April 23, 2013, 2:10 a.m.
April 23, 2013, 2:10 a.m.
" Sorry" he mumbled and Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt's fingers.
" Don’t be. It's just we're in the middle of a classroom and I really don't think anyone would be happy with us, doing things." he smirked and Kurt rolled his eyes.
" You’re such a goody goody" he sighed and Blaine coughed.
" You call this good?" he gestured around him and Kurt blushed.
" Well, it's not saint like no... But I think it's amazing" he smiled and Blaine rolled his eyes.
" What do you have first?" he asked and Kurt smiled, a finger looped in one of Blaine’s stray curls.
" Study hall."
" Oh. Well I have a class on how to make your boyfriend moan your name" he winked and Kurt looked utterly shocked.
" Blaine!" he squeaked, Blaine grinning.
" You cant just say things like that. Beside, I'm a tough cookie" he grinned and Blaine didn't even wait for a proper answer before he attached his lips to the boys neck, swirling his tongue around the bare skin, sucking lightly, Kurt biting his lip.
" It won't work" he hissed and Blaine ran his hand's down the boys chest, stopping as his fingers hooked on the belt, Kurt swallowing.
" The.... The door" he gasped and Blaine gave him a small smile.
" Already locked it" he grinned and Kurt bit his lip.
" Ok"
Blaine slowly undid the belt and threw it away, Kurt blushing as he realized what was going to happen.
" Um... Blaine... I ... Stop!" he cried as Blaine unhooked the button of Kurt's jeans.
" Shit" Blaine froze, looking horrified at what he was doing.
" Of course... Why would you want this?" Blaine began to move away and Kurt grabbed his hand, pulling him back.
" No! I... I do want this! I just, I'm.... I don't want you to be disappointed." he blushed and Blaine smiled.
" Never" he grinned and he brought his lips back to Kurt's, his hand's unzipping the jeans. He let them slide off with a bit of help from Kurt, slowly slipping down his underwear, gasping.
" Jesus Kurt!" he cried and the boy scrambled to move, Blaine holding him in his place.
" You... You're.... Huge" he cried and Kurt laughed.
" No"
" God yes" Blaine nodded, looking Kurt in the eyes for a moment.
" Don’t scream" he winked and before Kurt could say anything Blaine was on his knee's, taking all of Kurt into his warm mouth.
Kurt very nearly did scream with pleasure. That was amazing! He gripped onto the desk as Blaine hummed lightly, his tongue slowly moving around Kurt. The boy gasped, his eyes wide, Blaine gripping the boys hips so he wouldn't thrust and choke him. Kurt let his hand's run through Blaine’s hair as the man bobbed his head back and forth, Kurt bit down on his lip. How the fuck did Blaine learn this? Kurt could feel his knees shake and he hoped that he wouldn’t collapse as Blaine began to move faster, his tongue doing wonderful unspeakable things to him.
" I... I 'm ... Jesus!" Kurt pulled on Blaine's hair and the man let his tongue slide over the head and Kurt shivered.
" Blaine!" he moaned loudly as he came, Blaine swallowing every last drop. He grinned as he got to his feet, kissing the panting boy on the lips, Kurt tasting himself on Blaine’s tongue. He had to admit, that was freaking sexy. He pulled back and reached for his boxers, clothing himself as Blaine stood there smiling like a fool.
" God Blaine, you'd have thought someone had just handed you ten million dollars on a silver platter" Kurt sighed and Blaine pulled him close.
" This is even better" he grinned and Kurt frowned.
" How?"
" Because... That was... A first time thing for you, and... I got to share that with... With the person I really care about" he smiled and Kurt blushed. He held Blaine close and didn't even bother resisting the tears as they flowed down his cheeks, Blaine looking shocked.
" Kurt!" he cried, his hand's desperately wiping away the tears, Kurt smiling.
" I'm happy Blaine" he sighed and Blaine chuckled.
