Hot For Teacher
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hot For Teacher: Chapter 13

E - Words: 2,527 - Last Updated: Apr 23, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Apr 15, 2012 - Updated: Apr 23, 2013
180 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Blaine Anderson was not stupid. In fact, he was far from. Over the last three days he had been observing his students as they studied hard, and two students in particular seemed to catch his eye. One being the best student he’d ever had, and also the only student who he let get him off occasionally after school and was in fact, dating. The other was someone that Blaine truly hated.

Jason Baker. The new Boy.

Blaine couldn’t pin point what exactly he hated about the boy, so he just decided to hate everything.

“It’s because for the past three days Kurt hasn’t called you once, and he’s had coffee with that kid like 5 times” Wes rolled his eyes as he sat on Blaine’s couch, sipping at his luke warm beer.

“Remind me again why we’re drinking this?” he hummed and Blaine looked up from his stack of papers.

“The fridge broke, have to drink and eat everything in it. Can of tuna?” he offered and Wes shrugged before he took it, setting it down on the table.

“I still don’t get it, why are you getting so upset about this kid? He’s just a kid Blaine” Wes chuckled as Blaine ran a nervous hand through his head of curls for the hundredth time that evening.

“I’m upset because clearly Kurt likes him better than me” he huffed, fully aware of the fact that he sounded like a 10 year old school girl, talking about her crush in the playground.

“Maybe that’s a good thing” Wes commented and sipped his beer as Blaine turned to look at him; an expression of confusion and hurt plastered on his face.

“Excuse me?” he breathed and Wes sighed.

“Look Blaine, you need to be realistic. Kurt’s a 17 year...”

“18” Blaine corrected immediately, “He’s 18”

“Right, 18, whatever. The fact is, he’s still a kid. Blaine, you’re 24. That’s a 6 year different. I know it doesn’t seem a lot but to Kurt it’s huge. He needs to be dating people his own age.” Wes sighed and looked at his best friend.

“I’m not saying you’re wrong for each other, but right now… Are you what Kurt needs?” he asked and Blaine sighed.

“Can… can you leave please?” he breathed and Wes frowned.


“Please. Get out” he spoke a little firmer and Wes sighed, getting to his feet.

“Fine… just think about it okay?” he sighed and Blaine nodded, sipping his beer. Wes left and the moment the door closed Blaine threw his bottle at the wall, the glass smashing, and beer staining the cream walls. He sniffed and buried his head in his hands, sobbing hard. He loved Kurt Hummel, he knew he did, but it was wrong. So very wrong.


Kurt smiled happily as he walked into Blaine’s classroom the next day, locking the door behind him.

“So, I finally watched that movie you suggested and… Blaine?” Kurt frowned as he saw Blaine sitting at his desk, just staring at the wall ahead.

“Is... is something wrong?” Kurt asked and moved right to his side, kissing the man’s stubbly cheek.

“Kurt… we need to talk” Blaine sighed and looked at the boy, his eyes red from crying.

“Okay… Blaine… are you… have you been crying?” Kurt asked, a frown falling onto his face as he grabbed a chair, sitting in front of the young teachers desk.

“No.. well… yes but that doesn’t matter. We need to talk” Blaine breathed and Kurt sucked in a breath. Blaine was breaking up with him.

“Blaine… please don’t” he breathed and felt the tears already start to sting his eyes. Blaine looked at Kurt and sighed.

“Kurt… we…we can’t do this anymore.” Blaine sighed, his hands shaking. “It’s not fair on you…”

“Fair? Blaine… this isn’t fair on anyone…. But I don’t care! I love you….”

“No you don’t” Blaine said and Kurt glared at him.

“I do love you! I told you on my birthday…”

“No Kurt. You think you love me” Blaine sighed and swallowed. He hated this, making Kurt seem like a child, but he had to do it.

