April 23, 2013, 2:10 a.m.
April 23, 2013, 2:10 a.m.
The first thing that had to go... His wild curls.
The second thing, he needed a new wardrobe.
So that's how he found himself walking down the halls of McKinley towards principal Figgins office, his hair slicked back with so much gel it should be illegal, white shirt, black suspenders and black skinny jeans, a pair of black ray-bans sitting on his head. His arms were piled high with books and pens as he opened the door to the office, Figgins sitting at his desk.
" Ah! Mr Anderson! Welcome to McKinley! Do have a seat!" he smiled, Blaine sitting down in the chair, a smile on his lips, thought he wouldn’t deny that he was nervous, extremely nervous.
" Feeling good?" Figgins asked and Blaine nodded.
" Very. New year, new students" he smiled and Figgins nodded.
" Good. You will be in classroom... E5. Just ask one of the students where it is. Everything is set up for you… I think. Have a good day" he stood and Blaine nodded, taking his things again, smiling as he left, making his way back into the hall. There were students everywhere as he looked at the map he's been given. Where was the.... Oh!
His books went flying as someone ran into him, knocking him back a little.
" Finn!" a voice cried shrilly and Blaine looked up, a rather tall boy standing there, his letterman jacket hung over his arm, a small brunette girl standing next to him.
" Sorry! I didn't mean…” the boy called Finn began to cry, Blaine holding up a hand.
" It’s fine. Honestly" he smiled and bent down to get his things, the brunette studying him carefully.
" Are you the new English teacher?" she asked and Blaine nodded.
" I'm Rachel berry!" the girl held out her hand and Blaine shook it, a smile on his lips.
" I'm Blaine. Mr Anderson. Blaine Anderson... Uh... Mr A?" he swallowed and Rachel just beamed.
" This is Finn. He's the quarter back of the football team and my boyfriend" she made sure to include this last part, Finn giving a small wave.
" Well it's lovely to meet you both... Do you know where e5 is?" Blaine asked and Rachel took his arm, pulling him forward, Finn following.
" I'd be more than happy to show you.... Though I am supposed to be meeting Kurt soon... Finn! Tell Kurt I'll be late!" she looked at her boyfriend who nodded, hurrying off in a different direction. Blaine desperately held onto his books as he was dragged down the hall, some students eying him as they went by.
" Kurt hates to be kept waiting. He's so stubborn" Rachel rolled her eyes and Blaine swallowed. Who the he'll was Kurt?
" Oh ok?" was all he said, Rachel towing him along.
" I think he would approve of your black and white theme going on" she smiled and Blaine looked down at his clothes.
" Um... Thanks?"
" Yes it's a compliment. Kurt is the biggest fashion god here at McKinley" Rachel flicked out her hair as they past a group of girls, all wearing the same white and red uniform, everyone of them casting Blaine a small smile. One even gave him a small wave and he nodded at them before he turned the corner, Rachel finally stopping.
" Here we are... E5. I'll be seeing you in about ten minutes" she smiled and Blaine breathed.
" Thank you Rachel. I look forward to having you in my class" he pulled his ray-bans off his head and placed them in his pocket, Rachel waving as she hurried off. Blaine sighed and pushed open the door, the faint smell of old people and feet hit him and he coughed, dumping his things on the teachers desk, searching through the drawers. After swatting away a few flies and a rather large spider, Blaine closed them and sat down.
His first day of teaching here and his room smelt like an elephant.
He let his head fall into his hands, his chest raising and falling as he sat, a knock causing him to jump.
" Sir?" a sweet voice asked and he looked towards the door, the girl who had waved standing there, her eyes full of confidence. She was rather pretty, her skin tanned. She was Latino, Blaine’s brain made a mental note.
" Yes..."
" Santana" she smiled and Blaine nodded.
" Santana. What can I do you for?" he asked and Santana smirked.
" Free if you like" she gave a small flick of her hip and Blaine blinked
" I...I'm sorry?"
