Make a Move
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Wont Tell Anyone

Make a Move: Chapter 4

E - Words: 5,501 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 7/7 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
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Make a Move 4


Kurt watches as his son, Anthony, walks out in the garden holding hands with his betrothed. It's been a couple weeks since the ball and for the first time Michael has been showing signs of improvement. His eyes opened up and he seems alert to everyone that visits him, but he still hasn't be able to say anything. The doctor said there might be damage to his vocal chords with the amount of swelling that was in his throat. The only good thing about his recovery so far is that he can move from his bed, so now the wedding is back into the set up faze with new missives going out to inform everyone of the new ceremony date in a fortnight.

His face brightens up when he feels warm arms wrap about his waist. "Spying are we?" that oh so familiar voice warms him to the core.

"Would you be mad at me if I was love?" Turning, Kurt kisses his husband.

"Mm, no not really. It amazes me every time I see them together how much Anthony has changed having Aiden on his arm." Blaine turns to look out at his son blushing as his betrothed dances around in what looks like a dance or some kind of story being acted out. "He's not going out all night to god knows where. He's taking care of his looks and not drinking as much as he was."

"Don't forget that smile." Kurt turns and takes his husbands hand before leading him back inside so that the lovers could have a moment without prying eyes. "Have we heard anything from the north about accepting the proposal?"

"Nothing and it's starting to worry me." Blaine kisses his husbands knuckle as they walk towards their office. "A marriage between our kingdoms would be a phenomenal union, but a marriage between the two crown heirs means an even better union and the joining of two kingdoms. They should be ecstatic to be joined with us, but yet nothing."

"Maybe we should send another letter. I know the boys have been talking about a short engagement and Timothy would love for his brother to have a double wedding with him."

"A double.. no I don't like that idea. Losing two of them at once right after finding out our eldest is already wed." Blaine pouts out his lower lip. "Why did they have to grow up so fast?"

"Because, my love, that's what children do. They grow up and make children of their own and make it so that we can retire and travel the world like your parents did." Kurt kisses him softly. "What work do we have to do today? I'm not really feeling work at the moment if there isn't anything important."

"Oh?" Blaine instantly cheers up from his gloomy mood after their babies being adults now. "What are you feeling right now?"

"Wet." Kurt turns and walks off, hips swaying as he turns down the hall towards their bedroom, his husband fast on his heels.


Aiden moans when his back hits the wall of his bedroom, Anthony biting and sucking on his neck as his hands grip his loves hips. "Anthony..." He moan louder as he tries to pull the other man closer.

"You're perfect." Anthony kisses up that perfect neck now marred with one hell of a love bite claiming those perfect lips. It only takes a moment before their positions are switched and Aiden has his hands grabbing at the hips he stares at all day and then sliding down to grip that perfect ass drawing a deep moan out of Anthony. "M-more.. I want you so bad.."

"No time." Aiden lifts Anthony up and fully pins him against the wall as their hips slowly rut against each other causing shuddering moans out of both of them. "Plus we talked about this. No love making until our wedding night." It takes all his power to slow down their movements until they stop and are just holding each other. Shivers running through him every time Anthony shifts and he can feel how hard they both are. "I want to wait and do this right."

"But why does it have to be our wedding night?" Anthony groans out. "I'm not a virgin so it shouldn't be such a big deal."

"But I am."

Everything changes in the instant as Anthony wiggles until he's let down, his eyes staying connected with Aiden. "Is that true? You've never?"

"I've never." A smile grows on his face when one soft hand reaches up and caresses his cheek. "Is that alright?"

"More then alright." Anthony leans in giving the softest brush of lips against lips. "We'll wait until our wedding night and then I'll give you the one part of me that is still a virgin." His brows go up when Aiden laughs. "What? I have save part of me from being taken." He guides Aiden's hand to his ass trying hard to hold in the needy moan his body wants to release. "I've never bottomed."

"It must have been destiny for us to be together then." Aiden kisses him once more as his arms shift to just hug his fiance close as there's a knock on the door forcing them apart. "Enter."

A young servant enters with their eyes down cast and a blush on her cheeks obviously having heard them earlier. "Majesties you are both summoned to the great hall by the kings."