“You don’t know what love is… you’re still a child…”

“I am not a child!” Kurt cried as he stood up. “And I do know what love is! It’s what I feel about you! I’m not a kid Blaine, I’m 18, that doesn’t mean I’m not experienced in love.” He snapped and Blaine stayed seated.

“Kurt this isn’t a discussion…”

“Why not? You don’t get to make all the decisions Blaine! I get to have a say! I’m in this relationship too...”

“Kurt this isn’t a relationship! This is sneaking around!” Blaine barked and Kurt closed his mouth.

“Look. I... I love you Kurt. I do… and maybe you love me but… I’m stopping you from having a normal life. I’ve seen you with Jason and you could really be happy…”

“Jason?” Kurt squeaked and looked at his teacher with large eyes. “This is about Jason?” he questioned, his heart pounding. Blaine thought he wanted Jason?

“Well… he’s a part of it yes” Blaine sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Kurt…you need to be dating someone your own age. I already took too many of your firsts…I don’t need to make that something you regret. You need to experience things with someone you can relate to...”

“I relate to you! I… I like giving you my firsts. Blaine… I love you. I don’t care how old you are. I don’t see you as my teacher… I see you as my boyfriend. And I know its hard, I do but… I really, really don’t want to lose what we have…” Kurt sniffed and moved to stand in front of Blaine, taking his face gently into his hands.

“Please… Don’t do this” he sighed and Blaine looked at Kurt’s large, glistening, perfect eyes; and he had to look away before he fell all over again.

“Kurt… You don’t want me. Not really.”

“I do!”

“Kurt” Blaine said firmly. “Go. Just…. Go.” He sighed and Kurt moved back, grabbing his bag.

“This isn’t over…”

“It is”

“No its not! I won’t let you break up with me…. Because you… you’re afraid” Kurt sniffed and Blaine sat back down.

“You need someone your own age okay?” he sighed and Kurt started at him.

“I love you” He sighed and unlocked the door, heading out of the room. Blaine sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“I love you too”


“Kurt! Wait up!” Jason called as the bell rang to signal the end of the day. Kurt turned around and smiled as he did.

“Hey Jason… look, I can’t do coffee today” Kurt sighed and Jason smiled.

“It’s fine. I was just wondering if you wanted to come to Prom with me” he smiled and Kurt’s jaw dropped.

“Sorry?” he squeaked and Jason smiled.

“Do you want to go to prom with me?” he breathed and Kurt swallowed.

“Oh… Jason…. I don’t know” he breathed and looked at the boy with wide eyes. “I… I sort of told Mercedes that… we could go together…. Single and all” he managed to get out, swallowing thickly. Prom. How the hell had he forgotten about Prom? He sighed and Jason nodded.

“I get it” he sighed and shrugged.

Kurt bit his lip and sighed. “Jason… it’s not that I don’t want to… it would be lovely to share a night like that with a friend like you but…. I told Mercedes yes already” he nodded and was rather proud with his cover up. Jason nodded and looked up at Kurt, biting his lip a little as he watched the boy for a moment.

“But… you would go with me… if you could?” he asked and Kurt nodded.

“Sure” he lied with a soft smile. He turned to his locket and started turning the lock. “I mean… I can still see you there and all, but I can’t be your date… I am sorry” he sighed and turned back around once he got his things out, letting out a gasp as Jason pressed him against the locker and kissed him.
Kurt’s eyes flew open, his stomach twisting. It was a short kiss, simply and sweet, but it was enough to make him shake, his stomach threatening to empty his lunchtime burrito all over Jason’s chest.

“It’s okay. Don’t apologize.” Jason breathed as Kurt gaped at him is shock. His skin seemed to crawl as his mind immediately took him back to the time with Karofsky in the locker room.

“See you Kurt” Jason smiled and headed off down the hall, Kurt swallowing as Rachel and Mercedes walked up to him with wide eyes.

“Kurt” Mercedes huffed and Kurt looked at her with large eyes.

