We're not Perfect,We're Family
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We're not Perfect,We're Family: The Lenards

E - Words: 2,994 - Last Updated: Jan 03, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Dec 04, 2012 - Updated: Jan 03, 2013
604 0 3 0 0

“ So Kurt, what can you tell us about your upcoming album?” Alanna Mason asked with a fake smile on her face as Kurt sat in a chair across from her, his microphone starting to scratch at his collarbone. He crossed his legs and shot a small smile toward the audience. There couldn’t be more than 100 people sitting there, then again, Alanna Mason Daily was a new show and was just kicking off, no in a way, Kurt was perfect for it. He flicked his hair and faced Alanna once more.

“ Well, It’s called Little Numbers and I’m starting work on it tomorrow actually.” Kurt smiled and Alanna clapped in false delight.

“That’s wonderful. We can’t wait can we folks?” She turned to the audience and they all cheered, Kurt blushing lightly.

“ Well it’s my first album so I’m really looking forward to it’s release” Kurt nodded and Alanna looked at him.

“Now Kurt, a cute boy like you, you must have someone special” she gave him a small wink and the audience cheered, Kurt laughing.

“ I don’t kiss and tell Alanna” he grinned and Alanna laughed.

“There you have it viewers, does Kurt Hummel have a special someone at home? Find out on our website, Alanna Mason Daily dot com. That’s all we have time for today, thanks for coming on Kurt, Have a great day folks!” Alanna waved at the camera, as did Kurt. The moment the camera’s stopped rolling Alanna was up and out of her seat, a water bottle and cookie in her hand.

“Someone get me a chicken bagel.” She cried as she sauntered back stage, Kurt following her quickly, his manager right behind him.

“Alanna! I just wanted to thank you for letting me come on the show…” Kurt began and Alanna spun around and cut him off.

“Don’t thank me, it’s not my choice. Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s time for lunch and I have to make up some bullshit story about your love life for my website. Have a nice day” Alanna nodded her head before she spun on her heel and stalked away, Kurt standing there, stunned. Wow. He took a small breath and turned around, heading for the door. Surely he had somewhere better to be.


Blaine let his hands run over the ivory keys of the piano as he sat alone in the recording booth. He had about ten minutes until his next client, and he was just plain bored. It had been three days since the devil dinner had taken place, and he still hadn’t called Kurt. He felt like a prize dick. His finger pressed down on a note and it rung out around the room, Blaine’s lips curling up into a small smile.

“Never knew I could feel like this, like I’ve never seen the sky before”
He let his fingers run over the keys, his eyes drifting closed. It had been a while since he’d played, but the small buzz running through his veins told him he’d missed it far too much.

“Want to vanish inside your kiss. Everyday I love you more and more. Listen to my heart, can you hear it sing? Telling me to give you everything” Blaine sung and he paused, still playing, when a new voice took over from his.

“Seasons may chance, Winter to Spring, but I love you until the end of time.”

Blaine turned around and smiled at Kurt, who was leaning against the door.

“Am I too early Mr Anderson?” he grinned and Blaine shook his head.

“Not at all Mr Hummel. Come in, have a seat” Blaine motioned towards the stool opposite him and Kurt wondered forward, taking off his jacket and scarf.

“So, how was your interview?” Blaine asked and Kurt rolled his eyes.

“It was… ok I suppose. The host is a bitch though. Total snob” he sighed and Blaine shuffled closer, their foreheads almost touching.

“ You know, I’m not a total snob. And this non snob wouldn’t mind at all if you wanted to kiss him right now” Blaine grinned and Kurt leant even closer forward, the lips almost touching.

“ We need to work” Kurt whispered before he stood up and grabbed the headphones.

“Now, Mr Anderson. Would you like to start?” he asked and Blaine rolled his eyes, slumping off out of the room, taking a seat in the booth just upstairs.

“Ok. Ready.” Blaine smiled and Kurt gave him the thumbs up, the music staring to play.

Blaine watched as Kurt gently swayed to the beat, his lips trembling slightly as he began to sing.

“I'm scared today, more than I told you I was yesterday
Give me a moment to catch my breath
And hold me every second left”

Blaine grinned and Kurt glanced up at him, a small smile playing on his lips.

