We're not Perfect,We're Family
Thoughts for the future Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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We're not Perfect,We're Family: Thoughts for the future

E - Words: 1,643 - Last Updated: Jan 03, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Dec 04, 2012 - Updated: Jan 03, 2013
193 0 0 0 0

“At least they can’t see who she is” Blaine sighed as he set the magazine down the next night, stretched out on his stomach, shirtless on his bed whilst Kurt’s straddled his waist, massaging his shoulders happily.

“Exactly” Kurt hummed and let his thumbs press gently into Blaine’s muscles, the man letting out soft moans every now and then.

“So she won’t be getting bombarded by press”


“You think I’m being very controlling about this don’t you?” Blaine mused and Kurt sighed, stopping his hands, moving them to wrap gently around Blaine’s shoulder as he lay on top of him.

“Not controlling… I just think that a child like Ava, with a father like you, and her mother dating a supermodel, as well as having an Uncle who’s an actor and an Aunty who’s a Broadway star… she’s bound to be in the spotlight at sometime Blaine.” Kurt hummed and kissed his boyfriends dark curls as the man sighed in agreement, closing the magazine and setting to the side.

“I know that Kurt, but she’s not even seven. How is she supposed to know what being normal is like if she has people following her around with camera’s?” Blaine mused and turned over, pulling Kurt back on top of him, smiling up at the man with the soft blue eyes.

“She’s smart. And you’ve done a wonderful job of keeping her away from all that. But it’s going to get tougher. Especially now that… I’m here” Kurt sighed and stroked over Blaine’s bare chest.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing” Blaine sighed and looked up at Kurt. “You think you’re going to be a burden don’t you?”

Kurt nodded at the question and sat up so he was straddling Blaine, hands resting on the mans toned stomach.

“I will be Blaine, and you can’t deny that. I’ve already been getting more calls for interviews, photo shoots… I have my album coming out and an audition for a small part in a movie… this is my time. And there is going to be press all the time around me soon and I don’t want you to feel… like you can’t leave, if you want too” Kurt swallowed and Blaine let a frown fall across his face.

“Leave? Kurt… I’m not leaving you” he chuckled gently and sat up, stroking across the young mans cheek. “I just found you, and I’m not ready to let you go. All I want is for people to be a little more careful when out with Ava, that’s all” Blaine smiled gently and leaned in closer, capturing Kurt’s lips in his own.

“I’m not leaving you,” he whispered again and Kurt smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms loosely around the other mans neck, letting his fingers play with his loose curls.

“Good, because I just moved into a drawer here and I intend to make that into a whole nightstand” he grinned and kissed Blaine happily, their chests pressed together as they sat on Blaine’s bed.
Kurt had expected Blaine to get mad at him, perhaps even break up with him; but the young man had simply sighed, kissed his cheek and said it was fine, and just to be more careful next time they were out with his daughter. Kurt had almost told Blaine he loved him right then and there, but he didn’t want to ruin things. They’d been dating for just over a week and Kurt didn’t want to scare Blaine into anything, or scare himself even. So for now both men were perfectly happy with how their relationship was, and so was Ava.


“Daddy, are you going to live with Kurt?” Ava asked when Blaine picked her up from school on Friday, her little hand slipping into his as they walked down the street, her Elmo backpack on her back. Blaine choked a little at the question and looked down at Ava.

“Honey… Kurt lives in his house, we live in ours” he nodded and Ava sighed.

“I know that Daddy, but Mummy lives with Brittany” she said in a ‘matter of fact’ sort of voice that made Blaine chuckle.

“Yes baby I know she does. Are you saying you want Kurt to live with us?” he asked and Ava shrugged.

“I just don’t want you to leave as well”

Her voice was soft and it made Blaine’s heart break. He stopped in the middle of the street and pulled his daughter gently over to the side of the pathway, bobbing down to her height.

“You think I’m going to leave you, because I’m dating Kurt?” he asked gently and Ava nodded, sniffing a little.

“Yes. Mummy left because she found Brittany… and now you have Kurt. I want you to be happy Daddy, but I don’t want you to leave. I promise I’ll keep my room clean” Ava looked at Blaine with large eyes and Blaine couldn’t help but pull her close and hug her tiny body.

“Ava, sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere” he smiled and kissed her soft hair.

“You aren’t?”