“I… I… he just… he kissed me” he squeaked and Mercedes took his hand, Rachel already digging into him about how it was, but Kurt wasn’t concentrating, because across the hall he could see a pair of Hazel eyes watching him. A pair of hazel eyes he’s grown to love, and those very same eyes were now riddled with tears.

“Blaine” Kurt breathed, so quietly that Rachel didn’t even hear him. Mercedes did however, and she turned around just in time to see the English teacher leaving the building.

“Oh sweet lord”


“Blaine!” Kurt cried again, banging on his door. “Blaine Anderson you let me in right now!” he gasped, tears pouring down his face. He’d been knocking on Blaine’s door for the past five minutes. Blaine sighed and opened the door, tired of hearing the boy banging.

“What?” he asked in a bored tone, even though he’d spent the past hour crying and stuffing his face with melted chocolate and marshmallows.

“What? Are you kidding me! Blaine… you just took off after school… I didn’t even get a chance to explain…” Kurt breathed and pushed his way into the apartment. Blaine sighed and tugged a little at his own hair.

“Kurt… I don’t… just go okay? I don’t need an explanation… I told you to be with someone your own age…”

“But I don’t want to be! I want you! Jason just… he
kissed me but I didn’t want it!” Kurt cried and looked at his boyfriend with large, tear filled eyes.

“Please… you have to believe me…”

“I don’t care” Blaine sighed with a tight jaw. “Kurt, I. Don’t. Care. I told you to go and be with him… so do it? Stop waiting around for me. I’m old and… I’m not for you” he breathed and Kurt stormed forward, stopping in front of Blaine’s face.

“Listen to me. Right now. I don’t want Jason or any other stupid teenage guy. I want you Blaine. I want you because you make me feel… complete. I’m not in this for fun okay? I love you, I’m here because I can’t not be with you. You make me feel safe and relaxed and home. I love it when you kiss me and when you hold me. When we joke and just watch movies… I need you Blaine. I don’t want anyone else. I don’t care if we have to sneak around. I. Don’t. Care” he breathed and wrapped his arms around Blaine’s neck, tangling his hands into Blaine’s loose curls, “Okay? I don’t ever want anyone else because you are it for me” he breathed.

”Stop fighting me on this. I’m not changing my mind. You’re stuck with me” he smiled and Blaine bit his lip. He had to break up with Kurt, it wasn’t fair to him, to be stuck in a forbidden relationship. He went to speak but he saw Kurt’s eyes. Kurt’s perfect, glazs eyes, and he fell. He fell hard and he leant forward, kissing Kurt deeply.

Kurt let out a soft moan as Blaine lifted him up, holding the boy as he kissed him. They stood there for what felt like days, weeks, months, possibly years but Blaine didn’t have a care in the world. Kurt pulled away, tears falling down his cheeks.

“Blaine… Can I… stay the night?” he breathed and pushed back Blaine’s curls, the man looking at him, scanning over his face with shining eyes.

“You… want to… stay?” he breathed and Kurt nodded with a soft smile, his cheeks glowing a lovely shade of pink.

“I… I’m ready” he beamed and kissed Blaine’s lips tenderly, letting out a soft giggle. “I want to” he smiled and Blaine nodded, biting his lip a little.

“Yeah.” He breathed, his better judgement falling away at the sight of Kurt. “Yeah. You can stay”.

Blaine walked Kurt back to his bedroom and lay him down, both slowly taking off their clothes until they were completely naked. Kurt felt a sudden heat race through his veins at every touch, every kiss and every word that Blaine gave him. He let himself trust Blaine, he let himself relax and just breathe and enjoy.
He let his body experience things he never thought were possible, his eyes locked on Blaine’s the entire time. He couldn’t even register how much time had passed, and he’d lost count of the kisses that Blaine had left all over his body, the amount of times Blaine’s fingers had sent sweet, simple rushes of pleasure all through his body. He couldn’t remember when he’d reached the point in which his breathing turned to soft pants, when sweat seemed to be so beautiful, beading on Blaine’s perfectly olive toned skin in such a way that Kurt thought he might cry from how beautiful his lover looked. And that’s what he was now; a lover.

