Jan. 3, 2013, 5:45 p.m.
Jan. 3, 2013, 5:45 p.m.
“Shit! Coming!” he cried and he heard an angelic laugh, his heart racing as he opened the door to greet Kurt. The man was dressed casually, his hair perfectly styled.
“Evening” he smiled and Blaine stumbled on his words, Kurt leaning forward to kiss him gently.
“Ready to go?” he asked and Blaine nodded, locking up behind him.
“How are you?” he asked and Kurt shrugged.
“I’m ok. Busy, but good now” he grinned and Blaine smiled as the pair headed towards the stairs, a loud voice causing them both the jump.
“Anderson! Where’s my Rent!” it screamed and Blaine cursed.
“Tomorrow Mr Stevens!” he cried, grabbing Kurt's hand, the pair racing down the stairs, Kurt laughing all the way down.
“ So, how was your day?” Kurt asked as the pair walked down the street, Blaine’s hands buried deep in his pockets.
“It was… nerve racking actually” he sighed and Kurt frowned.
“How come?”
“I was stressed out about tonight. In case I make a total fool out of myself, and you decide to hate me” Blaine shrugged his shoulders and Kurt took his hand out of his pocket and linked their fingers together.
“Don’t be silly. Tonight will be wonderful” he smiled and Blaine nodded, the pair easing into light conversation until they reached the restaurant.
“Table for two under Hummel” Kurt smiled politely and the waitress took them to their seats, Blaine and Kurt sitting down, smiling at each other.
“So Mr Anderson, I’d love to hear more about your childhood” Kurt grinned and Blaine smiled.
“Well, where to start. I was raised in Westerville Ohio… like I told you. I went to McKinley high and stayed there until I graduated. I obviously had Ava the year I graduated, and I think that’s where my childhood ended. I’ve known Santana since my second day of school, and I met Rachel in my junior year.” Blaine smiled as he sipped some water, Kurt smiling.
“Well, I also went to McKinley, for about two weeks.” He giggled and Blaine shook his head.
“No way, I would have noticed you.” He smiled and Kurt raised an eyebrow.
“Because I’m so flamboyant?” he asked and Blaine shook his head, blushing slightly as Kurt sipped his water.
“No, because you’re so… beautiful” Blaine mumbled and Kurt smiled.
“Thank you”
Blaine went to say something when a woman from two tables about began to shout.
“I will not put up with this! You call this sauce!” she yelled and Kurt's eyes widened as the poor waitress shook her head.
“I’m sorry mam, it’s the only sauce we have for the prawns.”
“It’s god awful. I demand a refund” the woman huffed, her husband shaking his head.
“I’m sure its fine…”
“Don’t argue with me Harold! I know my sauce!” she cried and Kurt leant over to Blaine.
“I have a new idea” he smirked and Blaine frowned.
“And that would be?”
“Why don’t we ditch this place and grab something that doesn’t rob me blind?” Kurt asked and Blaine smiled.
“Of course”
“I know realise that I love Mexican food” Kurt grinned as he sat with Blaine in Taco Bell half an hour later, Blaine grinning.
“I have no choice in my household. Not with a Latino daughter and a weirdly Mexican addicted brother” Blaine smiled and Kurt titled his head to the side.
“You know, I just realised, you are so very good looking” he smiled and Blaine blinked.
“Thank you?”
“You are most welcome” Kurt grinned as Blaine sipped his coke, the pair brushing their legs against each other under the table.
“Gosh, I feel like I’m 16 all over again” Kurt sighed and Blaine nodded.
“Same. Tell me about your first boyfriend” he smiled and Kurt laughed.
“Weird, but sure. His name was Chandler Kiehl, we met at the supermarket one day when I ran out of strawberries and we hit it off immediately. We were together for about 5 months. It became clear to me why his friends called him Chandler the clinger.” Kurt laughed and Blaine smirked.
“Seems reasonable”
“ I met Dave at school. He moved schools and came to mine, he’d just come out. He didn’t really like to talk about his old school, but he was so sweet to me, and I started dating him a month later. We moved here together actually and we broke up about… a year ago” Kurt nodded and Blaine swallowed.
“Oh… I’m sorry” he sighed and Kurt smiled.
“Because… I mean… that’s like… 7 or 8 years together” Blaine swallowed and Kurt nodded.
“Yeah. I was convinced we were going to grow old together, but it just stopped working. We saw each other’s flaws more than we saw each other’s good qualities, and we decided to go our separate ways, but he’s still my best friend. We talk once a week on Skype, and he has a lovely new boyfriend names Carlos.” Kurt laughed and Blaine smiled.