“Proud of me, that's the only way I want you to be
Look at me and love what you see
I won't make it alone, I need something to hold

Kiss me on my shoulder, and tell me it's not over
I promise to always come home to you
Remind me that I'm older to be brave, smart, sweet, and bolder
And don't give up on what we're trying to do
Don't count the miles, count the "I love you's"

Kurt's eyes were closed now and Blaine was slightly frozen in amazement. Kurt's voice was beautiful. Blaine knew he was supposed to be editing but how could he when it already sounded perfect?

“We made it out, and all the other people are asking how
This doesn't even sound like truth to grow from a bruise
But one day we will realize how hard it was, how hard we tried
And how our hearts made it out alive

Kiss me on my shoulder, and tell me it's not over
I promise to always come home to you
Remind me that I'm older to be brave, smart, sweet, and bolder
And don't give up on what we're trying to do
Don't count the miles, count the "I love you's"

And these are words I wish you'd said
But that's not how it went
'Cause you gave up on us in the end
And I won't make it alone, I need something to hold

Kiss me on my shoulder, and tell me it's not over
I promise to always come home to you
Remind me that I'm older to be brave, smart, sweet, and bolder
And don't give up on what we're trying to do
Kiss me on my shoulder, and tell me it's not over
I promise to come home to you
Remind me that I'm older to be brave, smart, sweet, and bolder
And don't give up on what we're trying to do
Don't count the miles, count the "I love you's"

Kurt finished singing and Blaine swallowed. He wasn’t crying, no way. He wiped his eyes on his sleeve quickly as he hurried down into the booth, Kurt taking off the headphones.

“Did you like it?” he asked and Blaine nodded.

“It was… sad.” He sighed and Kurt shrugged.

“Yeah, I mean, I wrote it” Kurt sighed and Blaine blinked.

“Excuse me?”

“I wrote it. Ages ago… when I broke up with Dave. I was kind of sad and it just… came out. They’re letting me put it in the album though” Kurt smiled and Blaine nodded, biting his lower lip.

“It’s very nicely done. Um… did you… Want to do the next one?” Blaine asked and Kurt frowned.

“Blaine, is something wrong?” he asked and Blaine shook his head.



“Fine. Maybe… I just… it hit me that… you’ve had other boyfriends” Blaine sighed and Kurt nodded.

“Yes, I have.”

“And… I kind of… it feel weird. I mean, since I met you it’s like I’ve been in some fairy-tale, and now… I think reality’s hit, you aren’t just my fairy-tale, you were someone else’s too” Blaine shrugged and Kurt frowned.

“So you don’t want me anymore because I’m not a fairy-tale?” Kurt asked and Blaine shook his head quickly, taking Kurt's hands in his own.

“No! Not at all, Kurt you’re amazing. And, I just think that… I’ve had this delusion that we’ll be cute and happy all the time, but I think now… I want to embrace reality, I… I’d like to be your boyfriend.” Blaine sighed and Kurt let out a small squeak.



“I thought you’d never ask” Kurt smiled and he closed the distance between them, his arms winding around Blaine’s neck.

“We should get back to work” Blaine smiled when the pair finally pulled back, Kurt sighing.

“I suppose. But you’re buying lunch after this” he winked and Blaine nodded.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


Ava sat on the swings in the playground, kicking at the sand. Her black hair fell into her eyes as she did, not noticing the small boy who had made his way over to her, a small grin on his face.

“Hey tiny” he laughed and Ava didn’t bother to look up. Jimmy Lenard was about a head taller than her, and five times chunkier. Ava normally ignored the boy, so that’s exactly what she did.

“I heard that your mummy’s in town. With her girlfriend” he hissed and Ava nodded slowly. She looked up and saw Jimmy frown.

“You know that’s gross? My Mummy says that you should only have girlfriends if you’re a boy.” Jimmy folded his arms across his chest and Ava didn’t do anything. Her Daddy had always told her to never hit people, no matter how angry you are. Her Mummy on the other hand, had told her ‘ if someone hurts you Ava, in anyway and you don’t think its right, you hit them baby.’
Ava just sat there and let Jimmy carry on, her daddy said people like him just weren’t worth it.

“Your Mummy is probably going to hell, that’s what my Daddy says.”

Ava did nothing.

“Your Daddy is a bad man”

Ava did nothing.

“My Daddy says that your parents are worthless, and that you shouldn’t really be here. They made you under a lie, and lying is a sin. He says that your parents are fags…”

Ava stood up and kicked Jimmy Lenards right in the crotch.