Kurt did remember the point in which pain had slowly turned to pleasure, how Blaine had gently caressed his skin with sweet kissed, telling him he loved him over and over again until Kurt was in a complete state of bliss.

They had no idea how long they spent together, an entanglement of limbs, moving as one in a perfect rhythm. Their kisses become short and sweet, breath mingling together as Kurt’s fingers tangled and locked themselves into Blaine’s hair as they moved together, soft pants and silence ‘I love you’s’ exchanged as they did.

When it was over Kurt couldn’t wipe the smile off his face as Blaine’s arms wrapped around his slender waist, pulling him flush against his chest.

“I love you Kurt” he breathed and kissed his shoulder sweetly, Kurt blushing and letting out a soft breath.

“I love you too” he beamed and closed his eyes, finally feeling complete for the first time in forever.


Kurt woke up the next day with a soft ache in his body but he didn’t really care. Blaine’s arms were still wrapped around him and he couldn’t help but blush and smile. He giggled as Blaine cuddled him closer, only letting out a sigh when his phone buzzed. He hummed and slowly slipped out of bed, grabbing Blaine’s old college hoodie, slipping it on before he headed out to find his phone. He picked up it, hugging himself and the warmth of Blaine’s hoodie, his eyes scanning over his phone, his smile fading.

He had 10 missed calls from his Dad and 6 messages.

Dad: Hey bud, when are you coming home?

Dad: Kurt, its 6 and dinners ready, where are you bud?

Dad: Kurt I’m serious, answer your phone.

Dad: Kurt Hummel you are in serious trouble. It’s 11 pm and I’ve been everywhere looking for you

Dad: I spoke to Mercedes. She told me everything. You better be home by 8am because you are in serious trouble young man.

Blaine Anderson was not stupid. In fact, he was far from. Over the last three days he had been observing his students as they studied hard, and two students in particular seemed to catch his eye. One being the best student he’d ever had, and also the only student who he let get him off occasionally after school and was in fact, dating. The other was someone that Blaine truly hated.

Jason Baker. The new Boy.

Blaine couldn’t pin point what exactly he hated about the boy, so he just decided to hate everything.

“It’s because for the past three days Kurt hasn’t called you once, and he’s had coffee with that kid like 5 times” Wes rolled his eyes as he sat on Blaine’s couch, sipping at his luke warm beer.

“Remind me again why we’re drinking this?” he hummed and Blaine looked up from his stack of papers.

“The fridge broke, have to drink and eat everything in it. Can of tuna?” he offered and Wes shrugged before he took it, setting it down on the table.

“I still don’t get it, why are you getting so upset about this kid? He’s just a kid Blaine” Wes chuckled as Blaine ran a nervous hand through his head of curls for the hundredth time that evening.

“I’m upset because clearly Kurt likes him better than me” he huffed, fully aware of the fact that he sounded like a 10 year old school girl, talking about her crush in the playground.

“Maybe that’s a good thing” Wes commented and sipped his beer as Blaine turned to look at him; an expression of confusion and hurt plastered on his face.

“Excuse me?” he breathed and Wes sighed.

“Look Blaine, you need to be realistic. Kurt’s a 17 year...”

“18” Blaine corrected immediately, “He’s 18”

“Right, 18, whatever. The fact is, he’s still a kid. Blaine, you’re 24. That’s a 6 year different. I know it doesn’t seem a lot but to Kurt it’s huge. He needs to be dating people his own age.” Wes sighed and looked at his best friend.

“I’m not saying you’re wrong for each other, but right now… Are you what Kurt needs?” he asked and Blaine sighed.

