April 23, 2013, 2:10 a.m.
April 23, 2013, 2:10 a.m.
“Why the smile fag? Finally get laid?” Karofsky muttered and this time Kurt didn’t even care. He just kept on walking and looked over his shoulder with a grin.
“You’d be the last to Dave, so keep dreaming” he gave a small wink and wondered off, leaving the baffled jock to himself.
“ Kurt!” Mercedes cried as she wondered over to him, linking arms instantly.
“ Hey bub. What’s up?” Kurt asked and Mercedes shrugged her shoulders.
“Nothing much, just happy Miss Swans gone. She was a bi…” Mercedes never got to the finish her sentence. An ice cold drink was thrown over her and Kurt, the pair gasping as their eyes begin to sting. The familiar laugh of Azimo and Karofsky filled the air, Kurt letting his bag drop to the ground.
“That’s it! I’ve had it with you tools!” he cried, marching forward. Karofsky’s grin turned to a frown as Mercedes yelled at Kurt to stop, the boy slapping Karofsky hard. The boy stumbled back for a moment before he grabbed Kurt’s arm and tugged him forward, looking him in the eye.
“Don’t push me Hummel,” he warned and Kurt took this moment to spit in the boy’s eye, Mercedes gasping as Kurt was tugged like a ragdoll towards the boys locker room, Azimo looking confused as to what was happening.
“Let me go!” Kurt yelled as Karofsky threw him into the room, stepping in before he locked the door, Mercedes banging on it loudly.
“Let him out Karofsky!” she cried and Dave smirked.
“Hell no!” he called and his gaze turned towards Kurt, who was shrinking back against the lockers. He had no way out… and no one was here to save him.
“David I…” he began but Karofsky held up a hand to silence him.
“You know what Kurt? I should have done this along time ago”
And with that Dave swooped forward and planted a kiss on Kurt’s lips, the boy freezing.
What was going on? Why was Dave Karofsky kissing him? He shouldn’t be kissing him! The only person who could kiss him was Blaine!
Kurt tried to shove the boy back but he wouldn’t budge. Instead Karofsky kissed Kurt harder, his lips moving sloppily over the other boys. He didn’t kiss like Blaine. Blaine was warm and gentle and tasted like mocha. Karofsky tasted like chicken wings and coke. Kurt could feel the tears run down his cheeks as Karofsky forced himself on the boy, his rough hands wondering all over the smaller boys body. Kurt kicked out but was pinned to the lockers soon after, his heart hammering against his rib cage.
“Please” he mumbled and Karofsky moved back and smiled.
“I’ve wanted this for so long Kurt, and I know you want me too. You’re 17… I’m 17… we have urges” Dave smiled sweetly and Kurt shook his head.
“I don’t like you like that David…”
“You do and we both know it. I’m so sorry we wasted this long Kurt. But I’m going to make it up to you” Dave swooped back down and kissed Kurt harder, the boy silently crying. What the hell was going on?
He still tried to push the boy away but Karofsky took it as passion, and kissed him harder. Kurt could hear the banging on the door cease and he prayed to anything up above that someone would come and save him, but they never came.
Karofsky continued to kiss Kurt as he unbuttoned the boy’s jacket, running his hand down Kurt's chest, resting on his hips. Kurt silently wished for it to be over, but it didn’t seem to be ending.
“I’ll be your first Kurt” Karofsky whispered and Kurt froze.
“No… please… HElP!” Kurt screamed but Karofsky jammed his hand over his mouth to silence him.
“Kurt. Please. Don’t fight what you feel inside.” Dave kissed Kurt again and his hands moved to the boys jeans, roughly palming him through the material.
Anybody… help me.
Blaine was rather enjoying the peace in his empty classroom when the door burst open, an out of breathe Mercedes standing there, tears running down her face.
“Mercedes! What’s…”
“Its Kurt. Karofsky has Kurt! I don’t know what’s he’s doing… he could be beating him up…”
Blaine was on his feet before Mercedes could finish her sentence.
“Where!” he cried and the girl frantically followed as Blaine raced out of the classroom.
“Boys locker room!” she cried just before Blaine sprinted around the corner. There was no way in hell he was going to let anyone touch his Kurt.
Kurt stood still as Karofsky continued to grope him roughly, his large hands seeming to be everywhere. Kurt sobbed uncontrollably and Karofsky just kept on kissing him, claiming to cheer him up.
