We're not Perfect,We're Family
Of Coffee and Stories Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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We're not Perfect,We're Family: Of Coffee and Stories

E - Words: 2,500 - Last Updated: Jan 03, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Dec 04, 2012 - Updated: Jan 03, 2013
209 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Chapter End Notes: Thanks guys :D Next up will have Blaine's reaction, and Santana's big plan ;)
About a week after the Lenard showdown, Ava was getting far too excited about her birthday.

“Daddy! Daddy my birthday is next week! Daddy can we please go and look at cakes, pretty please! I swear I wont try and eat them I swear!” The little girl bounced around happily as Blaine yawned, trying to fix her hair as he sat on the couch.

“Ava… I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Rachel she’s the one taking you out today. Daddy has a meeting with Mummy, remember?” Blaine yawned again and Ava pouted, turning in her father’s hold, her hair coming undone once again.

“But Aunty Rachel never likes looking at cakes.” She frowned, her little face making Blaine raise one eyebrow.

“Who said that?” he mused and his daughter sighed, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, and her father should clearly know it.

“Uncle Coop. He told me Aunty Rachel hates cake, because the only sweet thing she likes is him” the little girl smiled at her knowledge and Blaine let out a snort as he spun her back around to finish off braiding her hair.

“Uncle Coop is an ass…silly man,” Blaine corrected himself and Ava smiled.

“He is silly. But he gives me lollies before bed so its okay” the little girl smiled and then paused.

“But don’t tell him you know Daddy. I wasn’t meant to tell you” she whispered and Blaine added that to the long, long list of things that Ava wasn’t meant to tell him about her Uncle Cooper.

“All right, I won’t.” he chuckled and tied the end of her braid before he ticked her gently and kissed her cheek as someone knocked on the door.

“You go grab your bag and I’ll get the door” Blaine smiled and Ava nodded as she hurried off towards her room. Blaine stood up and stretched, smiling gently as he went to open his door, the events of the previous night still leaving him aching and tired. He swung open the door and before he could open his eyes from their post yawn state, someone who smelt like vanilla and strawberries was kissing him hard on the lips.

“Morning you” Kurt’s soft voice hummed in Blaine’s ear and he opened his eyes as he was pushed back into his apartment, the door closing behind his boyfriend.
Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt’s cheek.

“Hey. I was going to call you. You left your shirt here yesterday” Blaine chuckled and gestured over to the coffee table where Kurt’s purple button up lay, folded neatly. Kurt smiled at Blaine and let his fingers trace over his slightly stubbly cheek.
“I know I did. I was hoping it could stay here” he smiled and let his hands wander to the back of the mans neck as they walked gently toward the kitchen.

“Mmm, and why is that?” Blaine mused as he grabbed out Ava’s water bottle from the fridge, Kurt still attached to his side, kissing his neck gently.

“Well, I mean, wouldn’t it be easier if I had some clothes here, instead of always going back to mine for some?” Kurt hummed as Blaine paused.

“You want… like… a drawer?” Blaine asked, fully aware that his voice had now been raised up an octave. Kurt opened his mouth to speak when Rachel came into the apartment.

“Okay! I’m ready to take the princess shopping!” she sung happily and Cooper traipsed in behind her.

“Yay! The princess and the Drama Queen, shopping!” he beamed and Rachel spun around to hit him as Ava came hurrying out of her room, her Elmo backpack on. Kurt let go of Blaine and smiled gently at the little girl.

“Shopping? That sounds like fun” Kurt chuckled and Ava grinned up at him, swaying happily in her blue dress.

“Did you want to come? Aunty Rachel, can Kurt come?” she asked and Rachel smiled.

“Well, if he wants to come, sure” she smiled and Blaine grinned.

“You may as well, I’m heading off in ten minutes” Blaine smiled and kissed his boyfriends cheek as Ava clapped happily.

“Yay! Now Rachel and Kurt can become best friends, and then Rachel can be the… the… maid of … the best lady at Daddy and Kurt’s wedding!” Ava beamed and a few things seemed to happen in that moment. Kurt turned bright red and seemed to lose his voice. Blaine began to choke on the water he was drinking, his eyes watering as he spluttered to breathe. Rachel was trying her hardest not to talk as she moved to help Blaine, and Cooper burst out into laughter.

“Oh god!” he chuckled and fanned his face. “You’re faces are so priceless right now!” he breathed and Ava frowned at her Uncle.

“I was being a seriousness” she huffed and Rachel smiled.

“It’s being serious sweetheart. And Kurt and your Daddy aren’t getting married baby” she shook her head as Kurt took over from her at helping Blaine to breathe again. The little girl frowned at the woman, folding her arms across her chest.