“Can… can you leave please?” he breathed and Wes frowned.


“Please. Get out” he spoke a little firmer and Wes sighed, getting to his feet.

“Fine… just think about it okay?” he sighed and Blaine nodded, sipping his beer. Wes left and the moment the door closed Blaine threw his bottle at the wall, the glass smashing, and beer staining the cream walls. He sniffed and buried his head in his hands, sobbing hard. He loved Kurt Hummel, he knew he did, but it was wrong. So very wrong.


Kurt smiled happily as he walked into Blaine’s classroom the next day, locking the door behind him.

“So, I finally watched that movie you suggested and… Blaine?” Kurt frowned as he saw Blaine sitting at his desk, just staring at the wall ahead.

“Is... is something wrong?” Kurt asked and moved right to his side, kissing the man’s stubbly cheek.

“Kurt… we need to talk” Blaine sighed and looked at the boy, his eyes red from crying.

“Okay… Blaine… are you… have you been crying?” Kurt asked, a frown falling onto his face as he grabbed a chair, sitting in front of the young teachers desk.

“No.. well… yes but that doesn’t matter. We need to talk” Blaine breathed and Kurt sucked in a breath. Blaine was breaking up with him.

“Blaine… please don’t” he breathed and felt the tears already start to sting his eyes. Blaine looked at Kurt and sighed.

“Kurt… we…we can’t do this anymore.” Blaine sighed, his hands shaking. “It’s not fair on you…”

“Fair? Blaine… this isn’t fair on anyone…. But I don’t care! I love you….”

“No you don’t” Blaine said and Kurt glared at him.

“I do love you! I told you on my birthday…”

“No Kurt. You think you love me” Blaine sighed and swallowed. He hated this, making Kurt seem like a child, but he had to do it.

“You don’t know what love is… you’re still a child…”

“I am not a child!” Kurt cried as he stood up. “And I do know what love is! It’s what I feel about you! I’m not a kid Blaine, I’m 18, that doesn’t mean I’m not experienced in love.” He snapped and Blaine stayed seated.

“Kurt this isn’t a discussion…”

“Why not? You don’t get to make all the decisions Blaine! I get to have a say! I’m in this relationship too...”

“Kurt this isn’t a relationship! This is sneaking around!” Blaine barked and Kurt closed his mouth.

“Look. I... I love you Kurt. I do… and maybe you love me but… I’m stopping you from having a normal life. I’ve seen you with Jason and you could really be happy…”

“Jason?” Kurt squeaked and looked at his teacher with large eyes. “This is about Jason?” he questioned, his heart pounding. Blaine thought he wanted Jason?

“Well… he’s a part of it yes” Blaine sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Kurt…you need to be dating someone your own age. I already took too many of your firsts…I don’t need to make that something you regret. You need to experience things with someone you can relate to...”

“I relate to you! I… I like giving you my firsts. Blaine… I love you. I don’t care how old you are. I don’t see you as my teacher… I see you as my boyfriend. And I know its hard, I do but… I really, really don’t want to lose what we have…” Kurt sniffed and moved to stand in front of Blaine, taking his face gently into his hands.

“Please… Don’t do this” he sighed and Blaine looked at Kurt’s large, glistening, perfect eyes; and he had to look away before he fell all over again.

“Kurt… You don’t want me. Not really.”

“I do!”

“Kurt” Blaine said firmly. “Go. Just…. Go.” He sighed and Kurt moved back, grabbing his bag.

“This isn’t over…”

“It is”

“No its not! I won’t let you break up with me…. Because you… you’re afraid” Kurt sniffed and Blaine sat back down.

“You need someone your own age okay?” he sighed and Kurt started at him.

“I love you” He sighed and unlocked the door, heading out of the room. Blaine sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“I love you too”


“Kurt! Wait up!” Jason called as the bell rang to signal the end of the day. Kurt turned around and smiled as he did.

