything!"

"Not true love." Nick wraps around Alain, holding him tight as he tries to stay strong for his mate. "You told the emergency personnel where we were. You sent them after us first."

"H-how did…?"

"How did I know? They told me. They told me how all you could say was to get us first because we were trapped."

"I... didnt fail you?"

"No. You could never fail me. I love you so much my brave, strong, supper perfect boy."

Theyre still wrapped around each other on the couch when everyone gets home, a movie playing on TV that neither are watching. Kurt and Blaine get all the kids heading to the nursery to clean up and take a nap to leave them be until they are ready to talk or socialize. However, Richard slips away from everyone else and runs back to where his daddies are.

"Dada! Papa!" Brand new plush wolf in hand, Richard runs over to them and freezes when he sees they both have red rimmed eyes and his papa is crying. "No sad papa!" He doubles his efforts to get to his parents as Sebastian rushes over to stop him. "Here papa, happy!" He crawls up onto the couch and puts the stuffed toy into his dads face to give him a fake kiss before he leans in to kiss his papa. "Happy!"

Sebastian freezes when he hears Alain starting to giggle and then outright laugh as he wraps his arms around Richard. "How can I stay sad when I have you huh?"

"Nope. No sad. Ricard make you happy!" He nuzzles in as a giant yawn escapes his mouth. "Nappy time."

"Mm, lets nap then."

Later, when Kurt comes through with Eric bottle he finds Alain, Nick, and Richard all curled up together on the couch with Levi, Lizzy, and Timmy all around them. Blaine hushes his mate as he continues the take pictures of the snuggle pile. He shrugs at the judging look he gets.

"What? It was just too cute a site not to take pictures of." Blaine tries to explain.

Alain smiles as he yawns out. "You better give us a copy."

"Oh shit."

"Shh. The little ones are still sleeping." Alain caresses his sons hair where hes all snuggled with Timmy and Kurt hurries off at the first hungry wails coming from the nursery. "Blaine, thank you for earlier. Giving us time to talk."

"No problem. It seems to have helped. You look happier."

"I feel happier. Ill be even happier tonight."

Blaine tries hard not to laugh as he puts his camera down to check on Lizzy and Levi who looked a bit uncomfortable. "I bet you will. Though I think Nick will be happier."

Alain isnt sure which one of them was happier when Nick walks into their room after making sure the kids are all sleeping to fine his mate naked on the bed presenting himself.


"Nick I need you."

"Dont have to ask me twice." His clothes are flying off as he hurries over to the bed, licking his mates presented ass. "Smells so good." He licks again causing Alain to muffle his needy cries in his pillow. "Taste better."

"Take me. Take me. Take me."

Nick is sliding up the perfect body of his mate and quickly shoving into his body. Both letting out a groan as they finally connect again. "Love you…" Its fast, dirty, and perfect.


"Whats your class list look like this semester?" Blaine and Sebastian are comparing schedules at the table while Kurt gets the kids lunch pates all together before he starts on mixing a bottle. "Kurt, did you get your classes settled yet?"

"Actually… about that." A fidgety Kurt mumbles out. "Imdoinghomestudiesagainwithoneweekendlabclass."

"Come again?" Oh Blaine wishes his mate wouldnt do things without talking with him first,

"I talked with my advisor and he got me set up to do more classes from home and then I just have to do a few hours in a lab class on Saturday. That way Eric will always have me or you here with him since hes extremely picky with who feeds him."

"Alright." Blaine shrugs, he kind of expected Kurt to want to stay home with their son.

"I know we didnt talk about it ahead of time but- wait. Youre alright with me being home again?"

"Well yeah. I was wondering when you were going to ask and if you didnt I had an appointment with my advisor to do home classes instead." Blaine laughs as Kurt throws himself into his mates arms. "I might do that anyways. I missed most of Timmy and Lizzy growing up and I dont want to miss any of Erics. Plus, it might be nice to give Alain and Nick a chance to spend more time together then watching our pups."

"Man Im going to be the only one on campus this semester? Yall suck." Sebastian winks at them as he gets up to take the pups their lunch. "Well guess Id join everyone at home if I wasnt taking sign language classes so that I can be prepared incase Levi loses the hearing in his other ear."

"His speech seems to be getting better." Kurt stays snuggled with Blaine.

"It is. The doctor thinks as he gets older and more relaxed, hes learning to adapt to just one ear hearing. Now I am going to take the pups their lunch and I hear someone calling for their daddies." Sebastian chuckles as Kurt curses and hurries to make Erics bottle. "Hes definitely a needy little alpha."

"You have no idea. He refuses to let anyone feed him except us." Kurt groans. "Coming Eric!"

Blaine turns back to his school papers. "Im going to email my advisor. You going to be alright love?"

"Yeap. Got it." He rushes out to feed his son. "Papas right here baby." The couple month old baby cooed at his papa with the biggest smile on his face. "I see you, acting all innocent Mr. Cranky pants. Heres your lunch. How do you feel about going into the living room to eat huh?" Kurt scoops him up and holds the bottle for him as he walks down the hall. Happy to see all the kids eating at the coffee table while cartoons play on the TV. Just the perfect way to end summer.


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