April 23, 2013, 2:10 a.m.
April 23, 2013, 2:10 a.m.
“Mercedes knows” Blaine sighed and Kurt bit his lip.
“I know… she told me.” Kurt sighed and Blaine folded his arms.
“And you were going to tell me this when?” he asked and Kurt looked at his boots.
“I… I wasn’t.” he sighed and Blaine was about to argue when Kurt looked up.
“But that’s only because I didn’t want to lose you” he breathed and Blaine closed his mouth instantly.
“ I… I thought if you found out that Mercedes knew… you’d end it” Kurt swallowed and prepared himself for Blaine to do just that, but instead the man walked over to him and kissed him sweetly.
“ I wouldn’t have ended it Kurt. No way in hell” Blaine moved a lock of hair out of his eyes and Kurt smiled.
“We need to be more careful, that’s all.” Blaine smiled and leant back down and kissed his boyfriend, Kurt winding his arms around his neck.
“ So… I suppose this means less kisses for me?” Kurt asked, his eyes shining. Blaine shook his head and kissed him again, parting the boy’s lips apart with his tongue. Kurt felt shivers wash over him and he clutched Blaine tighter to him, never wanting to let him go. Blaine smiled and pried Kurt's hands off him and held them in his own.
“ I find it unfair… that your best friend knows about us… but mine remains in the dark” Blaine smirked and Kurt looked stunned for a moment.
“I think… with your permission… that I’d like to tell my best friend about us” he smiled and Kurt nodded.
“I’d like that”
Blaine smiled and lifted the boy up so his legs were wrapped firmly around Blaine’s waist, kissing his neck tenderly.
“Good. Because I can barely contain it much longer”
“ Same here”
And with that Kurt smashes their lips back together and Blaine stumbled back into the white board, his heart racing a mile a minute.
Blaine unlocked his apartment door and stumbled inside, his bag hitting the floor right away.
“Honey I’m home!” He cried and a small laugh came from the Kitchen area.
“Nice to know. How was school?” a head popped up from behind the counter, a slightly pale girl smiling at him, her bright green hair falling into her electric blue eyes.
“ It was good… though I wasn’t actually talking to you” Blaine gave a small smirk as a bird chirped in its cage that hung from the living room roof, the girl in the kitchen rolled her eyes.
“ Well how nice of you to share.”
Blaine took off his jacket and threw it on the chair, folding his arms across his chest.
“ Why exactly are you here?” he asked and the girl frowned, walking over to Blaine, handing him a mug.
“ Wes told me to meet him here. Duh” she smiled and kissed Blaine’s cheek, the man frowning.
“ Why is Wes coming here?”
“Because David asked him too.”
“Why is David coming here!”
“Because I miss you Blainers!” a voice cried and both people in the room spun around to see David standing at the door, a huge bag in his hands.
“ You could call next time” Blaine smiled as he hugged his friend, setting his drink down on the coffee table.
“Why? It’s not like you ever have anyone over” David rolled his eyes and proceeded to dump the bags and himself onto Blaine’s couch, putting his feet up on the cushions.
“ I do so…”
“Liar” David smiled and Blaine went to tell him that he did have people over sometimes when someone barged through the door.
“Kate! Where is my coffee!” Wes cried, throwing his scarf at Blaine.
“Juts hang that anywhere” he smiled and Blaine cursed at him as Wes kissed the girl with the green hair before he was handed some coffee.
“That’s beautiful. Now… Blaine! We are here to tell you that you lead a very sad and lonely life… and you need a new job” Wes sat down on David and Blaine scoffed.
“Excuse me?”
“We’ve come to a conclusion that you my friend, need a boyfriend or a new job. Since getting a boyfriend is a little far fetched, we went with the latter” David smiled and Blaine tried to bite back his smile.
“As a matter of fact, I have a boyfriend”
This news seemed to shock everyone. Wes proceeded to pour his drink onto David’s lap, who let out a scream of pain and shoved the man off, Kate falling to the floor in laughter.
“Good one Blaine” she smiled and Blaine went to tell her that he was not lying and that his Boyfriend was wonderful; when the doorbell rang.
“Shit” Blaine hissed, immediately running over to Wes, grabbing his arm and throwing him toward the bedroom.
“ That’s him,” he whispered and David frowned.
“My boyfriend!”
“ Blaine?” a muffled voice came through the door and Kate grinned like a fool.
“One second!” Blaine called, shoving the three into his room.
“Do not move!” he cried, slamming the door behind him. He raced toward the door, checked his hair and opened it, flashing an award-winning smile.
“Hey” he breathed and Kurt blushed, his purple scarf hiding his neck cosily.
“Come in” Blaine smiled and Kurt stepped inside, taking in the apartment.
It was very Blaine like. There were cushions galore and the smell of coffee everywhere, music and books strewn all over the tables, a small yellow bird sitting in a large silver cage, tweeting around happily.
“ It’s a lovely place” Kurt smiled, taking off his scarf, hanging it over Wes’s, noticing that it wasn’t Blaine’s. He shook the thought away as Blaine pulled him forward and kissed his cheek.
“Maybe we should go out?” he mused and Kurt frowned.
“I thought the whole point of me coming here was so that we could be together… alone together” Kurt smirked and Blaine swallowed, a small bang sounding from his room.
“What was that?” Kurt asked and Blaine moved to stand in front of him.
“Nothing. Probably just a few books falling” He smiled and Kurt nodded.
“Okay. Well… I had to tell Finn and Dad that I was with Mercedes, and Mercedes says that’s fine but she’s meeting Rachel at 7 and Rachel will tell Finn I’m not with Mercedes and Finn will tell Dad and Dad will ask me and I’ll freak out and…” He was cut short by Blaine’s lips against his. He melted into the kiss and wound his arms around Blaine’s neck, the man lifting him up, pressing their chests closer together.
“ Do you have a bedroom?” Kurt asked as he pulled away and Blaine froze.
“Well I do… but I don’t think we should go in there” Blaine said and Kurt frowned, still wrapped around Blaine.
“Why not?”
“Because… I don’t want you to feel pressured.
“It’s making out Blaine, maybe a little bit more. I wont feel pressured. Besides… we should be rehearsing. I’m 18 in a week and a bit…” Kurt never got to finish his sentence. The bedroom door swung open and Wes marched out, his finger pointed at Blaine.
“ He’s not even 18!” he cried and Blaine put Kurt down and stood in front of him, his face red.
“Blaine!” David cried, also storming toward him, his eyes wide.
“ A student! You’re dating a student!” he cried and Blaine felt Kurt slip his fingers into his own.
“ Hello” he spoke up and Wes and David stopped yelling, now focusing on the boy. Kate walked out and folded her arms as if awaiting an explanation.
“ I’m Kurt. You must be Wes and David. Blaine’s told me a lot about you” Kurt held out his hand and Wes absently shook it.
“ If I’d have known Blaine had company I wouldn’t have imposed” he smiled sweetly and Blaine smiled. The boy had charm.
“ We… just… we were…”
“Telling me a need to get a boyfriend” Blaine smiled down at Kurt and the boy nodded.
“I agree. Blaine has far to much free time” Kurt smiled and Kate cracked a smile.
“ You keep me occupied.” Blaine smirked and Kurt leant forward and kissed his cheek.
“Why don’t we sit down and you can explain what’s happening” Kate suggested and Blaine pulled Kurt over to the couch and Wes and David followed.
“Right, start from the very beginning.”
:-D huzzah!