“Hey Jason… look, I can’t do coffee today” Kurt sighed and Jason smiled.

“It’s fine. I was just wondering if you wanted to come to Prom with me” he smiled and Kurt’s jaw dropped.

“Sorry?” he squeaked and Jason smiled.

“Do you want to go to prom with me?” he breathed and Kurt swallowed.

“Oh… Jason…. I don’t know” he breathed and looked at the boy with wide eyes. “I… I sort of told Mercedes that… we could go together…. Single and all” he managed to get out, swallowing thickly. Prom. How the hell had he forgotten about Prom? He sighed and Jason nodded.

“I get it” he sighed and shrugged.

Kurt bit his lip and sighed. “Jason… it’s not that I don’t want to… it would be lovely to share a night like that with a friend like you but…. I told Mercedes yes already” he nodded and was rather proud with his cover up. Jason nodded and looked up at Kurt, biting his lip a little as he watched the boy for a moment.

“But… you would go with me… if you could?” he asked and Kurt nodded.

“Sure” he lied with a soft smile. He turned to his locket and started turning the lock. “I mean… I can still see you there and all, but I can’t be your date… I am sorry” he sighed and turned back around once he got his things out, letting out a gasp as Jason pressed him against the locker and kissed him.
Kurt’s eyes flew open, his stomach twisting. It was a short kiss, simply and sweet, but it was enough to make him shake, his stomach threatening to empty his lunchtime burrito all over Jason’s chest.

“It’s okay. Don’t apologize.” Jason breathed as Kurt gaped at him is shock. His skin seemed to crawl as his mind immediately took him back to the time with Karofsky in the locker room.

“See you Kurt” Jason smiled and headed off down the hall, Kurt swallowing as Rachel and Mercedes walked up to him with wide eyes.

“Kurt” Mercedes huffed and Kurt looked at her with large eyes.

“I… I… he just… he kissed me” he squeaked and Mercedes took his hand, Rachel already digging into him about how it was, but Kurt wasn’t concentrating, because across the hall he could see a pair of Hazel eyes watching him. A pair of hazel eyes he’s grown to love, and those very same eyes were now riddled with tears.

“Blaine” Kurt breathed, so quietly that Rachel didn’t even hear him. Mercedes did however, and she turned around just in time to see the English teacher leaving the building.

“Oh sweet lord”


“Blaine!” Kurt cried again, banging on his door. “Blaine Anderson you let me in right now!” he gasped, tears pouring down his face. He’d been knocking on Blaine’s door for the past five minutes. Blaine sighed and opened the door, tired of hearing the boy banging.

“What?” he asked in a bored tone, even though he’d spent the past hour crying and stuffing his face with melted chocolate and marshmallows.

“What? Are you kidding me! Blaine… you just took off after school… I didn’t even get a chance to explain…” Kurt breathed and pushed his way into the apartment. Blaine sighed and tugged a little at his own hair.

“Kurt… I don’t… just go okay? I don’t need an explanation… I told you to be with someone your own age…”

“But I don’t want to be! I want you! Jason just… he
kissed me but I didn’t want it!” Kurt cried and looked at his boyfriend with large, tear filled eyes.

“Please… you have to believe me…”

“I don’t care” Blaine sighed with a tight jaw. “Kurt, I. Don’t. Care. I told you to go and be with him… so do it? Stop waiting around for me. I’m old and… I’m not for you” he breathed and Kurt stormed forward, stopping in front of Blaine’s face.

“Listen to me. Right now. I don’t want Jason or any other stupid teenage guy. I want you Blaine. I want you because you make me feel… complete. I’m not in this for fun okay? I love you, I’m here because I can’t not be with you. You make me feel safe and relaxed and home. I love it when you kiss me and when you hold me. When we joke and just watch movies… I need you Blaine. I don’t want anyone else. I don’t care if we have to sneak around. I. Don’t. Care” he breathed and wrapped his arms around Blaine’s neck, tangling his hands into Blaine’s loose curls, “Okay? I don’t ever want anyone else because you are it for me” he breathed.