“Why not?” she asked simply, her eyes hard.

“Well…” Rachel looked up at Blaine and he swallowed, sighing a little.

“Honey, We’ve only been dating for just over a week” he chuckled and the girl nodded.

“I know. But I asked Matt at school what marriage was, and he said it was when two people loved each other, and they spend all their time together, and they live together and have wrestling matches sometimes.” Ava smiled and Rachel giggled.

“Yes, but I don’t live with Kurt. And… we don’t wrestle” Blaine swallowed and Cooper grinned happily from his place on the couch as Ava looked at her father with a face that said ‘You liar’.

“Yes you do, you were wrestling yesterday when I went to bed. And Daddy, I don’t think you need to be gentle when wrestling, that’s the point of wrestling” Ava rolled her eyes and Blaine frowned.

“Don’t roll your eyes Ava its rude” he stated as Kurt hid his face in Blaine’s neck, muttering ‘oh god’ a few times. Cooper was grinning madly and looked at his niece.

“What do you mean honey?” he chuckled and Rachel glared at him.

“Cooper no” she hissed and Ava smiled.

“Daddy wasn’t wrestling properly. Kurt had to ask him to do it harder” she said simply and Kurt let out an embarrassed moan and Blaine went red. Rachel tried not to laugh at the proud look on the little girls face.

“And there it is” Cooper grinned and Rachel rolled her eyes.

“Alright, that’s enough wrestling talk. Come on Ava, lets go shopping” she sighed and Ava nodded, moved to give Blaine a hug before she took Rachel’s hand. Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt’s cheek.

“I’ll see you later” he smiled and Kurt gave him a pleading look before he was tugged away by Ava and Rachel, the door closing behind them.

“Not going hard enough Blaine? Even your daughter’s giving you sex tips…” Cooper grinned at his younger brother.

“Fuck off”


Rachel sipped her coffee happily as she sat across from Kurt in the small caf�, Ava off at the kids table, drawing a picture for her Mum.

“I think that Barbra was amazing, but I’ve heard you sing Rachel, and let me say, fantastic” Kurt smiled and sipped his coffee happily, sunglasses on his head. They both had an abundance of bags at their feet, all filled with clothes and small gifts for their partners. Rachel smiled and shrugged her shoulders in a gentle acceptance.

“Thank you. Its definitely good to be compared to Barbra” she beamed and looked at Kurt with interested eyes.

“Okay, I’m going to ask you something, and you can’t lie” she grinned and Kurt looked at her with a raised brow.

“Fire away”

“Do you love Blaine?” she mused and Kurt choked a little on his coffee.

“Rachel… Love is a very strong word” he swallowed and the woman nodded.

“Oh I know it is. But I’ve seen you with him. And honestly, Kurt, I don’t think you’d be here right now if you didn’t” she smiled and Kurt tilted his head to the side and frowned gently.

“I’m sorry?”

Rachel leant forward and little and licked her lips before she spoke.

“Blaine’s damaged goods. He’s 25 years old and is a single father, gay, and has a weird relationship with his daughter’s lesbian mother. He’s been single for a while and he’s dedicated to his family and his job, famous as well. He gets hate from people and love from others, and has this weird thing for pickles, I don’t know” Rachel chuckled and looked at Kurt. “It’s got to be hard Kurt. Starting a relationship in the position you’re in, young, rising star, free… and now you have a boyfriend and his kid?” Rachel sighed and Kurt nodded.

“I know what I have Rachel. And I… I don’t care. Ava’s a great kid and Blaine… he’s all I ever dreamed of and more” Kurt admitted and blushed gently. “I know its hard, and its going to get harder…. But God Rachel… he’s so amazing to me.” Kurt smiled like a teen and Rachel did the same.

“I’m just checking Kurt. Blaine’s been hurt before, and I figured I’d give you the heads up that Cooper will be giving you a stern talking too soon, about how he’ll ‘ chop of your fun stick if you so much as pluck a hair from his pretty little head” Rachel deepened her voice and Kurt laughed gently.

“Oh wow. Well don’t worry. I don’t have any plans on hurting Blaine what so ever” he smiled and sipped his coffee and looked at the woman in front of him.

“How did you and Cooper actually meet?” Kurt mused and Rachel shrugged.

“We told everyone at dinner. Once in high school and then at a coffee…”

“I know what you told me” Kurt chuckled and shook his head. “But I know it’s a lie. You’re both to…quirky to have met that perfectly.” Kurt chuckled and Rachel smiled.

