Make a Move
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Wont Tell Anyone

Make a Move: Chapter 1

E - Words: 4,752 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 7/7 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
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Author's Notes: This is the continuation of Wont Tell Anyone. It's focusing on Timothy getting married and will have a bit more drama then the first story. It's also not written in Old Victorian English, to show the time jump and the focus shifting towards the kids.
"Blaine, we need to go to the ballroom." Kurt contradicts his own words by leaning his head to the side, opening more room on his neck for his over eager husband of eighteen years. A blush rising high on his cheeks as his husband proceeds to bite and suck at his neck while his hands run down and caress at his hips. "It's the meeting for our sons ball, to show the soon to be wed boys and the final plans for the wedding. You know Timothy wanted us both there."

"Love, I just want to forget that our baby boy is getting married soon and lose myself ravishing your body instead." He punctuates his statement with a firm squeeze to his husbands ass. The moan he gets in response encourages him further as he lifts him up and forces Kurt to wrap his legs around his waist, drawing them closer together. "You seem to agree with my plans."

"Who am I to disagree with the king?"

Pulling Blaine in for a needy kiss, both of them losing themselves in each others bodies. Trying to forget that their son, Timothy, really wanted their support when dealing with the planners. It's not that Timothy has any outrageous demands for the ceremony, in fact it's quite the opposite. Richard and he have declared that the wedding itself will be family and close friends only with a very simple ball the night before for the masses and a lunch after in the gardens for people to wish them well before they head off on their honeymoon. It took everything in Blaine and Kurt to convince the boys that having an engagement ball the week before would be good for the people, though he still sits firm that it be a simple affair.

That's where the children all differ from each other. Timothy never acts like a crowned prince, not wanting the attention given to him by the town residents when he goes shopping or even the bowing during formal events. He'd be perfectly fine out in a cabin with just his horse, bow and arrows, and simple clothing. His twin on the other hand has fully accepted that he'll be king one day. Dressing to the nines and flaunting his position everywhere he goes. The down side? At 18 he still shows no sign of settling down and marrying, to busy out at the bars drinking and playing around in a way his parents wish they didn't know the details about.

He would be the only child taking advantage of Blaine making it law that the children could choose who they wed as long as their hands are not betrothed until the child in question turns 16. It was a law he had passed after betrothing his young son and being shown that their even younger daughter had suitors already. He couldn't think of any other way to hold onto his babies for longer and trying to erase the pain they all feel at Eric having grown into a wandering knight. Spending more time in the surrounding kingdoms then at home and always breaking his word that he'll be home to visit when his siblings ask for him. It still hurts when Mariana, Alain, William, and Duncan spent three days waiting for him to show up for their last birthday, their 10th birthday and third one he's missed, because he had sent word that he would be there and all they got was a delivery brought by Prince Aiden with his name on it. It took two weeks for Alain to stop crying.

Timothy was the same way the first few times his older brother didn't come home. It was about the same time he became more of an introvert. Eric wasn't there to give him strength and tell him it would be alright when the other kids in the castle started to pick on him including his on siblings. Anthony stopped doing anything with him, instead he lead kids in teasing him for being engaged to a boy and giving up his royal lineage to be the 'wife' of a duke. The more the younger kids saw the heir pick on him, the worse it got because they wanted to be like Anthony, strong and meant to rule. Not weak and simple like he was. If it wasn't verbally hurtful things they would say it would be like now, they thought he didn't know what he really wants and after so many years it was starting to eat away at him. Really why would Elizabeth think he was wrong about the simple wedding?

"I agree Sir Ian, more flowers and maybe a larger band. Something to show everyone that a crown prince is getting married." Elizabeth scrunches her nose at the diagrams Timothy and Richard worked so hard drawing out. "Light Purple? Really Timothy? It should be dark royal purple with gold and white trimmings. White roses and the Sterling crest and the Anderson royal crest alternating on each centerpiece."

"That would be perfect highness!" Sir Ian starts jotting notes all over his sketches bringing tears to his eyes that he refuses to let fall.

"But that isn't what My fiance and I would like. Simple with Lilacs and small decorations of light purple. Nothing big or extravagant.."

"Don't be so silly Timothy you need to make it big and extraordinary! Plus, what is this about only inviting so few to the ceremony? You know the advisers and foreign dignitaries should be there." Lizzy rolls her eyes as she spies how upset Timmy seems to be. "Just let me plan this and you go, practice the bow or what ever it is you do all day."

