Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays
Chapter 18 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays: Chapter 18

T - Words: 1,398 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Jan 03, 2014 - Updated: Jan 03, 2014
140 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: This chapter was written by me (congotandsja).
“Rachel, I do not want to go to Breadstix with just you and Finn for company.” Kurt complained, as Rachel tugged on his sleeve with impatience.

“Please, Kurt?” Rachel asked, invading Kurt's personal space so that he had nowhere to turn. “We're good friends, now, and Finn's your step-brother. It can't possibly be that bad.”

Kurt felt a sly grin creep on to his face at his best friends insistence. “Okay. I guess I can get on board with a ‘family outing' of sorts. Although… One condition.”

Rachel paused, staring at him and waiting for him to continue, worried at what his rule might be.

“Don't look so alarmed, Miss Berry. I'm not going to ask you to give me all your solo's in Glee Club. Although, that would be nice.” Kurt mused, enjoying the torment he was putting the small girl through. “I'm going to invite Mercedes. I haven't spoken to her for quite some time. I'll have someone to talk to when you and Finn are being nauseating.”

“Nauseating!” Rachel exclaimed. “I think the term you're looking for is romantic.”

“No. Nauseating is definitely the right term.” Kurt declared. “I'll see you later. I've got to text Mercedes.”

Rachel nodded in response, and scattered off happily to find Finn and tell him that his brother had agreed to their oddly sweet proposal.
Kurt removed his phone from his pocket and skimmed his contacts. Finding Mercedes at the very top of the list, he quickly entered a quick message asking for her to save him from the inevitable disaster. A few minutes later, the vibration of his cell informed him that she had replied. He grinned as he read the affirmative answer, and closed his eyes for a few seconds, feeling happier than he had in months.

Feeling ecstatic and full of enthusiasm, Kurt opened up his laptop after ensuring his door was locked so Rachel couldn't come barging in again and find him on his secret account. Firstly, he opened Microsoft Word and began to write, his emotions pouring out like magic onto the page. A mixture of sadness, happiness and plain weirdness figuratively escaped his mind and formed the words he was typing on the screen.
Finally, with a quiver of excitement, Kurt typed the two words he had been eager to type since he had started this fic, so many months ago.


Typing those two simple words made Kurt feel accomplished and thoroughly excited. All he needed to do now was let Blaine read through and beta it for him, checking everything he had done and improving it all the more.

Kurt grinned as he remembered the boy. Blaine. His internet friend. No, Kurt decided. Blaine was his friend, plain and simple.

He logged on to Tumblr and wrote a quick message to his thousands of followers.

‘Phew,' he wrote carefully. ‘My next fic will be up some time this week. I personally think this is my best one. Beta-d by the lovely, kind, adorable and gorgeous Blaine, cordially known as ‘bowtiedjensenfreak'.'

Kurt was struck by a sudden string of notifications, due to the many people he followed and who followed him in return liking and reblogging his post. One particularly motivated follower of his had typed out an excited response of ‘ohmigod, my two favorite authors working together, I can't believe this, it's a miracle, praise jesus'.

Kurt laughed, and clicked on his inbox, searching for one familiar user-name in particular. He smiled as he found Blaine's also increasingly recognizable icon and found himself pause as he once again took in the beauty of the boy he was currently friends with. How could it be, Kurt asked himself, that someone as lovely as Blaine himself could be so beautiful and talented.

Shaking his head of the thought, he quickly read Blaine's message, suddenly conscious of time. He was going to Breadstix at seven, after all.

“That's quite alright. I hope you're feeling better now though… And before you ask, no I have not been freaking out for days because you weren't answering my message. And I certainly wasn't scared that you thought I was a creepy old man or that you'd been hit by a car and were in a coma or anything >.> Heh…”

Kurt couldn't help but chuckle at Blaine's awkward response. Blaine had been worried about him. Kurt found it rather sweet, in fact. He wasn't used to anyone apart from his father being concerned about him. Truthfully, it was mainly due to the fact that Kurt didn't like to show any form of weakness.

