Aug. 13, 2013, 8:11 a.m.
Aug. 13, 2013, 8:11 a.m.
Blaine Anderson is the best player on his high school chess team. He's won three gold medals all stating the same sentence "Most Valuable Player." Blaine has the highest grade point average for the entire 11th grade.
You'd think all these accomplishments would make him appreciated by his fellow classmates, or, at least, that's what he thought.
Blaine was homeschooled up until this year, when his mother passed away from lung cancer. His father enrolled him in McKinley High, and that's when Blaine's life changed.
It, definitely, was not for the better.
Blaine walked tentatively down the school hall avoiding the glares from the faceless letterman jackets, some of them snarling from afar while others were barreling their way down the same hallway, seemingly coming right at him.
Blaine closed his eyes and braced himself; sure enough an unseen force flung him into a row of lockers on the left. The power of the push caused him to hit his eye off one of the locks and collapse to the ground.
Blaine heard laughter drifting farther away from his limp body, which was currently huddling on the ground, eyes pressed to his knees, fighting the tears welling up in his assaulted eye.
The bell sounded, and, for the first time, Blaine could care less.
He was almost positive he was crying blood and couldn't find the motivation to move. He only hugged his knees tighter against his chest and prayed he could disappear.
That's what everybody else wanted anyways.
The thoughts were coming again- the bad thoughts- and the suicide thoughts.
They'd come when his mother died, they'd come when he realised how much his father cared about him, or how little, he should say. Sometimes, Blaine felt as if the whole world was against him, and there was nothing he could do but take the punches, take the heartache, because that's all life ever was for Blaine. All it ever would be. Wasn't it?
"Hello there cutie." a soft voice came from outside his mind.
Blaine glanced up to find a slim figure standing straight and very tall a few feet in front of him. He was smirking and eyeing him in a way nobody has ever done before.
Blaine cocked his head and let his legs fall flat against the cold linoleum.
"Stand up silly." he giggled, and immediately Blaine felt himself rising from the ground, as if this boy was swimming through his brain, forcing his body to follow his commands.
His hand floated to Blaine's face, wiping his thumb under his eye, and brought it to his face. Blaine was able to see the blood on his finger before he licked it off. He furrowed his eyebrows, and he laughed again, although he didn't seem to find what he did funny at all.
" Who are you?" Blaine managed to ask.
The boy giggled again, and Blaine noticed that he really liked doing that - Laughing at nothing in particular.
"Are you sure you don't recognize me, cutie?" The boy whispered, his green-blue eyes flashing a pitch black for a quick second, so quick, Blaine swore he could have blinked and missed it.
And that's when Blaine clued in.
This boy had been consuming his dreams for almost 7 years, not in this form, but in a different one; a boy hiding in his closet, a harmless boy with bright eyes and a dazzling smile. One which Blaine would approach happily, but as he grew closer the boy would become a being with black hole eyes and 3 inch claws that would scratch his insides out, cackling in a sick voice that could only be described as pure evil.
His head snapped up in shock unable to say anything, unable to do anything but stare, wide-eyed at this perfect boy, this perfect demon.
"Kurt." His voice cracked and carried through the hall, circling his head like a grey fog.
The boy smiled sickly and started to laugh again, but this time like a little boy, the little boy from his nightmares, and finally Blaine couldn't take it anymore.
The next thing Blaine knew he was running, running faster than he'd ever ran before, getting the hell away from that thing and not once looking back.
He stopped after what felt like miles and sucked in a huge breath of fresh air.
He was exhausted.
Blaine never had been good with keeping up on his fitness. He looked up to examine his new surroundings.
Blaine had run himself into the middle of a forest. Nothing could be seen but trees - and a lot at that.
He ran a hand through his hair while he caught his breath.
Relieved he had gotten away from that body of a teenage boy, he turned around to find a place to sit down and came face to face with none other than that very teenage boy.
"Got you," Kurt giggled and Blaine's blood ran cold. "See! I knew you'd remember me! You never fail to let me down, Blainey."
He smiled and Blaine's world went fuzzy.
Before he knew it he was crying - bawling, actually - collapsing to the ground in a heap and covering the leaves in a salty layer of water.
Kurt was still there, it was still him, calming him, shushing him, taking him into his skinny arms and rocking him while he whimpered.
"Don't cry my sweet, I've got you."
The demon's voice filled his ears, becoming the air around him, and suddenly, Blaine was finding it harder to breathe. He was gasping for something fresh, but all around was the smell of him, the thick musky smell of warmth, and Blaine felt as if he was about to pass out.
Kurt stroked his hair and started to sing. A sound that could attract every beautiful animal in the forest, but didn't - a sound that only Blaine could hear.
Golden slumbers kiss your eyes,
Smiles await you when you rise.
pretty baby,
Do not cry,
And I will sing a lullaby.
Cares you know not,
Therefore sleep,
While over you a watch I'll keep.
pretty darling,
Do not cry,
And I will sing a lullaby.
Blaine felt his eyes fall shut and his body relaxing into the demons touch.
He fell into a slumber like he'd never had before - A sleep filled with coloured leaves dancing to the ground to join the rest; A cool fall breeze hitting him, yet Blaine was completely cozy in the arms of a stranger. He felt as if he couldn't turn his head, and he didn't want too.
