Jan. 3, 2013, 5:45 p.m.
Jan. 3, 2013, 5:45 p.m.
It’s a word often used to describe a situation or a feeling, in a positive light. Dinner at Blaine’s house was in fact, not pleasant.
All seven people sat around the dinner table, Ava chomping away with a grin on her face as the adults sat there, trying to think of something to start up a conversation. Blaine was looking over at Kurt with an adoring smile whilst the man played with the cuff of his shirt, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks when he noticed he was being watched. Rachel and Cooper were both eating their food rather quickly, perhaps in an attempt to get out of the room faster than everyone else, and avoid the awkwardness that hung in the air like the stench of a bad banana. Brittany was quite happily eating, her smile matching Ava’s, Santana however was downing her third glass of fine, eyes narrowed at Blaine.
“So Kurt, what do you do?” she asked with a small smile, Kurt swallowing some of his food before he answered.
“I’m a singer” He replied and Santana looked over at Blaine.
“A singer hey? So, let me guess. You walked in to Blaine’s studio in tight jeans and an adoring smile, and Blaine just melted at the sigh of your cute little butt and then BAM, here we are” Santana smirked and Blaine choked slightly on his food.
“No, Santana. Kurt isn’t my client.” He stated firmly and Kurt took a sip of his wine.
“We actually met at a museum opening the other night.” Kurt smiled and Santana nodded.
“I see. How… boring” she shrugged and Blaine frowned.
“Where did you and Brittany meet Santana?” Kurt asked, Santana rolling her eyes.
“Oh, you want the story do you? Fine. It was about 5 years ago almost, and we had ran out of milk"
Santana shoved her way into the store with a sigh. She’s been up all night with Ava, and now she realised they’d run out of milk, which meant she could not get her daily dose of caffeine. She made a beeline for the milk and grabbed the bottle, another hand doing the same, grabbing onto her own. Santana looked up, fully prepared to scream at the person of who was touching her hand, but then she saw them. It was a woman, about her age, with long blonde hair and blue eyes that were shining as she looked at her. The woman moved her hand away and smiled.
“You have soft skin. Like a baby’s butt, but nicer” She smiled and Santana wasn’t sure if she was joking or not. She pulled her hand away and sighed.
“Did you want the milk?” she asked and the woman shook her head.
“Oh no, it’s okay. I just needed a coffee, but I can always go next door and get one” she shrugged her shoulder and Santana nodded.
“Ok then…”
“Only if you come with me” the woman smiled and Santana frowned.
“Excuse me?”
“Come with me. For coffee. Like a date.” The woman smiled and Santana felt her stomach flutter. She had a beautiful smile.
“I’m…I don’t… I’m not a…”
“Sure you are” The woman smiled and Santana swallowed.
“How would you know?” she asked and the woman grinned.
“Normally when two woman meet, they scan over each other to compare. Just a small glance at the others body to see if they are in fact better looking, and normally this involves looking at the others boobs briefly. You haven’t stopped staring at my eyes since I started talking to you. So I don’t think you want to compare.” The woman smiled and Santana wasn’t really sure what she was going on about, but it was still cute all the same.
“Ok. So you want to take me out to coffee?” she asked and the woman nodded.
“Yes please. I’m Brittany” she held out her hand and Santana shook it.
“Awesome” Brittany smiled and picked the milk up for Santana, the pair walking over to the check out.
“By the way Santana, you have beautiful eyes” Brittany winked and Santana felt a small blush creep onto her cheeks. Holy sweet hell, she liked this girl.
“It was a really good coffee” Santana smiled as Brittany linked their fingers together, Blaine sighing. He’d heard about the coffee date about a thousand times since the day on which it occurred, and he swore Santana got more emotional every time she told it.
“How did you two meet?” Kurt asked Cooper and Rachel, the pair still eating away at their dinner. Cooper swallowed and shrugged his shoulders.
“I met her once when she was still in high school, thought she was just another annoying teen, saw her again about two years later here in New York, in a small caf�. We hit it off” Cooper smiled weakly and Rachel nodded.
“Yeah, pretty boring huh?” She rolled her eyes and Blaine frowned.
“That isn’t….”
“How’s work Brittany?” Rachel asked and Brittany dove into the story of how she was flying out to Venice next month for a photo shoot, everyone else resuming dinner.
