Make a Move
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Wont Tell Anyone

Make a Move: Chapter 6

E - Words: 2,831 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 7/7 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
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Make a Move 6

"Aiden, please..." His voice sounds desperate even to his own ears, but there's no other way to get what he wants across to the other man. "There's no reason for you to do this. Really there isn't." Hands clinging to his husbands' shirt, Anthony tries to stop him from going out the door where Richard is waiting. It was stupid how he agreed that keeping the tradition of not seeing your groom for 24 hours before the wedding. All he really wants is to spend another night wrapped up in those strong arms that make him feel whole again.

"Love you know we talked about this and we both agreed that it would be better for appearances if I went with Richard tonight and arrived with him tomorrow." Aiden reaches up to caress one soft cheek. "This will be the last night we ever spend apart."

"Liar." There will always be trips that both of them can't go on because of royal obligations.

"How so? Your parents haven't left each other's side during their marriage."

"True, but they also had a different family dynamic then we do."

"What's so different between them and us?"

"Papa didn't have family in the north he may need to visit when I'm not able to go with you."

"Oh love." Aiden kisses his husbands cheek. "That's not going to happen and if it does, that's why Timothy will be here to cover for you so that you can come with me."

"How about we start that mindset now." His arms pull Aiden in closer as his face snuggles into that perfect spot between shoulder and neck that he fits into perfectly and he can smell his husbands scent. "Stay here tonight. Make love to me. Hold me. I don't care, just don't leave."


"Stay." Anthony starts to kiss along that perfect soft skin on his husbands' neck. "Stay with me." His kisses move up over that soft neck and his jaw as he makes his way towards those perfect lips. "Make love to me."


As their lips connect in heated passion before Anthony hits the wall with his back they ignore the throat being cleared behind them. Even the second time someone tries to get their attention, they ignore it. It's only when a very upset voice that belongs to Blaine gets very loud and clearly states. "Get off my son." Their eyes snap over to the very upset looking Blaine with a laughing Kurt behind him. "Or at least have the decency not to defile him in the hallway. It's hard enough to accept that he's 18 and married without having to see him acting all grown up."

"Sorry dad." Anthony only says it to calm his dad down.

On the other hand Aiden is bright red with embarrassment as he moves away from his husband. "I'm sorry he was just too hard to no to."

"Not the best thing to say when the father of your husband is glaring at you." Kurt still can't keep the laugh in.

"I'm not glaring." The pout Blaine pulls gets Kurt cooing at him.

"Of course dear. You're just trying to burn a hole in the back of your son-in-laws head."

"He shouldn't be all over Anthony like that."

"They are married and we talked about this. Our babies grow up and will start making babies of their own." Kurt kisses Blaine softly.

"But... but... ugh!! Just go meet up with Richard! He's outside waiting for you so that you can leave and spend the next 24 hours away from your significant others." Blaine grumbles out as he melts under the attention Kurt is giving him.

"Yes sir." Aiden hurries off down the hallway leaving Anthony behind gaping at him.

"What the... Dad! Why did you have to do that! I didn't want him to go for the next 24 hours, I want him here with me!"

Kurt wraps an arm around his son. "Just relax and come say goodbye to hm."

"Maybe he won't come back..."

"Blaine!" Kurt let's Anthony go to drag his husband away berating him for being so mean. Neither of them see the wide eyed fear on their sons face.

They don't hear him start to gasp when his tears try to escape while he follows them slowly towards the front door. They don't see the images going through his head of all the people he's loved and given into before they left him behind. His first love crossing his mind's eye as she laughed at him after their night in bed and how stupid he must have been to think she loved him and not the crown. His brother, Eric, leaving him behind while Timothy grew further away from him. He can't control the gasping breaths or how much his chest hurts as images of Aiden not coming back float through his mind or worse yet deciding that Elizabeth really is the right choice for him. He just knows that once Aiden has left he'll never come back to him even if he's said that he would.

"Now you two need to be back fairly early tomorrow and meet Blaine at the chapel to make sure you have the right suits and can be in place for when I show up with Timothy and Anthony." Kurt keeps a sturdy hand wrapped around his husbands' shoulders as they talk about the plans for the wedding in the morning. "Then later that afternoon we will have the ball to celebrate your marriages. Timothy and Richard will stay here for the first week until your sisters' birthday ball..."