“ So beautiful” Dave muttered as he discarded Kurt's shirt, eyes on his porcelain chest. Kurt sniffed and looked away as Karofsky began to kiss down his chest.
“Please stop” Kurt whispered, his lips trembling. Dave looked up and frowned, his hands on Kurt's zipper.
“Why? Kurt I know we both want this.”
“No…Please…” Kurt trembled and Dave was about to answer when the door made a cracking sound. Dave froze where he was and Kurt looked up at the door, a second crash sounding, this time the door came flying off its hinges, a very angry Blaine standing there, his eyes wide. Before Dave could move Blaine who was smaller than the jock was throwing him backward into the lockers.
“ Get. Out. Now.” Blaine growled, his eyes now on Kurt, who was looking down as the tears continued to pour.
Dave ran out and crashed into Mercedes, the girl gasping as she saw the scene.
“Mercedes please close the door and follow David. Take him to my classroom and stay with him. I’ll be there within half an hour.” Blaine spoke calmly, his breathing now under control. Mercedes nodded and gave Kurt one last heartbroken look before she took off after Karofsky.
Blaine stepped forward slowly and knelt down in front of Kurt, the boy now on his knees.
“Kurt… can you hear me?” he asked and Kurt nodded, his cheeks bright red.
“Now… I need you to tell me if he hurt you” Blaine whispered and Kurt sniffed.
“He… he… Blaine” Kurt fell forward into his boyfriends arms and sobbed into his chest, his hands clawing at his back, holding on for dear life. Blaine could feel his heart break as he held the boy close, trying not to cry himself.
“Kurt… can I take you home?” He asked and Kurt nodded, clinging to Blaine as he was pulled to his feet. Blaine shrugged off his own jacket and wrapped it tightly around Kurt before he picked him up and carried him out of the room, the boy holding him close.
The halls were deserted as Blaine walked towards the exit, Kurt crying into his shoulder. The boy was shaking as Rachel came walking out of a nearby classroom, stopping when she saw the scene.
“Mr Anderson… Kurt!” she cried and Blaine coughed.
“Rachel, calm down…”
“What happened? Is he okay!” the girl was now close to tears herself, Blaine trying not to yell at her.
“Rachel, I’m taking Kurt home…”
“Mr Anderson what happened to him?” Rachel asked and Kurt sniffed, clinging tightly to Blaine.
“Kurt… I need to put you down” Blaine sighed and Kurt shook his head, holding on even tighter.
“Please… don’t let me go… Blaine… don’t let me go…” Kurt sobbed and Rachel’s expression went from terrified to stunned.
“Blaine? What’s going on…”
“Rachel! I need to take Kurt home! You can quiz me later. Go back to class”
“No! I’m coming with you.” Rachel huffed and Blaine didn’t have the energy to argue with her. They walked out toward Blaine’s car, Blaine placing the boy in the back seat, Kurt not letting go.
“No… don’t,” he cried and Blaine tried to pry him off.
“I’ll drive” Rachel said with no tone in her voice, and Blaine just nodded.
The drive to Kurt's house was short to say the least; Rachel’s driving rather well. She stayed in the car as Blaine carried Kurt out toward the front door, as it swung open, Burt standing there, his expression changing to absolutely terrified the moment he saw his son.
“What the…”
“Mr Hummel. Kurt's been in quite a state today… please let him sleep. He’s not himself, he’s suffered a very traumatic experience, so questions should be asked later” Blaine swallowed and Burt went to speak, being cut off once more.
“Let me take Kurt to his room and I’ll explain everything” Blaine said firmly and Burt moved out the way as Rachel got out of the car, the man turning to her as Blaine began to move up the stairs.
He located Kurt's room and placed him gently on the bed, Kurt opening his eyes.
“Blaine please don’t go,” he whispered and Blaine kissed his forehead gently.
“I have too. I have to deal with David. I’ll be back I promise. Just sleep sweetheart, sleep.” Blaine kissed his hair and Kurt let him go, closing his eyes, exhaustion taking over. Blaine watched as the boy began to breathe slowly and he sighed.
“I love you Kurt.” He choked before he left, wondering back down the stairs to face a questioning Burt.
“What the hell is going on?” he asked, Rachel standing beside him.
“Kurt was… sexually assaulted.” Blaine said blankly and Rachel’s hand flew to her mouth, eyes wide.
“What!” Burt cried and Blaine raised his hands in defence.
