April 23, 2013, 2:10 a.m.
April 23, 2013, 2:10 a.m.
"'Mr A!" puck cried, walking up to the man, a cheesy smile on his face.
" Yes puck?"
" Are you coming to the football game tonight sir?" puck asked, walking along side the teacher as he headed towards his classroom.
" Um... I don't know.... I have papers to mark…"
" Oh. Well if you get a chance." puck clapped him on the back and hurried off, Blaine sighing.
" So you're not going?" a voice asked and Blaine spun around, trying to resist the smile that crept onto his face as Kurt grinned at him, leaning against a locker, his arm's folded.
" Good morning to you too" Blaine nodded and began walking again, Kurt pushing off the locker, following the older man, a small smirk on his lips.
" You didn't answer my question"
" I don't know. I might be busy" Blaine swallowed and Kurt sighed.
" I was hoping to see you there." he looked at Blaine who gave him a small frown.
" Why?"
" Because it's good when the faculty supports the sports." Kurt smiled innocently and Blaine blinked, turning into his empty classroom, his bow tie feeling rather tight at the moment.
" Really?"
" No. I just like seeing you" Kurt laughed and took a seat on a desk, Blaine dropping the books on the floor by accident, almost choking.
" Are you ok, sir?" Kurt jumped up and Blaine nodded, swallowing.
" Fine... Just... Um... Why are you here?" he asked, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.
For the past week Kurt had called Blaine everyday, the pair talking aimlessly into the night, not as teacher and student, but as friends. So it was only natural for Kurt to frown and fold his arms, his red shirt crunching slightly at the action.
" I need an excuse to talk to you?" he asked and Blaine bit his lip.
" Truthfully? Yes." he swallowed and Kurt sat back on the desk, folding one leg over the other.
" Why?"
" Because Kurt, I'm your teacher, and frankly, it's not... Acceptable" Blaine sighed and Kurt raised an eyebrow.
" So that's why you've let me call you all week?"
Blaine sniffed and licked his lips.
" I... I can't... We... We can't be friends Kurt." he closed his eyes for a moment and let the thoughts ponder.
Did Kurt consider them friends?
" I don't want to be friends" Kurt shrugged and Blaine relaxed a little, opening his eyes, shocked at what he was seeing.
Kurt had risen out if his chair and was now walking towards him, his eyes full of confidence.
" I... I like you Blaine" he swallowed and Blaine coughed.
" Mr Anderson..."
" I think you and I both know Mr Anderson isn't going to work." Kurt sighed, his warm breath sending shivers down the older man's spine. He was so close; all Blaine had to do was move a small inch and he could kiss the boy, yet he seemed to know better.
" Kurt." he said firmly, the boy pulling back.
" Fine. I'll see you in class. Mr Anderson"
He almost growled the last words before storming towards his bag, grabbing it and heading out the door, leaving Blaine speechless and infuriated with himself.
He slammed his hand down on his desk and got up, storming out of the room after Kurt.
Students crowded the hall as Blaine moved past them, looking around for Kurt.
Thank god he had no class first period.
He walked towards the choir room and looked in, Rachel and Mercedes sitting at the piano, both looking over a sheet.
" Excuse me." Blaine cleared his throat and Rachel spun around.
" Mr Anderson!" she smiled and Mercedes gave a small wave.
" Hi Rachel, Mercedes... Have you seen Kurt?" he asked and Rachel raised one of her eyebrows.
" He came in here to grab some sheet music, why?"
Nice one Blaine!
" I need to talk to him about him homework assignment" he swallowed and Rachel smiled.
" He should be in the auditorium" she replied and Blaine nodded, trying not to leave to quickly as he moved away from the door, heading down the hall.
He looked for the auditorium door and he opened it slowly, sweet tunes flowing from the piano:
“And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now.”
Kurt's singing was.... Beautiful. Blaine gasped as Kurt played on the piano, pausing before we went to the next verse, Blaine singing louder than he should, Kurt looking up, still playing.
“All I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
But sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight"
He finished and Kurt stopped playing.
" Your voice is beautiful" he smiled and Blaine flicked the lock, heading down the stairs towards the stage.
" I like to think it's ok. Yours however is... Amazing" he grinned and Kurt stood up, closing the lid on the piano.
" I try" Kurt shrugged and Blaine came closer.
" Kurt. I'm sorry. About before" he sighed and Kurt sniffed.
" It’s fine. I was stupid... I mean obviously we can't be friends.... Mr Anderson?" Kurt asked, his eyes wide as Blaine was even closer, their noses almost touching, Kurt backing up into the piano.
" The thing is Kurt... I like you too" he smiled, Kurt gasping, Blaine UN able to hold on any longer.
He lent down and let his lips gently brush over Kurt's, something flowing between them, sending shivers down his spine.
He pulled back and Kurt looked up at him, his eyes wide.
" You... You zapped me" he smiled and Blaine grinned, Kurt leaning up and placing their lips back together, winding his arms around Blaine's neck, the man lifting up the younger boy, his lips parting, and the taste of Kurt all over him. He sat the boy on the piano and let out a small moan, Kurt sighing as Blaine let his tongue slide effortlessly into Kurt's mouth, his senses on fire. Kurt smiled and pulled away, slightly out of breath.
" Now can I use Blaine?" he asked and Blaine smiled, running a hand over Kurt’s arm.
" Only out side of school and when we're alone" he said and Kurt looked at him.
" What?"