"She should have one." Timothy grumbles out.

"Be nice. You can always help her snag a new attraction that isn't married into the family already." Kurt rolls his eyes.

"Yes Papa." Timothy leans in closer to Richard. "Aiden, are you alright?"

"I'm just worried about Anthony." His eyes are trained on where his husband stopped walking. "He really doesn't want me to go tonight and I don't really want to leave him alone. There's still a lot of issues he's still trying to get over."

"Issues?" Blaine snaps his eyes back towards his son and then back to Aiden. "What issues?"

"Everyone he loves leaves him or plans a future that doesn't involve him in it." Aiden smiles sadly when he sees the tears streaming down his loves face. "I should... Anthony!" He takes off running towards where Anthony had been standing and is now passed out on the ground. Fast labored breathing hits his ears as the man in his arms tries to pull in enough oxygen to try as his body shivers and sweat pours out of his skin mixing with the tears streaming from his eyes. "Sh. Just breathe love. Please just breathe." In the background he can hear someone calling for the doctor to be fetched as Blaine joins Aiden on the ground trying to see what he can do to help his son. "No. No love don't close your eyes. Keep them open and breathe with me. You just need to breathe and stay awake. I'm here. I'm here and not going anywhere so you better not go anywhere either."

"Aiden we need to move him..."

"We're not moving him until he's breathing!" Aiden grabs his husbands face with both hands and forces him to look him straight in the eyes. "You can do this. Just breathe. Breathe and talk to me. I need to hear your voice."

Everything goes quiet except the wheezing breathes coming from the body lying on the ground. They wait for what feels like hours, though is only a few minutes before the gasping breathes slow down to match the even pulls Aiden is doing to try and get his husband to calm down. It's happy tears that stream down Aiden's face when the color starts to return to his husband before he makes a retching noise and they have to move fast to roll him over so that he can throw up. It's then that the doctor rides up and rushes towards them starting to check the man over.

Its hours later. Hours after the doctor prescribed rest and liquids for the night for Anthony and Aiden put his foot down refusing to leave while Anthony is so weak. It's been hours since they were told their son had a nervous attack that when he could talk was confirmed that he was afraid of Aiden leaving him like everyone else has. The sun is setting as Kurt finally has the strength to confront Blaine over what happened and how they could be so blind and unfortunate to have so much happening in such a short amount of time.

Arms wrapped around his husband and holding him tight while he smiles slowly. "It isn't our bad luck, they are just tests to see what we can deal with and a promise for a greater future. You had your horrible youth that brought you to me and I had the fear of being married off to someone I'd never care about let alone love."

"But with Michael still not talking, Alain having the burns on his face, Elizabeth being less then lady like, Timothy having to deal with the horrors of being picked up and bullied, Anthony having issues with being left behind, and Eric praying nighty that his child this time around doesn't die and that his husband makes it through aright, I think our family has had its fair share of bad luck."

"And bright futures ahead." Blaine kisses him softly. "Things will get better."

"This coming from the man who can't stand to see his kids grow up and start lives of their own."

"This is coming from a man that can see that it's alright to let our kids grow up and become adults if it means I get to see their faces light up when that special someone whispers to them that they love them or say something that just brings that sparkle to their eyes the way that I make your eyes sparkle."

"I love you. So much Blaine. Even after all these years."

"Love you too angel of mine." Blaine kisses him as he leads his husband back towards the bed. "Let's get to bed."

"You just want me on my back." Kurt laughs as Blaine strips them both of their clothes.

"Maybe." His golden eyes shine with mischief. "Though I was thinking you could have me on my back tonight so that I can watch everything you do and see how it makes you feel."

"That. Is. The. Best. Idea. Ever." Kurt kisses him between each word before pushing Blain down on the bed and crawl over him before their lips meet in a needy kiss and they both get lost to the night.


Bright and early the next day the entire palace was in an uproar as guests started to show up for the ball later that day and other, that were lucky to be on the guest list, were preparing for the double wedding. Anthony was being dressed with tender hands by Kurt, while Blaine headed off with Aiden to meet Richard at the chapel.

