Make a Move
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Wont Tell Anyone

Make a Move: Chapter 3

E - Words: 5,853 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 7/7 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
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Author's Notes: WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER: Mentions of Miscarriage, Abuse, Hate Crime, and bullying
Make a Move 3


It had been hours since Nick showed up with the carriages full of all the belongings Eric and Jeff had acquired living in the north and a note stating that the Sterlings were going to come for dinner at the palace to celebrate the marriage between Jeff and Eric along with the happy news of their expected baby. What had Eric pacing non-stop outside the main doors with his eyes on the path up to the palace is the fact Richard arrived with his father and told him that his grandmother, Jeff's mother, was joining them and had insisted that his husband was in no way fit to ride a horse and was being forced to ride in the carriage even though he had complained about being in the traveling box.

"Eric, you need to relax." Blaine watches his oldest son stop and glare at him before going back to pacing.

"No, I wont relax until he is back here safe and in my arms! He.." Eric stops pacing as his hands rub over his face. "He gets sick with the rocking of a carriage normally. Now that he's with child..."

"He gets extremely sick?" Kurt slides in against his husbands side.

"Yes Papa."

"It's like I was with Anthony and Timothy darling. Remember how sick I got on our way home from the honeymoon?" When Blaine nods slowly, Kurt can see realization cross his features. "So, Eric, do you think there's a chance he's carrying multiples?"

Turning to look at his dads and shrugging his shoulders. "We talked about there being a chance, but we both sort of doubt it. Yes, he's getting a lot sicker then he did last time, but he isn't showing as much as you did when you had the twins." His head snaps back towards the road when he heads a carriage approaching fast.

Richards mother steps out looking panicked. "Call for the Doctor, he's burning with fever and complaining of cramping."

His heart stops. The only thing Eric can think of is that they would lose another child and it would destroy them. His parents move around him sending a rider to fetch the doctor as Kurt hurries into the carriage to help get Jeff out. It's only when he sees his husband being helped by his papa step off of the carriage pale and a hand clung to his abdomen that he moves, trying to scoop Jeff up and stopping when his husbands head shakes slowly.

"Sick. Need. Need to be sick."

"Alright." Eric on one side and Kurt on the other help Jeff over to the bushes where he empties his stomach. "It'll be alright, you'll both be alright." When it's obvious Jeff has emptied his stomach as much as he can, Eric scoops him up and carries him inside with Kurt in front of him to open the doors all the way to their room. Both of them staying at the sick mans side while they wait for the doctor.


Anthony was curled up in one of the far chairs watching the rest of his family and the Stirling family as they all waited for word on Jeff. He himself was pretty numb about what could possibly be happening, this day has just been way to much of an emotional roller coaster. What was making him feel even more like the little shit he knows he's been is the fact Michael isn't even there with them and the eldest Sterling seemed to be a non-stop bucket of complaints about having to wait this long because there apparently more important things to do. If it wasn't such a taboo he'd hit the old woman. Like now she's starting to really complain to the point that he can see his dad twitching in irritation.

"None of this would be happening if he would have just done what we had planned. A celibate knight is better then a weak half man who..."

"Madam, I would recommend that you not finish that particular sentence as you would not only be disgracing my new son-in-law, but my husband and one of our sons if you're talking about their anatomy. You can add my future son-in-law and another of my sons if you mean their choice in who they love." Blaine faces the old woman as she gawks at him for being interrupted. "We've all been sat in here for two hours listening to you complain about how weak your son is because he did nothing but complain on the way here in a carriage he didn't even want to ride in because he knew it makes him sick. From what Eric told me its always made him sick and you should have known that. So, please show the respect to my family that I would expect them to show you."

"Why I never! How dare you speak to me that way! You're just a child and didn't know any better when they put you with that other man, so stop telling me I'm wrong in my thinking!"

"There is nothing wrong with thinking everyone is equal no mater who they love or what their bodies look like!" Anthony jumps up, finally having had enough. "You're the one in the wrong pushing your own son to hide who he is so that they were scared to come home and tell us of their marriage! There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with anyone except you! You're a bitter old woman who is afraid to show how much she might really love her son because she's scared of what others will say!"

"You have no right to talk to me like this! You have no idea what it's like!" She stands up and faces the young prince.