" Nothing sir. I actually have this class next, and I was wondering... If I could get some tutoring?" she asked, taking a step into the classroom, Blaine sitting up straight.
" But Santana, you haven't even taken a class yet."
" I know. But I think I'll be needing tutoring" she moved closer, taking a seat, crossing one leg over the other, running a hand down her leg.
" Could I stay here until class? I'm feeling kind of tired" she smiled and Blaine opened his mouth to say something, no words coming out. What was this girl doing? Was she trying to seduce him?
He felt his heart race as she bent over, as of to fix her lace, showing off her cleavage.
" Morning sir" a bored voice sighed, Blaine thanking god that someone had walked in.
" Morning..."
" Quinn" Quinn sighed, taking a seat next to Santana, immediately gossiping with her as more students started to arrive.
Blaine took a few deep breaths and adjusted his suspenders, flicking through his notes.
What was the topic again? No! Introduce yourself first! Hey. I'm Mr Hamlet... Anderson! We are studying hamlet and I'm Mr Anderson.
He nodded and looked up, about 26 pairs of eyes staring back.
Oh god!
" Um..."
He swallowed and let himself focus for a moment. He'd done this before... Hell he'd done this a load of times, except they were all in prep schools and well-mannered kids. This was a public school in Ohio and quite frankly... He was scared shitless.
" Ok, first of all, does anyone have any spray?" he asked and everyone began to murmur.
" You wot get in trouble... Thank you!" he ran up to a red headed boy and took the bottle, spraying around the room.
Thank god.
He threw the bottle back to the boy and took a breath.
" Hello. I'm hamlet. And this semester we'll be studying Mr Anderson." he smiled and felt his stomach lurch as some of the students began to giggle, his cheeks burning.
" Well... The other way around."
He looked at the students and saw they weren't joking or glaring, but they were smiling. Maybe he could do this.
"Alright. I need to get to know you first. So I want all of you to... Um... Sit in a circle and share your name and something about self to the class"
" Isn’t that kind of lame?" Santana asked, one eyebrow raised.
" Would you rather we get right into the to be or not be soliloquy and discuss the terms on which hamlet said this, with Santana as our reader?" he asked and the class looked at the Latino, her head shaking.
" No."
" No...?"
" No Mr Anderson" she let the words roll off her tongue, clicking it at the end, the class moving so they were sitting in a circle, a knock sounding on the door.
" Sorry we're late Mr Anderson" Rachel sighed as she walked into the class, Blaine looking up. His eyes landed on the second figure, hazel widening. He felt his mind click as the boy walked in, like a creature from god himself. His clothes hugged his fine body tightly, his skin flawless. His eyes were the most captivating colour Blaine had ever seen and his hair was brilliant and chestnut, his features elfin in some ways. Blaine blinked as the boy gave him a weak smile before following Rachel.
"Um.... Just sit down" Blaine managed to get out.
What the fuck was this? He should not be feeling this! This boy was only 17 and Blaine was 24. No!
" Right well... Um... Since Santana was so eager, she can start,” he sighed, taking a seat next to a small blonde girl.
" I'm Santana Lopez and I'm the hottest piece of action here." she smirked and sat back, the beautiful boy biting his lip.
" Oh you know it Hummel" Santana winked at him and Blaine ignored this.
" Quinn fabray, head cheerleader"
" Jacob Ben Israel, Rachel's boyfriend"
" You wish Jew fro"
The circled went around and Blaine got to know them a little better, trying to remember names.
" Blaine Anderson, teacher of 2 years, and I play guitar"
" Rachel berry! I have two gay dads and I am the star of glee club, destined to play Maria in the Broadway cl..."
" Shut it!" Santana cried and Blaine frowned.
" Santana enough, thank you Rachel"
He looked to where Rachel was sitting, the boy next. He cleared his throat and began.
