Make a Move
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Wont Tell Anyone

Make a Move: Chapter 5

E - Words: 3,760 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 7/7 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
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Make a Move 5


Blaine was not having a good day. How could he have anything but a bad day when he's sitting around a table watching his husband go over the new announcements that will be sent out first thing in the morning to tell everyone that the wedding ball, to take place after the double ceremony, is now to celebrate the wedding of his twin boys. Even though Anthony went off and eloped like Eric had and that brings the count of kids fully grown up and married to three. Why did they have to grow up so fast? Not only grow up, but if the ever expanding waistline on Jeff was anything to go by, he wasn't to far from being a grandfather. At least he'll have a baby around to coo over and spoil rotten. Isn't that what grandparents are for? Spoiling their newest family members?

Then there was the other issue that has his eyes narrowed and mind working a mile a minute on how he'll be nice about what he sees. The constant smiles and giggles one of his youngest keeps giving that new little prince of the north Sebastian. Given, the boy is adorable and kind. Has a very supportive father, he'll pass final judgment on them when the mother and two baby girls show up, but still. All those kind acts and nice words eventually turn into one of his kids coming to him saying he wants to marry them when they get older. Then he just has to sit through another engagement meeting with his way to young son happy as a puppy and a husband trying to keep him from growling about how he doesn't want his babies growing up that fast. The only one who seems to be sharing in his misery is Elizabeth.

How long can one girl glare daggers at a man she ignored for the past few years when he had been coming to woo her, against his royal decree of no suitors until 16? It's not like it was a really big surprise that Aiden had feelings for Anthony and just didn't know what they were until now. Anyone could see how much time they had spent together the last few years/ Drinking and getting into trouble in town. The letters they had been sending back and forth. Even when his son was gaining one of the worse reputations anyone in the royal family has ever had, they still remained close.

"You look like I will when my children get old enough to not need me anymore."

Looking towards the voice and smiling slightly. "They grow up way to fast."

Beathan sits down next to Blaine. "Our boys seem to have hit it off well, I'm happy for them. Sebastian has found it hard to make friends where we've been living."

"Same for Alain." he can't help closing his eyes as he knows Sebastian is a good thing for his son. "Your boy will make a fine king one day."

"Thank you, majesty."

"Blaine, please. No need to be so formal between us."

"Thank you Blaine."

One of the servants enters leading a lady with one bundle in her arms and another small child clinging to her traveling skirt. "Majesties the Lady Smyth."

"Mama!!" Sebastian takes off running to hug around his mothers unoccupied leg while Kurt dismisses the servant with a thank you.

"Oh my sweet sweet boy! Have you been behaving?"

"Yes mama!" Sebastian grins up at her sparkling green eyes as his dad kisses her cheek and then the babies forehead.

"Alice, my love, let me introduce you to their majesties Blaine and Kurt, kings of the central kingdom. My wife, Lady Alice Smyth and our daughters Nicole" he places a hand on the slowly waking up infant. "and Sarah." Beathan scoops up the toddler that gives up sucking her thumb to hug her dad.

"It's a huge pleasure to meet you, we've heard so much about you from your husband." Kurt moves closer to coo at the toddler while Blaine slips in to see the baby. "Let me introduce you to at least the part of our family that is gathered here right now."

"Kurt, can I introduce Alain to mama?" Sebastian gives him those pleading eyes that Blaine knows so well, since he gives them to Kurt all the time.

"Of course. It's only right that you make the introduction of your friend." Kurt laughs as Sebastian runs over to pull his son towards them. In the time it takes them to get back to the group Kurt has introduced Eric and Jeff, Timothy and Richard, Elizabeth, and Lucus. Leaving Anthony to be introduced to them by Aiden.

"I wanna go first!" Sebastian cuts Aiden off with a huge pout on his face. "Please mama, let me go first!"

"Of course my dear." Alaice smiles, holding back the laugh she wants to let go on how adorable her son is being and how happy she is that he's finally found a friend."

"Mama, this is Prince Alain Anderson and he's my friend. Alain this is my mama, sissy, and nini."

"Sebastian." Beathan scolds him a bit.

"Sorry. Sarah, she's only 2 but still ends up in all my things, and Nicole who isn't even one yet! She's so tiny!"

"Pleasure to meet you." Alain bows with practiced ease. "I hope the trip wasn't to hard on little Nicole."