Once Ava was tucked in bed Blaine re filled everyone’s glasses and Santana let out a small sigh.
“ You know, she can come back to the hotel with us if you want” Santana smiled and Blaine frowned.
“Its okay, she’s asleep” he sighed and Santana shrugged.
“Ok, I’m just saying. She might be better off having a few nights with her mother.” She sipped her wine and Rachel looked at Cooper and then to the door, Blaine folding his arms tightly across his chest.
“She’s done quite alright for the past four years don’t you think?” Blaine asked and Santana put her glass down, Brittany taking her hand, shaking her head gently.
“I still think we should spend time together.” She sighed and Blaine nodded.
“Of course you can, I’m not denying you that, but she can sleep here in her own bed where I know she feels most comfortable. And I really don’t want to discuss this tonight” Blaine sighed and he sat down, Santana standing.
“Fine. We’re going back to the hotel anyway. Have a nice night” the woman almost spat, storming out of the apartment, Brittany waving to everyone.
“It was lovely meeting you Kurt, you’re a lovely dolphin” she smiled before she closed the door behind her, Cooper fanning himself with Rachel’s hand.
“Whoa! Did you feel that tension?” he asked and Rachel hit him, Blaine running a hand through his hair.
“I hope I didn’t sound too harsh…” he sighed and Kurt smiled at him.
“You sounded fine.” He smiled and he placed his glass down.
“I should be getting home though, I’ll call you” Kurt smiled and he leant over and kissed Blaine quickly, waving to Cooper and Rachel before he left. The moment the door closed the pair were grinning at Blaine like fools.
“He’s so nice”
“And hot” Cooper added and Rachel giggled.
“And hot”
Blaine simply pointed to the door and the pair stood up, hand in hand, and made their way to the door.
“We’ll call you during the week” Rachel smiled as she and Cooper closed the door behind them, walking down the hall.
“ Kurt seems really nice” Rachel smiled and cooper nodded.
“He does”
“Why did you lie by the way, about how we met?” Rachel asked and Cooper smiled.
“Because I didn’t think they needed to know” he kissed Rachel’s cheek and they continued to walk hand in hand down the hall.
Blaine lay in his bed and let his eyes slowly close, his chest rising and falling slower and slower.
“ Blaine, I just want you to know… what ever happens, I won’t blame you for it being so bad” Santana smiled and Blaine frowned, his eyes scanning the girls face. It was true, she was beautiful. Her eyes shone bright as she pulled Blaine down and kissed him sloppily, the boy responding right away. Blaine let his hands run lazy over her tight green dress, his fingers playing at the hem. Santana pulled away and blinked a few times, her hand running down Blaine’s chest.
“We make a stunning couple”
“We’re both gay” Blaine pointed out and Santana nodded.
“We sure are. But tonight, tonight is about us Blaine, two best friends connecting on a level that’s so wonderful” Santana grinned like a fool and Blaine giggled.
“We’re so drunk” he hiccupped and Santana let her hand run over the slowly growing bulge in his Capri pants, her smile growing wider.
“Just drunk enough” she smirked, pulling Blaine down again to kiss her. Blaine let his hands run up her thighs, the girl throwing her head back as she let out a small cry of pleasure.
Blaine sat up bolt right in his bed, his eyes stinging. That night had been so long ago he thought he’d forgotten it, but how could he? How could he forget such an odd event, which would soon set the rest of this life into motion? The answer was, he could not, especially when the product of that event was asleep in the next room. He lay back down and closed his eyes once more, completely un aware that the little angel asleep in the next room was in fact not asleep at all. She was sitting up in her bed, her little hands clutching at her teddy bear, eyes wide in fear. She’d had another dream again, a dream she never wanted to come true. She crawled out of bed and quietly tip toed through to her father’s room and glanced at him through the door. His snores echoed the room and she hurried back to her bed.
It was okay, he was safe. She would tell Jimmy Lenard tomorrow that he was wrong. Her father was safe, and always would be, because he was loved, loved by everyone. Jimmy Lenard was wrong.
Ava grabbed her little magic wishing rock and held it close.
“Please don’t take my Daddy away. Just because he loved Kurt, please don’t take my Daddy away.” She whispered before she kissed it and placed it under her pillow, pulled her teddy close and fell soundly back to sleep.