"She's right Tina." Anthony wraps an arm loosely over his brothers shoulder. Still in the same clothes from the day before and smelling like the back corner of the barn before it's been mucked. "Though you'd think someone like you would know how to plan a party better."

"You smell. I've also told you to stop calling me Tina."

"We've told you as well so." Kurt speaks up making everyone jump and Sir Ian bows low. "You will show your brother the same respect you show everyone else. Elizabeth, that goes for you as well. This is his wedding not yours His majesty King Blaine and I have been over those plans with Richard and Timothy and they are done with our approval. Sir?" He makes sure he has Sir Ian's attention before continuing. "You will follow the directions in full my son gave you. Is that understood?"

"Yes Majesty."

"Good. Timmy, love, Richard is out in the garden with the florist with your father. He wanted me to ask if there was anything other then lilacs and daisies that you would like for both the ball the weddings." A frown goes across his face when Kurt sees the tears starting to seep out of the corner of his sons eyes as Anthony walks past him whispering something that he only catches the end of. "Timothy?" He turns to everyone else in the room. "Please excuse us for a minute." As everyone bows, he leads is distraught son from the room.

"Papa." his tears flow a freely when he realizes their alone now, hands going up to rub at his eyes to try and make it stop. "Why is he so mean to me?"

"Oh, baby." He pulls his son in close running his hand over the long intricate set of braids his son is wearing today. "I think he's just jealous of your natural beauty and the ease you have with life. Out of all my babies, you're the only one who has a clear image of who you are and what you want in life."

"But I'm so weak, they all see it Papa and remind me every day."

"You're not weak, Timmy. You are the strongest, smartest, and bravest son I have." A smile grows on Kurt's face when he feels Timothy laughing in his arms. "No go back in there and show them the strong prince I raised and makes me so proud every second of every day."

With a deep calming breath and a last wipe of his eyes, Timothy walks back into the ballroom and goes straight to Sir Ian and starts confirming his plans and that there will be no alterations unless finalized by himself or Richard. Everything going well until Kurt turns his back to sign the confirmed menu for the ball, face smiling when Blaine and Richard walk in until he hears Timothy arguing with Anthony and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth groans before snapping. "Timothy stop being such a simpleton! You're a crown prince, at least until you get married and you need to have a suit that fits that station for the ball!"

"Lizzy it's no use, he'll never wear anything new. Just his most flamboyant long shirts that flow when he moves and makes him look like a homeless artist."

"At least I wont look like a whore and smell like an ashtray!" Timothy snaps at his brother. "Or what, spend the night trying to be the biggest flirt so that the boys are willing to bend down and kiss my feet even though I know you're in love with Aiden, but refuse to show him any favor because you'll lose the attention of the other boys! You're both shallow and superficial and I want you to stay out of my life choices! Stop picking on me and calling me names just because I have no wish to be the center of attention like you both!" He turns and takes off running before anyone can stop him.

Blaine nods to Richard before the boy asks if he can be excused, watching as his soon to be son-in-law takes off running after his son. Golden eyes narrow and turn towards his other two kids. "I want an explanation Family meeting in 20 minutes in the east sitting room, minus Timothy since I believe he needs some time to settle his nerves after what ever this was. Anthony, I expect you to change your clothes as well and don't act like I didn't see you in those yesterday when you snuck out of the castle after dinner."

"Yes Daddy." the kids hurry off to get ready, servants being sent to fetch the other kids at the same time.

"Love, what is wrong with our children?"

"Their being influenced by a disruptive, disrespectful, full of himself heir to the throne. Their teenagers now and unfortunately we're to busy being rulers to take care of their unruly behaviors." Kurt threads is arm through his husbands as they walk towards the east wing sitting room. "Their not all bad though. Lucas , Alain, and Mariana seem to behave more then the rest. At least I don't get any feedback of them being mean or disrespectful."

"Great so four out of our eleven children are well behaved and decent towards others."

"Four? I count five."

"Eric doesn't count since he has yet to keep his promises to the kids."

"True. I really hope he makes it to the wedding. Timothy would be so happy to have him here for that and I'd be happy to see him again."

"We both would. I worry about him just as much as you do, none of us know what he's up to besides competing and traveling."