"Thank you, do you know what is going on?" Anthony tries to keep his smile sweet while Aiden goes about getting his clothes back in order and covering the hickey on his neck in the bathroom.

"A messenger from the north kingdom has arrived. That's as much as I know majesty."

With that he doesn't have to force his smile. "Thank you, tell them we will be there immediately." Anthony runs into the bathroom as soon as the servant is gone hugging around Aiden tight. "Finally! They finally sent word about our engagement!"

"Then we should hurry up and go find out what they said." Aiden cups his hands around his loves face and kisses him gently before they hurry out and down the hall smiling and laughing.

Their happy mood doesn't fade until they get to the great hall and the first thing they see is Kurt and Blaine on the thrones looking somewhere between pissed and upset as their eyes landed on the boys. The next thing Aiden sees is that the messenger is none other then his father standing tall and looking pissed.

"Father." Aiden moves towards his dad.

"Aiden I expect you to have your bags packed immediately and return to the north with me to accept the hand of your future bride..."

"What future bride?"

"Let me finish! I've given your hand to the princess of the isles and you will do your duty and wed her immediately upon our return home! You will not tarnish our kingdom by uniting yourself with another man!"

"But I've already given him my hand! We've told everyone we're to be married! Plus I love him!"

"Love has no place in marriage when you're meant to be a king." Macrae Cambell glares his son down. "Go. Pack. Now."

"No." Aiden straightens his back as he fights the tears that want to fall. "I'm staying here and I'm marrying Anthony even without your approval!"

"You will not!"

"I will! I Lo-" Everyone jumps at the loud smacking sound as Macrae backhands his son hard enough to send him stumbling and falling over the chairs where the advisers usually sit. Anthony immediately running to his side as Blaine calls the guards, Kurt going to the boys side as well.

"Weak. I've raised a weak insolent good for nothing waste of flesh!"

"Stop talking about my fiance that way!" Anthony is up and in the mans face until he's shoved down by the other king.

"Enough!!" Blaine yells out causing everyone to stop. "You will not raise your hand to anyone in my home even if one of them is your own son! Now let us sit down and talk about this like the dignified kings we are!" When Macrae doesn't move Blaine narrows his eyes. "Guards, show his highness to a very comfortable chair and send for my advisers Kurt, is Aiden able to of here with Anthony or should I send for assistance?"

Anthony goes over and helps Aiden up. "I can help him dad."

Kurt makes sure their steady before her turns deadly eyes towards the man that dared to lay a hand on his son. "Make sure to put a cold compress on his eye."

"I will papa." Anthony helps Aiden out the door and heading back towards his room. It's when they get there that he notices Aiden crying. He hurries to get Aiden sitting down before looking him over. "Are you hurt anywhere else? Tell me please."

"He wont let me marry you. Why can't I marry you?"

"I don't know, but we are getting married."

"How? Without my fathers signature our wedding would be against his wishes and destroy any union between our kingdoms."

"Not if I step down as the future king and we run away."

"Run... you mean?"

Anthony nods slowly. "Elope with me. Please. I love you so much and it kills me to think of you with someone else." It's with a small head nod that sets them to hurrying to pack a bag each and work around sneaking out the garden and which horses to steal.


Kurt keeps his eyes pasted on the man who had the nerve to lay a hand not only on his own son, but on Anthony. He holds his tongue until the advisers that could be summoned show up and hurry into their places. "Now that everyone is here it is time we talk about why you felt the need to not only strike your own son, who has in fact given his word of marriage to our son, whom you also found it appropriate to lay a hand on."

"My son has promised me that he would come back with an engagement to your daughter, uniting our families, kingdoms, and providing someone to give birth to his sons. I did not expect him to send word saying that he was giving himself to another man, not only that but the man he's marrying can not provide an heir to the throne." Macrae narrows his eyes at the two kings. "No son of mine will bring an end to our reign by choosing someone like your son, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that since you have a second son that is marrying in the same way."

"I think you should start watching your words before there is no repairing the peace between our kingdoms." Blaine glares at the man. "If it's children of his blood line you're worried about, we already have it agreed upon with them that there will be a surrogate mother. A woman to carry children of each of their bloodlines."

"Create a bastard you mean."