“And just so you know, you're the best friend I could ask for too.”

Kurt felt a swell of emotion run through his heart. A warm, pleasurable feeling enveloped him, causing him to be immersed in this pleasurable emotion. Kurt didn't know what to say. He hadn't felt happiness like this since the Glee Club's last win in part of a competition.

“Blaine… I'm so happy. I don't even know why. Today's just been… the most perfect day. Maybe it's because I finished our fic. I must be relieved to have it over with. Will you please beta it for me? You'll be the first one to read it.”

Kurt smiled, and stood up quickly as he heard a knock on the door, signaling Mercedes' arrival. With a quick grin, Kurt ran a comb over his hair, ensuring that it was perfect and threw on his outfit which he'd decided on early that morning. He'd decided against a hat seeing as he would be inside for most of the time during their outing.

“Kurt! Hurry up, boo.” Mercedes shouted. “I don't want to be left on my own with Rachel and Finn. I'd feel like a third wheel. At least with you, I can be a fourth wheel instead.”

“Ha, ha, ‘Cedes, very funny.” Kurt responded, shutting down his laptop and exiting his bedroom. Mercedes immediately engulfed him in a loving hug, which Kurt readily returned. “Great to see you. Sorry I haven't been around much.”

Mercedes sighed, and shook her head. “I've been distant too. I missed you.”

Kurt frowned as he took in her words. “I missed you too, ‘Cedes. I really did.”

“I know, I know.” Mercedes said. “C'mon, I want to go get my Breadstix.”

Kurt chuckled and took her by the arm. “Of course. Rachel! Finn! We're taking my car!”

“Aw, but dude!” Finn complained. “I wanna drive.”

“You almost killed a mailman.” Rachel said, earning a snort from Mercedes. “I think Kurt should drive.”

“Thank you.” Kurt said, taking the keys from Finn and unlocking the car. Mercedes piled into the front seat, leaving a disgruntled Rachel and annoyed Finn to jump into the back seats.

They arrived at Breadstix at exactly seven o'clock. Kurt sat down in one of the booths, where Rachel quickly sat next to him, leaving Mercedes to sit directly opposite him.

“This almost feels like a double date,” he joked to Mercedes.

“Yep. My fabulousness just drew you to me.” Mercedes said in response.

Kurt barely took notice of the boys who walked in a few minutes later. His eyes flickered over the leader, a beach blonde boy who reminded him a little of Sam, but was distracted by Rachel's constant movement while she complained.

“Shh,” Kurt told her eventually. “You'll have a chance to sing a solo at Regionals.”

“If we even get to Regionals!” Rachel exclaimed. “I'm sorry, but Quinn and Sam? Their voices are weak in comparison to Finn's and mine.”

“I agree with Mr Schue on this one,” Mercedes informed Rachel. “It's nice to be allowed the limelight for once.”

“Mercedes is a great singer!” Finn said, enthused. He didn't see the massive glare Rachel gave in his direction.

After a few moments of silence, Rachel finally consented. “Okay, Mercedes, Tina and Santana should see us through. They're amazing singers. But so are you, Kurt! Mr Schue should have offered you a bit in the group number, at least!”

“I admit I'm talented,” Kurt agreed, “and I would love a solo at Sectionals. Clearly my voice is too feminine for Mr Schuester.”

“No, dude,” Finn said. “He just likes having strong, male leads to compliment the girls voices.”

“Actually, you'll find that Rachel's voice compliments mine perfectly.”

“Mine fits his voice too,” Mercedes admitted. “I like singing duets with Kurt. He's my boy.”

Kurt smiled at her and gave her a quick hug. “Love you too, ‘Cedes.”

They ate the rest of their meal in content, and Kurt returned home with a smile on his face.


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