April 23, 2013, 2:10 a.m.
April 23, 2013, 2:10 a.m.
“It was lovely meeting you all” he smiled and the three nodded in unison as Blaine led Kurt to the door.
“I am so sorry about them” he whispered and Kurt let out a giggle.
“They’re really nice! Don’t worry I had a great time” Kurt smiled and leant up to kiss Blaine’s cheek. His lips lingered longer than they should and he gave Blaine’s arm a small squeeze before he walked out, Blaine closing the door behind him.
“Damn!” Wes cried and Kate nodded in agreement, sipping her coffee.
“He is fine”
“He is hot”
“He is young” David added and Blaine went red.
“I know there’s a small age difference….”
“You’re his teacher” Wes folded his arms across his chest and Blaine did the same.
“I think I know that. But he’s 18 soon and… this is his last year…”
“In what? Play school?” David asked and Blaine glared at him.
“I really like him guys. So thank you for your input” he snapped and Kate hit the two sitting on the couch.
“I think he’s lovely and Blaine, if he makes you happy, I’m happy for you” Kate stood up and smiled, walking over to hug the man, David shooting her a glare behind her back.
“Of course we’re happy for you…”
“Then say so” Blaine frowned and the pair stood up, walking forward to embrace their friend.
“Well, at least we know you can’t get him pregnant” Wes smiled and proceeded to be hit by the other three.
“I’m telling you Mercedes, they were really nice. A little against it at first… but nice” Kurt smiled as they hopped out of his car; Mercedes clutching her bag tightly to her side.
“ That good… but Kurt… Aren’t you worried that your Dad might find out? Or Finn?” Mercedes asked and Kurt shook his head, eyes scanning the parking lot for Blaine.
“Finn’s to dumb to suspect anything and Dad barely leaves the house except for work.” He gave his friend a small smile and spotted Rachel and Quinn, both of them eyeing up a group of teachers who were now walking towards the school, Blaine smack bang in the middle of them.
“Isn’t he dreamy?” Quinn sighed and Rachel gave a small nod.
“If I wasn’t dating Finn, and if I was older and a man, I would date him” Rachel folded her arms and Mercedes frowned as she and Kurt came to a stop, Quinn looking livid.
“Say that again?” she said and Rachel looked confused.
“I would date him?”
“No, the other part.”
“If I was a man?” Rachel asked and Quinn nodded, Mercedes giving Kurt a small smirk.
“You’re saying he’s gay?” Quinn asked and her eyes immediately followed the young teacher as he walked with the reliefs, all young women.
“I know he’s gay. I live with two of them” Rachel said straight out and Quinn proceeded to snort.
“He isn’t gay Rachel. Get your radar checked. He’s obviously flirting with those teachers” Quinn motioned her head towards Blaine and all three teenagers followed her gaze easily.
“Um…Quinn… he opened a door for them. That doesn’t come under the category of flirting.” Mercedes chuckled and she linked arms with Kurt, the pair along with Rachel beginning to move toward the school, Quinn following along quickly.
“He was flirting! They were twirling their hair and everything!” Quinn cried and the three ignored her, though Kurt couldn’t help but wonder if she’s been right.
They proceeded to English, where Blaine was already in the classroom with one of the young women, both engaged in light conversation.
“So its okay if I sit in?” the woman asked and Blaine nodded, his eyes now falling on the teens, giving them all a small wave.
“Sure. It’ll be fun.” He gave her a quick smile as the rest of the class ambled in, Finn walking right up to Rachel, kissing her quickly.
“I forgot to do that last night” he smiled and Blaine coughed.
“Okay Finchel. Enough of the PDA for now.” He smiled and Kurt sat down, his eyes on the other young teacher. She had hair cropped short but it suited her, the shade a deep brown. Her eyes were large and green, skin tone almost creamy. She was short and thin; everything Kurt would use to describe a gorgeous pixie seemed to be in her features. He didn’t like that.
“Okay class! This is Miss Swan, She’ll be sitting in on our class today to… judge my teaching” he gave a small wink toward the teacher and Quinn hit Rachel on the arm, the girl shaking her head.