They talk about what they are going to talk with their children about the rest of the way to the sitting room, Blaine opening the door for his husband and both of them being greeted by down cast heads of varying shades of brown and black with varieties of curls. Guilt. That's what they see written over the majority of the faces in front of them. Plus one case of a hangover when you see the pale sweaty skin of Anthony's face.

"Alright. You all need to tell us why you think you're here. Let's start with the youngest ones, Mariana"

Their youngest daughter is dressed in a very conservative new style dress with a free flowing skirt and small bodice of white with yellow trim that highlights her hazel eyes and light brown hair curled in a cascade down her back. They know she'll have men fighting for her affections if she keeps maturing in such a beautiful manner if at 10 she's already gorgeous. "Papa, I'm here because the others are really mean to Timmy and call him all sorts of names and play tricks on him. I've tried telling my nanny, but she just says it isn't my place to say anything and that I should just ignore it. I don't listen to her that much when she talks about that because I know Timmy really likes hugs when he's upset and is always the first one to help any of us when we need it, so I try to help him when he get's egg in his hair."

"Egg in his.. you kids have been throwing eggs at your brother?" Blaine looks around the room noting Adam and Michael looking quite guilty at that moment.

Kurt takes a deep breath and smiles at the next child encouragingly as he knows he's suffering right now, Alain rubbing at his stomach as his cramps have just started. A bit of sympathy being shone in Kurt's eyes for forcing his son out of bed for this as the boy is in his loosest fitting breeches and a shirt, hair not even done. "Mary is right, their all very mean to Timmy and me. It isn't right just because we like boys that we get picked on. I try telling Timmy to speak up for himself and they'd stop some of the meanie things they do, you know make himself look less weak, but he doesn't want to. He hates conflict with anyone. Is Timmy ok? He isn't here and he always makes me feel better when I feel... icky.."

"Oh Sweets, is it really painful this time?" Kurt gets a slow head nod from Alain, though his son shoots his eyes to Anthony when his oldest brother snorts a laugh at his discomfort, Elizabeth moving closer to help rub comforting circles in her little brothers tummy showing her own sympathies as he suffers through his period. "Thank you Lizzy."

"Timmy is alright, he's with Richard right now." Blaine moves on gesturing for Duncan to continue.

"Dad, I don't help them, much. I tease him because Anthony does it! He's just weird! Who doesn't want to be a prince?" Duncan gestures around the room. "We have everything and he wants nothing!"

"That's right." Their 11 year old Adam crosses his arms over his chest. "he can't take a joke, the eggs were just a joke!"

"That's a lie." Michael, 12, picks up. "We threw them at him because he's so feminine , but can't have kids like Aly.. um Alain, so we gave him eggs. Not our fault he didn't like it."

Lucus, 13, groans "You are a horrible boy Michael! Like that was nice or funny! You shouldn't judge him because he's in love with a boy and getting married for that love. It's not always about making babies you know."

"That's because you're just like him, just not so girly."

Anthony smirks a bit. "because Lucus wont be the girl when he get's married."

"Enough!" Blaine stands up glaring at his 18 year old son. "Elizabeth, anything else?"

She looks towards her older brother and takes a deep breath, at 15 she should know better then to behave the way she has been. "I don't pick on him Timmy because he likes boys. I do it because he's wasting his one special day by having such a simple low key wedding followed by a lunch. He didn't even want the pre-ball! That's just ugh! He needs to act like a prince, not a commoner."

"Maybe he's just acting like himself." Blaine glares at her. "You can't force him to accept your version of a wedding, but what you did earlier was uncalled for. All of you except Lucus, Alain, and Mary have been horrible to your brother and instead of letting him enjoy his wedding he's upset."

"You all owe him an apology. A big one, now all of you can leave, except Anthony." Kurt stares at his oldest. "You are going to stay here because this all stems from you."

"I'm not talking to you about this so save your breath."

Blaine closes the door behind the other kids and turns towards his son. "Why not? Why not tell us why you're doing this? Why have you tried to make him so miserable?" All Blaine get's is a shrugs.


He doesn't know where he's really going, just running. He just wants to get away from there and find somewhere safe. His name is being called out from behind him, but he doesn't care. Timothy just wants to curl up in a quiet spot and escape. A cry escapes his throat when arms wrap around him and force him to stop running, turning him quickly and pulling him against a firm chest. Home. He's home and safe and the tears just poor out as his body shakes violently with his break down.

