Aug. 13, 2013, 8:11 a.m.
Aug. 13, 2013, 8:11 a.m.
Over the next couple of days, Kurt was all Blaine could think about. He was practically Blaine's best friend, and, unfortunately, he was also his worst nightmare.
Blaine swore he saw Kurt pass him a couple times in the hallway, or, sometimes, when Blaine wasn't really paying attention, he'd catch his eyes on the slim boy standing in the distance, swaying and watching.
Always watching.
Secretly, Blaine hoped it would stay that way- Kurt at a fair distance, away from him, not pursuing him or talking to him in the halls.
Blaine wasn't even sure if other people could see the boy, and, if not, was Blaine going absolutely insane?
It was a possibility he'd thought about over the last few days.
The first bell to alert students that class was beginning in 5 minutes resounded throughout the halls as Blaine approached his locker.
He could hear the buzz of chatter slowly dissipate and footsteps behind him running to catch up with everyone else.
Blaine was wrapped up in his own brain lately and hardly had time to pay attention to the everyday commotion, but today it felt different.
Different in a way he couldn't really articulate into words. Like, somehow, someone had punched in a code in his brain so he was wary of every noise and every movement around him, which he had to admit would be great for any bullies stalking nearby.
Blaine had just locked his locker with a small ‘click' and began to head to the library.
Blaine had a free and was hell bent on acing his quiz next period.
All of a sudden, Blaine heard a noise, his whole body stopped as if he'd hit a wall, he pivoted, and faced the direction the noise had come from.
Humming, his brain provided for him.
Possibly a band student or somebody in glee club, it suggested.
He waited for the mystery person to round the corner, so he could start moving again. He felt drawn to staying, and didn't question it.
It's pure curiosity.That's all. His brain said, then, added, Curiosity killed the proverbial cat.
He recognized it.
From somewhere, perhaps the radio or one of his mother's old CD's.
The person rounded the corner and immediately Blaine felt the need to run.
A dreadful feeling gathered in his stomach and a figurative cancer spread all through his body, covering his insides in what felt like black goo, putting pressure on his entire form until every cell in his body was screaming for air.
It was Kurt.
Kurt was practically skipping towards him, humming the song Blaine now recognized as the lullaby Kurt had sung before- on the night he and Blaine were in the woods.
Invisible fog wrapped around Blaine's ankles, holding a tight grip on his physical body, as well as his sanity.
Kurt came to an abrupt stop a few feet away from Blaine and smiled. It was the kind of smile that would make your stomach do cartwheels.
"Hi Blainey!"
Blaine's mouth was as dry as the Sahara, and, even though he tried to say something to the demon, he couldn't, a choked gurgle the only sound able to come from his lips. Blaine closed his eyes and waited- waited for the restraints to let him go, so he could get the fuck out of this hallway and away from this addicting boy.
After what felt like forever in an eerie silence, Blaine opened his eyes slowly, blinking to get used to the harsh lights. He didn't see Kurt and sighed in relief, prepared to continue his trip to the library, or maybe go home and take a nap. God knows he needed one.
Blaine breathed in deeply through his nose and let it all out of his mouth.
He turned and ran smack into Kurt.
"Trying to get rid of me again are we?" Kurt smiled but immediately frowned. "Don't you like me?"
Blaine wanted to say no. He wanted to yell at Kurt to leave him alone and let him study. He wanted to tell Kurt to stop standing so close to him, to stop breathing on him; he wanted to tell Kurt to go away but, his mind was on the fritz right now and obviously had something else to say.
"Of course I like you, Kurt"
Whoa where did that come from?
He hated Kurt. ( absolutely wholeheartedly loathed every hair on Kurt's head, hated every patch of skin on his body and most of all hated every perfect word that came out of his perfect mouth)
Kurt tilted his head to the side.
"I know, love." He cooed, rubbing his thumb over Blaine's cheek, causing him to shiver.
"Do you want to go outside with me for a little bit?" Kurt asked, still stroking his thumb over Blaine's warm cheek.
What's going on here?
Kurt smiled and grabbed Blaine's hand, pulling him out of the school and onto the grass, where they plopped down under an Oak tree.
Blaine sat still, wondering what the fuck was happening to him.
He looked over at Kurt, who was, unsurprisingly, looking back at Blaine.
He grinned and laced their fingers together.
Please let go of me.
"Never let go."
"I won't, Blainey, I'll never let go my sweet." Kurt promised.
Unannounced, tears started to fall from Blaine's eyes.
They kept coming and coming and Blaine wondered if he was imagining this.
Kurt was in front of Blaine, holding the teenage boys hands in his long limble fingers.
"Why are you crying, honey?"
This place is insane and so are you, and ,if I'm here, I must be insane too.
His mind screamed, causing Blaine to drop his head into their entwined hands, starting to shake.
Kurt took Blaine's head and snapped it back up, his eyes questioning.
"Talk to me." He commanded firmly.