“Not to the extreme I can assure you Mr Hummel. It seems he’s been… kissed quite forcefully against his will, leaving him in a traumatic state. All he needs is sleep and understanding from those around him. Don’t ask questions until he feels ready to tell you, and he will. Just, make sure he eats and drinks and don’t leave him by himself when he’s awake. He’ll be feeling very lost and vulnerable and used. Let him shower and get some control back, but don’t leave him alone for long. I’ll call you the moment I hear what’s happening with David Karofsky and I will personally see to it that he is punished severely for his actions.” Blaine stated and Burt looked torn.
“But… how did this happen to my son?”
“I’m about to find out. Please… call me if anything happens. Or if Kurt needs someone to talk to. He should have my number on an English form in his school bag… thank you Rachel” Blaine took the bag from Rachel and handed it to Burt.
“Pleas excuse us Mr Hummel, I have to get Rachel back to school.” Blaine nodded his head and Burt did the same, closing the door behind the two.
They climbed into the car in silence, Rachel looking out of the window as they reversed.
“ Mr Anderson… Why did Kurt… why did he call you Blaine?” she asked and Blaine swallowed.
“That’s my name.”
“I know. But… we don’t ever call you that.”
“In times like these it doesn’t matter…”
“He wouldn’t let you go. I saw you stroking his hair in the mirror on the way to his house.
“I was calming him down Rachel…”
“You looked like you were about to cry Mr Anderson! I’m not stupid!” Rachel cried and Blaine swallowed. This girl was right. She wasn’t stupid.
“I don’t judge Mr Anderson… I don’t think its wrong that Kurt like’s you the way he does. Quinn does as well, its normal. But it isn’t normal to return the feelings. He’s 17 Mr Anderson, he’s just a child.” Rachel said firmly and Blaine sniffed.
“I know that Rachel, I’m aware…”
“Then you’re aware that its illegal to be in a relationship with a student or anyone under the age of 18…”
“YES! Yes I’m aware!” Blaine cried and Rachel stopped talking.
“I’m aware of it all Rachel and I feel absolutely awful about it. Kurt shouldn’t have to put up with this… any of it. If he had a boyfriend who was his age… maybe they could have been there for him, they could have stopped this from happening. Not a boyfriend who sits in classrooms marking stupid papers whilst his boyfriend is crying out for help somewhere. Kurt deserves better.” Blaine looked straight ahead and Rachel nodded.
“I agree. Which is why you should end it before he gets hurt even more” Rachel sniffed and Blaine nodded.
“I know. And I will. But I can’t right now. Not in the state he’s in.”
“Okay” Rachel nodded and Blaine paused.
“Rachel… you won’t…”
“I don’t tell on people Mr Anderson, and I like you. I don’t want you to lose your job, but I also don’t want Kurt getting hurt. So no… I won’t tell. But you should be the bigger man here.” Rachel fell silent after that until they reached the school.
“How did you know so much about what to do for Kurt?” she asked as Blaine stopped the car.
“I’ve been in the same situation” Blaine sighed and he climbed out, Rachel frowning.
“And why couldn’t you be left alone?” she asked and Blaine could not believe he was about to share this with a student.
“I tried to take my own life. My brother stopped me. I couldn’t life with myself if Kurt tried the same thing.” Blaine nodded once and walked back toward the school, leaving Rachel alone and shocked.
Dave looked horrified and Blaine marched into the room, sleeves rolled up.
“David. I will only say this once. What you did was disgusting. Kurt is now in a state of shock because of what you did to him. No one deserves that kind of pain. I’m going to figgins, your father, the school board, and the police if Mr Hummel choses to, and you will pay for your actions. Am I clear?” Blaine asked calmly and David nodded.
“Good. Now go the principals office now before I drag you there myself” Blaine snapped and David did just that, Mercedes moving over to Blaine.
“I’m so sorry. I have no idea how hard it must be…”
“Not to punch him in the face?” Blaine asked and Mercedes nodded.
“Yeah” she gave a weak smile and Blaine sighed. All he could do now was wait. Wait for Kurt's heart to mend, wait for him to build up his trust once more…just for it to be knocked back down by his own boyfriend. Blaine hated David for what he did, but he hated himself more for what he had to do soon. Far too soon for his liking.
Nooooo, Blaine cannot give up on Kurt!!!!
Loving the story. When will the next chapter be available? Please don't have them break up, I hate it when Klaine breaks up. They are meant to be together. PLEASE keep their love alive.
No no no no no no if you bake my babys up ill die
No no no no no no if you bake my babys up ill die