"It's alright. I'm here. Just let it out. I'm here." Richard kisses his fiances forehead. Slowly walking them towards a big weeping willow tree near the creek, a spot they hang out in regularly when Timmy can't take the teasing and names anymore.

It takes a while, but eventually his tears stop and his body relaxes against his fiance's. "Thank you."

It's so quiet Richard nearly doesn't hear him, but he kisses his temple and continues to rub soothing circles into his back. "You don't have to thank me, love. I'll always be there with arms open." He looks up at the clouds slowly rolling by. "Soon we'll be married and I'll take you away from here. We'll fix up the garden in the back of my place and explore every inch of the woods until the day I have to take over my duties as a duke. We'll just live a peaceful life."

"That's why I love you."

"Because my arms are open?"

"No silly, because you understand me." Timmy shifts so he can look up into the eyes of the man he loves so much. The 19 year old Richard had grown into his glowing eyes and shaggy blonde hair. "You've never treated me like I'm anything but Timothy. A normal boy that loves boys, well one boy. You."

"Ever since that day our eyes meet in town I've known you were special for one things." He covers Timmy's heart with his hand. "This is so sweet and open, you just love everyone to much even if I don't think they deserve it."

"Richard, that's just mean. I know Anthony has been horrible to us since he found out about the engagement, but I think he's just hiding something else. He can't hate me, he can't he's my twin so how can he?" He waives his hand about to dismiss the sad topic. "Now, how did it go with the florist?"

Richard let's out a hearty laugh. "Perfect. I told her lilacs and daisies. Now, don't get upset but I also added lilies. They were just so beautiful and reminded me about the first time we came out here alone and we shared our first kiss after watching the frogs jumping from the lily pads with beautiful water lilies all around."

"That is so romantic! No, I'm not mad at you for adding them." He shifts up, leaning in slowly. "It's your wedding as well you know."

"Um, I know but I don't care what the decorations look like." He laughs when Timothy playfully swats his chest. "it's true! All that matters to me is that you're there and the priest is there and at the end of the day I get to call you Mr. Sterling, my Duke of Eckord and love of my life and from then on I'll never have to sleep without you by me. The first person I see in the morning and the last I see when I sleep. My life will be complete."

"Rich." Timmy leans in sealing their mouths together in a loving kiss, arms wrapping around his loves neck to hold them closer together. "Love you so much."

"Love you too Angel." His smile grows when Timothy crawls into his lap, straddling his lap. Rich slides his hands down to squeeze those perfect hips. "You must be feeling better hum?"

"Um you always make me feel better." He leans in slowly nipping at the perfect lips before him. "Don't act all innocent on me now."

"Who me? You're the innocent one here."

They laugh as Timothy rolls his eyes. "Yes so innocent that I gave myself to you already. Many times. Many places."

"Many ways." Richard moans out as he slides his hands back to squeeze the perky ass in his lap. "Your gift to me for my sixteenth birthday."

"Best gift ever." he leans in connecting their lips again as he pushes back against the hands on him. "When do you have to go home?"

"Tomorrow. Jeffery is due home by the afternoon and I was suppose to ask if you'd want to come great him with me." Pulling forward he rolls their hips together dragging a needy moan out of Timmy.

"Then make love to me, before someone comes looking for us."

All he get's in response is a deep groan before their lips are smashed together and he's laid out on the ground. Hands moving over each other as clothing is removed. Bodies moving as one as they rediscover each others flesh. Oiled fingers push into his willing body as he arches with pure pleasure at his lovers touch in a way they have perfected over the past three years. It had shocked Kurt when his son came to him and asked if it was alright to give himself fully to Richard, but he was honest with his son explaining what society expects of them, but if he felt it was right there was no harm in acting on their desire and need to be united in that way, it was harder to explain it all to Blaine that his baby boy was sexually active. In the end neither set of parents had a problem with it as they all knew the boys were never going to part from each other. They have never felt guilt over what they've shared with each other, both boy only feel complete as they join. This time isn't any different, as Richard smoothly slides into him his back arches as the feeling of being whole blossoms inside his chest and pulls a moan from his throat. Give and take in a slow build of pleasure as their hands roam and lips taste everything they can until that feeling starts in their lower abdomen signaling their near completion. Hips move faster as Timothy arches his back moaning out as the wire snaps and he comes undone, spurring Richard to thrust in harder and faster until he groans out and fills his lover. Arms clinging tight as they both relax into the euphoric feeling of their orgasms.