Ava sat very still as she watched the adults argue. The principal had called in Jimmy’s parents and Ava’s, so naturally Kurt and Brittany were there too.

“ I don’t care what was said, your daughter should not have kicked my son!” Mr Lenards cried and Blaine shook his head.

“ I don’t condone what Ava did, but your son should never have said those things to my daughter.” Blaine sighed and the principal seemed to be having a jolly time just watching. Santana was fuming, her hand clasped firmly in Brittany’s as she stared down Mrs Lenards.

“ Our son was trying to do the right thing…”

“By what! Preaching utter shit to our daughter?” Santana cried and Blaine glared at her.

“Santana! Language!” he cried and Brittany stroked her arm in an attempt to calm the Latino down, but she just shook her off and stood up.

“No way am I going to sit here and listen to what you people have to say about my family.” Santana cried and Ava looked at her mother with wide eyes.

“You people?” Mrs Lenards mused, also standing now, Blaine huffing.

“Can we please be civilised?” he asked and Mr Lenards scoffed.

“Civilised? I don’t expect you to know the meaning of the word.” He spat and Blaine glared at the red headed man.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me.” The man growled and Santana started going off in Spanish, Brittany now on her feet in an attempt to calm her down.

Kurt glanced at Ava, who was now in a state of shock. He sighed and knelt down to her level.

“Are you okay sweetheart?” he asked and Ava shook her head.

“No. Mummy’s too angry” she sniffed and Kurt took her little hand in his own, turning to face Jimmy.

“Are you okay?” he asked and Jimmy looked at him.

“…. My daddy doesn’t normally yell” he swallowed and Kurt nodded, reaching out his free hand.

“Do you want to wait outside?” he asked and Jimmy nodded nervously, taking the young mans hand. Kurt moved toward the door, neither of the other five adults even noticing as he opened it and took the two children outside.

“We’ll let them deal with that, and we can sit here.” Kurt sat down, his back pressed against the wall, Jimmy frowning.

“I don’t want to sit with her” he frowned as ava sat beside Kurt, still holding his hand.

“Jimmy. Don’t you think this is a little bit silly?” Kurt asked and Jimmy frowned.

“What’s silly?”

“Being mean to Ava.” Kurt stated and Jimmy scoffed.

“She kicked me!”

“I know, and that wasn’t nice, but you were saying some very mean things to her” Kurt sighed and Jimmy stared at him.

“No I wasn’t. I was telling the tr….”

“The truth? The truth is Jimmy, Mr Anderson and Miss Lopez are Ava’s Mummy and Daddy. It doesn’t matter if they are gay or not, it doesn’t matter what your parents believe or have told you, because they are still Ava’s Mummy and Daddy and they still love her. I know you wouldn’t like it if Ava said mean things about your Mummy and Daddy” Kurt pointed out and Jimmy frowned.


“So think about how you would feel, if Ava said those things to you” Kurt stated and Jimmy nodded.

“Yeah but it wouldn’t be true”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s still not a nice thing to hear. It’s not a nice thing to say. Who Mr Anderson and Miss Lopez love has nothing to do with you or your family. They are still people, and they are still parents. And Ava is just like everyone else, she’s someone’s child. She doesn’t deserve to be picked on. And if I hear that you’ve been mean again, I won’t be very happy with you Jimmy. I think you are a nice boy if you want to be, don’t become someone who people wont like. Do you understand?” Kurt asked and Jimmy nodded. He let out a sigh and held out his hand to Ava.

“ I’m sorry. Want to go play on the slide?” he asked and Ava gave a small look at Kurt before she got to her feet.

“Sure” she smiled, turning around to kiss Kurt on the cheek.

“Bye Kurt” she smiled before she took Jimmy’s hand and the pair hurried off, Kurt getting to his feet. He re-entered the room and no one noticed, because they were in the middle of a screaming match.

“Santana, baby calm down” Brittany soothed, Mrs Lenards groaning.

“Don’t be so disgusting right in front of me!” she snapped and Blaine glared at the woman.

“Don’t you dare say a thing about them!”

“Don’t speak to my wife that way!”

“Could we stop the yelling?” the principal asked and Kurt stood there. This was ridiculous.

“ SHUT THE HELL UP!” he screamed and the room fell silent. The Lenards turned to look at him with a funny expression and Blaine and Santana looked guilty, Brittany smiling.