" Kurt Hummel, countertenor for glee club" he shrugged and Blaine seemed to freeze at his voice. It was.... Absolutely stunning.
" Too right" Santana gave him a smile and Blaine stood up.
" That was good guys, so... Pick a desk and I'll give out your copies of hamlet." he swallowed and returned to the safety of his desk, his hand's looking for the box of books.
There was no box.
" Oh.... Well I guess we'll have to get them to you at lunch.."
" I don't mind" Santana winked and Kurt rolled his eyes, Blaine swallowing.
" Or next lesson. So I suppose... If you have to get ready for anything.. Do it?"
Noise began to fill the room as students talked and grabbed pens, Blaine sitting down behind his desk, head spinning.
God he was really failing today. He was about to look through his phone and decide whether it was time to give Wes a text when something caught his eye.
Santana had gotten up out of her seat beside Quinn and made her way over to Kurt and Rachel, actually sitting on Kurt's desk to make him notice her.
" Yes Satan?" Blaine heard Kurt ask and he gave a small smile.
" Oh sweet Hummel. I came to ask if you wanted to do a duet with me in glee club."
Kurt looked at the girl and shrugged.
" I'll mull over it tonight when I'm having my daily coffee with my copy of vogue in the Lima bean." he sighed casually and Santana frowned.
" Fine." she swooped down and kissed his cheek before she returned to her seat, Blaine blinking. So Santana and the pretty boy were dating? Good. That was good.
" Mr Anderson! It's the end of class!" Rachel called and Blaine sighed.
" Ok. Um... Bye" he watched as his students got up and he let his head fall onto the desk, someone giggling lightly. He looked up and found that Kurt was still there, standing in front of Blaine’s desk, his bag hanging loosely off his shoulder, his sweet eyes almost laughing.
" Oh...can I help you?" Blaine asked and Kurt nodded.
" Don’t be so hard on yourself. I liked your class, and I know Rachel did" he smiled and Blaine sat up a little straighter, smiling slightly.
" Thank you."
" I just wanted to say that. And welcome to McKinley" Kurt smiled and Blaine coughed.
" Thank you Kurt. Should you be going to your next class?" he asked and Kurt cast him a frown.
" Are you that fed up of me?"
" No! No!" Blaine tried to back track and Kurt smiled.
" I was joking. I have study hall now so I don't really have to be there." he sighed and Blaine nodded.
" I was actually wondering if I could stay here and prepare for classes. It's so much quieter here." he looked innocent and sweet, Blaine finding it hard to say no.
" I suppose you could..."
" Thanks. Sir" he said the last word slower, almost seductively, yet Blaine didn't seem to mind. He bit his lip and watched as the boy sat down at the desk in front of him, getting out his notes and math book.
"Yes?" he asked and Blaine suddenly realized he was staring.
" Oh... Um... Did you want a drink?" he asked quickly and Kurt shook his head.
" I'm fine thank you." he smiled and Blaine nodded, grabbing his cup as he walked towards the door.
" Are you sure?" he asked and Kurt nodded.
Blaine nodded and strode down the hall, his heart drumming fast.
How the hell was that boy making him feel like this? Hell the boy had a girlfriend!
He shook the thoughts away and headed towards the teachers lounge, someone bumping into him. He staggered back as someone huffed.
" Watch it Curly Sue" a woman sighed and Blaine swallowed. She looked fierce, her red tracksuit making him a little intimidated.
" Sorry..."
" You the new English teacher?" she asked and Blaine nodded.
" Blaine Anderson"
" Sue Sylvester. I see you use horrendous amounts of hair-gel. We aren't going to get on" she sighed and shoved Blaine out the way, the man frowning as he clutched his cup.
He swallowed and made his way to the teachers lounge, deciding to ditch the drink when he found out the coffee looked like black sludge.
" No coffee sir?" Kurt asked when Blaine walked back into the room.
" No."
" I don't blame you. No good coffee around here." the boy shrugged and Blaine walked back to his desk.
