Hot For Teacher
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hot For Teacher: Chapter 6

E - Words: 1,938 - Last Updated: Apr 23, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Apr 15, 2012 - Updated: Apr 23, 2013
870 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: WOW. thank you all for the support!!
Blaine couldn’t help but smile as he sat down at his desk the next morning, biting into a juicy red apple, his hands falling onto a brand new pile of test papers when the door burst open and Mike came racing in, slightly out of breath.

“Mr A, there’s… a fight… down the hall…” he cried and Blaine slid of his chair quickly, the apple lying on his desk, forgotten.

Being a teacher at a public school in Lima, Blaine was used to these sort of events happening, but he never actually thought he’d find that his boyfriend would be apart of these events, however today… he was right smack bang in the middle.

Blaine ran down the hall with Mike at his heels, Skidding to a halt when he saw what was going on.
Just ahead of the see of students that had decided to cease activity and watch two boys battle it out for god knows that, Blaine could see Kurt standing there quite clearly, hands balled into fists as Dave Karofsky stood towering over him, his face red, a big hand print on the side of his cheek.

“Shove me! I dare you!” Kurt screamed at the boy, his eyes wide and dangerous, Blaine trying desperately not to rip the boy away and hold him close.

“Watch it Hummel… don’t make me…” Karofsky hissed as Blaine and Mike hurried forward, pushing through the crowd. By now Blaine could hear Rachel and another boy from the football team trying to coax both the boys away from each other with little success.

“Then grow up!” Kurt spat, Dave moving forward to perhaps hit Kurt, but Blaine got their first, the impact stopped by Blaine’s arm.

“Enough! What’s going on here?” he cried and Kurt looked up at him with wide eyes, a sudden sense of relief washing over him as students began to slowly move away, Karofsky swallowing.

“Nothing, Hummel was just being a drama queen…”

“He was just being a dick,” Kurt cried and Blaine held up his hand.

“Watch your language Kurt! Dave… from now on leave Kurt alone. I don’t want anymore fights, am I clear?” Blaine asked and both boys nodded their heads, Dave sighing.

“Sorry loser” he shrugged and Kurt rolled his eyes.

“Grow up” he huffed before he turned around to walk away, Dave murmuring one word under his breath.


At that all hell broke loose.
Rachel, who had heard the word was now lunging at Dave, only to be blocked by one of his friends, so instead she settled for yelling a long line of swear words whilst digging her nails into his arms. Kurt had spun around and dived at Karofsky wit anger in his eyes, Blaine’s arms locking themselves securely around his waist to hold him back, Dave yelling stupid things at no one in particular.

“Say it again! Go on! Say it and I’ll knock out your teeth!” Finn screamed from where he was standing, being held back by mike and Sam, Blaine trying his best to hold back Kurt and rip Rachel off the footballer, failing miserably.

“Bring it Hudson!” Dave cried and Blaine spun around to stop Finn from doing anything stupid, when he got a fist to the face, his head pounding as he was sent flying to the ground, the last thing he saw being Kurt worried look as he bent down beside him.

“ I’m so sorry Mr A” Finn cried once again as he sat in the principals office, his face as white as a sheet.

“Forget it Finn. Please” Blaine sighed and he held an ice pack to his eye, the pain still there.

“It shouldn’t have come about in the first place Mr Hudson. Why was there a fight in McKinley halls? Can’t you leave that to the playground?” Principal Figgins sighed as he looked around his office. Blaine, Kurt and Finn were sitting in one corner, Kurt trying hard not to attend to Blaine whilst Rachel sat beside him, Dave and Jared; the boy who Rachel has practically mauled, sat together, both looking at their feet.

“Hummel was being… well…” Dave began and Kurt rolled his eyes.

“I wasn’t doing anything wrong! I was getting my books from my locker when he came and shoved me so I slapped him. There was no need for anyone else to get hurt!” he cried, giving Blaine a small look before he returned his attention back to Figgins.

“David, Kurt. This has been going on for far to long. Sort out your differences gentlemen. I will not have another one of these shenanigans going on at my school. And Blaine, may I recommend some Self defence classes for you, in case a situation like this arises again.” Figgins nodded and Blaine did as well, Rachel remaining silent.

“All five of you will have after school detention for a week because of this, and no Buts Miss Berry! Violence is not acceptable here at McKinley. Now go to your classes, and Blaine… maybe try some frozen peas” Figgins sighed and everyone stood up, walking out the door quickly, Dave and Jared racing off the moment they could, Finn taking Rachel’s hand.

“I really am sorry Mr A…”

“Finn… I’ve had worse happen to me I can assure you” Blaine smiled weakly and Kurt folded his arms across his chest, looking at the floor.

“Could I talk to Kurt for a moment?” Blaine asked and the other two teens waved as they hurried on down the hall, Blaine sighing.

“Are you okay?” he asked and Kurt looked up at him, his eyes confused.

“Am I okay? Shouldn’t I be the one asking of your okay? You got punched in the face by a football player” Kurt sighed and Blaine let out a small laugh, the pair moving away toward the lockers.

“I’m fine, honestly. But… Kurt, something tells me this isn’t the first time something like this has gone down” Blaine looked at him seriously and Kurt bit his lip.

“It’s not the first time no… but it’s getting better. And it isn’t a big deal…”

“If it results in all of this, it is a big deal” Blaine looked at Kurt firmly and the boy nodded.