"Are you feeling any better today son?" Kurt runs a brush through the lovely hair his son inherited from his father. "You gave us quite a scare yesterday."

Voice a little rugged Anthony nods and answers. "Much better today. I just... I'm sorry Papa. My head got so full of all my fears and things that would never happen again that it just over took me and the next thing I know I couldn't breathe and that just made it all worse."

"Aiden said you were afraid of being left."

"Yes I am. Everyone I've ever given my heart to fully have done something to prove that I'm not loved by them or my mind makes up that they don't love me the way I love them." He turns to face his papa. "I was afraid Aiden would go away for the night and realize I'm not what he wants or needs in his life and leave me... for Elizabeth."

"You know he would never leave you. He married you."

"Marriage doesn't mean anything if your heart isn't in it."

"Good thing your marriage is all heart then."

They both laugh a bit before slipping the cravat on so Kurt can tie it. "Not as much love as Timothy and Richard have."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that. Just because your brother has known for the past 8 years that Richard is the one for him and he's loved him from nearly the day they've meet, I think you and Aiden have a love just as strong because it took you a long time to realize that's what it really was. Love was just natural between the two of you and I am so happy to see your smile back and I know he's the one that put it there."

"Papa, you're going to make me cry." Anthony wipes at his leaking eyes before hugging his papa tight. Grinning wider when Timothy sticks his head into the room.

"Papa, do I look alr- Oh! Anthony you looks really good in that suit!" Timothy rushes over to his brother and grinning from ear to ear. "You seem so calm too. I wish I was as relaxed as you were. I just... I can't stop shaking or rushing about."

Kurt laughs at his other son and pulls him into a hug to calm him down. "Wedding day jitters are quite normal."

"I had them the first time around and we ran off to get married." Anthony laughs and hugs his brother as well, making a Timmy sandwich. "By the way, you look beautiful Timmy. Richard is very lucky to have you coming down the aisle to become his husband."

"Thank you..."

Across town at the same chapel Blaine was married in, the king is having happy memories of the day that brought Eric and Kurt into his family and the night 18 years ago that brought them their twins. His eyes sweep down to the two men that are going to be brought into his family by the end of the day and his smile grows wider when he realizes he's alright letting go. Timothy will be a Sterling and Aiden will, for a second time, become an Anderson. Their smiles are what seals the deal with him. The smiles on their faces that lets him know that they are thinking about his sons. He's a bit sad that neither set can go on a proper honeymoon until after his daughters 16th birthday party, but he doesn't think they will be missing much. He would have rather stayed home with Kurt instead of traipsing across the country. His mental wanderings are broken when he sees that people are starting to show up and be let in while the two boys hurry off to finish getting into their suits and he hurries to join them.

The rest of the day is a giant blur as the chapel fills up and the music starts. Blaine and Kurt standing in front of their thrones along the side with the Smyth and the Sterling families. The boys make their way in a practiced march up the aisle and joined hands followed by joined lives. Cheers going up as the two pairs kiss to seal the marriages. Sebastian claps loud enough for him and Alain and Michael, seeing as he's sitting with the two injured boys instead of with his family. Eric Stands proudly to see his brothers looking so happy and makes Elizabeth cheer for them seeing as he snuck her into the chapel to see how happy Aiden is with his husband.

The ball goes off without a hitch as everyone loves how simple and beautiful Timothy had decorated everything. The couple danced and greeted all their guests. They even snuck off to peek in and spend some time with Jeff in his room with Eric a constant watch as the baby was going to be born sooner rather than later. They even spend some time with Elizabeth, though she only snips at them and complains about everything. Her sour mood doesn't sour the evening. Nothing can. Not even when one of the servants rushes in and tells the family that just minutes after the couples had left them, Jeff went into labor.

As the sun sets and the families are gathered in the sitting room waiting to hear from the doctor about the newest member of the family all of their faces light up when Eric rushes in with a crying pink bundle in his arms. "It's a girl." His teary smile grows bigger when the nursemaid carries in another bundle. "And her brother." No one is upset over their wedding day being shared by the newest members of the family.

That night both new couples settle in as officials husbands to share the night in a very special way. They switch positions with their husbands. Anthony carefully takes the last innocence Aiden has to offer as Timothy nervously preps and makes love to Richard for the first, and for them probably last, time.


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