"I do know what it's like. I've been the worst brother you could imagine all because I'm scared of losing my family as they grow up and move away from me! I'm scared, but I know it and am now admitting it." He turns towards Timothy and Richard. "I'm especially admitting it to you. I'm scared about losing you forever, but I've never had a problem with you loving another guy." He turns towards Alain with a soft smile. "You're so special and I've never let you know that. I've made you feel so unwanted and really, your very much wanted. I'm sorry." He has no idea when he started to break down, but his voice cracks in the end and he startles when there's soft hands turning him and he finds himself curling into Timothy's chest crying. "I don't want anything to happen to our niece or nephew. Eric and Jeff deserve to be happy. They deserve to have a perfect healthy little raisin."

"They will." Timothy holds his brother tight as he looks towards the fuming old woman who's still complaining about their treatment towards her and how wrong they all are thinking this is normal. "Madam, I kindly ask you to leave our home as you've made it very clear that you have no respect for our family. Right now I'm not even sure if I want you anywhere near my wedding."

"You have no right!"

"Actually he has every right. You just showed every disrespect towards our family, including him, in our home and we just so happen to be the royal family." Blaine stands up taller to hide how much he hates pulling rank on anyone. "You need to remove yourself from the royal palace until you have officially apologized to every member of this family you have disrespected and each one of them have forgiven you. We'll also be sending for all of Jeff's belongings as it would be safer for him to stay here until he feels ready to leave." He turns towards Sarah and Rick Sterling, letting a small smile out as Rick seems almost as happy as the day they agree to the engagement between their sons. "Would you both agree with my terms?"

Rick nods slowly. "As much as I love you mother, I can't let you ruin the happiness of my brother or my son and his fiancee." He moves forward and starts to escort her out of the room. "I think it might also be a good idea that Richard stay here until you can move yourself back to your own home."

The second their out of the room Sarah visually relaxes as a soft laugh starts to go through her body and escape out of her mouth. "Thank goodness! I've had to put up with her for weeks now and every time I tell her what you just did, she would dismiss me because I don't know any better."

Alain slowly makes his way over to Anthony, who's still curled up in his bothers arms and doing as best he can to hold Richards hand as the two try to show him they accept his apology. "D-did you mean it?"

Anthony looks over at his little brother and nods slowly. "I did. I know you have no reason to believe me, since I was a complete ass this morning and you should hate me for everything I've done."

"We could never hate you." Alain moves forward and hugs his brother when he opens his arms and adds to the pile of siblings, plus Richard. "I just thought you were being an idiot."

"I was being an idiot."

Not knowing what just happened, Kurt comes into the waiting room looking a bit more relieved and sporting a half smile. "He's going to be just fine and so is the baby."

The joint sigh of relief that goes through the room brings everyone's mood up as they start to talk about happier things. Anthony stays in his sibling, plus Richard, snuggle pile on the couch while Kurt goes on to tell them that he's a bit dehydrated and has been traveling way to much the past few days and will be in bed for a while and Blaine updates his husband on what happened with the elder Sterling.

Eric thanks the doctor as he leaves with a servant to stay in a room in the palace until Eric is fully well again before he crawls up into the bed and hugs his husband. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired. Drained." Jeff nuzzles into his husbands neck while his eyes drift closed. "Sad."

"Why sad love?"

"I'm a horrible father risking out baby just to make my family happy." He covers Eric's lips before he can say anything. "No, let me take the blame. I let mother push me around and lecture me into thinking I was a disgrace for carrying our child and she convinced me I was wrong. Being in the saddle wasn't a place for a child barer even though I knew how sick I get in carriages."

"Don't think like that. It wasn't anyone fault because we have no idea if it was the motion sickness or how dehydrated and over traveled you are. We were on the road for days coming home and there hasn't been any rest since we've gotten here." Eric kisses him softly. "In a way I owe your mother a thank you. Because of her controlling ways you didn't faint and fall off your horse and break your neck leaving me widowed."

"Think you're the only one who's ever come up with a reason to thank my mother."

"Well, I've now thanked her twice."

"How so?"

"For saving your life and for giving birth to you so that my soul could have it's other half."


They kiss softly before Eric moves so that Jeff could get comfortable and sleep against him. "I know. I love you as well Moondrop."

"You're so weird Sunbeam." He kisses Eric on the chin softly before curling up and closing his eyes.