"The child wouldn't be a bastard, it would be an heir to the throne." Blaine keeps his eyes on the man that he's quickly losing any respect for.

"Not in my eyes it wouldn't be."


They had ridden past towns to try and get more distance between where they elope and the palace, finally having found the perfect town and now as Aiden books a room at one of the local inns Anthony was arranging their marriage with the local church. Meeting back up at the fountain in the center of the plaza with the happiest looks on their faces.

"It's all set. We just have to show up at the chapel and we'll be wed." Anthony can't help the slight blush tinting his cheeks. "Are you ready for this?"

"I've been ready to marry you since the ball." Aiden leans in and kisses his loves cheek.

"I hope you know that this is the worst thing you could do to all of us." They both turn towards the voice coming from their side and find Timothy and Richard staring at them. "Really? Running off like that and not taking us with you to be your witnesses?"

"Timmy?" Anthony moves towards his brother.

"I don't blame you for running away to get married. I over heard what happened in the hall and please don't be mad that we followed you, but you shouldn't be alone on your wedding day." .

His first response is to hug his brother tight while Aiden and Richard talk about the deep bruises setting in on Aiden's jaw. "Timmy I owe you so much. I've been an ass to you for years now and you go and do this... Even though this might..."

"Take you out of the running to be king? I know." Timothy pulls Anthony to make eye contact with him. "If I have to take the throne because you did something for love and stood up for yourself and the man of your dreams, then I don't mind facing my fears of being king. Trust me, I'd have you at my side as my main adviser and make you do most of the public appearances because you know how timid I get in those situations."

His laugh releases the last of the stress Anthony feels. "I think you could do them. You're more royal then you think you are. Kind, understanding, accepting, selfless, and honest. Everything I haven't been. Everyone you interact with falls in love with your maturity and composure. Timmy, if I still get to be king I want you and Richard to be my advisers. To keep me in touch with the people I wouldn't think to pay attention too."

"I accept. Now let's go and get you married before our parents realize we ran off."


Nothing has been resolved over the past hours as Macrae Cambell refuses to accept any offers or deals that would make their sons uniting worth his time. Blaine is pretty sure the mans only been nice to him because he knows Kurt is a carrier and in his land that makes his husband a woman. His hand itches to just cut the insolent mans head off, but that isn't an acceptable outcome seeing as he's another king. Everyone turn towards the main doors as a servant rushes in trying to stop the man and young boy that storm into the room un-announced.

"Majesties, please tell me I'm not to late to stop this arrogant bastard from going against the councils wishes." The man comes to a halt in front of of Kurt and Blaine.

The servant bows low to the two kings. "Majesties, I'm sorry I told him to wait until I announced him, but he just wouldn't hold at the door."

"That's alright Jeeves Sir, who are you and why do you feel the need to burst in here like this?" Blaine eyes the man and the fact he is wearing the royal seal of the north.

"I'm Lord Beathan Smyth and as of a few days ago, the day my cousin took off for here, I was appointed the new king of the northern region"

"That can't be!" Macrae is up staring down his cousin. "You are never going to be king!"

"To late cousin. The council took a vote that your continued ignorance to the needs of your people with not only the alliance between our kingdom and the central kingdom through marriage between the crowned princes, that was voted as a very good match, but the health and welfare of your people as there is no moves to improve the way of life. They have voted to over throw you and place me on the throne instead." Beathan stares down his older cousin before turning back to the shocked faces of both Kurt and Blaine. "Majesties, I hope I haven't come to late to give our acceptance of the marriage between the two princes, even though Aiden is no longer in line to be king he is still viewed as a crowned prince of our nation."

"That is acceptable." Blaine grins wider "Macrae Cambell, you are hereby under arrest for treason against our crown and will be tried on your crimes of laying a hand on the crowned prince and heir to this throne and his betrothed, along with attempting to cause an international issues between our two lands by telling a lie to us. The terms of your trial will be discussed with the new king of your lands, his Majesty Beathan Smyth. Guards! Take him away!" Oh that made him feel so much better. "Send for my son and Aiden so that they can hear the news."

Kurt stands and moves closer smiling down at the young boy clinging to his fathers leg. "And who might you be young man?"

