Hot For Teacher
Chapter 11 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hot For Teacher: Chapter 11

E - Words: 3,195 - Last Updated: Apr 23, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Apr 15, 2012 - Updated: Apr 23, 2013
637 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: Okay guys! here it is. thank you all so much for the reviews and support. I hope you enjoy this chapter, lil bit of smut in there hehe, so for those of you who don't like.. skip through.
It took a whole week for Kurt to come back to school. Frankly, Blaine thought he needed longer, but he wasn’t going to argue with the boy he loved. So he still smiled his big old smile when Kurt walked into the choir room, the glee club all making their way toward him right away.

“We’ve missed you Kurt” Rachel smiled as she held him close, watching Blaine as she did. The man just nodded and clapped his hands together, the teens taking a seat in front of him.

“Yes, welcome back Kurt… It’s wonderful to hear you’re feeling better. We also have sectionals in 2 weeks and it’s about time we got around to deciding on songs. Now, I know Quin has the solo… Rachel and Finn have the duet…. But we need a soloist for the group number. Now… its open to anyone so raise your hand if you’d like it and we’ll go from there” Blaine clasped his hands together and Kurt raised his hand carelessly, fully expected everyone else too, but they didn’t. They sat in their seats, all eyes shining as they watched Kurt turn around and frown at them.

“Um…care to explain why not one of you is trying to tackle me to the ground for this solo?” Kurt asked, his eyes moving over to Rachel who blushed.

“We want you to have it Kurt. You deserve it” Tina smiled sweetly as Mike took her hand and nodded. Kurt still had a look of disbelief plastered all over his face when he turned around to look at Blaine.

“Can you please talk some sense into them?” he asked and Blaine shook his head with a smile.

“They’ve made their decision. Now, Quinn, Finchel and Kurt, if you could stay behind after glee club and I’ll go over your songs that I think would really work.” Blaine nodded to himself and began to lesson on how to synchronize themselves on stage.


Kurt stood by his car; which was coincidentally parked right next to Blaine’s, and leant against the door as he watched his boyfriend stumble out of the school with an arm full of papers.

“Need some help?” Kurt called and Blaine looked up, dropping the papers everywhere.

“Shit! Um… Yes please” he called and Kurt ran over to him, kneeling in front of him.

“You didn’t talk to me much today” he said casually as the pair clutched at papers, stacking them up in each other’s arms.

“I was teaching. You know… my job” Blaine sighed and he immediately looked up at Kurt, his eyes wide.

“Kurt I’m sorry… that was… uncalled for.” He swallowed and Kurt shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s fine. I figured you’d be mad at me anyway.” Kurt's voice dropped off and he busied himself collecting the last few papers, getting to his feet quickly.

“Mad at you? Why on earth would I be mad at you?” Blaine asked and Kurt looked at his Doc Martins.

“Because… I…I… I did something wrong.” Kurt sniffed and Blaine took the papers from him, edging the boy toward his car.

“Kurt…are you busy?” he asked and Kurt shook his head.

“Good. Follow me home” and with that Blaine slipped into his car and started up the engine, Kurt doing the same thing.

What was going to happen? Was Blaine going to break up with him? Oh God! He was! Kurt's thoughts racked his brain and stung his heart has he followed Blaine the short distance to his apartment. He climbed out and hurried to the mans side, their shoulders touching as they made their way up to Blaine’s apartment. The moment the door was closed Blaine was in front of the boy, their foreheads touching.

“Now, I don’t know where you got the crazy idea that I would be mad at you… but would you care to explain?” He asked and Kurt wound his arms around his boyfriend’s neck and let out a long sigh.

“I thought you’d be mad at me… because… because I cheated” he whispered and he waited for the yelling and the god awful break-up to come… but it didn’t happen.

“Oh Kurt” Blaine was almost laughing, his hands resting gently on the small of the boys back.

“You didn’t cheat. You were forced. I could never be mad at you for that” Blaine kissed Kurt's nose and pulled away, looking a little withdrawn.

“Anyway…about that. Are you feeling okay?” He asked and Kurt nodded.

“Yes. I was a little broken down the first three days… but I’m fine now.” Kurt smiled and stepped forward, leaning forward to kiss his boyfriend when Blaine moved away and ran a hand through his hair.

“Um… would you like a drink?” he asked and Kurt frowned.

“Why won’t you kiss me?” he asked and Blaine shook his head.