Michael wandered around town kicking stones when ever one get's in his way and not caring if he get's yelled at after it hits someones carriage, leg, or horse. Why would he care what they think, he's a crowned prince and their just subordinates. He's not even up for the throne so their opinion of him doesn't matter. When it's his turn to get married he'll be sold off to some kingdom or dignitary from another land and shipped off to be the perfect husband or he can join the forces and go off to defend the country with his life so why would all these people matter.

"Hey there princeling. Running around town alone today?"

"Psh, yeah. Eric came home and now Anthony's trying to be a good boy for his brother and to keep our parents off our backs I guess, well his back. I'm still as invisible as I've always been." He stops walking and turns towards the older boy. "Everyone still meeting up at the stream?"

"You know it. John is bringing the drinks, I've got the smokes, and David has the cards. We've still got you're back." He wraps and arm around the young boy as they start walking towards the edge of town.

"Glad to know someone still does." with a laugh Michael shoves the other boy before taking off running. "Race you there Jordan!"

"Cheater!" Jordan is laughing as he chances after the younger boy. Top be honest when Anthony started bringing his two little brothers with him he hadn't thought either of them would have stuck around seeing that their 6 and 7 years younger then any of them, but when Michael kept coming back and being able to hold his own with them the little guys started to grow on him, not in a romantic type of way because the kids way to young for him and the wrong gender, but more like a brother he's never had. Maybe they'll all have to plan something to help the kid with his family and have some fun in the process.

"There you guys are!" David calls out as from the make shift table as Michael and Jordan round the corner skidding to a halt with Michael as the clear winner.

"Sorry." Michaels gasps out before breaking down in a breathless laugh. "Kinda hard to get away from home now that my brothers home, married, and expecting a kid. Oh then you have the wedding in a matter of weeks followed by Elizabeth's 16th birthday where every nobleman in the lands will be at her party to try and woo her into marriage." he sits down near David, downing the water John offers him with a smile and pleasant thank you. They all learned early on that Michael has no taste for alcoholic drinks.

"So their ignoring you again, in favor of the freaks?" John offers a drink to Jordan before they all sit down and start dealing out cards.

"You know they are. There's nothing important about the middle child who is perfectly normal in every way."

David shakes his head. "Their such dimwits. You're smart, good looking, and just as good or better then those freaky siblings of yours."

"I say we have a little fun with them." Jordan checks through his cards. "I've got a plan that would get them to lighten up on you and put them in their places."

"Really?" John raises a brow at his friend.

"Let's talk plans then." David leans in as Jordan tells them what he has brewing in his head. The more he talks, the more Michael knows how wrong it could really go, but he has no intention of stopping them. Where would the fun be if he stopped them?


Weeks. He's been in the palace for weeks and has yet to get anything more then a smile and fake politeness out of Elizabeth. Aiden shouldn't be surprised since she's been changing the past few years with all the nonsense being flooded into her brains about what a princess should be ad how she should act. All he wants is that smiling and happy with an insatiable curiosity little girl that captured his attention within minutes of meeting back. Instead he's spent every day since the garden drinking his weight in expensive booze and hanging out with Anthony, as the crown prince can't seemed to get over his drinking addiction as easily as everyone thinks he should. The truth is that he really doesn't mind Anthony sticking close and just talking and having fun with him. They talk about traveling and things they want to do before their buckled down in their own thrones. What their plans are for their kingdoms and what they hope happens with their families. They even bridge a bit of talk about what they love to do, but no one knows about it because it's un-kingly.

Even now, the day of the engagement ball and their both sitting in the back corner of the servants kitchen drinking and talking about all the suitors that have used Timothy and Richard getting married as an excuse to fawn all over Elizabeth and that Kurt had talked Blaine into allowing her to be courted earlier then her birthday. Yet another slap to Aiden and his obviously always having wanted to court their daughter and how it wouldn't be an advisable match that goes right with the missive he received from his advisers to come home with either an engagement promise from the Anderson royal family or come home and accept the first offer from the island kingdom of Whisp, the lovely princess Mervida. Not a bad match, if she had any kind of personality. He just can't bring himself to go home and marry someone who will bore him for the rest of their lives.

"For a guy who has been drinking for hours longer then me, you seem to be way to into your thoughts." Anthony watches his friend.

