We're not Perfect,We're Family
Little Surprises Previous Chapter Story
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We're not Perfect,We're Family: Little Surprises

E - Words: 1,386 - Last Updated: Jan 03, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Dec 04, 2012 - Updated: Jan 03, 2013
204 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Author's Chapter Notes: Annddddddd.. I'm back ;)
Kurt wasn’t exactly sure how it happened, but somehow Blaine’s apartment had turned from the most exquisite party setting for a 7 year olds birthday, right to what appeared to be the aftermath of a war zone. There were paper plates and cups everywhere, streamers and bows and balloons all over the floor and on every surface there were finger prints and crumbs galore. Kurt watched as Blaine plopped down onto the couch and threw a few stuffed toys out of his way, letting out a groan as he closed his eyes.

“Good God. Remind me again why I agreed to a party?” he breathed as Kurt walked around the living room with a bag, brushing all the mess up into it.

“Because you’re a fantastic father who loves his kid?” he suggested and smiled when Blaine let out another groaned.

“I know. I’m too amazing for my own good” he hummed and opened one eye, looking over at Kurt.

“Do you think she enjoyed it?” he asked softly and Kurt set down the bag and moved to sit with Blaine, leaning onto the elder man’s chest as he did.

“I think she loved it. Did you see her face? She was thrilled B. Totally thrilled” he smiled and planted a soft kiss to Blaine’s stubbly jaw, grinning a little as he pulled back.

“Oh god. We’re gonna head off before you two start doing it on the couch” Cooper chuckled as he tied the top of a garbage bag, setting it down in the kitchen as Rachel came through from the hall.

“She’s bathed, hair braided and all tucked up in bed, waiting for her Daddy to come and say goodnight” the woman smiled and moved over to Cooper, winding one arm around his waist. Blaine smiled at her and he and Kurt got up from the couch, stretching before they moved to hug the other pair. Rachel hugged Blaine and pressed a small kiss to his cheek.

“Don’t dwell on what Santana said okay? She won’t get her full time. You’re her Daddy” she whispered and patted her friends cheek. Blaine sighed and looked at her, worry evident in his eyes.

“Yeah… but she’s also Ava’s mother” Blaine sighed and Rachel gave his face a small slap. He gasped and frowned.

“What the…”

“Don’t be negative” Rachel huffed and kissed his cheek again.

“Night” she smiled and took Coopers hand before they headed out of the apartment. Blaine sighed softly and Kurt smiled.

“You go say goodnight to Ava and I’ll finish cleaning up here” He gently pushed Blaine towards the hall before he went back to cleaning. Blaine nodded and made his way along the hall, into the little girl’s room. She was sitting up in bed, cuddling a little pink unicorn that Kurt had also gotten her for her birthday.

“Hey Princess” Blaine smiled and the girl shuffled over to make room for him. Blaine wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hair softly.

“Did you have a good time?” he asked sweetly and Ava nodded, cuddling into her dad.

“Yeah. Thank you.” She breathed and closed her eyes.

“Daddy… Can I ask you something?” she asked softly and Blaine smiled, his hand rubbing her little arm slowly.

“Course sweetie”

Ava sighed softly and looked up at Blaine.

“You and Mummy… you were fighting before… are you… gonna get rid of me?” she asked softly and sniffed. “Because I don’t want to go Daddy” she breathed and Blaine swallowed, tightening his arms around the little girl.

“Honey… no. No way. I told you this babe. It’s you and me forever and ever” he breathed and kissed her little cheek.

“I love you Ava Bug” he smiled and Ava nodded.

“Love you too Daddy” she yawned and Blaine stroked her hair a little before he climbed out of bed and tucked her under the warm covers again. The little girl closed her eyes as Blaine flicked off the late and headed to the lounge to help Kurt tidy up. He smiled softly when he found that his boyfriend had already finished the cleaning, and was now just sitting on the love seat, watching TV. Blaine chuckled and sat down on the couch, leaning back, letting his eyes fall closed.

“I’m glad that’s over” he chuckled and ran his hands over his face, letting out a small sigh. He hadn’t realised how stressed he’d been all day, and Santana’s little outburst had only added to his worries. He opened his eyes again and almost jumped in shock, looking down to find Kurt settled between his legs on the floor, stroking his legs softly.

“You okay?” he asked softly and looked up at Blaine, who just nodded.

“Yeah… what are you doing?” he chuckled as Kurt shuffled a little on his knees, his hands moving to start to unbutton the man’s jeans.

“I’m relieving your stress, duh”

Blaine couldn’t help but grin as Kurt giggled and unzipped his jeans, tugging them off as Blaine lifted his hips up for him, the idea of what Kurt was going to do already starting to get him hot under the collar.

“You don’t need to” Blaine mumbled as Kurt started to palm his already half hard cock through his boxer briefs, no real energy in his words. Kurt just chuckled and shrugged.

“I want to make sure my man is okay.” He smiled and looked at him, flicked the waist band of his underwear before he pulled them off too. Blaine grinned and watched as Kurt took him into his hand, stroking up and down his shaft with long, lazy flicks of his wrist before he leant down and took him into his mouth, eyes closing as he sealed his lips around the man’s length. Blaine’s response was instant, his eyes widening and hand moving right to the man’s perfectly coiffed hair, fingers tugging softly as the wonderful warmth of Kurt’s wet mouth made him moan. Kurt hummed around his cock, sucking softly as he let his tongue flick out, licking over the head. He pulled off and licked the underside of his cock before he moved down to his balls, sucking one into his mouth with a rather explicit moan.

“Fuck. Kurt babe we… we need to be quiet” Blaine warned, his hips trying to buck up at the wonderful feeling. Kurt pressed a hand against him to hold him down firmly as he sunk back down around him, his head bobbing as a furious rate as he sucked, pre-cum and saliva dripping a little from the corner of his mouth. Blaine gasped and gripped his hair harder. This was perfect. He loved it when Kurt let go, not caring about how he looked, his only care in the world being that Blaine was satisfied. Another moan escaped the man’s lips as he gripped Kurt’s hair even harder, holding him in place as he started to buck up a little, feeling his cock slide down the young man’s throat. Kurt gagged just a little before he swallowed around him, looking up at Blaine with large, lust filled eyes. Blaine swore and kept on fucking up into the man’s mouth before he came hard, groaning happily as Kurt swallowed again around him, pulling off with a wet pop. Blaine let out a breath, his chest rising and falling as Kurt licked his lips slowly, moving his hand up to wipe his mouth.

“Better?” he mused, one delicate eyebrow raised as he gently rubbed Blaine’s thighs, chuckling softly when Blaine nodded enthusiastically.

“Fuck yes”

Kurt sighed as he started to pack up his bag, shoving his water bottle into the little zip pocket on the side. He had half an hour to grab lunch, call his dad and see if he was still up for his visit in 2 weeks’ time, then he had to go and meet Blaine at Ava’s school and go for coffee with them. He chuckled as he found a little picture in his bag that Ava had clearly drawn, of herself and her Daddy, Kurt and a little black puppy.

“Adorable” He chuckled to himself turned around, almost smacking into someone.

“Sorry” he breathed and looked up, his eyes settling on the figure. A sense of realisation swept over him and his stomach turned into a knot of nerves. The man looked down at Kurt and let out a small sigh and then smiled.

“Hey” he hummed and Kurt swallowed, mouth dry.

“I…. Dave. Hi”


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