“It’s nice that you’re still friends” he smiled and Kurt nodded.
“I think I always knew we would be, we have too much of a connection not to. I mean, we shared everything together. He was my first real love, though sometimes I think it was young love. I still felt like I was 16 with him.” Kurt sighed and Blaine nodded.
“I know what you mean. My first boyfriend was… a little… evil.” Blaine laughed and Kurt chuckled.
“Yeah. Sebastian Smythe. I started dating him in my junior year, until I was 19. He decided the whole baby thing was too much for him, which is understandable. Most guys find out about her and bail” Blaine sighed and Kurt smiled.
“I’m not going to bail” Kurt grinned and Blaine did the same.
“I didn’t think you would.” Blaine smiled and Kurt sighed.
“I think we are lucky in a way, to have the relationships we have” Kurt said and Blaine frowned.
“How so?”
“I mean, we’ve found out what relationships can be like. Tested the waters, stuffed up so much that surely, we have to be great at the next one” Kurt grinned and Blaine laughed.
“You have a point.”
“I do. Karofsky wouldn’t agree” Kurt laughed and Blaine frowned.
“Did you say Karofsky? David Karofsky?” he asked and Kurt nodded.
“Yes. You know him?” he asked and Blaine swallowed.
“Yeah… I actually went to high school with him. Before he moved because… he didn’t want people finding out he was gay” Blaine swallowed and Kurt frowned.
“ You sound… angry almost.” Kurt sighed and Blaine nodded.
“A little… it was a long time ago. He used to date Santana actually…. Before… before she came out.” He sighed and Kurt raised an eyebrow.
“He never told me that.”
“I take it he didn’t tell you about how he used to garbage toss the ‘ little gay hobbit’ on a daily basis either” Blaine swallowed and Kurt sat back.
“No, no he didn’t. God… Blaine I’m so sorry” Kurt took hold of Blaine’s hand and the man shrugged.
“It’s fine, I mean… it was years ago. It doesn’t matter anymore, clearly he changed for the better.” Blaine let out a small smile and Kurt nodded.
“He is such a nice guy now, I swear” Kurt smiled weakly and Blaine nodded.
“I’m sure he is.” Blaine smiled and he sipped his drink. He saw his phone start to flash and Rachel’s number popped up on the screen, Blaine ignoring it.
“How’s your job going?” he asked and Kurt smiled.
“Well, my manager is still working on contacting you, but I’m set to release an album in about a month, and my agent has book a few auditions for me over the next few weeks” Kurt smiled and Blaine nodded, rejecting another call from Rachel quickly.
“ That sounds really good. I think it would be great to work with you actually. Most people I deal with are so stuck up” Blaine rolled his eyes and Kurt grinned.
“Plus with me, you get kissed for free” Kurt smiled and Blaine grinned, the pair deciding to order some more food, Blaine’s phone lighting up once more. For the next five minutes it lit up and for some reason Blaine slipped it into his pocket, taking it out ten minutes later, finding he had ten missed calls from Santana.
“Do you mind if I call her back?” he asked and Kurt nodded. Blaine dialled her number and she picked up on the first ring.
“Blaine you douchebag! Why haven’t you been picking up!” Santana was screaming at him, her voice cracking. Blaine stood up from the table quickly, Kurt frowning, doing the same.
“Are you crying?” Blaine asked into the phone and Santana cursed.
“Yes you Dick! Rachel’s been calling you none stop, so have I! She called me because she had no luck with you, It’s Ava! She’s in hospital!” Santana cried, Blaine’s face being drained of colour.
“What…” he swallowed, Santana crashing around on the other end.
“ She had a freaking reaction to some fucking cake or something! They took her to emergency because she couldn’t breathe. Britt! Where’s my passport!” Santana screamed and Blaine stood frozen for a moment.
“Which hospital?” he asked and Santana swore.
“The one fucking closest to Rachel you Twit! I’m catching the next flight in, get to our fucking daughter you douche! NOW!” Santana screamed and Blaine hung up, looking up at Kurt.
“I… Ava’s in hospital. I have to go. I’m sorry” he swallowed, turning on his heel, racing out of the building. He started running down the street, refusing to let the tears come up. Why the hell had he ignored all those calls?
“Blaine!” he could hear Kurt calling him but he refused to stop.
“Blaine for fuck sake stop!” Kurt cried and Blaine skidded to a halt, turning around to have Kurt crash into him.
“My brother lives a block away, he has a car. It’s quicker” Kurt breathed and Blaine swallowed.