“I like you Kurt” she grinned and sat back in her chair, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

“It was about 5 years ago, and I had just moved in with Blaine and Ava” Rachel smiled.


Cooper honestly didn’t like sneaking into his little brother’s apartment to take his coffee and sugar. He also didn’t like sneaking out of his little brother’s apartment late at night when he’d finished having sex with the nanny.
Cooper sighed as he closed the door to one of the guest rooms behind him the moment he heard Blaine disappear into his room. Sandra; the lovely young nanny Blaine had hired to look after Ava when he and Santana went to work, had called him as one of the emergency contacts to ask where Blaine kept the spare toilet paper, and before he knew what was happening, they were doing it on the couch whilst Ava slept peacefully in her crib. Of course, then Blaine had came home and Cooper had hid in the guest room until Blaine had gone to get changed, Sandra having left ten minutes prior. He walk almost to the door when the handle started turning so he cursed and sprinted into the bathroom, Santana’s voice filling the apartment as she arrived him. Cooper closed the bathroom door quietly and frowned when he realised the shower was on. But… Blaine was in his room and Santana was shouting in Spanish from the kitchen. He was about to ask who the hell was showering in his little brothers bathroom when the bathroom door started to open, so naturally, Cooper drew back the shower curtain, stepped inside and drew it closed just as quickly.

“OH MY GOD!” a loud, high pitched scream sounded from behind him as he felt the water hit his back and Cooper sighed gently, turning around to face a small, young, brunette woman, who was desperately trying to cover herself up. Cooper looked at her and held his finger to his lips with a pleading look, the young woman looking startled.

“Rachel! Are you okay!”? Blaine cried as he entered the bathroom and Rachel swallowed.

“Fine… just a… a spider. Killed it” she called and Cooper mouthed a thank you as Blaine grabbed something and left the bathroom. The moment the door closed Rachel hit Cooper in the chest.

“What. The. Hell!” she hissed. She recognised Blaine’s older brother, of course she did. He hadn’t changed much in two years. Cooper, however, didn’t seem to remember her.

“Sorry. I was… hiding” he smiled and Rachel looked down, covering herself.

“Get out!” she hissed and Cooper swallowed.

“I’m sorry… I… this must seem so creepy” he sighed, dripping wet now in his clothes.

“Yuh huh!” Rachel nodded and turned off the shoer, covering herself with the curtain. “Get out! Now!” she hissed and Cooper nodded, stepping out.

“Okay… just… don’t tell Blaine okay?” he nodded and opened up the bathroom window. He stepped one foot out onto the fire escape and turned back to look at Rachel.

“Okay, this may sound weird, but you are so hot” he grinned and Rachel glared at him.

“Get out before I push you!” she warned and Cooper smirked.

“So is that a yes to going for coffee with me?” he mused and Rachel rolled her eyes.

“You didn’t ask me,” she said simply and Cooper laughed.

“ I’ll see you at Caf� Royal tomorrow at 12” he winked and slid out of the window. Rachel rolled her eyes and grinned. She had a date with her best friends older, creepy brother who had stepped into the shower with her, when she was naked.


Kurt looked at Rachel and laughed. “Oh my god! That’s amazing!” he grinned and Rachel smiled. “I like to think so” she chuckled and finished her coffee.

“We went on a date, and 5 years later, here we are” she beamed and Kurt smiled.

“It’s really cute. You guys are a good couple” he nodded and Rachel set her cup down as Ava came running back to them.

“Aunty Rachel! That little boy said he knows you!” Ava grinned and Rachel smiled.

“He does?” she mused and Ava nodded.

“Yup. He saw you in ‘Wicked’” Ava beamed and Rachel smiled gently and Kurt raised his eyebrows.

“Impressive” he chuckled and Ava nodded.

“Is that why those people are taking pictured of us?” she mused and pointed over to the window. Kurt followed her finger and his eyes widened as about 6 guys stood there, all snapping away at their large cameras.

“Damn it” Rachel sighed and grabbed her bags. “Come on Ava” she lifted the girl up and Kurt followed with the rest of the bags.

“Is this bad?” he asked and Rachel nodded.

“Yes. Blaine… he doesn’t want her exposed in the press. We’re always so careful when out with her. I completely forgot that they’d be here for you” Rachel sighed and Kurt slipped his sunnies back on as they left the caf� through the back door, headed back toward Blaine’s apartment.

“Are they for the magazines?” Ava asked gently and Rachel sighed.

“Yeah baby.” She sighed and looked at Kurt. “Blaine’s going to go mental” she sighed and Kurt swallowed.



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