“Okay, so get out your homework from last week and we’ll go over it, and get out Hamlet. We’ll have a twenty minute reading session as well.” Blaine clapped his hands and the class began to move, Miss Swan walking up and down he isles.
“So, Blaine, do you have a girlfriend?” Kurt heard her ask and Mercedes looked at him, shaking her head.
“I have a friend who certainly acts like one when filled with alcohol and candy, but no, I don’t” Blaine looked up briefly from his notes to answer the question, his eyes flickering over to Kurt for a moment, smiling sweetly before he looked back down, Kurt blushing.
“Good to know” Miss Swan smiled before she turned her attention to asking Puck to stop looking at her in a weird way.
The session went on as it normally would and the reading part was what Kurt had been looking forward too. Now he could happily gaze at Blaine from over his book and others would be too busy to notice. Only Kurt seemed to be glaring more today.
“So Blaine, Do you drink coffee?” Miss Swan asked, leaning closer toward the young teacher, her eyelids batting away, Blaine looking up.
“Who doesn’t?” he smiled and Kurt frowned. She was flirting, and his poor boyfriend was absolutely oblivious to it.
“So, would you like to get a coffee after class?” she asked and Kurt clenched his book hard, Blaine blinking.
“Um… I have glee club.”
“Oh, after that?” she asked and Blaine nodded.
“Mr Anderson!” Kurt called loudly and everyone in the class looked up, Mercedes biting her lip.
“Yes Kurt?” Blaine asked, a small frown on his face.
“I… I don’t see how this can be called silent reading, when the two role models in the room keep breaking that silence” Kurt folded his arms and the rest of the class sniggered as Blaine swallowed.
“ Kurt, stay after class” Blaine rolled his eyes and the bell went, Kurt remaining in his seat. Mercedes kissed his cheek quickly and left with Rachel, closing the door behind her. Miss Swan remained at Blaine’s desk as Blaine stood in front of Kurt.
“If you have a problem Kurt, you should talk to me about it, alone. Not yell it in front of the class.” Blaine folded his arms and Kurt nodded.
“Message understood Mr A” he sighed and Blaine went to let him go when Miss Swan stepped forward.
“Mr Hummel, I personally don’t like the fact that you thought it okay to question a teacher like that” She sighed and Kurt looked at her blankly.
“I personally don’t like your scarf, but that’s a personal matter, so I kept it to myself.” He replied and Miss Swan looked livid, Blaine looking stunned.
“Kurt!” he cried and Miss Swan somehow shoved him out of the way, Kurt now standing, the pair the exact same height.
“I’ve come across many brats like you”
“Oh there were non like me” Kurt replied and Miss Swan laughed.
“You have an awful attitude Mr Hummel and I don’t like it. You have no right to talk to a teacher that way and for that I’ll be giving you a weeks worth of detention.”
“You’re not my teacher” Kurt replied and Blaine took his arm, pulling him away from the woman.
“Kurt, stop it” he growled and Miss Swan smiled.
“Now run along sweetie”
“I’m not a child”
“Oh honey in my eyes you are, now run along and play with your little friends while I go and do adult things with Mr Anderson. Try not to fall in the playground” Miss Swan almost smirked but Blaine did not.
“Don’t talk to him like he’s a child” he growled and Kurt and the other teacher looked shocked.
“Kurt, you will see me after school for detention and I’m sorry Miss Swan but it appears that I have a coffee date with Tina Cohenchang about her math.” With that Blaine opened the door and the young woman stormed out, Blaine slamming the door behind her.
“That was hot” Kurt smiled and Blaine rolled his eyes.
“You will be the death of me”
“I hope so” Kurt smiled and walked up to Blaine, kissing his cheek.
“See you after school for that detention”
“Don’t push it Kurt” Blaine gave him a small wave and wondered how on earth he’d gotten so lucky. He had no clue.
Great story! I love the attitude that Kurt shows! So possessive...
Miss Swan will obviously persue Blaine, he should have just told her that he was gay!
Haha that was great!