"The trip was quite pleasant as Nicole has a habit of falling asleep in the sway of a carriage. Thank you." Yes. Alice likes this young man and Blaine can fully see his son being part of this other family already. Surprisingly it doesn't hurt as much as he thought it would. "Now Aiden I think you have someone to introduce to us as well."

"My husband, Anthony."

"But I thought..." She looks at everyone for clarification.

"It's a very long story. How about I call the nursemaid to take the little ones for some freshening up and we'll go over what's happening and the plans for Sebastian's birthday tomorrow." Kurt gives the orders to one of the guards in the room and they all sit down to relax. Except Elizabeth who huffs and leaves after hearing her brother being referred to as married to her man.


"Why did you have me get up early with you?" Blaine yawns as he watches his husband pass out stacks of notices to a large group of servants dressed to deliver them.

"Because they are your sons as well and you wanted to help me make sure these are distributed quickly." Kurt eyes Blaine as he's falling asleep standing up. "But you decided to keep us both up to late last night and now you're to tired."

"Um.. last night was good." His large smile and slowly pinkening cheeks has Kurt turning bright red knowing full well the man is now day dreaming about the three times they went at it last night.

Leaning in close Kurt whispers just loud enough for him to hear. "Help me hand out the rest of the stacks and get everyone on their way to delivering them and I'll give you a repeat of last night."

With that the King is up and barking out orders and tossing stacks into empty arms until the last of the riders are out the door and he turns hungry eyes on his husband. "You said?"

"That I did." Kurt laughs before wrapping his arms around Blaine and kissing him hungrily. "Let's stop by the kitchen for something to nibble on, before I let you nibble on me."


Alain knows he should have waited for his papa to wake up before starting on his current project, but he just couldn't wait anymore. It was Sebastian's birthday and the family tradition is for this special breakfast to be made by hand, not ordered from the cooks. He's gotten all the ingredients mixed and it's in the oven waiting for him to pull it out, which he does very carefully.

The first thing Kurt and Blaine hear over their own giggling from teasing each other, is a pained scream. Followed by a loud crash and servants rushing around panicked. Their happy smiles fade when one of them runs into the hall with tears in her eyes and faces them, pointing back towards the kitchen. "The prince.... I must send for the doctor!"

Blaine doesn't wait another second running into the room with his husband to find Alain held down as the cook applies cool wet clothes to what looks to be some rather large burns on the side of his face and right arm. "What happened?" Kurt rushes to check the wounds and help get them covered.

"He was making that special cake your majesties make every time someone in the family has a birthday. He refused any help, which seemed to be alright until he went to take it out of the fire. There must have been an air pocket and it wasn't quite done because it popped and some landed on his face." The cook changes out one of the rags that has grown hot out with another cool one. "It's when he jumped from that before I could get to him that it just went all over. I swear I didn't turn my back on him for more then a second while he was in here."

"It's alright, the doctors been sent for and it was just an accident." Kurt coos down at his son that has big tears streaming down his face and a constant 'I'm sorry' rolling off his tongue. "Let's get him to his room. Bring lots of cool water and fresh rags, nothing that's dirty." He has Blaine carry their son towards his room. "Cook, can you get the ingredients ready for another cake? I know why he was making it and it might make him feel better later to have a couple of them. I'll send Eric down to make them with you so it still has the family touch to them."


"It's someone that means something to Alain's birthday today." The cook smiles before getting his staff to gather the needed material while Kurt Hurries off to grab Eric and tell him what's happened and what needs to be made before he goes into Alain's room. A small crowd of rob wearing family gathering outside the door after they heard all the commotion. "How is he?"

"Trying to fall asleep on me." Blaine gently wakes his son back up before adding more cool cloths.

"Sorry papa." Alain sniffles back some more tears as his eyes try to close again. "I just wanted to make it special... sorry daddy."

Kurt caresses the light brown locks off his sons sweaty forehead before feeling for a fever. "It's alright, I know why you did it and this was just an accident. It could have happened to anyone."

"I ruined his special day. You always say birthdays are special days."

Laughing lightly as Kurt rolls his eyes at the fact Blaine just caught on what was happening. "You care about that boy a lot huh?"

"He's my only friend."