“I… I… I can’t” he swallowed and Kurt's eyes suddenly became filled with tears.

“You’re breaking up with me aren’t you” he looked at Blaine and Blaine couldn’t speak. The boy looked absolutely heartbroken and in that moment… he couldn’t.

“No! Kurt… no. I just… I don’t want you to feel pressured, ever. After what happened… I thought you wouldn’t want any physical contact…” Blaine sighed and Kurt stepped forward and kissed him gently. Blaine’s troubles melted away at that simple action, it felt so right. He smiled into the kiss and stepped closer, letting his arms curl around Kurt's thin waist, pressing their bodies closer together. Kurt let his fingers wonder through Blaine’s curls, his tongue dancing happily with Blaine’s, his heart racing a mile a minute. This was where he belonged, right here, with Blaine, always.


It was not the sun that woke Kurt up the next day, nor was it his alarm, his phone, a fashion sale or anything Kurt might have wanted to wake him up. No, it was Finn. The large jock has raced into his room and dived on his bed, winding Kurt in the process.

“Happy Birthday Kurt!” he cried as Kurt proceeded to choke and try to catch his breath.

“Whoa… dude is something wrong?” Finn asked and Kurt waved his hands, taking in a deep breath.

“Thank you Finn, but please, get off me” he huffed and Finn jumped up smiling.

“I have a present for you dude! It’s downstairs though, so… you’ll have to get up. Come on! Mum made breakfast” Finn grinned from ear to ear as he bounded from the room like a puppy, Kurt slumping back into the confines of his comfortable bed. He ran his hand through his hair and groaned.

“18, what difference will that make?” he mumbled to himself, sitting up the moment a thought popped into his mind. He was 18. He was legal. A smile set itself firmly on his lips as he walked out of his room down to breakfast, a small spring in his step. That’s right, he was 18.

“Morning bud!” Burt pulled Kurt into a bone-crushing hug and set him down, handing him a wrapped box.

“Happy Birthday” he smiled and Kurt thanked him as he received a hug from Carole.

“We hope you like it.” She smiled as Kurt slipped his finger under the wrapping, sliding it off with ease. He looked at the box carefully and opened it, his eyes widening.

“Dad… it’s… wonderful” Kurt grinned and Burt looked awkward.

“I hope you know that’s only half of it” Burt sighed as Kurt took the large roll of something that looked like film out of the box.

“Oh?” Kurt questioned as Carole handed him another box.

“This is the main one.”

“We figured… since you had plans for New York and… you don’t have long left, you might want to take some memories with you” Burt smiled as Kurt opened the box, a hand flying to his mouth.

“Dad… Carole… thank you” Kurt smiled widely as he picked up the Polaroid camera in his hands, gently examining it.

“I’m glad you like it sweetheart.” Carole kissed his cheek and busied herself setting the table whilst Burt squeezed Kurt's shoulder.

“You mum had one just like it, but it broke when you were five. I figured… this way you can have something to look back on when you’re living the dream” Burt smiled and Kurt hugged him again.

“Thank you dad” he sighed happily and Burt patted his back.

“Who would have thought? My boy, 18” he sniffed and Kurt raised an eyebrow.

“Are you going to cry?”

“Not until you’re at school” Burt nodded and Kurt rolled his eyes.

“Bacons ready!” Carole called and Kurt smiled as he watched his family sit around the table, happily talking about absolutely anything. He had a feeling this was going to the best birthday he’s ever had.


“ Morning Kurt… What the!” Blaine cried as he Kurt snapped a picture of him and let it process, handing it over to him.

“I got a camera” He smiled as the pair walked side by side up to the school, Blaine eyeing the photo.

“I don’t look so bad”

“You look sexy” Kurt shrugged his shoulders and Blaine smiled.

“Happy Birthday” he whispered and Kurt blushed slightly.

“Thank you” he smiled and Blaine winked.

“I’ll see you after school, and I can give you your present” Blaine smiled before he hurried off in the opposite direction, Kurt only having to wait a few seconds before he was bombarded by Rachel and Mercedes.

“Kurt! Happy Birthday white boy!”

“18 Kurt!”

Kurt managed to get the girl to stand together for a few photo’s, pinning one in his locker as they stood in the hallway, Rachel’s arms folded tightly across her chest.

“So Kurt, anything planned for later?” Mercedes asked and Kurt shook his head.

“I think I’m going out for dinner tonight with dad, Carole and Finn, but it’s just studying before that” Kurt sighed and he unintentionally blushed, Rachel eyeing him suspiciously.