“I’m sorry, but who are you?” Mrs Lenard asked and Kurt nodded. Right, he hadn’t been introduced.

“I’m Kurt Hummel, I’m…” Kurt started and Blaine interrupted.

“He’s a… um… I’m working with him…”

“I’m Blaine’s boyfriend Mrs Lenard” Kurt sighed and Blaine gave him a small smile.

“Oh, how wonderful” Mrs Lenard rolled her eyes and Santana frowned.

“Really? We’ve moved on to the Boyfriend label now? You finally progressed to that stage?” Santana smirked and Blaine glared at her.

“Not now Santana” he hissed and the woman shrugged.

“ Look, you shouldn’t be arguing like this. Ava kicked Jimmy because he, quite frankly, deserved it. But its…”

“Don’t you tell me what my son deserved” Mr Lenard snapped and Kurt raised his hands in defence.

“I’m sorry but he did. However, its all been sorted…”

“ You have no right to come to this school, to speak about my family and tell me what my son deserves, you have absolutely no right to tell me to shut up and tell my wife to shut up, you low life, disgusting excuse for a man…”
Mr Lenard began his rant but was cut short by Blaine’s fist making harsh contact with his face. Mr Lenard stumbled back and Mrs Lenard let out a scream, the principal now on her feet, Blaine massaging his hand as Kurt let out a small gasp, Santana cheering as Brittany clapped.

“Blaine” Kurt cried, Mr Lenard attempting to fix his bleeding nose.

“Don’t you ever talk to my boyfriend like that” Blaine swallowed and Mrs Lenard looked at him with disgust.

“You’re an animal,” she hissed and Santana smiled.

“And you, my fine woman, are a whore.” Santana said simply, Mr Lenard looking around the room, finally realising his son was missing.

“Where is my son?” he cried and Kurt swallowed.

“He’s outside, playing with Ava” Kurt said and Blaine took his hand as they walked outside, Mrs Lenard gasping.

“Why on earth is he there!”

“I took both children outside halfway through your screaming match because both of them looked like they were about to cry” Kurt sighed and Mrs Lenard ignored him, pulling her husband along.

“Jimmy! We’re going! NOW!” she roared and the two children came hurrying back, Ava running straight into her mothers waiting arms.

“Jimmy, lets go” Mr Lenard huffed and Jimmy turned around and looked at both Blaine and Santana.

“Mr Anderson, Miss Lopez… I… I’m sorry for what I said about you to Ava.” He swallowed and he looked at Kurt, who gave him a small nod.

The Lenards looked furious as there son said this, both of them gasping. Santana looked at the boy and nodded once.

“Thank you” Blaine smiled weakly and Mrs Lenard grabbed hold of her son.

“Lets go, now” she growled and Jimmy waved to Ava.

“Bye Ava, Bye Kurt!” he called and Kurt gave a small wave as the boy was towed away, Blaine turning to face his boyfriend.

“What happened?” he asked and Kurt shrugged.

“We all had a little talk, and its fine. Now lets get some ice for your hand” Kurt smiled and Blaine nodded.


Once they were at Blaine’s house, Ava spending the rest of the day with Santana and Brittany, Blaine pulled Kurt close to him and kissed his fiercely, Kurt grinning like a fool.

“What was that for?” he asked and Blaine grinned.

“For being so amazing” he smiled and Kurt laughed.

“Thank you” he smiled and kissed Blaine again. He could definitely get used to this.

End Notes: Woop! Happy New Year everyone! Reviews are always appreciated :D Let me know what you think about the Lenards and what went down with Kurt and Blaine. The songs used in this are Come What May, Moulin Rouge, and Miles by Christina Perri. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, though i didnt change some things. Next chapter will have a song by Cooper, most likely for Rachel, and perhaps a little more on the Tv Host, and her paparazzi ;) If you have any song suggestions for anything, let me know!!!!


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Great chapter!

interesting chapter - I loved how Ava struggled with the advice given to her by both parents and then she just had enough and kicked Jimmy! We all have our limits :)

This was really good. The Lenards were terrible people and I was glad to see Kurt at least make their son realize that Ava and her family were perfectly normal. Santana's reaction to Blaine punching Mr. Lenard was pretty awesome and I found the moment at the end of the chapter to be sweet. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.