With great reluctance they get up and rinse off in the river, exchanging gently touches and sweet kisses as they clean up and redress before slowly walking back towards the palace. Hands entwined and bodies as close as they can get and still be able to walk, the sun setting behind them. By the time they enter the palace the last rays of the sun has dipped behind the horizon and they blush as Blaine meets them in the hall.

"You two are alright?" He looks between them and tries to ignore their obviousness over what they've done.

"Yes daddy. I'm sorry for running out on the planner earlier." Timmy worries his bottom lip with his teeth, a nervous tick he inherited from his dad that just makes Blaine smile at his son.

Opening his arms to hug his son and breathe a sigh at the knowledge that in three weeks he wont have his baby boy anymore. "It's alright. We've talked with your siblings and I'm so sorry they've done all of that to you. You never told us how bad their bullying had gotten."

"Daddy, I didn't want to worry you. I know Anthony spurs them on. You didn't ground them did you?"

"Michael and Anthony are grounded yes."

"Oh god, their just going to be worse now!"

He takes his sons cheeks in hand to try and calm him down. "They will not touch you. If they try, we've already sent word to the Stirling residence and asked if you could stay with them until the wedding." Turning his eyes towards Richard, Blaine hopes he can see how much it hurts to be giving up his son sooner then the marriage taking him away. "Your safety is our top priority and hopefully it wont come to that because they'll get over what ever issues are causing this."

"Alright daddy." The smile Timmy gives his dad is full of sadness. "I hope they get over it. Lucus and Alain don't deserve to be next. Just because we're different then our brothers."

"I don't think it has anything to do with that, but trust me we'll protect them as well. Now you two go get dinner and head to bed. Yes I've already informed the staff that Richard would be staying the night and his room has been prepared." He knows there is no need for the second room as the boys will spend the night in just one room, but the second room is always prepared just in case.

What no one was expecting is the three riders the next morning as the sun was just starting to peek it's head back up, one of them making most of the staff stop their chores as they see him and one runs off to inform the kings of the unexpected arrivals. Shoulder length dirty blonde hair, shining bright blue eyes, and the gasp of shock Kurt makes confirms everyone's suspicions.


"Hello papa." His smile is radiant as all signs of youth have left the 23 year olds features. "I'm home."

"I can see that. You're home, you're finally home after five years." Rushing forward Kurt doesn't even acknowledge the other riders as he wraps his arms around his son crying with happiness. "Welcome home."

Eric hugs his papa back as he looks towards Blaine as his dad smiles brightly at his missing oldest son. "About time you return home. Now who are your friends?"

"Dad! Don't tell me you don't recognize Jeffery." He keeps a comforting arm around his Papa as the man refuses to let his son go in case this is just a dream. "and you should recognize Prince Aiden. He's here to call after Lizzy again."

Blaine rolls his eyes at his son and gives Jeffery and Aiden hand shakes welcoming them both. Eyes boring into Aiden. "I'm suspicious of you. Past year I've seen way to much of your face."

"Majesty, I only have the best intentions towards your daughter."

Kurt shoos Blaine away when he opens his mouth to interrogate the man. "let's get you something to eat while rooms are prepare for you to freshen up in."

"No need on my part, I'm due at my brothers estate later today." Jeffery hangs back a little with Eric. "Nickolas is meeting me there with the rest of the caravan."

"Caravan?" Kurt looks at them a bit oddly as Eric excuses himself to head to his room to freshen up.

"I finally convinced your son that he's needed here more then in the north. He's decided to move back here and do his duty as your son." Jeff smiles at his two friends.

"Really? Blaine, love our son is home for good!" Kurt can't contain the sob he lets out as they all talk about the north and all the adventures they've had while they wait for the kids to awaken and Eric to come back to eat breakfast

What they had forgotten to tell him is to not try waking up his brother. Eric doesn't even think about knocking as he just goes straight into Timothy's room, it's his letters about all the abuse Anthony was sending his way that really brought Eric home. What he wasn't expecting to see was his baby brother in bed head arched back as he rides his lover. Long hair clinging to his defiantly not a baby any more body as sweat drips down the pale bare skin.

"Timothy! I'm Hom- Holy Jupiter! Sorry!" His face is bright red as all three sets of eyes meet unsure of what to do and they all just seem to freeze.


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