Hot For Teacher
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hot For Teacher: Chapter 3

E - Words: 2,456 - Last Updated: Apr 23, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Apr 15, 2012 - Updated: Apr 23, 2013
1,020 0 1 0 0

It was about 5 to twelve when Kurt made his way into the Lima bean, a thin red scarf wrapped tightly around his neck, clutching hamlet along with his satchel, which was filled with scripts and sheet music at the moment. His eyes scanned the cafe until they caught sight of the black tamed curly head, a smile spreading across his lips as he walked over, making himself known.

" You came" he smiled, Blaine looking up from the paper, smiling.

" Of course" he grinned and Kurt took a seat, placing hamlet on the table, Blaine raising an eyebrow.

" It’s for… A cover up" Kurt shrugged, unwinding his scarf.

" Oh. Well, I was hoping we could just pick up lunch here… And go somewhere else" he bit his lip, half expecting Kurt to be scared and run out, but instead the boy smiled and blushed.

" I'd like that" he smiled and Blaine closed the paper.

" Good. So... Did you want to..." he stood and Kurt nodded, Blaine heading over to the counter, handing the woman behind the till a 20 dollar bill, receiving what looked like a huge hamper.

" A picnic?" Kurt grinned as he followed Blaine out of the Lima bean, a small skip in his step.

" Yep. It's ok right?" the man asked and Kurt nodded, walking as Blaine crossed the road, towards the park and golf course... Kurt frowning.

" We’re going to have lunch on some slide?" he asked and Blaine laughed.

" No Kurt. We are having lunch at hole 18" he smiled and Kurt raised his eye brows as they reached the fence to the golf course, Blaine handing the hamper to the boy, climbing over in one movement, reaching out his arm's for the hamper. Kurt handed it to him and looked down at his jeans.

" I won't be able to get over there" he sighed and Blaine rolled his eyes.

" Come here" he sighed and Kurt walked forward, gasped as Blaine's hand's found his hips, lifting him up onto the fence, spinning him around and pulling him back off, right into Blaine’s arm's. Kurt smiled and Blaine swallowed, still in each other’s arms.

" Could I kiss you?" he asked and Kurt smiled.

" Of course"

Blaine grinned and leant down, placing his lips to Kurt's, his arm's pulling him closer. Kurt smiled and pulled away, blushing.

" Lunch?"

" Right..." Blaine sighed and picked up the hamper, holding out his hand for Kurt to take. Kurt smiled and laced their fingers together, something flowing through him, making him beam.

" I figured... At hole 18, we could get some privacy" Blaine smiled and Kurt swallowed.

" How?"

" Oh... I used to come here with... People... And there's a little opening in the tree's just off hole 18, it's incredible." he grinned and Kurt looked down, walking next to Blaine, the grass cut perfectly beneath his shoes.

" Cool" Kurt muttered and Blaine looked at him, the sign reading hole 18 just ahead.

" What’s wrong?" he asked and Kurt shrugged.

" Nothing."

" Kurt. Something’s bothering you... Is it… Is it me?" Blaine asked, stopping, letting go of Kurt's hand.

" What... No! No Blaine it isn't you!” Kurt took Blaine's hand and held it close to his chest.

" It’s just... You said you'd been here, with people..." he trailed off and Blaine licked his lips.

" Kurt. I've never taken anyone as special to me as you here. I came with friends. Wes and David, high school buddies. You are the first one I've brought here" he smiled and Kurt nodded.

" But I'm not the first boyfriend" he whispered and Blaine bit his lip.

" Kurt I'm 24. I have had other boyfriends." he sighed and Kurt nodded.

" Of course" he smiled, beginning to walk again, Blaine pulling him back.

" Kurt. Please don't think about other people that I've been with. I'm with you know ok?" he asked and Kurt nodded.

" Ok" he smiled, the pair walking on until they reached the 18th hole, Blaine pulling Kurt into the woodland area, walking for a good minute before he stopped at a clearing, Kurt taking in a breath.
The sun shone down on the green grass, giving it a magical look with the darkness of the tree's surrounding it. Kurt walked forward and Blaine placed down the hamper, a smile on his face.

" What do you think?" he asked and Kurt grinned.

" It’s wonderful. Like a scene right out of a movie" he smiled and Blaine moved behind him, wrapping his arms around the thin waist of the boy, resting his chin on Kurt's left shoulder.

" This make it better?" he asked and Kurt nodded, turning his head so he could kiss Blaine, the man smiling into the kiss.

" Feel hungry?" he asked when Kurt's stomach rumbled.