" You are an odd boy Kurt Hummel"
" That I am Mr Anderson. That I am"
" But... Mr schue!" Rachel cried, the man taking a deep breath.
" Sorry Rachel. I... I have to" he nodded and Tina burst into tears, mike rubbing her back.
" No... But who will take over?" Rachel asked and Finn shrugged.
" Why do you have to move?" he cried and Mr schue swallowed.
" I have an amazing job offer in new York and... I just can't turn it down"
" We understand Mr schue" Mercedes smiled and the teacher took a breath.
" I have a replacement" he sighed and Kurt frowned.
" Mr schue, no offense to the new pompous idiot who'll be taking over but, no one can ever replace you. They'll just drive us into the ground" Kurt folded his arm's and a small chuckle chilled him to the bone.
" Well I can assure you Kurt, this pompous idiot won't drive you into the ground. I was in show choir you know"
There was Blaine, leaning on the doorframe, looking as gorgeous as ever, arm's folder as a smirk stayed on his lips. Kurt felt himself turn white and he searched for an apology.
" Everyone. Mr Anderson" Mr schue smiled and Blaine gave a small wave, Rachel beaming.
" Thanks again Blaine" Mr schue mumbled, shaking his hand and Blaine clasped it firmly.
" Don’t be Silly" he smiled and Mr schue waved, Quinn eying Blaine curiously.
" Mr Anderson, sorry but... Being in show choir doesn't actually mean your good" she folded her arm's and Blaine raised an eyebrow.
" You need me to prove it to you miss abray?" he asked and Quinn nodded, Blaine grinning.
" As you wish mam."
He stretched his fingers and tapped his foot, Brad staring up on-the piano. Kurt sat back in his chair, knowing full well how good Blaine was.
" Girl you got me tripping on sunshine, god knows you just made my day" he winked and Quinn looked stunned, Rachel clapping along. Blaine's eyes travelled up to Kurt for a moment before Blaine wondered over to behind Quinn. He took her hand and spun her around, the girl laughing.
" Since you came around now I just slow down no I wanna see you walking my way" he smiled and Quinn grinned, Blaine turning to Kurt who was sitting beside Quinn's vacant chair.
" Boy you got me thinking bout diamonds"
He sung, pulling Kurt up so he stood, Rachel smiling and Blaine got down on one knee.
" Getting down on one knee maybe two, oh lord!" he winked and Kurt pulled him back up, noticing Blaine's wink as he spun him around.
" People may stop and stare but I don't even care no, just as long as I am with you" he smiled and spun Kurt away, sliding toward Rachel.
" You got me running on sunshine! Aint no clouds getting in my way! I must be running on sunshine, aint no rain getting in my way" he smiled and finished, the room bursting into applause, Blaine smiling.
" Good enough for you Quinn?" Blaine asked and Quinn nodded.
" It was great" she breathed and Blaine bowed.
" Wonderful, now. On to preparing you guys for sectionals!" he smiled and Sam nodded.
" But obviously it's end of school now so, off you go" Blaine sighed and everyone got up, Blaine staying behind as Kurt followed Mercedes Quinn Rachel and Tina out the door, Quinn smirking.
" He is hot" she smiled and Mercedes nodded.
" And cute."
" And young" Tina smiled and Quinn nodded.
" Ladies, it's not exactly illegal for us to get some Mr Anderson" she winked and Kurt coughed.
" I... I don't think that's acceptable" he swallowed and Quinn frowned.
" And why not? He can’t be more than 24. I'm 18. Only six years." Quinn smirked and Tina jabbed her in the ribs as Blaine passed.
" I have an idea for you for sectionals Quinn. Could you meet me in the choir room tomorrow morning?" he asked and Quinn nodded.
" Sure Mr A" the girl smiled and Blaine beamed.
" Wonderful. Drive safe!" he called as he hurried off, Kurt biting his lip as Quinn high fived Tina.
