Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays
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Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays: Chapter 3

T - Words: 1,009 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Jan 03, 2014 - Updated: Jan 03, 2014
136 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: This chapter was written by The Blonde Haired Goose.

You can now follow Destiel-and-Scarves, NerdFanGasm101 (Sam) and Bowtiedjensenfreak!
Chapter Three

Destiel-and-Scarves asked a question.

As Blaine stared at the words, another e-mail popped up in his inbox.

Destiel-and-Scarves started following you.

"Oh, god." Blaine covered his mouth with one hand, afraid that he might say something stupid that Jeff would remember forever and tell their friends.

"What is it?" Jeff asked, leaning over his shoulder to look at his screen. "What is it?" he asked again, confused. "You got a new follower? Are you as much of a loser online as you are in real life?"

Jeffs words got through to him enough for Blaine to smack him. "I am not a loser; online or in real life."

Jeff held his hands up in defeat and muttered something under his breath: "Whatever you say."

Blaine ignored him. "This is Destiel-and-Scarves. Hes the best writer in the fandom! Hes following me. He sent me a message. Oh god, I wonder what it says. He might think Im a creepy stalker for reblogging his fic two seconds after he posted it. What if hes read my fic and hates it? I cant look–" He didnt get another word in before Jeff slapped his palm over his mouth, muffling his words.

"Blaine, shut up. Why dont you tell me what he said so I can get on with my life? I dont want you fainting from excitement." Blaine rolled his eyes at his crazy roommate, took a deep breath, and changed tabs, pressing the little red number 1 on top of his mail icon.

"No I cant," Blaine said, shaking his head and switching tabs before his inbox had finished loading.

"God dammit, Blaine," Jeff groaned, pulling the computer from Blaines slippery hands. "I have a life," he said, as he put the computer in his own lap.

Jeff snorted and handed the computer back to Blaine, though not before changing tabs again so he couldnt read it. "What did he say?" Blaine asked. "No wait, dont tell me. I dont want to know. Or do I?" He shook his head. "No, I dont. I cant. I shouldnt. Should I?" Jeff laughed at Blaines helpless expression.

"Relax Blaine; its not awful." With that, Jeff turned his back to Blaine and went into their shared bathroom to take a shower. Blaine bit his lip, staring at the small mail icon.

Taking a deep breath and shutting his eyes as hard as he could, Blaine clicked. He stayed still for a few seconds before opening his eyes a fraction. He realized he was being stupid and opened his eyes, taking in every word of the message on the screen in front of him.

Hi, Im Kurt. Im flattered that you like my work so much. Ive never had so much praise for a fic. Its a wonderful experience, especially because not every review is nice. Thanks, Blaine.

"Oh god, oh god." Blaines breathing sped up as he read the message again and again. He managed to calm himself down a few minutes later, hoping that Jeff hadnt heard his outburst. From the sound of the shower still going, he had hope that he hadnt.

What was important was that freaking Kurt Destiel-and-Scarves had sent him a message. He had thanked him for praising his fic. Oh god. He had read Blaines tags. He had read Blaine freaking out and flailing in his tags about Kurts newest fic.

And how the fuck was he supposed to answer that message? What he wanted to do was freak out and thank him for messaging him while screaming (or writing in caps) about how much he loved Kurts fics. But he knew that would make him sound crazy. Then again, after reading his tags, Kurt probably already thought that.

As Blaine was busy weighing his options, Jeff emerged from the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist and another in his hands as he toweled his hair dry. "So," he started, dropping his towel onto his bed and going over to his dresser and opening the drawers to pull out clothes. "I gather from your squeal earlier that you read the message?"

Blaine blushed. "I didnt squeal," he said.

Jeff laughed. "Sure, whatever you say. So, did he send you another message? Or isnt he on right now?"

"Um," Blaine said. "I havent replied yet."

"What?" Jeff turned around, a heap of clothes in his hands, to stare at Blaine where he sat perched on his bed, right where he had left him. "Dont tell me youve been sitting here for 20 minutes staring at the computer screen. Please tell me youve at least done something else than stare at his message. Tell me youve reblogged weird pictures or something."

Blaine stared sheepishly at Jeff. Jeff groaned, dragging a hand down the side of his face. "Dammit Blaine, youre hopeless. Just answer the fucking message."

Blaine shook his head, hands resting on the keyboard in front of him. "I dont know what to say," he admitted.

"Its not that hard, Blaine, just tell him youre a huge fan of his work or something and try not to make a fool of yourself. If you dont answer that message, I will, and trust me, it wont be pretty."

"Fine, Ill do it. Stay away from my computer." Swallowing, Blaine pressed the answer button and started typing.

Hi Kurt. As Im sure youve noticed, Im a huge fan. Ive read every fic youve ever written (even your early Wincest ones), and I love everything. But I must say, I dont understand how anyone doesnt love your fics, because theyre amazing.

Blaine hesitated a few seconds before hitting send, feeling confident that he hadnt come off as a crazy stalker or something. Well, maybe a little. Oh god, he shouldnt have mentioned the Wincest fics. What if Kurt hated people reminding him of them? Shit.

Wallowing in despair at having ruined every chance he had at starting a friendship with Destiel-and-Scarves, Blaine closed his laptop and went to take a shower. If he was lucky he could drown himself and never have to worry about Kurt seeing his message. He would have to worry about Jeff seeing his browser history.

That was a small price to pay for escaping Kurts wrath.


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