" Just a little" Kurt sighed and Blaine smiled as he got out the blanket and set it out, Kurt sitting down, crossing his legs, Blaine pulling out all sorts of food Kurt wanted to eat right away.

" I know you're fussy about what you eat, so I tried to stick to fruit and stuff, but there are a few unhealthy chocolates and things in here too... Sorry... I really was sure what I should get, I didn't know if you'd hate..." he was cut short by Kurt's lips on his. He let out an involuntary moan and let his hands pulled Kurt closer, their tongues sliding together as Kurt ran a hand through Blaine’s hair. He sighed and pulled back, Blaine's eyes wide.

" Stop worrying. It's... Perfect" Kurt smiled and Blaine blushed a little, Kurt moving off him so he could grab some blueberries, handing the box to Blaine.

" So Blaine. I am curious... Am I a good kisser?" he asked and Blaine laughed.

" Very good" he smiled and Kurt popped a few berries in his mouth.

" Tell me about your other boyfriends" he asked and Blaine choked.

" Excuse me?" he coughed, eyes wide. Kurt just smiled and went on.

" I want to know about your old boyfriends. See what I have to live up to" he smiled, giving a small wink, Blaine rolling his eyes.

" Fine. The first was... Tony. A guy from my school. We were 16. He was very sweet and we took it slow, incredibly slow. We broke up after a month; he said he fell for another... Turns out he had secretly liked Jeff, another one of my friends, the whole time. The next was Nick. We dated when I was 17, for about... 6 months. He was in the show choir with me, we went steady. He cheated on me with Jeff, but they're happily together now and have been for ages. Then Jeremiah. I dated him when I was 19 until about... 23. He was the one I ... Did everything with. Turns out he was seeing someone else behind my back, one of his music students at the university he taught at. He'd be about 28 now." he sighed and Kurt suddenly felt bad. Blaine had been hurt a lot.

" I'm sorry" he sniffed and Blaine frowned.

" What on earth for?"
" For... Them. You have to know..." he took Blaine's hand and took a breath. " I won't hurt you. I promise. I know I'm only 17 but I still care and... I know what it's like to be hurt" he sniffed and Blaine smiled.

" Thank you Kurt... You've had boyfriends before me?"

" Not exactly. I had a girlfriend" he blushed and Blaine sniggered.

" Nice one"

" I'm serious" Kurt frowned and Blaine stopped.

" Oh... Sorry" Blaine sighed and Kurt shrugged.

" It’s fine"

" Can I ask why.."

" I... I wanted to bond with my dad" he bowed his head and Blaine lifted if back up with his finger under the boys chin.

" Kurt. You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are" he sighs and Kurt nodded.

" I know, and I'm not. I'm proud and all... I just... Went through a phase"

" With who?"

Kurt swallowed and avoided Blaine’s gaze.

" Brittany" he sighed and Blaine choked.

" Brittany as in Brittany Pierce?" he asked and Kurt nodded.

" Wow..."

" Yeh. I'm about 70 per cent sure she still likes me... But I never liked her" he shrugged and Blaine sighed, Kurt eating a few more blueberries. He lay down and Blaine lay next to him.
They lay in silence for s good minute or two, Kurt letting his hand find Blaine’s, lacing their fingers together.

" This is nice" Kurt sighed and Blaine moved closer, their shoulders touching.

" Kurt... Do you think this is a mistake?" Blaine asked and Kurt sat up, his eyes wide.

" Do you?" he cried and Blaine bit his lip.

" It certainly isn't right. But no." he smiled and Kurt bit his lip, eyes looking down.

"Of course. I ... I really care about you Kurt" Blaine smiled and Kurt pulled Blaine up to kiss him.

The pair didn't break the kiss as Blaine pulled Kurt on top of him, so he was being straddled, his hand's holding Kurt gently. Kurt shivered and Blaine let his tongue slide over the boys lip, being granted entrance almost instantly. His hand's ran down Kurt's back, pulling him closer, their chests pressed together, Kurt looping his fingers through the soft curly hair, his lips slightly bruised. Blaine let his fingers unhook Kurt's shirt from his belt, running slowly up his spine, the boy pausing. His breathing was rigid as he looked into Blaine’s eyes, which were now dark with lust.

" Are you ok?" he asked and Kurt nodded.

" Yeh..." he blushed, Blaine moving a stray piece of hair out of his eyes, his finger lingering on the boys face longer than normal.

" It’s just... I haven't don't this before" Kurt sighed and Blaine just smiled, leaning up, kissing Kurt's jaw.