"You seem way to together for someone who's been drinking themselves stupid with me every night." They both laugh before Aiden just plays with his goblet, twirling the liquid around and watching it spin. "I am deep in thought. My advisers sent me a missive this morning."

"Ah, I thought the bell had wrung pretty early for another suitor to be showing up." Anthony shoots his hands up when Aiden glares at him about that. "Sorry. Go on, what did those old bags say?"

"That I either become engaged to an Anderson or marry the ever beautiful yet dull Mervida of Whisp when I return home, which must be with in a week of the actually wedding since I'm one of the few lucky enough to have a personal invite to the event of the year."


"I know, not what I'm looking forward too since there's a 90% chance I'll be joined with the islands of Whisp and left to the boredom of the perfect queen who has no thoughts or aspirations of her own."

"You could get lucky though. My dad's might give you a betrothal to Marianna."

"Oh yes as my kingdom has been waiting for your sister to turn of age I can just imagine their delight if I come home betrothed to a 10 year old."

"You wanted options."

"True, it is an option."

"Unless you're advisers are up for you not having someone that can provide an heir. Lucus is only three years away from being of age."

"Huh, I've never thought about that as an option considering I could always advocate having a surrogate carrier give me a child of my blood." Without even thinking Aiden puts his hand on top of the one Anthony has laying idle on the table. "Maybe I should dance with Lucus tonight. Put on some of that northern charm."

"You should. Give him a dance or two."

"I was planning on giving all of you a dance this evening." Their eyes meet as there seems to be something that neither of them can name going between them. At least until Richard walks in forcing them to jump apart and busy themselves with their drinks.

"There you two are." He nervously takes a swig of what ever they had been drinking and scrunches up his face. "This stuff is vile, but that isn't why I'm here. You need to help us get ready. Timothy was such a nervous wreck Kurt sent him out for a ride to calm down and now I'm freaking out and just don't know what to do. It's just a ball, not even our wedding day, that's next weekend, but still I'm a nervous going crazy wreck!"

"First, take another drink. Good. Now let's go see what needs done and get you ready for the party of the year." Aiden stands up and leads Richard towards the door.

Shaking his head with a laugh Anthony follows them. "You all know the party of the year is in a fortnight when little miss prissy turns 16."

"True." The other two agree before they all laugh and go to help Kurt organize everything until the guests start to show up and the music starts to play and they have to hurry to go and get dressed.

Get dressed they did, even Anthony for the first time in years was dressed to fit his station and made everyone talk as he entered the ballroom with a perfectly tailored trousers and jacket of a dark green that made his eyes pop. Shoes shines, hair styled, and face shaven. He no longer looked like the arrogant drunkard everyone had become accustomed to seeing and it may have made his parents a bit curious as to why he was dressed so nicely, as he blushed each time they asked him and never gave a clear answer. Their brows went even higher when Aiden also came in dressed in the finest apparel they've ever seen him in and didn't even stop to give Elizabeth more then a brief good evening before going over to give his congratulations to Richard and Timothy and stand next to Anthony joking and laughing as the family stands giving their greetings to all the guests.

Everything goes swimmingly as the music begins and the dancing started. Keeping to his word, Aiden dances one turn with each member of the Anderson family, including Eric who was pushed into accepting by Jeff so that at least one of them get's to have a fun evening and dance a little. He saves Anthony for last.

Surprising his friend as he's talking with Timothy and a few of the visiting families that truly do wish him well by bowing low and holding his hand out. "I would be honored, Majesty, if you would grace me with a turn on the floor."

"A-aiden?" looking around at the gasps and whispers starting up and the curious grin Timothy is giving them as Richard comes over and slowly escorts his betrothed out onto the floor as well. "What are you doing?"

"Asking for your hand for a dance. I told you I would dance with every member of your family and you are the only one I have yet to have a turn with."

"I know that, but you haven't bowed and offered your hand like this to them."

"No, but then again asking you seems different. So would you please honor me with a dance Anthony? Hopefully before the entire room starts talking how you're easily dismissing my hand."

"Blackmailer." He laughs before slipping his hand into Aiden's and following the boy out onto the dance floor.