“No plans with a certain teacher?” Rachel asked and Mercedes looked horrified, Kurt raising an eyebrow.

“Excuse me?” he coughed and Rachel frowned.

“You know what I’m talking about Kurt”

“Actually Rachel, I don’t. I don’t know what you think you’re saying…”

‘I’m saying, I saw you two, the way you were Kurt. When you were…”

“When I was assaulted and in need of care and understanding. Yes Rachel, I know that, I was there. But I do not feel anything for Mr Anderson the way you are implying I do. I needed someone Rachel, someone who could be there for me, and I respect and trust Mr Anderson like that. So yes, I called him Blaine, and yes, he’s told me your ‘suspicions’, but I can assure you, I do not like a teacher just because he might be the only other gay person in this cow town. Now I don’t want my birthday ruined, so can we just drop it and get to math please?” Kurt asked and Rachel nodded as Mercedes tried not to smirk. Damn her white boy was a good liar.

“Thank you” Kurt smiled, hugged the brunette and walked away, the two girls hurrying after him.

The rest of the day flew by without any hassles. Kurt received multiple gifts from the glee club such as a music note tie (Mike), a large stuffed bear (Puck), a pair of lovely violet Doc Martins (Quinn, Tina, Artie, Sam, Mercedes and Rachel), a small unicorn (Brittany) and the complete guide to sex for any gender from Santana. Kurt smiled as he arrived at Blaine’s apartment, the camera in his hands.

“Happy Birthday” Blaine smiled as he pulled his boyfriend into his apartment, kissing him quickly on the lips. For some reason in felt different, it felt more passionate and more… right then ever before.

“You’ve been holding out on me” Kurt smiled as he set down his camera on the kitchen top, Blaine smirking as he closed the door.

“Indeed I have.” Blaine smiled and he wondered over to Kurt and kissed him again, pulling him closer than before. Kurt grinned and wrapped his arms around Blaine’s neck, moulding the two together. Blaine thought he could stay like this forever, just with his Kurt, in his apartment.
He broke the kiss and moved a stray hair out of Kurt's eye.

“So, do you want your present yet?” he asked and Kurt nodded, hopping up on the kitchen bench as Blaine jogged from the room and returned moments later with a small box.

“Happy Birthday Kurt” he blushed as he handed it to the boy, Kurt's delicate eyebrow rising in curiosity.

“What is it?” he mused and Blaine rolled his eyes.

“Open it and find out. That’s generally what happens.” He laughed and Kurt tore off the blue paper and opened the little black box, his hand flying to his mouth in surprise. There, in the box, sat a silver ring. It was plain and simple, the light bouncing off it in all the right ways, Kurt now close to tears.


“It’s a promise ring. Now I know that promise rings are so sophomore year… but I really wanted to get you it” Blaine smiled and Kurt looked at him with his large beautiful eyes.

“But…what are you promising?” he asked and Blaine sighed.

“To always do right by you, even if I don’t exactly like the situation. To be there for you whenever you need me. To support you with every decision you make. To help you with all your homework. To always answer your call, no matter what I’m doing.” Blaine was smiling by now and Kurt was trying to wipe away his tears quickly. “ To always love you, no matter what comes our way and to remind you every single day how truly amazing you are Kurt Hummel” Blaine smiled and took the ring out of the box and slid it gently onto Kurt's finger.

“It fits” he breathed and with that Kurt flung his arms around the mans neck and kissed him hard, Blaine lifting him up with ease. The pair stumbled back and fell onto the couch, Kurt on top of Blaine. Blaine kissed down Kurt's neck and nipped at his porcelain skin, Kurt breathing heavily underneath him.


“Hush. Let me do this” Blaine flipped the pair over so he was on top, discarding of Kurt’s shirt immediately. Kurt ould feel Blaine’s hard on against his hip and he felt so much better than he had before. He had the power to undo Blaine, to make him feel things he never thought he could make anyone feel. That was an amazing gift in itself. Blaine trailed his tongue over Kurt's nipple and the boy tried desperately not to thrust up into Blaine’s hips. Blaine let his hand’s trail down to Kurt's hips, holding him still as he slid down him, eyes filled with passion. Kurt bit his lip hard as Blaine began to undo his jeans, pulling them slowly off his now bare legs.