" Just relax" he whispered and his lips found Kurt's, his eyes closing. Kurt just relaxed and let his hand's travel to the nape of Blaine’s neck, Blaine rolling them over to they were both lying on their sides, a small smile on his lips.

" Maybe we should eat" he sighed and Kurt nodded, pushing away slightly. They sat up and Blaine took out the two bags at the bottom of the hamper.

" Chicken sandwich?" he smiled and Kurt grinned.

" Sure"


" You know, I really enjoyed today" Kurt smiled as Blaine lifted him over the fence, taking his hand as they made their way back towards the Lima bean and Kurt's car.

" I'm glad."

" You know, we could do this everyday" Kurt beamed and Blaine kissed his cheek, laughing slightly.

" I wish"

" I won't see you tomorrow will I?" Kurt sighed and Blaine shook his head.

" Nope." he bit his lip as they stopped at Kurt's car.
" I'm going to miss you" Kurt smiled and leant up, placing his lips to Blaine’s, breathing in slightly as Blaine pulled the boys hips closer to him, kissing him harder.

" I'll miss you too,” he breathed and Kurt smiled, ducking into his car, Blaine moving back as he did, waving as he sped off. He sighed and opened the hamper, going to take out a chocolate, his hand hitting the hard cover of hamlet. Shit.
He smiled lightly and got into his car. Thank god he had GPS.

About 20 minutes later he found himself standing outside Kurt’s front door, knocking lightly. It sprung open not 3 seconds later, a balding man standing there Which Blaine assumed to be Kurt’s dad.

" Mr Hummel?" he asked and Burt nodded.

" The one and only" he sighed and Blaine smiled.

" Oh good. I'm..." he paused for a moment. What should he say? Hello, I'm dating your son, but I'm also his teacher!

" Memory blank there?" Burt asked and Blaine but his lip.

" No, just wondering how to introduce myself. I'm Blaine Anderson, Kurt's English teacher" he settled with that and Burt shook his hand.

" Nice to meet you Mr Anderson, come in" Burt smiled and opened the door, Blaine taking in the sweet smell of vanilla and mocha.

" Can I help you with anything? Is Kurt in trouble?" Burt asked and Blaine looked up.

" Not at all. He just left some homework on Friday and it's due in Monday, I don't want my students getting behind" Blaine lied and Burt nodded.

" Seems fair. Can I offer you a drink?" he asked and Blaine shook his head.

" No thank you sir. I actually have to be getting home, so if you couldn't just let Kurt know..."

He was cut off by a loud cry, Finn racing down the stairs, stopping the moment he saw Blaine.

" Mr A" he smiled and Kurt came racing down behind him.

" Finn I told you the cookies won't be... Bla... Mr Anderson?" Kurt froze, his eyes wide as Blaine gave him a small wave.

" You left your homework on Friday" he sighed and Kurt caught on.
" Oh.. Yeh... Thanks.. Sir" he smiled, walking forward to take the sheets of paper and the hamlet hook.

" I'll go put them away, would you like a drink? Or a cookie?" he breathed and Finn frowned.

" But you said they weren't rea..."

" Shh Finn!" Kurt hissed and Blaine tried to resist the temptation to laugh.

" I'm fine thank you. I have to go... Sorry Mr Hummel sir but... Could I use your bathroom?" he asked and Burt nodded.

" Course. Kurt, show him where it is" he said and Kurt nodded.

" Follow me... Sir" he smiled and Blaine followed him up the stairs, Kurt taking his hand the moment they were out of sight. He pulled him into the hall and smirked as Blaine pushed him up against the wall, kissing him hungrily, hand's on the boy’s hips. Kurt sighed and Blaine pulled away, a small going in his eye.

" Sorry." he mumbled, Kurt pulling his lips back to the man's, letting a hand fly through his hair.

" Don’t be" he breathed and Blaine wanted nothing more than to pick up the boy and take him home, yet he had to control his thoughts. He slowly let his hands move away from Kurt and he kissed his once more, moving back.

" I don't want to get you in trouble" he smiled and Kurt fixed his hair.

" And what happens if I don't do my homework?" he asked and Blaine raised an eyebrow.

" Detention Kurt." he sighed and Kurt smiled.

"Maybe I won't do it then" he smirked and Blaine rolled his eyes.

" With that attitude you might get detention everyday" he winked and Kurt kissed him one more time before they headed back Down, Blaine clearing his throat.

" I better be going. Thank you Mr Hummel sir. See you boys on Monday" he gave a small wave and Kurt winked at him, Blaine blushing as he left.
How on earth was he supposed to survive Sunday now?

End Notes: Thank you so much for the feedback and the views!!! hope you enjoyed


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Fun! Great story...