Jan. 3, 2013, 5:45 p.m.
Jan. 3, 2013, 5:45 p.m.
“What the hell were you doing last night!” She cried and Blaine swallowed, running a hand through his hair.
“You know where I was…”
“Yeah! On a freaking date with some guy! Blaine, our daughter could have died!” Santana cried and Blaine’s head snapped up immediately.
“Don’t talk like that! She’s fine!”
“I know but she might not have been. The point is, you weren’t there when she needed you. You weren’t being a father” Santana snapped and Blaine stood a little straighter. Who the hell was she to come to him and start attacking him for his parenting?
“Please. Don’t you preach to me about being a good parent. I was on a date Santana! How was I supposed to know this would happen?” Blaine asked and the woman didn’t seem to have an answer for him. Instead she just glared at him and murmured curse words under her breath.
“I still can not believe this is happening. She shouldn’t have to… she was in hospital Blaine. She was scared and she didn’t have her Daddy.” Santana sighed and Blaine took a small step forward.
“I’m aware, but there was nothing I could do.”
“You could have picked up your damn phone.” Santana snarled and Blaine swallowed.
“I know, I was stupid not too, but she’s fine Santana. It was just a scare, and now we know what to look for, and we’ll get her tested…”
“I’m not interested Blaine. My problem is that you weren’t there when she needed you” Santana sighed and Blaine shook his head. There was no way this woman was doing this, but of course she was.
“Are you ever here when she needs you? She has questions Santana. And there will be more. What am I supposed to do when she gets older? When she has questions that only a woman can help her with? Who does she have apart from Rachel?” Blaine spat and Santana frowned.
“I’ll be there for her…”
“How the hell are we supposed to trust you? You left us!” Blaine cried and Santana took a step closer, her jaw clenched.
“She could have come with me…”
“Don’t bull shit me Santana”
“I’m here now Blaine! Which is more than I can say for you! Don’t act like you don’t wish your freaking date with Mr lady face wasn’t interrupted” Santana snarled and Blaine glared at her, their noses almost touching.
“ Don’t call him that.”
“Why not? Lady face, twinkle toes, Porcelain.” Santana smirked and Blaine went to say something, a cough interrupting them.
“Ava’s asking for you both” Kurt smiled weakly, the two turning to look at him.
“ She needs her mother” Santana sighed before she stormed passed Kurt, Blaine running a hand through his hair.
“I’m sorry about her…”
“Don’t be, she’s quite a character” Kurt smiled weakly and Blaine walked over to him, taking his hand in his own.
“I’m sorry, and I understand if this is kind of a deal breaker…”
“Blaine, don’t be so stupid. I have to go and give Finn his car back, but I’d like to come over later… if that’s okay?” Kurt asked and Blaine nodded, Kurt leaning forward to kiss him gently.
“Great. I’ll see you later.” Kurt smiled and he waved as he hurried down the hall, Blaine sighing as he walked back into the room, Santana sitting on Ava’s bed, Cooper and Rachel now on the long chair, hands linked.
“Daddy! Where’s Kurt?” Ava asked and Blaine walked forward, kissing her forehead.
“He had to go home sweetie.”
“I like him Daddy” Ava smiled and Blaine eyed Santana, who was trying not to say anything bad in front of her daughter.
“So do I honey” Blaine smiled weakly and Ava looked around the room for a moment before she smiled.
“ We can have a family dinner now!” she cried and Santana smiled, playing with her daughter’s hair, clearly inherited from herself.
“We can, considering Britt is also here” Santana looked up at Blaine, who frowned slightly.
“Yeah, she caught the next flight once she’s settled some things with her manager. She’s at the hotel now.” Santana sighed and Ava grinned.
“Can we go and see her?”
“If Daddy says so” Santana smiled and Ava stared at her father with large eyes.
“Please Daddy” she asked so sweetly and Blaine nodded.
“Sure honey, I have to do some things to do anyway” he sighed and Santana smiled.
“Wonderful. I’ll take Ava for the day, you can do whatever if is that you need to do, and the lovers over there can have fun in their room” Santana gave them a wink and Cooper returned it whilst Rachel blushed.
“We don’t… I mean… we have things to do as well. Like shopping” Rachel huffed and with that she stood up, pulling Cooper up with her.
“ We’ll be around for dinner” she smiled before she kissed Ava’s cheek, hugging Blaine.
“Thank you Rachel” Santana called as they reached the door, Rachel turning back to smile at her.
“You’re welcome” she smiled before she and Cooper disappeared into the hall, Santana standing up.
“Let’s get your things then boo” she smiled and Ava climbed out of bed, a smile on her face.
“Mummy, we should take Brittany to the pet store…”
Both Santana and Blaine rolled their eyes as their daughter carried on talking about all the puppies they could possibly see. Gosh she was perfect.
Blaine knocked twice on the wooden door before it opened, a smiling Kurt standing there, his eyes shining.
“Hey! Come in!” he grinned, Blaine stepping into the apartment. It was very neat and very open, Kurt fixing his hair as Blaine closed the door behind him.
“I was just about to call. I have something small for Ava and I wanted you to know…” he was cut off by Blaine’s lips on his. The pair stood there in the middle of the room, eye closed, lips locket. Kurt smiled and wound his arms around Blaine’s neck, his lips parting slightly. Blaine smirked and pulled back, smiling like a fool.
“ That’s really sweet. I came here to invite you to dinner actually. Santana and Brittany will be there too.” Blaine smiled and Kurt looked down.
“Is that not okay?” Blaine asked and Kurt looked up, his lips in a small smile.
“Of course it is…. It’s just… What if… would they want me there?” He asked and Blaine smiled, kissing the man again, his hands firmly on his hips.
“I want you there. So does Ava” Blaine smiled and Kurt nodded.
“Ok. I’ll be there.”
“Good” Blaine didn’t wait one more moment before he kissed Kurt again, holding him close. The pair stood close together, their chests pressed against one another, Kurt's fingers playing with Blaine’s hair. He pulled back and Blaine smiled.
“You don’t have a pen and paper do you?” he asked and Kurt smiled.
“ You inspire me” Blaine smiled and Kurt shrugged.
“I might, but I think they’re in the bedroom…” he giggled, Blaine lifting him up into his arms.
“Then lets go” he smiled and the pair laughed as their lips crashed against each other’s once more.
Santana smiled as she watched Brittany playing with Ava, the two giggling away. Santana has been thinking for a while now about her daughter living so far away from her, and she could hardly bare it anymore. Ava and Brittany got along like a house on fire, and Santana knew that Ava missed her as well. She sighed and wondered over to the pair, Brittany kissing her cheek. Perhaps it was time for them to become a family, perhaps it was time to get her daughter back.
oh.....so the angst is seriously on its way with Santana wanting to have Ava with her....can't wait to read more :)
Ut-oh... Why do I have the feeling Santana is gonna kidnap Ava and run away with her and Brittany and leave Blaine alone, confused with no way of finding them?
I think Santana should bring up that she now all of a sudden wants custody of the child she left. That would make for an intense dinner.
I cannot see Santana and Kurt getting on! There is no wat Santana can Take Ava from Blaine!!!! Nooooo
This was really good. I actually found myself wanting to slap Santana for some of the things she said to Blaine about the way he raises Ava. Kurt and Blaine were extremely adorable and I loved how shy and nervous Rachel got when Santana mentioned her plans with Cooper.