Beathan smiles down at his son, putting a comforting hand on his head. "It's alright, his majesty is just asking for your introduction like I taught you."

The boy moves to the side and bows awkwardly. "Sebastian Smyth majesty."

"What a handsome name. How old are you young man?"

"8, but I'll be nine in a few days. I don't think I'm getting my party like we planned because we came here instead."

"Sebastian, you will still get your party son. Just a little later then we had planned." Beathan ruffles his sons hair. "Majesty, he's my eldest and isn't quite use to being in the public eye just yet."

"Kurt, please just call me Kurt." His smile never falters from looking at the young man. "I think we might be able to solve that party issue. How would you like a birthday party held here at the palace?"

"Really?" Sebastian looks around at the high ceiling and decorated walls. "It's so big... and I don't know anyone here." He looks up at his dad. "What about mama and sissy and nini?"

Beathan laughs softly. "If it's alright with Kurt, I'm sure we can have your mother and sister come for the party. They are a lot closer to here then we were." He smiles at Blaine as the king joins his husband while the advisers leave. "We've been citizens of your great lands for some time now and I've traveled North when needed. My wife, Alice and two girls are about a days ride from here."

Kurt nods slowly. "I think that can be arranged and I think my children would be honored to come to your party."


"Really. How about you and I go and leave these two big Kings to talk politics and I'll introduce you to everyone."

"How many kids do you have?" Sebastian slowly takes Kurt by the hand when his dad nods his permission.

"I have 11 children and one grandchild on the way."

"They must be a lot older then me!"

"Most are, but the quadruplets are only a year older then you."

"What's quadroop-lets?"

Kurt laughs softly. "It's four babies born at the same time."

"Oh my gosh!"

While Kurt takes the young man out of the room a servant rushes in looking scared as they move to Blaine. "They're gone."

"Excuse me?" Blaine looks confused.

"The princes are gone. We've searched everywhere, but their highness's Aiden and Anthony are missing."

another guard rushes in. "Timothy and Richard left word at the stables that they were going to follow Anthony and Aiden, but the servants were told not to let anyone know until they were asked." Blaine shakes his head trying to figure out why his kids would run off like that.

Yet another servant rushes in with a missive. "Urgent message from Timothy majesty."

Blaine read the note and immediately feel helpless. Timothy let him know where they were and that Anthony and Aiden were eloping in a town towards the west. "Dammit!" Blaine tries not to let his emotions show. He can't show how weak he feels knowing his son was that scared and felt that this was the only way he could be happy. "Send out the guards and find them. Tell them that their betrothal has been accepted and that they don't need to do this. Bring them back here, but they are not in trouble. I understand why, but they need to come home."


Richard stands by Aiden's side as Timothy stands by Anthony. The priest goes through the words, uniting the two boys and all Richard can think about is how sad it is that they had to go to this extreme to be happy. His mind wanders to what he would be willing to do if they had told him no about his betrothal to Timothy. How would he feel being kept from the one he loves so thoroughly that he knows his life would end without him in his life. What would he have done if they had been forced to marry someone else? Hell, that's what it would have been without his love by his side the past eight years. His eyes shift to watch his soon to be husband while Anthony and Aiden exchange rings, nothing special just some easily gotten bands from the market place, and he can just feel how happy his love is to see his brother married. To have his family back to being the open and loving group they were known to be.

"You may kiss your groom."

His eyes snap back to the newlyweds as their lips meet in a gently kiss. Richard moving closer to Timothy and taking his hand to kiss his engagement ring. "Congratulations" He smiles at the boys when they turn towards them.

Anthony can't stop clinging to Aiden or lessen the grin on his face. "Thank you."

Aiden kisses Anthony on the temple. "Let's go celibate!"

They never make it out of the church before the guards rush in, looking relieved to have found them all in one place. "Majesties we have been sent to escort you home and have been told to inform you that the engagement has been accepted between the two princes."

Everyone is silent on the ride home after gathering their belongings from the inn. No one knew how to say that it was to late, that Aiden and Anthony were already married. No one even tries to talk until they are face to face with Kurt, Blaine, and Beathan in the sitting room.

Aiden is the first as his eyes land on his cousin. "Beathan! What are you doing here?"

