Nothing can change us... Not even this
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Nothing can change us... Not even this: Chapter 2

K - Words: 420 - Last Updated: Apr 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/3 - Created: Mar 31, 2013 - Updated: Apr 24, 2013
795 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Okay

There's a small ceremony held in Kurt and Blains back yard after the fetus is removed. Friends and family from each side gather around a fire and drink apple sides. The sympathy is obviouse in most. Burt's crying every five minutes. Kurt is silent. Blaine is audible. To say the least... It's a depressing structure.

"I am truly sorry. This will never be something I won't cry about when I hear her name," Tina says with tears in her eyes. Mike tries him best to comfort her as they walk away but she's already balling her eyes out.

Rachel and Finn didn't show. They are having trouble with Toby, their sick baby boy. He's apparently had the stomach flew for days.

The event ends slowly. Soon the house is empty. Kurt lays on the couch. Watching 'she's having a baby'. All blaine can do is turn it off.

"I was watching that, Blaine!" Kurt yells as Blaine walks to the kitchen.

"Do you really think that'll help, kurt?! How exactly!?" Blaine retorts. Something in Kurt's eyes makes blaine feel like shit. Kurt just collapses back on the couch. Not another word was said.

The next few days went by slowly. Every night kurt would cry. Blaine didn't notice though. Kurt wondered if blaine loved him anymore. Probably not. Kurt killed their baby.

They lay in bed. Facing opposing directions. Tears still streamed down Kurt's face. Blaine was typing away on the computer. The dark room was cold and lonesome. Kurt coukd feel blaine shift as he shut his Mac and pulled the comforter to his chinn.

"I'm sorry..." Kurt choked...

"What?" Blaine asked, sitting up.

"I'm sorry.." Kurt said louder..." I'm so sorry"

Blaine was silent for more than a few minutes. Kurt thought he had ignored him and just didn't care. He didn't know that blaine had been staring at the back of Kurt's head, watching him shiver and shake.

"Kurt, look at me..." Blaine finally spoke. Kurt twisted his body and looked at the bed.

"Come here..." Blaine festered for kurt to scoot in. Once they were close, blaine snaked his arms around kurt and they layed like that for a good ten minutes.

"It's my fault," kurt whispered.

"No..." Blaine breathed..."why would you ever think that, Kurt? Things like that happen. Honey, we can't control this. But I never once blamed you. I never once didn't think if how you were feeling. God kurt, I never even thought that you felt this way..."

"You haven't held me for so long," kurt is broken.

"We're gonna be okay. Nothing can change us... Not even this.."

End Notes: Please review


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