”Stop fighting me on this. I’m not changing my mind. You’re stuck with me” he smiled and Blaine bit his lip. He had to break up with Kurt, it wasn’t fair to him, to be stuck in a forbidden relationship. He went to speak but he saw Kurt’s eyes. Kurt’s perfect, glazs eyes, and he fell. He fell hard and he leant forward, kissing Kurt deeply.

Kurt let out a soft moan as Blaine lifted him up, holding the boy as he kissed him. They stood there for what felt like days, weeks, months, possibly years but Blaine didn’t have a care in the world. Kurt pulled away, tears falling down his cheeks.

“Blaine… Can I… stay the night?” he breathed and pushed back Blaine’s curls, the man looking at him, scanning over his face with shining eyes.

“You… want to… stay?” he breathed and Kurt nodded with a soft smile, his cheeks glowing a lovely shade of pink.

“I… I’m ready” he beamed and kissed Blaine’s lips tenderly, letting out a soft giggle. “I want to” he smiled and Blaine nodded, biting his lip a little.

“Yeah.” He breathed, his better judgement falling away at the sight of Kurt. “Yeah. You can stay”.

Blaine walked Kurt back to his bedroom and lay him down, both slowly taking off their clothes until they were completely naked. Kurt felt a sudden heat race through his veins at every touch, every kiss and every word that Blaine gave him. He let himself trust Blaine, he let himself relax and just breathe and enjoy.
He let his body experience things he never thought were possible, his eyes locked on Blaine’s the entire time. He couldn’t even register how much time had passed, and he’d lost count of the kisses that Blaine had left all over his body, the amount of times Blaine’s fingers had sent sweet, simple rushes of pleasure all through his body. He couldn’t remember when he’d reached the point in which his breathing turned to soft pants, when sweat seemed to be so beautiful, beading on Blaine’s perfectly olive toned skin in such a way that Kurt thought he might cry from how beautiful his lover looked. And that’s what he was now; a lover.

Kurt did remember the point in which pain had slowly turned to pleasure, how Blaine had gently caressed his skin with sweet kissed, telling him he loved him over and over again until Kurt was in a complete state of bliss.

They had no idea how long they spent together, an entanglement of limbs, moving as one in a perfect rhythm. Their kisses become short and sweet, breath mingling together as Kurt’s fingers tangled and locked themselves into Blaine’s hair as they moved together, soft pants and silence ‘I love you’s’ exchanged as they did.

When it was over Kurt couldn’t wipe the smile off his face as Blaine’s arms wrapped around his slender waist, pulling him flush against his chest.

“I love you Kurt” he breathed and kissed his shoulder sweetly, Kurt blushing and letting out a soft breath.

“I love you too” he beamed and closed his eyes, finally feeling complete for the first time in forever.


Kurt woke up the next day with a soft ache in his body but he didn’t really care. Blaine’s arms were still wrapped around him and he couldn’t help but blush and smile. He giggled as Blaine cuddled him closer, only letting out a sigh when his phone buzzed. He hummed and slowly slipped out of bed, grabbing Blaine’s old college hoodie, slipping it on before he headed out to find his phone. He picked up it, hugging himself and the warmth of Blaine’s hoodie, his eyes scanning over his phone, his smile fading.

He had 10 missed calls from his Dad and 6 messages.

Dad: Hey bud, when are you coming home?

Dad: Kurt, its 6 and dinners ready, where are you bud?

Dad: Kurt I’m serious, answer your phone.

Dad: Kurt Hummel you are in serious trouble. It’s 11 pm and I’ve been everywhere looking for you

Dad: I spoke to Mercedes. She told me everything. You better be home by 8am because you are in serious trouble young man.



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