" Really?"
" Nope. Me and Santana learnt that the hard way" he smiled and Blaine looked up.
" Santana your girlfriend?" he asked and Kurt looked up.
" I'm sorry?"
" Oh! I didn't mean to pry!" Blaine sat back and Kurt cast him a smile. Why was this man even asking?
" No. Santana is not my girlfriend. I'm actually gay" Kurt swallowed and Blaine blinked
" You are?" he almost choked.
No! No this was not good!
" Yes. Is that a problem sir?" Kurt frowned and Blaine shook his head.
" No not at all" he swallowed and Kurt relaxed a little.
" Ok then" he lapsed back into the silence until Blaine began talking.
" I'm gay too you know" he said and wondered why he did.
" Oh" Kurt replied and Blaine sniffed.
Nice one Anderson!
" I haven't met anyone else whose gay before" Kurt looked up and Blaine swallowed.
" Really?"
" Yeh. I'm the only one at the school who's out" he sighed and blinked, Blaine noticing a small tear fall down the boys pale cheek.
" Kurt, why were you crying?" Blaine was standing now, the boy wiping his eyes gingerly.
" Nothing. I'm bring stupid" he sniffed and Blaine walked over to the boy, kneeling down next to him.
" You are not being stupid. At all" he smiled softly and Kurt looked at him.
" I've been through this too Kurt and it was hell. But you have to know that you're not alone. And if you ever need anything, you give me a call" Blaine grabbed Kurt's pen and scribbled down his number on a piece of paper.
" I can't take it..."
" Yes you can"
" No really I'm not allowed. Mr Figgins has a whole thing about students and teachers not accepting phone numbers from each other" Kurt smiled weakly and Blaine paused for a moment.
" What he doesn't know won't hurt him" he smiled and Kurt took the paper, stowing it in his bag, looking up at Blaine.
" I'm sorry for laying that on you" he smiled and Blaine shrugged.
" I don't mind"
Kurt took a breath and Blaine remained on his knees, suddenly realizing his hand was centimetres from Kurt's. He sighed and stood up, glancing at the clock.
" I should let you study" he sighed and Kurt bit his lip.
" You know... French is my best subject." he smiled and Blaine pulled up a chair, sitting on it so he was almost straddling it, laying his head on his hands.
" I have no idea how to speak French" he grinned and Kurt sat forward.
" I suppose your lesson starts now."
Blaine collapsed on his couch, his hair curly again, the stress of the school day finally gone. He reached his hand over and grabbed a beer, flipping off the cap, pulling it to his lips when his phone began to buzz. He picked it up and sighed.
" Hello?"
" Oh you sound so happy to hear me" Kurt's voice hummed and Blaine sat up, knocking his beer everywhere.
" Kurt!" he cried, jumping up as the liquid flew over him, drenching his shirt.
" Mr Anderson?"
" Yes. Yes. Um... Did you need anything?" he asked as he frantically searched for a towel to mop up the now sodden sofa.
" I need an excuse to talk to you?" Kurt asked and Blaine paused.
" You want to talk me?" he asked, his breathing slightly hitched. There he stood, in his lounge, a plain grey shirt and track pants, talking to a student he met today.
What was he doing?
" Is that a problem? Because today you said..."
" Kurt!" Blaine cried and the boy stopped talking.
" It’s fine" he sighed, running a hand through his hair.
" Are you sure?" Kurt asked and Blaine grinned.
He heard Kurt laugh and start talking about his afternoon with Santana, Blaine sitting on the floor, a smile spreading across his lips.
He bit his lip and listened to the boy.
He knew it was probably wrong, but it felt...
So very right.
Yes! More please?
So, so, so, SOOOOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO good so far. I love the whole sexual tension, and Santana is hilarious. Love it!
Great story! I also have to say keep those boys together!! no breaking their hearts our ours ;)
Great first chapter :)