Hot For Teacher
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Hot For Teacher: Chapter 5

E - Words: 1,315 - Last Updated: Apr 23, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Apr 15, 2012 - Updated: Apr 23, 2013
850 0 2 0 0

“ Mr Anderson, how old are you?” Quinn asked casually as she sipped her coffee in the passenger seat, Blaine giving her a small smile as he sped up, looking in the mirror for a moment.

“ 24 as of 2 months ago” he smiled and Quinn gave a small smirk.

“So you’re not too old then” she bit her lip as Blaine laughed lightly, starting to feel slightly uncomfortable with where this conversation was going. He’d driven himself and Quinn up to the Lima bean and they’d discussed her song for sectionals and how they were going to decide upon a duet and a group song, they’d bought coffee, spoke about English, got back in the car and were now almost to the high school when Quinn had started up the age thing.

“Well I turned 18 2 months ago as well” she smiled from her seat, looking at Blaine from under her long lashes. Okay, so she was older than Kurt.

“ Wow, I would have thought you were younger” Blaine swallowed, the school now in sight. Thank god. He really should have listened to Kurt about Quinn’s advances.

“ You’re young for a teacher” Quinn looked at him and Blaine parked and unbuckled his seat belt.

“Sure am,” he mumbled quickly before he climbed out and almost ran head long into the school, stopping for a moment to breathe. He smiled and moved back to the car to open the door for Quinn, the girl giving him an award-winning smile.

“Thanks Mr A” she grinned, sipping her coffee once more, Blaine swallowing. What was about him that attracted students toward him like bee’s to honey?

“Mr Anderson!” a voice cried out and Blaine spun around along with Quinn to see Kurt and Rachel making their way forward across the car park, Kurt’s car parked beside Blaine’s. Well that sure made it easier for them to talk later.

“Hey guys” Blaine smiled, Quinn looking slightly agitated that the teacher chose to wait back and walk with the other two as well as her.

“How was the coffee Quinn?” Kurt asked casually, stepping in time with Blaine, both of their arms folded neatly across their chests.

“Wonderful. Mr A and I discussed all the arrangements for sectionals” She smiled and Rachel looked slightly disappointed.

“So we don’t get a say?” she looked at Blaine with hard eyes and the man shook his head.

“No, of course you do. We just had a few ideas here and there” Blaine smiled slightly, his eyes on Kurt who was now humming softly to teenage dream.

“Trying to tell me something Kurt?” he asked and Kurt blushed slightly, shrugging his shoulders.

“Nope” he gave Blaine a quick smile and they went back to listening to Rachel talk about her ideas for sectionals whilst Quinn’s eyes trailed over the young teacher as he walked.

The moment they reached the choir room the sight of students in old clothing and sweat pants made Blaine smile, because the look on their faces was priceless.

“Mr A… we look stupid” Puck sighed as he looked at his sweatpants and baggy shirt, Mike, Tina and Brittany being the only ones who actually wore a singlet and some stretchable pants. Hell, Finn was wearing slippers.

“Okay, guys… when I said casual wear for dancing I didn’t mean bring your pyjamas. I’ll write you all a list later, but lets get to it.” Blaine clapped his hands together and the students formed a line, Rachel standing beside Finn, attempting to take the slippers away from him before they caused her any ore embarrassment.

“First, we should probably do some stretches so… Brittany! You come and lead them.” Blaine took a step back and the blonde girl flounced forward, taking over the class with a smile.

“Okay! First we’ll stretch the muscles in our legs.” She smiled and leant forward touching her toes, making sure her back was straight, all the boys staring at her in awe. She was flexible. People began to copy her and Blaine found his eyes wondering over to where Kurt stood, his ass looking absolutely wonderful as he stretched, the teacher shaking his head quickly.
He could not think like that! Not now! But he looked so…

“ Mr A? What’s next?” Brittany asked and Blaine clapped his hands together, ignoring the small smirk Kurt was giving him as he moved to the front.

“Get into pairs and we’ll start learning a dance” he smiled and Quinn raised her hand right away.

“Maybe you should show us the dance first” she smiled and Blaine nodded.

“Sure, well Brittany knows the girl part so… why don’t you go into the auditorium and the boys can stay here and I’ll teach them the male part.” He smiled and the girls began to move out of the room, Kurt smiling as Quinn frowned, storming away with Rachel.

“Okay gentle men, I need a volunteer” Blaine smiled and no body moved, Kurt rolling his eyes.

“Really guys?” he sighed, standing up.

“I’ll do it” he smiled and Blaine nodded, coughing, as he was fully aware of the teenage boys eyes on him.

“Right, well in this case, Kurt will be the girl and I will show you how to dance” he smiled and he held out his hand for Kurt to take, the boy smiling as he took it, pulling Blaine closer to him.

“Finn, music” Blaine called and the music started up. Blaine was now focused entirely on the dance as he led Kurt around the room, noting how good of a dancer the brunette was. Kurt was looking right at him the entire time and Blaine thought he could get away with being close to Kurt and not needing to kiss his lips so softly, when the boy pressed their chests together firmly and grinned. Blaine glared at him and Kurt moved away from Blaine and shook his hips almost expertly, looking back to give Blaine a wink that no one else could see. Blaine swallowed and allowed his body to move forward and pull Kurt back to him, his chest pressed roughly against his back as his hands trailed up the boys arms gently, intertwining their fingers together as they moved as one, Puck blinking rapidly as Finn proceeded to choke.

Blaine tried to breathe as Kurt slid down him then turned around and danced a few more steps before the music ended and he returned to his seat like nothing happened, Blaine moving to sit down at his desk instantly.

“That was… AWESOME!” Puck cried and Blaine looked up quickly.

“ You’ll all have to learn it… um… I think the auditorium would be a better place… for that. Kurt, you can help me bring over some things, everyone else I’ll meet there” Blaine sighed and the boys stood up and left, Kurt closing the door behind them.

“Lock it” Blaine sighed and Kurt did just that, his eyebrow raised.

“Something you need Mr A?” he asked innocently, Blaine nodding.

“Um… could you grab the sheet music from the…” he trailed off when Kurt wondered over to him, kissing his slowly and gently, pulling back after a moment.

“Why can’t you get it yourself?” he mused and Blaine swallowed.

“Well… I have a little problem” he blushed and looked down, Kurt grinning from ear to ear.

“Really?” he smiled and it was now Blaine’s turn to frown.

“Why are you so happy about that?”

“Because… I did that to you.” Kurt blushed and Blaine stood up and connecting their lip once more, breathing into the kiss, letting his hands run down Kurt's back.

“ We should get to them…” Blaine began but Kurt shook his head and deepened the kiss, Blaine giving in far to easily.


Mercedes made her way toward the choir room and went to open the door, finding that it was locked.

“Odd” she muttered, wondering around to the other side of the hall, opening the back entrance slightly, stopping instantly as she did. There was Kurt, her best friend forever; Lips locked firmly with Mr Anderson, his teacher.

“Oh, my, sweet god”

End Notes: OOhh, things are about to get interesting ;). please review :3


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Thank God it was Mercedes that saw them. Well unless she tells ND, which I highly doubt. We will see I guess.

i can hear kurt begging mercedes to not tell anyone about what she just saw. but knowing mercedes and the friendship she has with him, she'll say nothing–at least not intentionally...