Face turning red as Aiden takes the lead and holds him close for a slow waltz. Neither of them talking as their eyes study the others, hands clinging gently about one another, and bodies moving closer of their own accord. Even when the music ends they remain silent and neither can say who made the first move, but they found themselves walking through the large doors out into the dimly lit garden with soft smiles on their faces and the curious looks from Kurt and Blaine at their behavior. Timothy shushes Richard before he sneaks out another door to go spy on his brother and Aiden.

His eyes are turned up to the stars when they stop walking as he can still feel Aiden watching him closely. "It's so beautiful, don't you think?"

"I do think so." His eyes stay on Anthony as he tries to understand all the feelings he's been having while they talked earlier. "But it's a bit confusing."

"What the stars? Well that is the dipper and over there is the blessed child and there, that set is the lovers tryst..." His voice stops as he finds himself face to face with the other boy. "Aiden, please don't. I know you're confused about Lizzy, but please don't play with me."

"I'm not playing with you." Aiden raises his hand caressing down that soft pale cheek that's slowly turning pink. "I didn't understand until you talked about my other options and the only one that seemed right, that always seemed right was you. You've been by my side when we were younger and even when you started sleeping around and being a rebellious hurt teen, you still had time for me when I'd visit." His second hand comes up, framing Anthony's face and rubbing their noses together while his eyes go from those haunting eyes down to those perfect lips. "I was so blind until today when you made my world light and clear."

"Aiden.." Their lips touch softly as they both gasp at how right it feels before Anthony pulls away. "Please tell me this has nothing to do with that stupid Whisp kingdoms offer."

"Has nothing to do with that and everything to do with how perfect you are."

"The logistics are going to be a nightmare. Am I really worth that?"

"And more." This time Aiden moves in claiming those perfect lips and neither of them pulls back as hands and arms wrap around each other to hold the other closer.

Neither of them hear the shuffling of feet or the muffled cry as Timothy is pulled deeper into the shadows he was spying on them from. Dragged back towards the stables kicking and fighting the hold on him the entire way as fear become the only thing he knows. He doesn't even know how long they dragged him before he's thrown against the large oak tree along the stream that goes behind the stables. The same tree he likes to run and hide under when he's scared or just wants to be in his own little world.

The second he's thrown against the tree he tries pleading with the three men standing over him. "Please, I don't know what you want, but please just let me go." His pleading continues until one of them steps aside and his eyes land on Michael. "W-what? Michael?"

"Just shut up. How can you call yourself a man when all you're doing is whimpering and crying like a girl? I mean really, why are you so much more important then I am?" Michael moves closer to his brother. "This is just a lesson to prove I'm just as important as you are. That I do matter. You're nothing special and hardly a man."

"I've never thought any less of you! You're my brother Michael and I love you the same as the rest of my brothers and sisters!"

"No you don't!" Michael shoves him back against the tree hard enough for it to echo around them "You love Anthony and Eric the most, even though they both abandoned you and made your life hell! Then there's Alain, you pander and care for him more then anyone!! Then come the girls and the younger one! You NEVER spend time with me! No one does!"

"I've tried and you never.." He's cut off by a heavy hand going across his face as David silences him.

"Keep your mouth shut before we put it to a better use."

Michaels eyes go wide at the blood coming out of his brothers lips. "Why did you do that! You weren't suppose to hurt him!"

"It's an annoying buzz when that thing you call a brother talks." David shrugs his shoulder before taking a swig out of his flask and passes it around. "What does it matter anyways?"

"Because he's still my brother! I want him to notice me not get hurt."

"Oh, so this would anger you more?" John gives Timothy a strong kick to the ribs causing him to scream out in pain and Michael to go pale. "Yeah that got you. Like we'd really listen to you about anything kid. We've just tolerated you so far, but I've had enough."

"Woah. You guys he's right, we're only suppose to scare him. Harming a member of the royal family is treason." Jordan slowly moves in front of Michael when John takes a step in his direction. "So why don't you just back off. This has gone way to far."

"What, you scared too?" David shakes his head and laughs before trying to take Jordan down while John attempts to get to Michael.

"Run!" Jordan screams towards Michael. "get the guards! Just Run!"

It's the crack of bone that makes Michael finally snap out of his frozen state and take off towards the palace, knowing that there's no one else closer then the people in the palace, but he can hear the feet running after him. He runs as fast as he can, not knowing that the second they took off Timothy had sprung onto David and helped take him down with Jordan or that they were making their way towards the palace as well. He doesn't know anything until his foot gets caught on a branch and he goes down twisting his leg and screaming out for help as John is on him in seconds. Hits and kicks. He doesn't know how long he's screaming before there are hand on his throat squeezing until he's silent and everything goes black.

