Jan. 3, 2013, 5:45 p.m.
Jan. 3, 2013, 5:45 p.m.
“Morning sleepy head” Kurt smiled from where he was stood in the kitchen, frying up what appeared to be pancakes and bacon. Blaine could feel his mouth start to water at the smell, but his eyes were fixed on Kurt. He was wearing one of Blaine’s old shirts and a pair of his gym shorts, his hair a wild mess. He looked absolutely adorable. Blaine couldn’t help but grin as he wondered over to the man and let his lips caress the skin along his elegant neck, his arms curling themselves around Kurt's small waist. Kurt smiled and flipped the pancake onto the plate filled with bacon and turned around in Blaine’s arms, his fingers playing lightly with the curl that had fought its way loose on Blaine’s head.
“ Its nice to see you awake” Kurt smiled and Blaine pressed their foreheads together, his warm breath tingling Kurt's lips.
“What did I do to deserve this breakfast?” he asked and Kurt shrugged his shoulders, eyes scanning Blaine’s face.
“Well, for one, you invited a total stranger into your home, gave him the best night he’s had in a long time, and let him wear your clothes.” Kurt smiled and Blaine’s eyes fell on Kurt's lips, his tongue darting out and wetting his own, his heart racing.
“Well, said stranger is extremely good looking” Blaine smirked and Kurt pushed him away and handed him the plate.
“Start eating. It’s a Friday, and you have work. And you need to pick Ava up from school a little earlier today because she has a dental appointment” Kurt added casually and everything about Blaine froze. He was pretty sure he’d spilt everything about his life to Kurt over the many alcoholic drinks shared the previous night, but the one thing he’d neglected to mention was the most important thing of all. He had a daughter.
“Shit. I was going to tell you... I was supposed to tell you… How did you…” Kurt’s lips on his cut off Blaine mid sentence, his eyes closing in relief. He wasn’t hated.
“Relax. I believe you. She’s quite a cutie” Kurt smiled and Blaine blinked as Kurt sat down opposite him, taking a piece of bacon.
“ You met her?” Blaine asked and Kurt raised an eyebrow. It was sure to sink in… and there it was. Blaine stood up immediately and frantically looked around for his coat.
“Fuck! I was supposed to pick her up from Rachel’s house this morning and take her to school!” Blaine grabbed his coat and Kurt rolled his eyes, pouring some orange juice into a glass.
“Already been done. Rachel dropped her off here, discovered that you were still fast asleep, I was here, and volunteered to drive Ava to school. Just pick her up at 2 otherwise she’ll kill you. Her words not mine” Kurt smiled and Blaine ran a hand through his hair, his eyes now settling on the man sat at his table.
“You must think I’m a terrible father” he sighed and Kurt shook his head.
“Definitely not. Though I must admit, I was a little stunned at the fact that you even had a daughter, considering you told me you were 25. And that you’d never been married before… and I know for a fact from what happened last night that you’re gay…” Kurt stopped talking as Blaine sat down. The man grabbed a glass and poured himself some juice, sighing as he looked up at Kurt.
“I was 18 when Ava was born, her mother was my best friend from high school. We… got slightly drunk one night, we were lonely and curious. So one thing led to another and a few weeks later I got a call from Santana telling me that she was pregnant. We had a huge fight about whether or not we should keep her, but we decided on it. We were going to raise her together, but have our own partners. She would be so loved.” Blaine smiled at the memory and Kurt let his chin rest on his hands as he listened.
“ When Ava was two Santana decided she was going to move and live with Brittany, her girlfriend. We had another huge fight about who would have Ava, and how traveling was going to be too hard for her… So Santana decided that I should look after her. She still visits every now and then, she sends gifts all the time, and she still calls. Ava doesn’t know any different, and I think she’s ok because she has Rachel in her life, and they always spend time together… but I’m all she really has and I just can’t believe I actually forgot about her.” Blaine let his head hit the table and Kurt sighed.
“Don’t blame yourself Blaine. You seem like a wonderful father to me. I mean, look around. You have so many memories in this room alone.” Kurt smiled and Blaine knew that was true. He had things Ava had made scattered everywhere, pictures all around. Now he thought about it, he had no idea how he was going to ever keep it from Kurt.
“I don’t usually date people, normally to make life a little easier on her.” Blaine sighed and Kurt gave him a little smirk.
“What?” Blaine asked and Kurt took a small sip of orange juice.
“ Are you trying to say that you want to date me?” Kurt asked and Blaine immediately began to blush.
