Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays
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Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays: Chapter 7

T - Words: 1,035 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Jan 03, 2014 - Updated: Jan 03, 2014
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Author's Notes: This chapter was written by The Blonde Haired Goose.
“I wish I could be on it. I'm not pretty or handsome enough, though, I'm afraid. I'd much rather be a designer for the models. The clothes they wear - just heavenly. I'm writing a new fic, a genre I've never done before. Ever. I'm looking for a beta. It says in your bio you read and write fanfiction... Would you consider being my beta? Please.”

Blaine stared at the words before him, mouth hanging open. Kurt wanted him to beta for him. Him. Blaine Devon Anderson. Blaine cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure before Jeff noticed something was wrong and teased him about it for the rest of his existence.

Blaine was still as amazed as he had been two days earlier that Kurt was actually talking to him. He almost wanted to congratulate himself for not having fucked it up yet.

He grinned to himself as he went to answer the message.

If you're even half as good at designing clothes as you are at writing fic I wouldn't be surprised if every A-lister in Hollywood wanted you to design their clothes. ;)


Blaine erased the sentence, thinking back to the ‘not having fucked it up yet' part, and tried again.

And are you kidding me? I would love to be your beta!! I have to warn you though; I don't have any experience beta-ing. And I'm not a great writer.

Somewhat happy with his answer, Blaine pressed send and went back to his normal blogging.

Noticing that a lot of people seemed to be reblogging the same pictures of Jensen from the same user, Blaine opened the person's blog, hoping to find someone new to follow.

NerdGasmFan101 turned out to be “Sam, 17 year old fan boy from Ohio who loves Supernatural. Send me a message if you want to talk, I'm pretty much always on. Except for when I'm in glee club. That's pretty much the only thing in my life that's cooler than Tumblr.”

“What the hell,” Blaine thought. If he'd managed to talk to Kurt for two days it couldn't exactly do any harm to talk to another guy. Especially when he lived in the same state as Blaine, liked Supernatural and encouraged people to send him messages.

“Hi Sam, I'm Blaine. I'm from Ohio too, and I think it's really awesome that you like spn! Um… I don't really know what else to say, so bye, I guess…”

Well, he could have been more awkward, Blaine figured, hitting send and following the guy as he was heading back to his dashboard. And besides, it's not like he had anything to lose. He didn't know this guy, and the guy didn't know him. He just wanted to talk to a fellow nerd.

As he was busy trying to convince himself he hadn't done anything stupid, Sam answered him.

“Oh my god, that's awsum! Where in Ohio do u liv? I live in Lima. Is that close to u?”

Blaine was somewhat confused by the guys spelling, but figured that it was none of his business. Instead he answered the message.

“I'm from Westerville, which I think is about two hours away from Lima, so it's not too far away. I can't believe I'm finding so many spn fans here! I used to think I was the only one!”

They spent a while like that, talking about Supernatural and other mutual interests, like glee club. Blaine told Sam about the Warblers and Sam told Blaine about his glee club, the New Directions. The name made Blaine laugh and he asked Sam if he realized how bad the name sounded.

“Haha, yea, I know. It was our teacher that came up with it though, and I doubt he's gonna change it anytime soon.”

Blaine laughed again, drawing a look from Jeff at the other side of the room. “What's so funny?” he asked curiously. Jeff never could resist a good joke.

“There's this guy on Tumblr, he's from Lima, you know that small town like, two hours away? But anyway, he was telling me about his glee club, the New Directions. Just try to say that name out loud without laughing, I dare you.”

Jeff wasn't laughing though. He was staring at Blaine blankly. “What?” Blaine asked, defensively.

“He said the New Directions?” Jeff asked slowly.

Blaine rolled his eyes. “Yes, but do you realize how awful that sounds? It sounds like –“

“We're meeting New Directions at Sectionals,” Jeff said, interrupting Blaine.

Blaine blinked slowly. “What, are you – are you serious?”

“Yes, don't you remember? David told us last week.”

Blaine was silent for a second, trying to remember. He couldn't remember the exact names but yes, New Directions did sound a bit familiar. “This is awesome!” Blaine exclaimed loudly, grinning at Jeff.

“It is indeed. You can ask him what songs they are doing!”

Blaine's smile faded. “I'm not going to do that Jeff. That would be cheating.”

Jeff held his hands up in surrender. “Yeah, okay, fine. It was worth a shot.”

Turning back to his computer, Blaine's smile returned. “I have to tell Sam about this,” he muttered to himself, immediately going to his blog to send him a message.

“Hey, Sam, guess what? My glee club – the Warblers – is meeting your glee club – the New Directions at Sectionals! How cool is that? Maybe we'll see each other there!”

Blaine couldn't believe this. The second person he had talked to on Tumblr, after Kurt, lived merely two hours away, and was in a rival glee club. Kurt lived in Ohio too, he said that he liked to sing, and he was the same age as Sam. Maybe Kurt was in glee club too, at his own school. And maybe it wasn't too far away from Westerville.

But honestly, what were the odds that, in just a few days, Blaine would find not only one, but two people who liked Supernatural, were in glee club, and lived within driving distance from Dalton? He couldn't dare to hope for that much. So he settled for hoping that he could at least meet Sam, instead of hoping that he would by some miracle get to meet Kurt too.


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