Hot For Teacher
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hot For Teacher: Chapter 9

E - Words: 1,125 - Last Updated: Apr 23, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Apr 15, 2012 - Updated: Apr 23, 2013
561 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Hey guys, this chapter is kind of short, just a filler really, but it will lead up to a very important and maybe angsty chapter to come.
Kurt sat in English with a frown on his face, arms folded tightly across his chest. He was not happy.
He had woke up that morning and decided that he missed his boyfriend terribly, and that baking him cookies was a wonderful idea to showcase his feelings. However Blaine decided to take the day off, leaving Kurt with Miss Swan and a large batch of cookies he wished he hadn’t made.

“ Kurt… are you going to eat those?” Puck asked curiously and Kurt rolled his eyes, throwing him a choc chip cookie.

“Thanks dude!” Puck grinned and Miss Swan chose this time to look up from her magazine and give the two a glare.

“Kurt! No eating in class!” she cried and Kurt reached out and took a cookie.

“What if I’m diabetic?”

“Are you diabetic?” Miss swan raised an eyebrow as Kurt bit into a cookie, Rachel shooting him a warning look.

“Nope” Kurt smiled happily, munching on the cookie as he had the pleasure of watching Miss Swan glare.

“Kurt, stay behind after class” she scowled and Kurt shrugged as Rachel lent closer to him, her expression worried.

“Kurt. What are you doing? You don’t normally act like this” she whispered and Kurt rolled his eyes once more.

“She annoys me Rachel”


With that Rachel sat back in her chair and began to write down notes off the board. Kurt tired his best to ignore her and instead let his mind wonder to Blaine.
Where was he? Why hadn’t he called to let him know he wasn’t coming in? Was he stuck in traffic? Had he been in a car crash? Was he dead?!?
Kurt gasped and stood up, reality spiralling back down on him far to quickly.

“Yes Kurt?”

The boy looked up quickly and swallowed.

“I have an appointment….” He cried and Miss Swan rolled her eyes.

“Sure, go ahead” she looked back down at her magazine again before she even finished talking. Kurt grabbed his bag and threw the cookies at Puck, ignoring Rachel’s questions as he hurried from the room. There was no way he could sit by and do nothing if something had happened to Blaine, secret or no secret. He hurried down the halls and grabbed his phone, dialling Blaine’s number straight away. The phone rung a few times and Kurt tapped his foot impatiently.

“Hello?” a rough voice answered after 5 rings and Kurt could tell the voice belonged to Blaine, but he didn’t sound right.

“Blaine, where are you?” Kurt asked quickly and Blaine coughed.

“At home Kurt. I’m sick.” Blaine replied and Kurt felt his heart instantly pang with hurt.

“I’m sorry… I was ready to get mad at you… you should have called.” Kurt frowned and began making his way toward his car.

“What? Kurt I’m sick, I didn’t want to worry you. Look, have a good day whilst I rest up at home. I lo… I miss you” Blaine sighed and Kurt blushed.

“I miss you too Blaine” he hung up and got into his car, starting up the ignition. He knew exactly what he had to do.

Kurt Hummel liked to cook. He had a few dozen-recipe books hidden away at his house, perfect for occasions like this. So Kurt spent a good hour or two making chicken soup and delicious hot fudge brownies before he hopped back in his car and drove.


“Kurt! What are you doing here?” Blaine cried when he opened his door to find his boyfriend standing there with a small smile.

“I came to make you better” he smiled before he walked into the apartment and kissed Blaine on the cheek, setting down the food in the kitchen.

“Sure, come on in boyfriend who should be at school” Blain rolled his eyes as he closed the door and turned to face Kurt, who was busy grabbing out a bowl and spoon.

“Now, its 11 and Carole and my dad don’t get home until 7. Finn gets home at 6 and doesn’t have a key. So I will leave at 5, which gives us 6 hours” Kurt smiled and Blaine looked slightly out of it, and sick. His skin was paler than usual, his eyes red and droopy. He sniffed and Kurt rolled his eyes.

“Get in bed”

“Easy tiger” Blaine winked, meaning to be sexy, but he had a coughing fit right after, leaving Kurt looking slightly disgusted.

“Um… no thank you, not today.” Kurt sighed and walked toward Blaine, grabbing his arm and dragging him gently with him.

“Kurt… you should be at school…”

“Nope! I have a duty of care over you today, besides… I can’t stand that bitch Swan..”

“Kurt! She’s actually a nice person if you get to know her.” Blaine sighed as he climbed into bed, Kurt setting the soup down so he could fold his arms angrily.

“ Nice person? She called me a child” Kurt snapped and Blaine sniffed, his eyes dropping slightly.

“Yes I’m aware, and that wasn’t right…”

“No it wasn’t, but why did you stick up for me then? And not now?” Kurt raised an eyebrow and Blaine sighed. All he really wanted was some soup, now he was being interrogated before he got it.

“I stuck up for you because you’re my boyfriend, and I don’t think you’re a child at all. You are a wonderful young man who makes his own decisions.” Blaine smiled weakly and Kurt rolled his eyes.

“You just want some soup don’t you?” Kurt sighed and Blaine nodded.

“Yes please”

Kurt couldn’t help but smile as Blaine snuggled up to him under the covers with his soup, looking adorable for the state he was in.
They sat there in silence as Blaine happily ate his soup, Kurt helping himself to a hot fudge brownie… or three.


“ I don’t want to get you in trouble… but stay forever?” Blaine mumbled as he smiled weakly, the medicine in his system making his drowsy.

“You, are on many different drugs, so I’m not taking anything you say seriously” Kurt smiled as he ran his fingers gently through Blaine’s hair, kissing his forehead.

“ I am saying the all mostest truth Kurt” Blaine sighed and Kurt let out a small giggle.

“Mostest isn’t a word sweetie.”

“Is now. I made it up. Stay Kurt!” Blaine cried and Kurt tolled his eyes.

“No, I can’t, but you should be better by tomorrow, so I can see you then. But now, you sleep” Kurt kissed Blaine gently and stood up, grabbing his things.

“Okay Kurt. Do homework… I love you” Blaine snuggled up happily in his bed whilst Kurt stood frozen in the doorway. What had Blaine just said to him? He spun back around to ask but Blaine was already fast asleep, snoring gently. Kurt smiled and bit his lip.

“I love you too Blaine” he gave him another smile before he left, his heart racing in his chest. He loved Blaine? Yes, yes he did. And apparently, Blaine loved him too.


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Short but sweet :-)