"Well don't worry. After the doctor checks you over, you can still give him his special present. Eric is in the kitchen making you some new goodies." He looks at the burns along his sons face, hiding his sadness at seeing that they will probably leave a slight scar. "Then your friend can come in here and you can share his special birthday treats with him."

"Thank you papa!"

Servant shows the doctor in the second he gets there and Kurt leaves Blaine inside with him after getting the diagnosis to go tell everyone else. He's a bit surprised they have had chairs pulled into the hall to sit and wait in front of the door for news. Even Michael is curled up in Anthony's arms "he's going to be fine. There was just a slight accident in the kitchen when he was making something very special for the birthday boy this morning. He's going to have bandages and creams to put on hourly until the healing starts, but it shouldn't interfere with him attending the wedding or having time for his friend on his birthday. Why doesn't everyone go and get dressed and you can see him when the doctors done cleaning him up."

"Kurt... is he really going to be ok?" Sebastian can't help how his voice cracks with worry, his mother trying to comfort her son with an arm on his shoulder.

Kneeling down to the boys level, Kurt nods. "He's going to be fine, but he's also going to have some scars that might never go away."

"I don't care about the scars. As long as he's ok. I don't even care if I still have a party today because it wont be the same if he isn't there." Sebastian looks up at his mom. "Mama out of all the kids I've meet, he's the only one that's bee open and honest with me and is my friend not because of who papa is and how much land we have, but because we like the same things."

"Then I think you should go get dressed and then we can go pick flowers, because flowers always makes me feel better when I'm hurt. After that, you can tell him yourself that he's your special friend."

"Thank you mama!" He runs off towards his room to get dressed.

"Alice, I think we might need to sit down and talk in the next couple years." Kurt laughs right along with her.

She pats his shoulder. "I think so too. My husband wont like that though, he's not looking forward to marriage arrangements and such since he's now a king with an heir."

"No wonder we're all getting along so well, Blaine is the same way with all our children."

"Speaking of, go back to your son. We'll be by later to see him."

"Come by in about an hour. Alain was making something very special for Sebastian and Eric is finishing it up for him."

"Really? Then we shall see you in an hour."

Kurt watches her leave before going back in just as the doctor is finishing cleaning everything up. "His face wont scar to bad, but his hand will. His skin may end up being more sensitive as well, but we will have to see when he's fully healed."

"Thank you doctor." they both shake his hand before sitting at their sons side.


Elizabeth knows she shouldn't do this, but with everyone distracted after Alain and his silly cooking accident she knows there isn't a better time. Her eyes watch as Aiden strolls through the garden having left Anthony with Michael in order to keep him calm since the two younger boys have become closer with Michaels disability and Alain taking care of him. Should she feel bad for what she's about to do? Maybe, but she doesn't want to think about that. She wants to prove a point.

Hurrying over to Aiden when he stops to look in the fountain, Elizabeth grabs his shoulder turning him before attaching their lips and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Holding on as he tries to push her off. The second someone else pulls her off his hand swipes across his face as their eyes meet and it's barely seconds before Elizabeth finds herself in the fountain. Aiden looks over, expecting to see Anthony standing there pissed at what happened but he sees Timothy instead. Red faced as he glares down at his sister sputtering water and trying to get up with her now very heavy soaked skirts.

"What do you think you're doing?" Timothy yells at her, voice more snarly then Aiden has ever heard it and judging by Elizabeth's face, she's never seen him like this either.

"Proving a point!"

"What point? That you are completely insane? That you have no pride? That you want to hurt your brother by attacking his husband while his back is turned?"

"There is no way he could love Anthony after courting me for 8 years!"

"Why? Because you're so perfect that you can keep a man from how he truly feels?"

"Enough!" They both freeze and look towards Aiden. "Elizabeth there was a time that I was very fond of you, but that was a very long time ago. The past few years, things have changed. My feelings have changed." He reaches a hand out to help her from the water. "You grew up to be someone that didn't need me and then my heart started to find what it truly wanted."


"Let me finish." He takes his jacket off and wraps it about her shoulders as she starts to shiver. "Anthony and I have spent so much time together over the years while you pushed me away, for some strange reason that I don't even know about, he kept me company. We grew closer and at some point I started wanting to spend more time with him then you. When I showed up this time and you told me that your birthday was going to be spent giving others your time, it hurt but not as much as I thought it would." He caresses her cheek to get some of the dripping water off. "We got drunk together a few times. Talked a lot. One thing he said was it was to bad that I had to have an heir otherwise I could marry anyone in the family and it clicked. I wanted it to be him and all the sweet hints he had sent my way over the years about being with a boy instead of you just made me think how right he was and I realized I loved him."