“ If you ever need anything, someone to talk to, to kick the crap out of people, call me” Blaine smiled and Kurt moved forward and took his ice pack away from his face, gently running a smooth finger over the bruise before he reapplied the ice, Blaine hissing.

“Okay, it does hurt.” Blaine took back the pack and swallowed.

“ I suppose this means I’ll have to cancel our coffee date tonight, considering you have detention and all…” Blaine rolled one eye and Kurt laughed.

“I guess. Or you could just persuade the other teacher…”

“No! I will not attempt to persuade Miss Henderson. She’s… scary”

“She’s 26”

“She’s still scary” Blaine smiled and Kurt folded his arms.

“You could always seduce her” he winked and Blaine raised an eyebrow.

“I’m Gay, remember?” he smiled and Kurt went to say something when Mercedes walked down the hall, stopping when she saw them.

“Just don’t be late to that detention Kurt, I mean it. She is Scary” Blaine smiled before he wondered off, waving at the two teens as he turned the corner.

“Mercedes, you missed the biggest event in McKinley history” Kurt smiled as Mercedes walked over to him, the boy stopping when he realised she wasn’t smiling.

“What’s wrong?” Kurt asked right away and Mercedes looked at him hard, her eyes narrowed.

“What were you doing?” she asked and Kurt swallowed.


“Just now? With Mr Anderson?” She asked and Kurt shrugged.

“Asking him if he could possibly persuade the teacher giving detention to let me off, considering I hardly did anything wrong… or illegal…”

“Okay Kurt, if we’re speaking of things illegal then you should really be getting detention for life” she snapped and Kurt frowned.

“What are you talking about?” he asked and Mercedes took his hand, pulling him into an empty classroom.

“I know Kurt,” she said simply and Kurt folded his arms.

“Know what? That you’re being really weird right now…”

“I know about you Mr Anderson okay!” Mercedes cried and Kurt froze.

“What… What are you talking about?” He laughed unsteadily and Mercedes stepped forward.

“Don’t pretend to be dumb Kurt, you know what I’m talking about!” she cried and Kurt looked at his feet.

“Mercedes, honestly I have no idea…”

“I saw you! Both of you! Kissing!” she yelled and all the colour drained from Kurt’s face.

“In…In my car?” he whispered and Mercedes looked stunned.


“ His classroom?”

“No! In the choir room! Yesterday during Glee!” Mercedes cried and Kurt swallowed hard. There was no way in hell this was happening.


“Kurt what the hell is going on with you? Its illegal! Its wrong! Its gross! He’s 24 and you are 17! You are a child…”

“I’ll be eighteen in less than a month…”

“Kurt its wrong! If you can’t see that then sure, I’ll let you off on a foolish crush but… him? He has something wrong with him Kurt if he can’t see that this…”

“There isn’t anything wrong with Blaine!” Kurt cried and Mercedes fell silent.

“Blaine is wonderful… to me. Yes we know it isn’t exactly ideal but Mercedes I really like him. And he really likes me…”

“Kurt its…”

“Yes I know its wrong! But that doesn’t change the fact that when I’m with him it feels so right!” Kurt yelled and Mercedes fell silent. Kurt took a breath and sighed.

“When I’m with him… I feel… normal. I feel save and I feel loved. I haven’t had that experience before Mercedes. I want a normal relationship with someone so bad and … he gives that to me.”

“It isn’t normal Kurt…”

“It might be the closest I’m ever going to get! When I’m with him he isn’t a teacher to me, he’s my boyfriend. And he feels the same way he’s told me… please. I know its not ideal and I know it doesn’t seem any good but… I’m happy. For the first time in a long time, I feel truly happy” Kurt smiled and he suddenly realised he was crying. Mercedes looked up and him and walked over, enveloping him in a tight hug.

“ I promise I wont say anything” Mercedes sighed and Kurt held her tighter, taking a deep breath.

“I love you so much Mercedes” he smiled and Mercedes pulled back, smiling.

“You are lucky I love you too. Now tell me… how did this whole thing start? I want details white boy” She grinned and Kurt launched into full-scale detail of how Blaine and his relationship began, the girl listening intently the entire time.

“Mr Anderson?” Mercedes knocked on Blaine’s door sometime in the afternoon and Blaine looked up from his desk, eye slightly swollen, and a smile still on his lips.

“Mercedes, how can I help you?” Blaine asked politely, putting down his book and pen, Mercedes closing the door, locking it.

“ I think we should talk.” She sighed and Blaine swallowed.

“About what, may I ask?” Blaine raised an eyebrow and Mercedes folded her arms.

“ I don’t have a lot of time Mr Anderson so I’ll get straight to the point. I know about you and my boy Kurt” Mercedes began and Blaine swallowed hard, about to say something when Mercedes raised her hand.

“First of all, I don’t agree with the idea, but I’m not going to deny Kurt the right to be happy, and apparently you make him happy. I won’t tell anyone anything but if you hurt my boy, I will cut you, teacher or not” She sighed before she headed back to the door and unlocked it.

“Treat him good, he really needs this” she smiled once and left, leaving Blaine to ponder what had just happened.

“I think I need a drink,” he muttered before he let his head fall onto the desk with a bang.


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Wow! That is all I can say...

Well that hallway scene was intense. I'm happy Mercedes won't say anything, and that she recognizes that it is type wrong, and she let it be known to Kurt. Kurt and Blaine need to be more careful and try to not do that stuff during school hours. Because what if it had been Finn to walk in? He would have made a big scene and told everyone.