“Kurt… you… are…amazing” Blaine whispered between each kiss up Kurt's leg, the boy writhing beneath him. All the blood rushed from Kurt's head at once and he was left feeling faint for a moment as Blaine slid off his underwear, discarding of it on the carpet. Kurt dared not look as Blaine’s hand slowly closed around his aroused cock, his eyelids flickering.

“Holy sweet hell!” Kurt bit his lips and Blaine let out a low chuckle.

“ Better keep that mouth closed Kurt, I have neighbours.” And with that Blaine let his lips slide around Kurt's cock, the boy letting out a small yelp. His hands ran through Blaine’s hair as the man bobbed his head up and down, Kurt in absolute bliss. Blaine twirled his tongue around and let his hand massage the area he could not fit in his hot mouth. Kurt tried his best not to yell out but when Blaine let his teeth gently graze over Kurt's skin he lost it.

“Blaine… I’m gonna… I’m…” he cried and Blaine quickened his pace, Kurt letting go immediately. Before his breathing and heart were able to slow down, Kurt felt Blaine’s lips on his, the saltiness of himself on them.

“Happy Birthday sweetheart” Blaine kissed his forehead and Kurt got to him feet, slipping his pants back on.

“I must say, best gift ever” He grinned and Blaine pulled him on top of him, kissing his neck gently.

“You are amazing” he smiled and Kurt paused for a moment. Here he was, wrapped up in his boyfriend’s arms on his birthday in a state of pure bliss, and he only had one thing to say.

“I…I love you” he whispered and the soft lips on his neck stopped moving. Kurt held his breath as he felt Blaine move underneath him. Kurt was about to open his mouth and say he was sorry when he was flipped around so he was straddling Blaine, his forehead pressed against the young mans.

“I love you too,” Blaine breathed and Kurt smiled as his boyfriend once again kissed him. Kurt couldn’t help but feel wonderful in this moment.
Then there was a bang on the door.

“Who is it?” Blaine called and a familiar voice came back.

“It’s Quinn!” the voice called and Kurt dived off Blaine and grabbed his things.

“Quinn?” Blaine cried as he threw Kurt's stuff into his room, closing the door behind the boy. He made sure he looked presentable before he opened the door to the blonde girl.

“Quinn, how did you get my address?” he asked as she girl walked past him.

“I looked it up in the school computer. I came over to make sure we were decided on my solo” the girl smiled and Blaine frowned.

“I assure you we are. It’s inappropriate for students to visit teachers…”

“Kurt's here” Quinn said simply and then it clicked. Kurt's car was outside. SHIT.

Before Blaine could answer Kurt came walking out with his bag on his shoulder, clapping his hands together.

“Thanks again for the help with homework Mr A. I hate having to spend hours pouring over it, especially on my… Hey Quinn.” Kurt cocked his head to the side and the girl smiled sweetly.

“Hello Kurt. Homework trouble?” she asked and Kurt nodded.

“Yep. You?”

“I was here…”

“To discuss solo’s, which I will do at school tomorrow. You should probably both leave now before I get into a heap of trouble. Quinn, I will talk tomorrow. Happy Birthday Kurt” Blaine nodded at the pair and Kurt linked his arm through Quinn’s.

“Thanks Mr A. For everything” and with that he dragged the blonde girl out of the apartment despite the frown etched on her face.

“Kurt! I was talking to him” she pulled away and walked on her own, Kurt rolling his eyes.

“No Quinn, you were going there to flirt. Which is stupid because he’s so much older than you” Kurt swallowed and Quinn folded her arms across her chest.

“He isn’t that old Kurt, and that’s not the point. He could be interested…”

“He’s taken” Kurt sighed and Quinn raised an eyebrow.


“Yup. He was telling me about his… um… girlfriend. Kate or something. They’ve been together since high school. They’ll probably get married any time now, and he really loves her. She might be pregnant… with twins.” Kurt lied out right and Quinn actually believed him.

“Wow. I guess he really isn’t available then” Quinn sighed and Kurt shook his head as he reached his car.

“Nope, sorry” he shrugged his shoulders and Quinn chuckled.

“Oh well. There was this new guy I saw walking around school today. Jake or something. Anyway, Happy Birthday Kurt” Quinn waved as Kurt slipped into his car, a small smile on his face. Yup, Blaine was taken alright, he was his.


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This is so good, I love it!

Awh I love this. Just started reading it today and can't wait till the next chapter. I love Kurt and Blaine teacher fanfictions. Their just so awesome :)

LOL That was close!!!