"I can't." Blaine cried in between sobs.
Quickly he looked up. He had just said that- himself. He had control over that!
He sniffled and wiped his eyes.
He decided to test it out again.
"Kurt why-"
His voice cut him off, what was he asking?
"Kurt- why can't I say things?"
That wasn't very good English, but it got the point across.
Kurt eyes sparkled knowingly, and he laughed, playing with Blaine's fingers.
"Oh! You mean, whatever you say, it's not what you really mean to say?"
Blaine nodded.
"It's what you're thinking, Blaine. It's honesty."
Kurt was lying. He had to be.
There is no way Blaine wanted Kurt to even be near him, let alone ‘never let him go.'
"You're lying." Blaine accused and regretted it seconds after.Kurt's faced twisted, and he practically snarled his words.
"What?" Kurt's face morphed, and he buried his nails into the flesh located on Blaine's upper arm.Blaine whimpered.
The jolt felt like he was being slashed by tiny knives, scraping over his arms.He cried out, trembling as the nails dug in and out of his skin. There was blood seeping out of his arms and running down his them, collecting a small pool of thick red liquid in both of his hands.
"Lying?" Kurt's voice repeated, voice deep and slowed down, altering the word to sound like a low garble and not even the tiniest bit human.
But Kurt wasn't human, was he?
The pain Blaine was feeling was a aching he had never felt before, even after being beat to a pulp after that horrific dance sophomore year. Nothing compared to what he was feeling at this very moment.
It felt like death.
"Kurt." Blaine choked out, seconds away from passing out from the agony of it all.
Kurt looked up, his eyes sunken in and black. He loosened his grasp on Blaine and retracted his nails slightly.
"What?" he boomed.
"I'm- Kurt- I'm... I believe you." Blaine breathed hard, feeling dizzy and weak.
"Okay." Kurt said, withdrawing his hands from Blaine's skin all together and letting his face return to normal.
"You have to stop doing that Blainey! Sometimes, I think you really mean it!" Kurt laughed, his ton threatening.
Blaine was ultimately passed out against the tree, arms hanging to his sides, seeping drops of blood every couple seconds.
Kurt leaned down and licked at his right arm, clearing the blood and sealing the wound with his tongue. How that worked, Blaine would never really know.
He did the same for the other arm, wiping his mouth and sitting up to stare at Blaine again, like the last 15 minutes had never happened.Kurt climbed on top of Blaine, straddling him.
Blaine whined. After all, he was still hurting and doubted he could move his arms to push him off, though, that would definitely be the worst thing he could possibly do, like, ever.
"Wake up." Kurt said simply, the words triggered Blaine to open his eyes fully and sit up straighter, afraid of what Kurt would do if he didn't.
Kurt smiled, and his hands found the back of the tan boy's neck.
"Do you want to kiss me?" Kurt whispered, a coy smirk spreading across his face.
You almost made me pass out.
God Dammit.
Kurt laughed lightly, responding softly, "Then do it."
I'm not going to kiss you. You basically just ripped my arms off and drank my blood.
Before Blaine knew what was happening, he was leaning in to capture Kurt's lips in a hungry kiss.Blaine had never kissed somebody like this before.
His tongue went straight into Kurt's mouth, and Kurt's pushed back. It was sloppy and wet, but Blaine was beyond into it.Maybe, he really did want to kiss Kurt.But why?
When Kurt was about to take the kiss further, he heard a jock's voice out of his right ear.
"What the fuck? Wanna take your fairy asses somewhere else, faggots?"
Blaine now acknowledged the voice as belonging to one Dave Karofsky, the school's biggest bully and Blaine's top-of-the-totem-pole tormentor.Before Blaine had the chance to open his eyes, Kurt was off of his lap and making a bee-line towards Dave.
The sight made Blaine smile, just knowing exactly what David had gotten himself into. He may hate Kurt more than anybody in this entire world, but David definitely made the top five.Karofsky was laughing at Kurt as he was moving towards him.
That was until Kurt walked over, reached up, grabbed Dave by the collar of his shirt, pushed him up against the school wall and snapped his neck. Dave's head hit the ground and bounced once, twice and rolled down the walkway.Blaine gaped at Kurt.
Kurt just snapped somebody's neck,- snapped it so hard his head came off.The bell hadn't rung yet, so nobody was outside.
Blaine was relieved.
Blaine was a witness to murder- actually he had just finished making out with the murderer, which makes matters worse. Not to mention the murderer is a demon.
This is going to end badly, no matter how you lay it down.
Blaine pressed the balls of his hands into his eyes and rubbed, trying to burn the image out of his head, the slight sting in his arms, making the tan boy slow down.
Kurt turned back to Blaine, his eyes were narrowed and he was just about leering.In a voice that dripped of liquid sugar, he called out to Blaine as he walked back over to him,
"Where were we?"
I'm starting to think he actually has gone insane.
me too ;)