"I've replaced your father as King, by the councils wishes." Beathan looks sad. "The kingdom was behind your marriage to prince Anthony."

"I'm not going to be king then?"

"Not in the north, no."

Kurt stands and goes over to them, lifting their hands to look at the rings. "These are very pretty, I wish I could have seen you give your vows."

"Papa.." Anthony shudders with how sad that makes him feel. "I didn't know what else to do. I'm sorry, so sorry..."

"Shh. We know." he pulls his son into his arms, gesturing for Blaine to join him. "But because no one else knows we have something to offer you."

Blaine wraps around his husband and son. "Have a public double wedding with Timothy in a couple weeks. No one will know you've been married for awhile and you will keep your status as future king and align our two nations with the union between a prince of the north and our heir."

"You mean it? I'll still be king?"

"Yes, you'll still be king." Kurt kisses his temple before pulling Aiden into the hug as well.

"Papa, I want to share the throne with Timothy. I want him as my adviser, can you help me make that happen?"

Kurt nods slowly. "Of course, but you know he doesn't like political issues and has never wanted to be on the throne."

"I know, but we talked and he wants to stay near and help me be an even better King then if I was alone."

"Now let's talk about your plans for your next wedding." Blaine guides them all to sit and talk with beneath about the birthday party and wedding to come.


Adam groans as the new little boy wont stop following him. "Go away! I don't want to play with you. I don't even know where you came from."

"I'm sorry, I just don't know my way around here and Miss Elizabeth left me alone so long..." Sebastian tries not to show how young he still is by crying. His daddy told him when ever he get's scared to hold his chin up high and act brave and you will be brave.

"You should have just stayed there then! I'm late for my riding lessons!" He runs off leaving the boy behind in a random hall with no sign of anyone around to help him.

Sebastian sniffles as he watches the boy run off and rubs at his eyes. If this is what being a prince is, he really doesn't want to be one. He doesn't want to become so mean like the two he's been left with.

"Are you alright?"

His eyes snap to an open door where another little boy is standing with a large book in his hands. "I'm lost and I was told that Miss Elizabeth was going to watch me while my daddy and Kurt talk about something to do with Aiden, but she left to do something and never came back and then that other boy just wouldn't help me."

"Adam is like that, he doesn't like anything getting in the way of his schedule." Alain moves closer, tilting his head at the little boy. "My names Alain, what's yours?"


"Nice to meet you Sebastian." His smile is so comforting that Sebastian can't help but smile back. "Would you like to come with me and listen to a story? I always go and ready to Michael at this time while he's healing, but the doctor is here checking to see if he's getting any better and said I shouldn't bother him today, so I'm just going to go to my room and read this new book papa got in. It's about a mermaid who falls in love with a human."

"You want to hang out with me?"

"Of course. If you want to. I don't really have any friends so I might be a bit awkward around you, but you seem nice and I'm a much more responsible person then silly Lizzie." Alain smiles brighter when Sebastian laughs. "Come on. My rooms this way."

Later that evening when it's time for dinner, Kurt goes to fetch his son, knowing he's probably hiding with a new book or two and smile brightly when he sees Alain reading the end of the new book to a slowly crying Sebastian with his own tears running down his eyes. He should have warned his son that the mermaid dies in the end, but he didn't want to discourage his son from reading the story.

"Why couldn't she be with the human?" Sebastian rubs at his eyes when Alain closes the book.

"Because he didn't love her. She wanted him to be happy so she died."

"That isn't fair. Just because she's different she had to die instead of be happy and in love."

"Wouldn't you rather see the one you love happy with someone else instead of force them to be with you?"

"Yes... but still I would hope they would look at me for me not what I am." Sebastian rubs at his eyes again.

"You two are very smart, reading love into that story." Kurt moves forward and takes the book from his son. "Do you think you are well enough to have dinner or are you both to heart broken over the mermaids demise to eat?"

"Food." They both chorus before laughing. "Papa can Sebastian sit next to me? I want mean Lizzie and Adam to see that he's really a good kid and they shouldn't have abandoned him like they did."