Everything's a blur as the guards rush out and tackle the man that's holding the prince down, others rushing to the assistance of the stumbling men headed their way. One running to give the news to Blaine, while Kurt and he was actually talking with a blushing Anthony and pretty happy Aiden about their wish to become betrothed all of a sudden, instantly ruining the conversation as Kurt sends a servant into the masses of guests to find the doctor as Blaine, Anthony, and Aiden go to help get the boys inside and into the closest rooms they can while the rest of the family is being gathered and informed in the hall away from the masses. Edward and Victoria, having come back to the main palace for their grandsons wedding, making the announcement that the festivities are over for the royal family and most of the guests make their way to leaving afterwords.

While the Doctor is in with Michael, Timothy tells his parents, and Richard what happened while at the same time Anthony is screaming at Jordan in the other room about the idiotic stupidity of the plan and why in the hell would they think it was alright and how stupid they all were to be friends with David and John as their ex-friends are most defiantly going to be charged with treason and it would be up to Timothy what happens to Jordan and Michael. Aiden tries to keep his, he's not sure what to call him as they never got permission to marry yet, calm.

In the end Timothy only puts charges against David and John, sticking by the fact that Jordan and Michael had no intention of harming him in anyway and seeing that it was a friend helping Michael give a call for help to his family. Richard disagrees with that desision, but sticks by his choices. The wedding is also delayed until Michael is able to be at the ceremony.

At a very family full breakfast in Timothy's room the next morning, so that they could all be close to Michaels room where the boy lays in a pain induced deep sleep, Blaine and Kurt announce that they give their permission for Aiden and Anthony to wed, but they would have to work out a lot of mechanics as both are heirs to the throne of their kingdoms and that Aiden is required to have an heir by blood where Anthony isn't required to produce an heir as the throne would pass down the line of children until one has an heir, though the advisers would probably ask that they provide one of the bloodline. Aiden grins so happily as he twines his fingers with Anthony's while giving his word that the missive calling for his lead adviser to join him at the palace to work out the details and his father, will be sent out immediately and then with Elizabeth glaring at them he takes off his ring holding the royal and slides it on Anthony's finger before kissing him lightly.

"This is insane!" Elizabeth just can't hold it in any longer. "You were here to be one of my suitors!"

"I've come to learn that you never had any intentions towards me besides my rank and that my feelings go in a much different direction." Aiden kisses the ring finger holding his seal as his eyes meet with his betrothed's. "What I found is that these feelings were always there, but it took one special moment to realize what they really were. My perfect match."

"So my being the perfect princess turned you gay?"

"No. I wouldn't say that I'm gay or straight because the only one I see is Anthony. His gender wasn't one of the factors I looked at when he lit up my life." Aiden frowns towards Elizabeth. "I'll always be your friend, highness, but you and I would have never worked as a couple."

"I personally think it's very romantic." Timothy smiles as he watches his twin blush and giggle at something Aiden whispers into his ear. "Your first kiss was beautiful as well."

"You SAW that!?!" Anthony is now beet red as his jaw drops.

"Of course I did, that's where they jumped me, but anyways, you scored yourself the perfect romantic husband-to-be."

"Can't believe you saw that." Anthony mumbles as he tries to hide his face behind his hands and starts to shrink down in his chair.

Eric laughs as he taps his shoulder to his highly embarrassed brothers. "He's right, I've been hanging around this guy long enough to know there isn't a romantic story written he hasn't read."

"Oh really?" Anthony peeks his eyes up towards a now blushing Aiden before they all break into stories to embarrass the other.

Alain smiles at all the silliness going on before asking to be dismissed from the table heading straight to Michaels room next door and pulling up a chair as he picks out one of his brothers favorite books and sits down reading it to him while he sleeps. Trying hard to ignore how swollen and bruised his brothers throat is and the splints on his legs. He even tries to block out how worried the doctor is about the bruising on his brothers back. All he wants is for his poor lost brother to know that he wasn't hated or ignored and that at least one of his siblings knows something about him as silly as the fact his favorite book is Beauty and the Beast, because he feels sorry for the beast having to suffer so much to learn his lesson.


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