" I got this in the bag." she smirked and Kurt rolled his eyes, the girls heading off to Quinn's car, Kurt wondering over to him, Blaine running after him.
" Kurt!" he smiled and Kurt frowned at him.
" What?" he asked and Blaine moved back, eyes wide.
" Did I do something wrong? Was it the singing? I couldn't help it..."
" No Blaine. It's Quinn" Kurt sighed and Blaine folded his arm's, leaning back on his own car as Kurt searched for his own keys.
" Quinn?"
" Yep. She's got this weird little sexy crush on you. Thinks she can get with you" Kurt huffed and Blaine smiled.
" Are you jealous?" he asked and Kurt blushed.
" No... I'm, scared" he admitted and Blaine frowned.
" Why?"
" What if you leave me for Quinn?" he asked and Blaine looked around checking no one was actually near by and looking this way before he firmly planted his lips on Kurt's. He pulled back and Kurt smiled.
" Don’t be silly. I... I'm gay for one and... Believe it or not, I don’t go around dating all my students…And I wouldn't ever leave you Kurt. Didn't... This morning... I meant what I said" Blaine smiled and Kurt nodded.
" I know. I'm sorry" he sighed and Blaine shrugged.
" It’s fine. I'll call you later?" he asked and Kurt nodded, slipping into his own car.
" Yep. Bye" he smiled, Blaine grinning as he watch his boyfriend drive off. How had he gotten someone so perfect? He had no idea.
Blaine stood at the front of the classroom, his eyes on Kurt.
" So you haven't done the homework because..."
" I was busy." Kurt shrugged and Rachel frowned.
" That’s no excuse Kurt" she folded her arm's and Quinn nodded.
" Yeh. I mean, I have other things, like friends. But I still did it" she cast Blaine a small smile, the man swallowing.
" I'll see you after class Kurt" he sighed and Kurt nodded, Blaine letting them carry on with their work until the bell rang, everyone but Quinn and Kurt leaving. Quinn smirked and sat on Blaine's desk.
" When can we talk about sectionals?" she asked and Blaine looked up.
" Lunch. Right now I need to talk to Kurt" he sighed and Quinn left, Kurt closing and locking the door behind her, to his surprise, Blaine sat at his desk and grabbed some papers.
" Kurt. I'd like your homework on my desk by tomorrow morning." he said without looking up, Kurt folding his arms.
" I'm sorry. What?"
" I can’t give you a grade if you don't hand in any work" Blaine sighed and Kurt slammed his fist down on the desk, Blaine raising his head.
" You know full why I don't have it to hand in,” he hissed and Blaine bit his lip.
" Kurt. I... I can’t give you any more leniencies than I give my other students. It's not fair" he began and Kurt grabbed his bag.
" You know what isn't fair? This" he gestured around him and Blaine rolled his eyes.
" Kurt I'm your teacher..."
" Yes. And my boyfriend! Apparently that means nothing" Kurt stormed out of the room, leaving Blaine alone and utterly pissed off with himself.
" What are you doing?" Mercedes asked as Kurt scribbled furiously on a sheet of paper at lunch, Rachel sitting next to him.
" Homework" Kurt snapped and Mercedes rolled her eyes.
" Really?"
" Yep. Mr freaking Anderson wants it in asap"
" You really should have..."
" Shut it Rachel!" Kurt cried, slamming down his pen, grabbing the paper.
" I'll be back" he sighed as he stormed off, Rachel folding her arms.
" I hope he knows Quinn's there…"
Kurt opened the English room door and ignored the fact that Blaine and Quinn were in the middle of a conversation, slamming the paper down in the desk.
" That’s my homework sir" he sighed, heading back toward the door, Blaine stopping him.
" Kurt stay" he called and Kurt stopped, Blaine looking to Quinn.
" I need to talk to Kurt about his homework. Can we talk tomorrow?" he asked and Quinn nodded, heading out the door, Blaine locking it behind her.