The mystery person leaned in and gave him a warm kiss on the cheek, his skin filled with a fiery heat It burned down to his toes, which twitched inside his black boots. He felt a push, then another from the being beside him. The push grew stronger... so strong that he almost looked over when-
"Talk to me Blaine, It's good to talk to you. I find that I miss it, though I hear it every day. Funny isn't it?" he whispered into his ear and Blaine realized where he was, in the arms of a monster, yet he couldn't find a single cell in his body that cared. Blaine was too close to sleep to speak but obeyed his every command, like a robot.
"I missed you too." He lied and the arms were gone.
He opened his very tired eyes to find Kurt staring down at him with not blue eyes but very angry black eyes.
"You're lying Blaine. Why are you lying to me?" He snarled, sounding more like he did in his nightmares than ever before.
Blaine's eyes snapped open, and he pushed himself back against a tree, biting his lip and preparing for the worst. The demon stepped closer, digging his nails into the tree on either side of Blaine's head, trapping him.
His bursts of hot breath hitting Blaine's face as his eyes sank deep into his face, staring right through him to his soul.
Blaine was shaking, convulsing from fear. Yes, he was scared in his nightmares, but he always knew he'd wake up. He always knew that none of it was real.
But this, this was. As real as the nose on his face, And Blaine wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and pretend. But he couldn't stop staring, almost like his eyelids were taped open, forced to stare at something that hardly resembled the boy it used to be.
Blaine whimpered, and the demon dragged his hands down the tree, sawdust and bark flying from underneath the metal-like claws, as it left four jagged lines on either side.
"Say you're sorry." Kurt growled, his breaths like fire on his face, burning the first layer of skin on Blaine's cheeks off.
The scared boy groaned in pain and stuttered out a small apology, hoping to god it was enough.
It wasn't.
Kurt continued to burn more skin off the helpless boys tan face. Blaine squeezed his eyes shut and held his face while the pain became almost too much to handle. He gritted his teeth and curled up into the tree, wishing his mom could somehow make it all go away.
Blaine opened his mouth and screamed.
"I'm sorry, Kurt! God I'm sorry!"
He grabbed a handful of damp leaves and shoved them to his cheeks, desperately trying to cool down the burnt skin.
It was silent, and a sudden breeze blew on Blaine's body, causing him to relax as he grabbed another handful of leaves and looked up to see Kurt smiling at him.
He was back to normal, the pure, innocent body that was Kurt, showing his pearly teeth as his nose scrunched up and he laughed lightly. Blaine breathed heavily as he looked at the flawless boy with the entrancing blue-green orbs that were once blacker than midnight.
His brain couldn't take one more switch, or it might flip.
Kurt put two fingers under Blaine's chin and leaned in to place a tender kiss on his lips, sending a tingle down Blaine's spine.
His eyes fluttered shut, ignoring the burning pain and he leaned in to kiss Kurt again. Their lips melted together as the kiss became deeper, and Blaine couldn't help but feel completely and utterly at ease, as if Kurt's lips could stop the wars across the whole world, stop a hurricane in its tracks, make any mortal drop to their feet in pure admiration.
Blaine was terrified but, at the same time, felt safe.
Blaine was being haunted, yet loved, and it felt good, so god damn good.
Kurt pulled away and sat cross legged across from Blaine, stroking his thumb gently across the cheek that wasn't covered in leaves. He smiled as he wiped away a tear Blaine didn't know he had shed.
"That's the funny thing about people." The demons voice broke through the silence.
"They try and run away but" Kurt leaned close and whispered into Blaine's ear. "They end up running back. They always come running back."
Kurt's laughter filled the forest, a laugh that seemed normal at first but turned into something demonic, something the bounced around in his head causing it to echo millions of times, getting more distorted every time it looped again.
Blaine's eyebrows furrowed and forced his eyes shut for a few seconds, warding off a headache that was rapidly approaching.
When he opened them, the laughter had stopped and Kurt was nowhere to be seen. Blaine pushed himself off the ground, using the tree for support and slowly, so slowly, started to stumble back the way he came.
When he reached a small path he forgot he'd ran down in the first place, he began to feel an overpowering pain in his left leg. He groaned and continued on, motivated to get to his car to drive home.
It was only about 20 minutes away and he was positive he could make it. He had to make it, even if that meant suffering through double the pain.
A long 20 minutes later, Blaine had reached the parking lot and could see his car. Step by step, he was getting there.
A smile broke out on his face, finally, out of that wooded hell, away from Kurt, who he hoped he wouldn't have to see again.
He unlocked his car, turned the radio to 95.7 and headed towards home.
Blaine was limping when he got out of his car and started towards the front of his house, the pain in his leg becoming almost unbearable.
His parent's car wasn't in the driveway, so there wouldn't be any suspicious looks when he walked through the door with an injured eye, a burnt cheek and a sore leg.
After Blaine let himself in, he limped over to the couch, took of his shoe and gently rolled up his pant leg, wincing when the fabric brushed over the sensitive area.
He glanced down and right there was a note stapled to the top of his left leg. The staples were dripping blood, which he noticed had stained his jeans.
He carefully tugged the note off his leg, causing him to cry out in pain. Then, he brought the note up to his face and read the 3 words that were mostly covered in blood.
"I'm always watching -K"
Blaine's heart dropped to his stomach as he let the note fall to the ground.
That was the very moment when Blaine Anderson knew Kurt wasn't going away and there was nothing he could do about it.
Absolutely nothing.
Wow. Like seriously wow. That was amazing! Definitely keeping an eye on this one!
Thanks Dear! :)
I'm so happy you updated! This story/concept is awesome
Thanks darling n_n