“No… I mean I wouldn’t be against the idea… I just thought that…” Blaine trailed off when Kurt stood up and moved over to him, straddling Blaine’s lap, their foreheads pressed together.
“I would be more than okay with dating you Blaine, but you are a very busy man, and so am I. And I don’t know if we’d be able to find time for just the two of us” Kurt winked and Blaine ran his hands down Kurt's back, letting them settle at his hips.
“ I think we have some time now.” He breathed and Kurt kissed his forehead gently.
“ That’s true. Why don’t we make use of this time we have now, and talk about the dating thing over a lovely dinner?” Kurt offered and he let out a giggle as Blaine stood up, Kurt still in his arms.
“As you wish Mr Hummel” Blaine grinned, Kurt's lips on his own the moment he finished speaking. They stumbled their way through the apartment until they reached the bedroom, Kurt letting out a laugh as Blaine kicked the bedroom door closed with a firm bang.
Blaine found himself about an hour later on his way to work, walking side my side with Kurt, the pair sipping on hot chocolate.
“Now I have a whole afternoon filled with endless outfits to try on for tonight’s show” Kurt sighed and Blaine watched as he spoke.
“ You do know you’ll look wonderful right?” he asked and Kurt nudged him, the colour rising in his cheeks as he sipped his drink.
“Thank you. Well, here we are” he sighed as the pair came to a stop outside of Blaine’s work, the smaller man nodding.
“Yeah. Here we are” he shuffled on his feet and Kurt looked at him, almost as if waiting for him to say something.
“I had a good time” Blaine added and Kurt smiled.
“So did I”
“So good in fact… that um…. If you… I have a kid” Blaine looked at Kurt with large eyes and the man chuckled.
“Yes, I’m aware of that fact” he smiled and Blaine swallowed, moving from one foot to the other, Kurt reaching out one hand, resting it on Blaine’s shoulder.
“Don’t be so jumpy” he smiled and Blaine stopped moving, taking in a deep breath.
“Would it be okay if I called you?” he swallowed and Kurt nodded.
“Of course.” He took Blaine’s hand and took a pen out of his pocket, scribbling his number down on his tanned hand.
“Call me” he smiled, Blaine nodding.
“I will. Have a nice day Kurt” he nodded and Kurt did the same, Blaine turning around, starting to walk into the building, Kurt walking away. Blaine paused and watched him, turning around and following him. He tapped him on the shoulder and Kurt turned around, his lips now pressed against Blaine’s. He smiled into the kiss and Blaine pulled away.
“ Have a nice day Mr Hummel” he grinned and Kurt beamed.
“Have a nice day Mr Anderson” he bit his bottom lip as he smiled, Blaine turning around, hurrying back to work, his smile as big as ever.
“ Have you called him yet?” Amber asked as Blaine spun around on his chair, frowning at the woman.
“It’s only been two hours” he sighed and Amber grabbed Blaine’s phone.
“Call him.” She frowned and Blaine shook his head.
“No. He’s probably busy...” Blaine began, Amber taking his hand, dialling the numbers into the work phone, putting the phone on speaker, the ring’s echoing around the room. Three other workers all paused to listen as the phone was answered.
“Kurt Hummel speaking” Kurt's voice echoed around the room and Amber nudged Blaine.
“Um… hey Kurt, It’s Blaine, Blaine Anderson, from the…”
“I know who you are Blaine” Kurt giggled and Blaine smiled.
“Ok. Well… I’m calling you” he sighed and Amber hit him, Kurt chuckling.
“I gathered that. Anything you needed?” he asked and Amber nodded, Blaine taking a deep breath.
“Yes, actually. I wanted to know if… if you were still up for that dinner we talked about. I was thinking Saturday night… only if you want to… I mean, we don’t have too, we can go see a movie… or you know… not do anything, you can say no…” Blaine carried on Babbling, Kurt laughing through the speakers.
“Blaine! Calm down! How’s 7 at your place? We can have some coffee and then go out for dinner?” Kurt asked and Blaine coughed.
“Yeah, that’s great!” he cried and Amber beamed.
“Wonderful. I shall see you then Mr Anderson. Have a good day”
“Bye Kurt” Blaine grinned as Kurt hung up, the people in the room cheering. Blaine couldn’t contain his laughter. He had a date with Kurt Hummel, a man he adored after only one night. What on earth was he going to wear?
I love this so much! It's so adorable and cute and I can't wait for more!
loved the part where Blaine asks Kurt out while on speaker phone - thanks for the update and can't wait to see how the date goes... :)