" If you're going to yell at me..." Kurt began, bring cut short by Blaine’s lips hard on his, Blaine's hand's pushing him back into the wall. Kurt gasped and tried to push him away, Blaine lifting him up so his legs were wrapped around his waist, Blaine's hand's on the small of Kurt's back.
" You were right. I'm your boyfriend. I... I should have you on a damn Pedi stool" Blaine sighed and kissed Kurt's neck, the boy pushing him away.
" No... I was wrong. You're my teacher; it's your job to teach me. And I should be... Doing my work. I shouldn't make it any harder on you" he breathed and Blaine smiled.
" Finally, you see the light" he grinned, Kurt kissing him gently.
" I bet you think I'm such a drama queen" Kurt sighed and Blaine kissed his neck.
" Just a little" he smiled and Kurt grinned.
" Forgive me?" he asked and Blaine smiled.
" Already have" he kissed Kurt once more and placed him back on the ground, straightening his tie.
" I'll see you in glee" he beamed and Kurt nodded, grabbing his bag, slipping out the door, the smile never leaving his face.
" And then he said we could meet for coffee after school to discuss my solo" Quinn folded her arm's and Kurt didn't let it bother him. He sat back and relaxed as Blaine entered the room, Kurt noticing for the first time how the girls reacted. Santana bit her lip and grinned, Mercedes drooled almost and Quinn smirked, Tina swallowing as she blushed. Kurt rolled his eyes and looked at Blaine. How he loved his boyfriend when he wore tight jeans.
" Alright people! Listen up! I have an idea for sectionals. We can perform three songs and I think we need to mix it up a bit. So I've decided to hold auditions" he smiled and the smile on Quinn's face vanished.
" Mr Anderson, I thought..."
" Don’t worry Quinn, you'll have the slow song solo but this is for the duet and the lead in the group number" Blaine reassured the fretting girl, Kurt holding up his hand.
" Yes ba... Kurt." Blaine coughed and Kurt fought back a smile as he began to talk.
" When are the auditions?" he asked and Rachel nodded.
" Tomorrow" Blaine smiled and Finn grinned.
" Can I play drums?"
" Why not"
" Can I just stand there while Brittany dances on me?"
" No Puck"
" Can I bring my unicorn?"
" Of course Brittany" Blaine sighed and took a seat, Santana smiling.
" I already have my song picked out" she folded her arm's and Blaine got them to stand.
" Okay. First we need you all in shape so every Tuesday and Thursday after school I want you all here in your gym clothes. We'll be dancing and singing and boys, I want you lifting weights. You have to be able to lift every girl in this room, except you Artie." Blaine smiled and Quinn raised a hand.
"Are we still on for after school?" she asked and all heads turned to her, Blaine blinking.
" Um..."
" Mr Anderson you know dating a student is against the school rules... Even the l..."
" Hold up Rachel!" Blaine called, standing up. Kurt folded his arms and watching, amused.
" For one, I am not dating Quinn and I am aware of the rules, Quinn and myself are discussing her solo for sectionals over a coffee. If anyone has any problems with that or would like to talk to me, you can come and have a coffee with me also. My treat" he gave a small wink and Rachel smiled.
" That’s fine" she nodded and Tina smiled.
" I have a math homework issue" she blushed and Blaine nodded.
" Well, maths isn't my subject... But I can try. But you'll have to wait a little while Tina. It seems Kurt has me booked for the next three days" he smiled and Rachel raised her hand.
" Isn’t today Tuesday sir?" she smirked and Blaine nodded.
" It is. Rehearsals won't start until 4 so it gives everyone a chance to get home and yet changed, and me and Quinn can get coffee" he looked at the girl and she nodded.
" Sounds like a plan" Mercedes smiled and Blaine clapped his hands together.
“Right! Back to glee!”
Great chapter!
Awesome story!Update soon? :-)