Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays
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Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays: Chapter 17

T - Words: 1,140 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Jan 03, 2014 - Updated: Jan 03, 2014
136 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: This chapter was written by The Blonde Haired Goose.
When Blaine got back from classes on Tuesday he was excited to see if Kurt had answered him. Unfortunately, he hadn't. Trying not to feel too disappointed, Blaine went back to his dashboard, reblogging a few Destiel photosets before closing his laptop and turning to his homework.

The next day went the same way. He got up, ate breakfast, went to class, got back to his room, answered a message from Sam telling him what he would be wearing (he described his Dalton uniform and told him to look out for the black curls) and when they would be meeting, reblogged stuff for a while, did his homework, went to last minute Warbler practice and went to bed.

The lack of any messages from Kurt was starting to worry him though. Had he gone too far? He knew he shouldn't have called him beautiful. Kurt probably thought he was some crazy creeper 50 year old or something.

Blaine opened a new tab and wrote the first few letters of Kurt's URL, pressing enter when it popped up almost at once. From what he could see, Kurt hadn't reblogged anything since Tuesday morning. Which meant he wasn't just ignoring Blaine, he wasn't there at all. Hopefully.
Or maybe it just meant that Kurt was so freaked out by Blaine's message that he avoided going on Tumblr altogether. Blaine bit his lip. Or maybe something else had happened. What if he was hurt? What if Kurt had gotten hit by a car and was in a coma? Blaine shook his head, trying to rid himself of the thoughts.

He knew he was being paranoid and that Kurt most likely was just sick or busy or something else really normal and that he might not even have seen his message yet, but he couldn't exactly help it either. He had always been a worrier.

Thursday night, when he got back from hanging out in the common room with some of the guys, he opened Tumblr, pleased to see a new message. Assuming it was from Sam he opened it, yelping loudly when he saw that it wasn't. It was from Kurt. He had finally answered his message.

“You're the best friend I could ever ask for. Also, I'm really, really sorry I haven't been on for a few days, but I got a really bad cold and I couldn't go online… ”

Blaine stared at the message in his inbox, feeling as if he could finally breathe again. “What's up,” Jeff asked, emerging from the bathroom.

“I – nothing,” Blaine said, blushing as he read the message again. “You're the best friend I could ever ask for.”

“Okay,” Jeff said, plopping down on the other end of Blaine's bed. “Spill it.”

Blaine swallowed. “I – it's nothing, really… Just – Kurt – this guy I'm talking to on Tumblr, you know, finally answered my message after two days of not being on. It's not a big deal, I was just surprised.”

Jeff frowned. “Kurt? Is that the Tumblr “famous” guy you were talking about? The one with the fanfiction?” Blaine nodded. “Alright,” Jeff muttered. “So, what did he say?”

“Um,” Blaine said, looking down at his lap with a goofy grin on his face. “It's kind of personal,” he said, looking up at Jeff to see his expression.

He rolled his eyes and slid off Blaine's bed and onto the floor. “Fine, don't tell me. Enjoy talking to your little internet boyfriend. I'm going to bed.”

Blaine rolled his eyes, not bothering to correct him. It wasn't worth it.

Instead, he started typing out an answer to Kurt's message.

“That's quite alright. I hope you're feeling better now though… And before you ask, no I have not been freaking out for days because you weren't answering my message. And I certainly wasn't scared that you thought I was a creepy old man or that you'd been hit by a car and was in a coma or anything >.> Heh…”

He sent the message, hoping it would make Kurt laugh, and not make him seem overly desperate and insane. Thinking once more about what Kurt had actually said he decided to send him one more message.

“And just so you know, you're the best friend I could ask for too.”

Satisfied with his answer, Blaine shut his laptop and wrapped himself into the blankets on his bed and falling asleep in seconds, feeling as if a huge load had been lifted off his shoulders.

Friday went similarly as the rest of the week had gone, with the exception of the worry Blaine had been feeling for Kurt.

He got a message from Trent in the middle of English. “Wanna go out with us tonight? We're gonna check out this Italian restaurant in Lima. It's supposed to be pretty good.”

Blaine replied with a quick “Sure, when and where?” and pocketed his phone before his teacher saw it.

A few hours later he was squeezed into the backseat of Wes' car between Trent and Jeff, David in the front seat. After about an hour and a half of driving Wes pulled into the parking lot at Breadstix and Blaine was very happy to get out of the car. “I am not sitting there again when we go back to Dalton,” he grumbled and Jeff laughed. “Of course you are, Blaine, you're the smallest one, no one else fits in the middle.”

Ten minutes later they were seated at their table, looking through their menus in silence. Once Blaine had decided what to get he put down his menu and stared around for a bit. A small group of people caught his attention from the other side of the room.

They were four people, two boys and two girls. One of the girls, a short one with brown hair and wearing a sweater with some sort of animal on it was saying something very loudly. “I still can't believe Mr. Schuester chose Quinn and Sam to sing a duet instead of me and Finn,” she all but shouted, grabbing the hand of the enormous boy sitting with his back to them.

The boy sitting next to the loud girl rolled his eyes, hand going up to run through his light brown hair. He muttered something, but since he was talking at a much more normal volume, Blaine couldn't make out his words. There was something familiar about the boy though, despite the fact that Blaine was almost certain that he had never met him before.

He frowned, but looked away when their waiter came to take their orders. He stole another quick glance at the boy as they waited for their food, but was quickly sucked into the conversation. It wasn't until they were in the car on their way back to Dalton, when Blaine was once again stuck between Jeff and Trent that he realized who he had looked like. The boy at the restaurant had looked like Kurt.


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