" Kurt. I said I liked you. And I meant it. I know it will be hard and it isn't exactly... Legal… But the way I feel when you're around.... I can't describe it" he smiled, planting a kiss on Kurt’s cheek, the boy biting his lip.
" So... We're together?" he asked and Blaine smiled.
" Do you want to be?"
" Yes" Kurt blushed and Blaine nodded.
" Then yes."
Kurt smiled and kissed Blaine again, letting the warmth rush through him.
" But... We need rules" Blaine sighed as he nudged his nose against Kurt's neck.
" Like?" Kurt sighed, his eyes closed, his fingers trailing down Blaine’s spine.
" No PDA" he said and Kurt pulled back.
" At school" he smiled and Kurt grinned.
" No telling anyone, and we have dinner at least once a week" he smiled and Kurt nodded.
" I like those conditions."
" And Kurt. Are you ok with this? I have to know because it's illegal…"
" I turn 18 in a month but I suppose that information is useless" he sighed and Blaine frowned.
" Why would you think that?"
" Because you'll dump me in a few days when you realize I'm just a stupid boy" he shrugged and Blaine let his hand tilt Kurt’s chin up.
" Kurt. Don't ever think like that" he sighed, leaning forward, capturing the boys lips in his own.
Kurt sighed and felt his heart flutter, Blaine pulling Kurt closer.
" If you want, we can wait. We'll wait as long as you like" he smiled and Kurt bit his lip.
" Really?"
" Yes. Kurt... I just asked you to be my boyfriend. I'm practically ruining my career for you here. Which now I think about it is utterly stupid but, Please believe that what I feel for you is... Is real,” he breathed and Kurt nodded, just holding Blaine close, the older man kissing his forehead.
" I... I don't know if I want to wait." he sighed and Blaine nodded.
" I know. But it's only a month" he smiled and Kurt nodded, looking down.
" Will you still want me in a month?"
" Kurt... I'll always want you" he smiled, kissing Kurt's cheek, his hand on Kurt’s hips.
" I can't wait" Kurt smiled and Blaine grinned.
" I know what you mean" he let his lips trail down Kurt’s jaw line, the boy suddenly pushing him away.
" The door!" he cried, Blaine grabbing his arm.
" I locked it" he smiled and Kurt raised an eyebrow.
" Really?"
" I... Had a plan" Blaine blushed and Kurt smiled, hugging the man, kissing his cheek.
"‘It’s only the second week of school and I have a boyfriend" he smiled and Blaine let his fingers trail down the boys spine.
" Same. And he's... Amazing" he smiled and Kurt blushed, Blaine feeling something pull at his heart. This boy was not just another one of his one-week hook ups, he was the real deal.
" Are you going to the game tonight?" Kurt asked and Blaine smirked.
" Yep. And I hope to see you there Mr Hummel"
" Oh Mr Anderson, you will"
" Well... We have about... 45 minutes until our class." he winked and Kurt smiled.
" Then I guess we better get started"
Suddenly their lips were back together and Kurt couldn't help but smile.
" Yes Rachel?" Blaine sighed as Rachel raised her hand for the fifth time, Kurt rolling his eyes.
" I was wondering, could we possibly perform Hamlet?" her eyes were wide and pleading, Santana scoffing.
" Why? We all know Puck would get hamlet and Quinn would get Ophelia and we'd have to watch them making out all the time." she huffed and Blaine raised a hand.
" No Santana. Rachel... It's a complex play"
" I know. But it would really help us" she smiled and Blaine sighed.
" I'll get back to you." he smiled and Rachel beamed, her eyes following Blaine as he looked up at the clock.
" You can go to break now" he sighed and everyone stood, Kurt grabbing his bag, Puck raising an eyebrow.
" That a hickey?" he asked and Kurt looked up.
" What?" he gasped and Blaine froze.
" Hummel got a hickey" Puck grinned and Kurt rolled his eyes.
" No I don't. It's a bruise" he sighed and puck became silent.
" Sorry man" he patted Kurt's back and headed towards the door, Blaine sighing.
" Kurt. Stay behind" he called and Kurt stopped, everyone filing out, Kurt closing the door.
" I am so sorry" Blaine breathed and Kurt smiled.
" It’s fine." Kurt shrugged and Blaine ran a hand through his hair.
" I completely forgot,” he admitted and Kurt wondered forward, kissing Blaine quickly.
" Don’t worry. I have to go meet Mercedes. I'll see you tonight." he tangled his hand's through Blaine’s hair, kissing him hard on the mouth, pulling away after a second.
" Bye" he waved and Blaine licked his lips, wanting more.
Blaine stood there, hand's in his pockets, scarf wrapped tightly around his neck as everyone cheered, the warmth of Kurt pushed up against him somehow making him feel more relaxed.
" Go Finn!" Kurt cried, Blaine beaming as Kurt cheered, his cheeks a rosy red.
" You are adorable" He sighed and Kurt grinned.
" You know, this isn't even their best year. They did the championship last year and performed thriller" he smiled and Blaine blinked.
" Wow."
" Yeh."
Kurt let his eyes wonder from the game to Blaine’s face, fighting the urge to kiss him right there.
" Go puck!" Blaine cried and Kurt smiled, letting his shoulder bump Blaine’s, the man coughing.
" Could I meet you at the Lima bean tomorrow?" Kurt asked and Blaine smiled.
" How does 12 sound?"
" Perfect"
Great 2nd chapter!
awww yay! :) sweet chapter!