The Boy Next Door
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Boy Next Door: Chapter 6

E - Words: 1,267 - Last Updated: Dec 08, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jul 30, 2014 - Updated: Jul 30, 2014
227 0 0 0 0

All of Sunday Kurt kept a watchful eye on his phone, hoping it would beep with a message from Blaine. He took it all over the house with him, glancing at it every 15 seconds in case he'd missed the loud beeping noise it made whenever he received a text. He sighed when 5pm rolled around and there was still not a sound from Blaine. He decided to get his coat and head on over next door. The butterflies seemed to come with him in his stomach as he slowly made his way down his own driveway, moving up the path to the Andersons doorstep. He bit his lip and raised his hand to knock when the door flew open and three little girls came darting passed Kurt, all holding large pink kites.

"Mines gonna be higher!"

"Nuh uh Macey! Mine will!"

"Mines gonna win! Blaine said so!"

They all hurried off with their little blonde pigtails flying out behind them. Kurt was stunned for a moment before he turned back to the door, straightening up as a little boy raced passed.

"Guys! Blaine said you have to wait for me!" he called and huffed as he dropped his kite, scrambling to pick it up as he raced after his sisters.

"Hey" Blaine smiled softly when he saw Kurt at his doorway, closing the door behind him, zipping up his jacket. Kurt looked at him and a blush settled on his cheeks as his eyes immediately went down to the boys soft peach lips. Kurt swallowed and let his eyes travel back up to look at Blaine.

"Uh… Hey. Is this a bad time?" he asked as Blaine looked over Kurt's shoulder and frowned.

"Oi! No crossing the road without me!" he cried and Kurt blushed a little, feeling like he was intruding.

"Nope. You can come too" Blaine smiled and squeezed Kurt's shoulder before he walked passed him and started to head toward the four children. Kurt blinked and straightened his jacket before he hurried after him, smiling a little.

"So… you're going to fly kites?" he asked and Blaine nodded.

"Yep. Sure are. We made them yesterday and Mum suggested I take them out today for a bit, meaning she wants some peace for a while." He hummed and looked to Kurt.

"You wanted to talk to me?" he asked and Kurt nodded his hands in his pockets as they stopped at the end of the road.

"Yeah I…"

"Just a sec" Blaine smiled and turned to look at his siblings.

"Okay soldiers. We've reached the road. First thing we do… Private Megan!" he called and the little girl in the middle straightened up.

"Hold hands sir!" she called and Blaine grinned.

"Good work, hop to it!" he called and the children grinned and tucked their kites under their arms as they joined hands, Kurt watching Blaine with an amused smile as he examined them and nodded.

"Good job. Next thing we do…Private Amanda!" he called and the blonde girl furthest to the left giggled.

"Look both ways to check for traffic sir!" she called and the kids started looking.

"Nothing coming sir!" the last little girl grinned and Blaine smiled.

"Good work Private Macey. Now… Private Tyler, it's your job to tell us when to cross" Blaine grinned and Tyler nodded, looking both ways again before he nodded.

"Safe to cross sir!" he called and Blaine grinned.

"Okay soldiers. Cross!" he instructed and they all giggled and marched happily across the road, Kurt smiling as he walked beside Blaine.

"That was… different" he breathed and Blaine looked at him as the kids reached the other side, all grabbing their kites and racing off down the small hill toward the large open field ahead.

"They have fun and learn safety at the same time" Blaine hummed and shrugged.

"It's cool" Kurt smiled and bit his lip. He really wanted to talk to Blaine about everything. What were they? What had really happened? Where did this lead to? But he was far too nervous to even try and bring it up. Instead he settled for idle chatter as he and Blaine followed the four children down onto the field, watching as they unscrambled their kites and ran happily, throwing them up into the air. The wind caught them and tugged them up; happy giggles filling the field as the children ran around happily, pulling their kites with them. Blaine smiled and sat down on the grass, Kurt sitting down beside him, leaving a little distance.

"Don't let them go okay!" Blaine called out in warning before he turned his head and looked at Kurt.

"So, you wanted to talk… and my guess is it's about the party" Blaine said casually and Kurt nodded with pink cheeks.

"Correct" he hummed and Blaine bit his lip, turning his attention back to his siblings as he spoke.

"I liked it. Kissing you. I was drunk though and I didn't stop to even think if you liked it to." He began and Kurt went to interrupt but Blaine continued.

"But you kissed me back so I assumed you did. But the next morning when there was no alcohol… I wasn't sure if you'd still like it. And when I kissed you at your door this morning… I didn't stop to think if you wanted it" Blaine sighed and looked at Kurt.

"Did you?" he asked gently and Kurt smiled, nodding his head. He bit his lip and leant in to kiss him again but Blaine turned his head away and sighed, Kurt's eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Kurt… I… I know this is so clich� but… I'm not good for you" he sighed softly and started to pick at the grass with his nails.

"I'm not. I… I'm a delinquent" he huffed and Kurt frowned.

"No you're not. You have a bad attitude sometimes but that's it…"

Blaine laughed out loud at that comment and looked at Kurt.

"I have tattoos"

"You told me not to judge a book by its cover. You told me you weren't an ass" Kurt pointed out and Blaine chuckled.

"I'm not an ass. I'm just… troubled. I have tattoos but I didn't get them at a tattoo parlour" he hummed.

"I have a pierced tongue and I didn't get that done in a studio either. I have scars and stories and bad habits and I'm damaged and you deserve someone who can be all romantic and loving and cheesy and dress in little bowties to make you happy" Blaine sighed and Kurt sat up a little more and frowned.

"I don't give a damn about appearance Blaine… if that's what this is about…"

"No Kurt it's not. It's about the fact that you hardly know me. Yeah, we're friends but god… you don't know my past. You know what I like to eat my favourite book and colour and movie… but you don't know the deep shit and when you know the deep shit you won't want me" Blaine sighed and Kurt took the boys hand in his own.

"So…tell me the deep shit" he smiled and Blaine looked at him with soft eyes.

"I don't want to" he breathed and Kurt shuffled a little closer, eyes on the boy.

"Why not?"

"Because… I want you to want me" Blaine swallowed and Kurt smiled before he let his free hand come up and gently stroke the boy's stubbly jaw.

"Blaine…I've told you all about my mum and… my childhood… you know it all. I think it's time you shared yours…" Kurt sighed and leant forward to press a soft kiss to his nose, Blaine chuckling softly. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Okay… Okay. Tonight. After dinner. I'll come over" he sighed and Kurt smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you" he smiled and sat back, neither one letting go of the others hand.


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