"Abandoned? Sebastian did my kids leave you behind?" He groans when Sebastian nods his head. "I am so sorry for that. Yes you may have Sebastian sit next to you Alain. Would you mind showing him to where you can both wash up and I'll see you at the table."

"Thank you Papa!" Alain hugs his dad before pulling Sebastian towards his bathroom "If you need to change you can borrow some of my clothes, though the pants are cut a bit differently for my body."

"Because you're a carrier?"

"Yes, but we could ask William or Duncan for a pair of their pants."

Kurt laughs at how accepting Sebastian seems to be with his son being different and wishes he had heard them talk about it. When he get's back to the dinning hall his good mood falters seeing Elizabeth obviously pissed at watching Aiden and Anthony being the lovey-dovey newlyweds they are. "The boys are on their way, it seems that Sebastian and Alain have grown to be very good friends in the time they've spent together." He slides into his seat next to Blaine and Sebastian. "Thank you Elizabeth for introducing them to each other."

"Huh?" She turns towards her papa as other eyes turn towards her.

"Well seeing as I left you to help the young visiting prince make friends and meet all your siblings while we dealt with other issues, I assume that you're the one that had them meet and let them go off alone to read a book together in Alain's room." That get's Blaine to pay closer attention to what was going on.

"Oh, um, yes. They hit it off so well..."

"Don't finish that sentence." Kurt snaps. "I know what really happened and you, young lady, are in trouble. I expect the rest of the night to go better as you will be kind to young Sebastian and stop being so hateful towards your brother for marrying Aiden."


"Enough!" Kurt narrows his eyes. "You need to start acting like the mature young lady you are instead of a spoiled child that I know you weren't raised as. You pushed Aiden away and he found real love somewhere else. Get over it and I want to to apologize to the young guest because he was upset by being left and it's lucky that your youngest brother has really good timing and found him." he turn his gaze on Adam as the boy slinks lower in his chair. "Same for you. Apologize to the boy and for the next week, no riding lessons."

"PAPA!" Adam snaps.

"That's final!" Kurt straightens the napkin in his lap as Blaine watches him with darkened eyes, his husbands always loved authoritative Kurt. "Beathan, I do apologize for my childrens behavior towards your son. They are usually more behaved then this."

"It's alright. As long as my son is fine." Beathan looks over to the door as his son comes running in with new clothes on and laughing with Alain. "And it seems he is fine. Having fun son?"

"Yes Daddy! Look Alain let me borrow some nice clothes for dinner and he said I can borrow more for my party!" he runs over hugging his daddy. "Thank you Kurt for letting me stay here. Thank you Blaine for letting me stay here."

"You are very welcome young man." Blaine beams down, hiding his fear that he might lose yet another child sooner then he wants too. He's never seen Alain so happy.


It's late when Anthony slips into Aidens room. They had agreed to get ready in their own rooms before slipping in to spend their first night as husbands together. As his blush grows, he knows it's silly to be so nervous. Everyone in their family knows they are wed and the nation would know in a couple weeks, but this night he's scared. No ones ever made love to him before, no matter how many people he's slept with he's always kept that part of himself pure even though he had no idea if he would marry a man or a woman.

"Anthony?" Aiden turns around from where he was looking out the window. "You look beautiful."

Anthony blushes more as he plays with the strings on his night shirt. "Thank you.. I.. this is so silly that I'm nervous."

"Nervous.. that makes two of us." Aiden stands and makes his way over to his husband showing that he's in nothing but a loose shirt. "We don't have to do anything tonight if you're not ready..."

"I am more then ready to be with you." Anthony leans in attaching their lips in a kiss that doesn't take long to deepen.

Hands moving over each others bodies. Night clothes being undone and left to fall to the floor before they back up to the bed and lay down. Moans filling the air as with gasping breaths Anthony teaches his husband how to stretch him. Walking him through every step as he adjusts to the new sensations of being covered by someone else, by letting himself become weak and vulnerable to someone else. Their both shivering when neither can wait any longer and with held breaths their bodies become one, tears sliding from his eyes as Aiden stills above him.

Their eyes meet after soft lips kiss up the tear tracks and gentle hands caress his cheek and hip. "I love you." Aiden pants down to his husband. "So very much."

Anthony cries more as he rocks his hips down onto his husband. "Love you too... forever."


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