“No darling. And even if I did move in with Kurt, you’d be coming with me. Me and you Ava, we’re sticking together okay? I need you, who else is going to get me up in the morning when I’m running late?” he chuckled and Ava giggled.

“The alarm Daddy” she smiled and Blaine tucked her hair behind her small ear.

“Who needs an alarm when I have you. Now come on, why don’t we grab an ice-cream hey?” he smiled and stood up, the little girl taking his hand again.

“Daddy you didn’t answer my question. Are you going to live with Kurt?” Ava asked and peered up at Blaine.

“I don’t know baby. Maybe one day” he smiled as they continued down the street.

“And Daddy?”

“Yes baby?”

“Does Kurt have a dog?”


“Do you think he’d want one?”


“Did he tell you that?”


“So can we…”



Santana sat in her and Brittany’s hotel room, wrapping Ava’s birthday present.

“I want her back Brit” she sighed and the blonde woman smiled.

“You can. Blaine already said on Wednesday. He doesn’t mind you having her for a few days every month.” Brittany hummed as she folded their clothes, setting some of them into different piles as Santana sat cross-legged on the large bed.

“But that means coming back to the city and… it’s not enough. She needs her mother Britt.” Santana huffed and Brittany sighed gently.

“San… We’ve been through this. She’s fine with Blaine. She was been for a long time, and you know she loves you and when she gets older, she can come and stay with us for longer” Brittany smiled and moved to sit beside her girlfriend, the Latina taking her hands gently.

“I know but I’m her mother. Shouldn’t I be the one to raise her?” she mused and huffed. “Blaine’s always been the goody, goody and I’m always been seen as the bitch. What if that’s how Ava see’s me?” She asked and Brittany sighed.

“Santana. Ava loves you. And she loves Blaine. You’re her parents.”

“I know but I miss her like crazy. Blaine’s had her for four years now… I want my turn. I want my baby back. I want her to come and live with us. We could be a family Brittany, you me and Ava.” Santana sighed and lay down.

“Maybe Blaine would be happy to give her to us. I mean…. He has Kurt now” she hummed and Brittany smiled.

“You know that’s a lie”

“I do”

There was a small silence before Santana sat up.

“What if I can prove he’s an unfit parent?” she mused and Brittany stood up and moved to grab a drink.

“He’s not”

“No but… we’re only here now because he put our daughter in hospital” Santana huffed and folded her arms over her chest. “He’s 22, he’s too young” she said simply and Brittany laughed.

“You’re the same age! San, just forget about it for now okay? Let’s enjoy this week with Ava and we can talk about it later. And if Ava wants to come, she can” Brittany hummed and lay down next to Santana.

“Do you think they sell water… with bubbles in it?” she mused and Santana smiled.

“You are a genius Brit” she smiled and kissed the woman gently. All she needed to do was get Ava to want to come with her. Then Blaine wouldn’t be able to stop her.


Blaine, Ava and Rachel sat at their dining table, eating dinner as Ava babbled away about her day at school.

“And then we got to make this huge box out of paper.” She grinned and Blaine smiled gently.

“Honey, go wash your hands, they’re covered in sauce” he smiled and the little girl nodded, hurrying away to the bathroom. Rachel smiled as she went and then turned to Blaine.

“Having Ava… it was hard?” she asked and Blaine frowned.

“Um… a little. I guess.” He answered and Rachel nodded, prodding her food.

“But that’s because you and Santana weren’t dating… right?” she mused and Blaine sighed.

“I guess, Rachel what’s going on? You’ve been weird since you arrived” Blaine huffed and looked at his friend. She was about three times paler, and looked genuinely confused.

“ I’m late” she sighed and Blaine frowned.

“For what? You told me you and Coop didn’t have plans tonight…”

“Late! Late Blaine! As is late, late!” Rachel cried and looked at her friend.

“I took…. I took a test. I took 8 tests and they all say the same… I’m pregnant” Rachel looked at Blaine with wide eyes and he paused for a moment before he dived forward and hugged her.

“Oh my God! Rach! Congratulations!” he grinned and Rachel smiled and nodded.

“Thank you… I… I haven’t told Cooper yet…. I don’t know how he’ll take it. I mean… we never even discussed kids” Rachel sighed and pulled back, Blaine smiling.

“He’ll be over the moon Rachel, trust me” Blaine smiled and let out a happy sigh.

“I’m going to be an uncle” he beamed and Rachel nodded.

“Yeah, and I’m going to be a Mum”


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