“You don’t mind?” he asked and Kurt kissed him quickly.
“Not at all. Now come on” he grabbed Blaine and pulled him along, the pair running hand in hand down the road, Blaine’s mind racing a mile a minute. What if Ava wasn’t ok? What if they’d been too late? He shook his head and focused on Kurt's hand. Ok, good. It was warm and soft, refreshing. He kept on running until Kurt skidded to a halt beside a car, grabbing some keys out of his pocket.
“Emergencies” he smiled before he unlocked the car, a man stumbling out of the building.
“Kurt! What are you doing?” he cried and Kurt started up the engine.
“Emergency Finn! Go back to bed!” he screamed, pulling away as Blaine jammed his seatbelt on. Thank god for Kurt.
The two men raced into the hospital to find Rachel standing at the door, her eyes red and puffy.
“Blaine I’m so sorry!” Rachel cried and Blaine shook his head.
“Where is she?” he asked and Rachel walked with the two up to the room, Blaine almost crying at the sight. Ava was sitting up in bed, her little face white, but smiling. She had a bowl of ice cream in front of her, Cooper sitting on a chair next to her, digging a spoon into the bowl at well. Ava looked up and gave Blaine a wave.
“Hey Daddy. Uncle Coop brought me ice-cream.” She beamed and Cooper gave Blaine a small smile, Blaine running a hand though his hair as he walked over to his daughter and kissed her forehead.
“Sweetie, are you okay?” he asked and she nodded.
“Yup. I got to ride in an ambulance” she smiled and Blaine looked at Cooper.
“What happened?” he asked and Cooper sighed.
“We’d made some fruit cake and Ava wanted to try some, so we let her. And… she said she couldn’t breathe and she started coughing and we checked her throat and it had swelled damn near shut and she had an awful rash on her neck, so we called the ambulance. Turns out she’s allergic to cherries” Cooper sighed and Ava nodded.
“Yup. I didn’t think they tasted nice anyways” she giggled and ate more ice cream, Blaine looking over at Rachel.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t answer your call.” He sniffed and Rachel waved him off.
“It’s fine. She’s fine” she sniffed and Blaine turned back to Ava.
“Mummy’s coming to see you” Blaine smiled and Ava grinned.
“Really? Now?” she asked and Blaine nodded.
“Yeah, she’s getting on a plane.” Blaine grabbed his phone and Rachel spoke up.
“I’ll call her” she smiled and she stepped outside, Ava now fixing her wide hazel eyes on Kurt.
“ Hello” she smiled and Kurt gave her a small wave.
“Hey sweetie” he smiled and Cooper looked at him.
“So you’re Kurt then” he smirked and Kurt nodded.
“The one and only. You must be Cooper, the older brother” Kurt smiled and Copper nodded.
“That I am. I take it Blaine can’t shut up about me” he winked and Blaine rolled his eyes.
“Only the good things” Kurt smiled and Cooper nodded.
“There are only good things” he smiled and Kurt nodded. The room fell silent and Blaine sighed, sitting on the edge of his daughter’s bed.
“Now we know what food to cross of from your party list” he smiled weakly and Ava nodded.
“Yup. Daddy, Uncle Coop said that since I’m in hospital, I should get a present for being a brave girl” Ava smiled and Blaine glanced at his brother.
“Did he now?”
“Yes. And I would like a puppy” Ava said firmly and Blaine sighed.
“Sweetie, not now. Rest up.” He kissed her head and Ava sighed.
“I’m not tired.”
“Lets play go fish!” Cooper smiled and Ava clapped her hands in delight.
“I’ll win!”
It was about five hours later that Ava woke up in darkness, her father fast asleep on a long chair, his head resting on a sleeping Kurt. Rachel and cooper were curled up on the floor, Ava rubbing her eyes. The door to her room opened and a smile formed on her lips.
“Mummy!” she whispered as Santana hurried to her side, kissing her hair softly.
“Hey baby girl.” She let out a sigh of relief and glanced over at Blaine, her eyes softening. She wouldn’t wake him now, but oh when she did, he was not going to hear the end of it.
Great start to your story. Can't wait to read more! Updates!!!!
awesome update - can't wait to see how the next date goes - the plot twist of having Blaine attend McKinley and Dave being his tormentor and then having Kurt date Dave for 7ish years really threw me for a loop - did not expect that one... :)
It was nice to get a little bit of information on Kurt and Blaine's past relationships and to see that they both had history with Karofsky. I am so glad that Ava is ok and I am excited to see what happens now that Santana has finally arrived. I look forward to reading the next chapter.