The Boy Next Door
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Boy Next Door: Chapter 7

E - Words: 1,589 - Last Updated: Dec 08, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jul 30, 2014 - Updated: Jul 30, 2014
222 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I am so super sorry it has taken me this long to update!!!!!!!!
So imma upload this little chapter and I hope you guys are okay with it. I debated whether or not i should give Blaine this kind of background but I did annnyywaaayy. And Ive also realised that Blaine is sort of sweet when I write him but this is a Badboy!Blaine fic? Char? what you doin girl? So Blaine will be more of a bad boy in future chapters i promise, but around Kurt we alllll know hes a sweetie at heart XP

Anywaym read, and pplleeassee review and let me know what you think. Id love it. I love to hear feedback and thoughts. honestly, even a simple OMG good or a wtf is amazing :3


"Youve been here for…. About an hour"

"Your point?"

"Are you going to tell me yet or do I need to devise some form of torture method in order to get you to speak?"

At this Blaine looked up from the book her had open on Kurts bed and smiled softly at the chestnut haired boy.

"Im sorry… I guess I have been putting it off" he hummed and closed the book before he jumped off the bed and took hold of Kurts hand, the boy smiling gently, squeezing it. Blaine grinned and started to slowly pull Kurt toward the window.

"Im going to tell you… just not here" he hummed and a small frown set itself on Kurts face.

"Then… where are we going?" he mused as Blaine pulled back the boys curtains and unhooked the window, pushing it wide open. Kurts frown turned to a look of horror as Blaine let go of his hand and stepped out onto the small ledge below the window.

"Blaine! What the hell are you doing!" he cried and hurried forward, unsure as to whether he should grab Blaine and drag him back in, or call his dad for help. Blaine simply chuckled, turning around slowly, gripping the gutter as he did.

"Calm down Kurt, I do this all the time. On my own window. Surely yours isnt that different" he hummed as he pulled himself up onto the roof. He brushed off his leather jacket and Kurt remained in his room, eyes wide as he tried to process what Blaine had just done.

"Come on Kurt!" Blaine grinned and Kurt swallowed. He took a breath and copied what Blaine had done, heart racing. He gripped the gutter and tried to pull himself up, feeling a rush if relief flow through him when he felt Blaines strong hands grip the top of his arms, helping him up. He was met with a large grin and he couldnt help but grin right back at the boy. Blaine held him for a moment before he let go and took his hand in his own, pulling him slowly along the roof. Kurt went silently and sat down on the warm tiles beside Blaine. The boy wrapped his arm around Kurt and smiled.

"I go on the roof all the time" he began and Kurt looked up at him with large eyes.

"Especially at night. The sky just… fills with stars" he breathed and looked down at Kurt.

"Its a great place to think" he hummed and Kurt nodded, turning his head to look out at the sky now.

It was a perfect blend of red, yellow and orange, with hints of purple racing through it in waves. Even though they couldnt see the sun, the colours still made Kurt let out a soft breath, heart racing just a little bit faster. He could feel Blaines warmth beside him and he turned to look back at him.

"Blaine?" he whispered and Blaine looked at him with soft hazel eyes before he nodded and sighed. He sat up a little and moved his arm away from Kurt, his hands clasping together as he tried to find his words.

"I… I never had a very good childhood" he breathed and Kurt watched him as he spoke.

"I… My parents… I know they look like the perfect couple and they are. But they… they arent… biologically my parents" Blaine looked at Kurt and he could already see the boy was stunned.

"My name used to be Blaine Jenkins" he chuckled to himself.

"Blaine Anderson sounds so much better I know… but… it was Jenkins. My father… he… he was an alcoholic and my mother was a… a drug dealer. They never really wanted a kid and… I was a mistake that they couldnt afford to get rid of so they kept me and I was raised in a pretty terrible environment. My father was never kind to me. I dont think I ever once heard him say he loved me… or even use my name. It was always… you or…sport. Never Blaine" the boy sighed and Kurt could already feel his heart aching for the boy, wanting nothing more than to just reach out and hold him close and tell him he was loved. He was so loved.