"You really love him.. like really love him?"

"Yes I do."

"But there's still time! You still have to consummate..."

Timothy laughs. "They have!" He shakes his head when they both look towards him. "Anthony has a limp and has had that limp ever since you got married and I know he's never walked like that before. Even with all his sleeping around."

"Oh." Elizabeth holds the jacket closer. "I'm sorry." She curls in on herself. "I do love you though."

"No you don't. You love the idea of me, not me." Aiden leans in and kisses her cheek. "I'll always have special feelings for you, but as my sister not anything else."

She doesn't say anything as she hurries away clinging to his jacket. "She'll forgive you some day."

"I know Timmy, but I wish she hadn't kissed me. Though, I admit that it confirmed to me that your brother is the only one I want to kiss and that women have no.. um.. appeal to me."

Timothy laughs hard before leading his brother-in-law back inside. "Welcome to the world of being gay and having a husband that is bi."

"You think he might leave me one day?"

"I doubt Anthony will ever look somewhere else. He's been lost ever since the girl he was wooing used him. With you he has love."

"Who has love?" Anthony meets them at the garden doors with a confused look on his face. "And as entertaining as it was, why is Elizabeth soaking wet?"

"It's a long story." Aiden wraps himself around Anthony, causing his husband to smile happily before their lips connect. "just know that the end of it proves without a doubt that I love you."

"Love you too."

"Come to bed with me?"

"Aiden!" His face turns bright red as he looks back towards Timothy. "I mean.. we.."

"Oh I know what you've been up to brother dearest so just go be the happy newly weds you are."


"Just go! I'll go check on Michael and Alain before settling down with Richard to make sure our wedding night plans are still set in stone." He walks off leaving the two boys wrapped up in each other blushing from head to toe.

"He knows. Apparently, I make you walk funny." Aiden grins until Anthony swats him on the chest and takes off running towards their bedroom.


Sebastian didn't say anything when his mother brought him back to Alain's room and they were meet with soft crying. When Kurt looked back towards them as he threw away the old bandages and let them see a freshly wrapped prince with his oldest brother sitting next to him and a tray with cakes on it. There's even a box with a bow on it and all Sebastian can do is gasp.

"He's a little sore and has a slight fever, but I hope you can ignore his looks and pain and let him do this for you." Kurt guides the small boy over towards his son. "Alain he's here just like I promised."

Alain slowly sits up with Eric's help before he smiles. "I'm so sorry I got hurt on your birthday."

"It's ok." Sebastian crawls up onto the bed when Kurt tells him he can. "Are you alright? Like really alright? Mama said you got hurt making something for me... and that makes me feel so sad, but happy. No ones ever made me anything themselves." He smiles shyly. "Except mama. She has made me pancakes before."

Kurt sits back with Alice and shushes Blaine when he comes in to check on Alain. Blaine isn't happy, but he sits down to watch what he thinks is the end of his son wanting to be single.

"Eric had to finish it, but papa and daddy make these cakes for us for our birthday and I thought that because you were here and not at home that I'd make it for you." He fidgets as his skin starts to hurt. "But it didn't go so well and hit my skin and then... I'm sorry."

"It's ok! Is this it?" Sebastian picks up one of the cakes as Alain says it is. He takes a big bit and grins. "this tastes so good! Thank you! Here." he breaks a piece off and feeds it to Alain while he starts to talk to him like they always talk to show that because his friend is hurt, it didn't ruin his birthday.

Blaine get's up and leaves as his chest hurts and tears want to spring to his eyes.

"Love?" Kurt comes up behind him with a worried look.

His smile slowly grows before falling again. "I'm going to lose him."

"In a way, yes." Kurt hugs his husband close. "I know he's below your age for..."

"If they ask, I'll agree to sit down even if the boys are just friends. I'll sit and talk with them."

"I'm so proud of you love." He hears a mumble come from Blaine. "What was that?"

"Can I get a reward because you're proud?"

Kurt laughs before kissing his husband. "Go. I'll be right there after letting Eric and Alice know we'll be leaving Alain in their care."


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