"Anyway… I was with them until I emptied all my fathers liquor down the sink because I was 6 and I thought I could make him a better drink out of petals and leaves and water" Blaine sighed and looked down at his lap.

"Child services collected me at hospital when I was admitted with a broken arm and a bruise in the shape of a hand on the side of my face. I was put into foster care and I went through about... 10 different families by the time I was 11. Everyone hated me because they thought I was no good. At all. I never learnt any manners because I was never taught and I didnt know how to use a knife and fork or how to tie my shoes so I never wore any. I didnt know how to shower properly or that fuck and shit werent common words to use in a household. I was never taught and people werent willing to teach me. And they all had kids of their own and they didnt need me longer than they were required to take care of me. I was 12 when the Andersons came to the orphanage where I was placed and they took one look at me and my mum… she... she came and knelt down and tied my shoes for me." Blaine smiled and bit his lip as he did so.

"She was like an angel Kurt. And my Dad took one look at me and told me I could come home with them if I wanted to. And I did. But they already had two kids… one was 18 and the other was 20. Both adopted. Like me" he smiled gently.

"Sarah was 20 at the time, now shes 26 and she lives in LA with her boyfriend Steve. She was so nice to me Kurt… she did my hair for me every day and dressed me and called me Blainey" he grinned and shook his head.

"Cooper was 18. He was so… so great. He let me go everywhere with him and he taught me how to play football and how to ride a bike. Hes truly a great brother. Hes in LA too" Blaine smiled and didnt dare look up.

"I had it so good with the Andersons and… my mum fell pregnant with triplets so… I thought for sure I was gonna be kicked out but I never was. I was adopted and my name was changed. Then my mum had Tye and I went downhill. I robbed places and I got caught and I was thrown in Juvie at 16. Thats where I got my tattoos. I met a guy in there… Jay. He was 17. But he kept me safe. I was there for 6 months. And when I got out I vowed to be a better person and to love what I have… and see how perfect my life is. I vowed to be a good brother to my siblings and I will" Blaine sniffed and looked at Kurt, the boys eyes filled with tears as he listened to Blaine.

"So I told you. I havent had an easy start Kurt… and its hard for me sometimes but Im trying. And I wanted you to know all of my shit before you decided to… let me in because I dont want to be something youll regret" he breathed and Kurt felt his heart ache once more.

Did Blaine honestly think that he didnt want him? Clearly the boy hadnt had it easy growing up but he was so wonderful. He was sweet and kind and he was still growing and Kurt knew that he needed Blaine.

He sighed and moved onto his knees and Blaine looked down.

"Okay… okay Im sorry. I... Ill leave you now and you can just forget…" Blaine stopped talking when Kurt pressed their lips together in a deep, fierce kiss. He melted right away and let his hand move to cup Kurts jaw. Kurt smiled against his lips and pulled back, eyes closed as he bit his lip. He paused and opened his eyes, pressing their foreheads together.

"Blaine… I still want you" he smiled and he felt Blaines soft chuckle against his lips and didnt protest as Blaine kissed him hard again, their chests pressing together as they gripped each other, neither one wanting to let go.

The two boys remained on the roof, wrapped up in each other, totally oblivious to the fact that the sky had gone dark, stars now filling the sky. The wind tousled their hair but they didnt care because they had each others warmth.

To Kurt it felt like theyd kissed for days, his entire body buzzing with excitement when they eventually parted, cheeks pink and lips swollen.

"I… Ill see you at school?" Blaine swallowed and grinned as Kurt nodded and kissed his nose.

"You sure will" he breathed and the pair slowly started to climb down from the roof, swinging into Kurts room. Blaine stayed on the window sill and leant forward, kissing Kurt one more time.

"Night baby" he winked and climbed down the drain pipe and landed with a thud, waving as he hurried into his own home. Kurt blushed and fell back onto his bed, staring up at his ceiling, heart thudding fast.

Hed kissed Blaine.

Hed really kissed Blaine.

He had a boyfriend.

He had a love.


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