Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays
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Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays: Chapter 10

T - Words: 1,483 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Jan 03, 2014 - Updated: Jan 03, 2014
141 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: This chapter was written by me. (Congotandsja)
Kurt panicked as he looked at the mess in his room. He double checked his phone, frowning as he read the latest text from none other than Rachel Berry. He liked the girl, he really did, but he could have used a bit more warning before she suddenly decided to barge into his life.

His laptop was the first thing that needed to be sorted.

Picking it up, he logged out and switched to ‘Guest'. That would stop Rachel from finding his Tumblr account and his increasingly smutty Dean Winchester centric fanfictions. Ensuring that his entire history was clean and nobody could see what he got up to in his spare time, he opened Google Chrome, leaving the YouTube homepage open on his monitor.

He grimaced as he noticed the disorderly clothes on the floor. Ever since Carole and Finn had moved in with them, Kurt had forgone his constant state of cleanliness. He was still the tidiest person in the house, after all.

Sighing, he folded the clothes neatly and placed them in the correct drawers with little fuss. Rachel was Finn's girlfriend - he was entirely certain she'd seen a worse mess. Glancing around his room and deciding it was bearable and pleasant enough for Rachel's tastes, he headed over to his laptop and typed ‘Barbra Streisand' into the YouTube search bar, knowing that Rachel would be satisfied with his choice. The young Berry believed herself to be the next Streisand role model.

“Kurt! Rachel's here!”

Kurt nodded to himself, scurrying up the stairs to greet Rachel with a tight-lipped smile. “I prefer to know my guests are coming over at least a day in advance, Rachel.”

Rachel didn't even flinch at his ice cold tone. “We need to pick a song. I have an idea for our duet, but I wanted your expert opinion on it.”

Kurt rolled his eyes but didn't say anything in response. He beckoned Rachel to follow him and she obliged, chattering insistently. Kurt didn't know whether to be thankful for the constant chit-chat or annoyed at the incessant babbling. He chose to be grateful. Rachel Berry was better to have as a friend than an enemy.

He pointed to his laptop on the bed and Rachel squealed with excitement. “Barbra? You want to do Barbra? Oh, I knew I chose the right duet partner.”

Kurt tried to keep himself from smiling but the compliment made him feel better. “Of course you did,” he scoffed, a smile emerging on his face as he noticed Rachel's sudden muffled enthusiasm at his response. “I'm the only one in that Glee Club who shares your passion.”

Rachel beamed at him, facing the laptop, her eyes searching quickly. “I'll show you the piece I wanted to do... Tell me if you like it. I think it will be perfect for a duet between the two of us. It matches my vocal ability completely and you're one of the most talented singers in Glee Club, excluding myself and Mercedes, of course.”

“Of course,” Kurt obliged fondly. “What song did you have in mind, Miss Berry?”

Rachel held a finger up, typing the title into YouTube and clicking the first result. “It's the perfect song for us!” she exclaimed with excitement. “You know it is. Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand.”

Kurt opened his mouth, impressed. “Exceptional choice,” he agreed. “I'm guessing you're going to be filling the talented Barbra Streisand's shoes and I'm going to be stuck in the intimidating ruby slippers of one Judy Garland?”

Rachel nodded with happiness. “It's the perfect song choice, don't you think?”

Kurt let a smile grace his usually sad face. “'Get Happy/Happy Days Are Here Again' is a classic. I couldn't be happier with your expert song choosing.”

Rachel stood on her tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss to Kurt's cheek. “I'll see you in Glee Club tomorrow. Mr Schuester will probably let us sing this at Sectionals! We're bound to win if we sing together.”

Kurt clasped his hands together, the nerves creeping up on him at the idea of being focused on during such a big competition. “We'll see,” he said in response, hugging Rachel closely and then releasing her. “I'll see you tomorrow.”

“Yes, tomorrow. Make sure to do some vocal warm-ups, I can't have a duet partner with a bad voice!”

Kurt nodded, watching her go with fondness. Rachel Berry was rapidly becoming one of his best friends. He didn't know how she'd managed it, but somehow her insane talking had one her a place of affection in Kurt's mind. He genuinely enjoyed her company.

Sad, but a little relieved that he still had time to check his computer, Kurt logged off the guest account and returned to his normal one. He'd left Tumblr open and smiled at the top post of a lawnmower following its dreams. The site was awfully weird, and Kurt wouldn't have it any other way. He loved it.

He opened Microsoft Word and the most recent document, scanning over the characterization and plot. It was rather good, if he did say so himself, an ‘Alternate Universe' fic about Dean being a teenager who worked as a waiter and Cas being a regular visitor, who was trying desperately to hide an abusive relationship that he was in with his current boyfriend while he and Dean fell in love.

He saved the first chapter of his new fic and titled it appropriately. He didn't want Blaine to think him insane. Though there was a small possibility of that, seeing as Blaine himself wrote stories of floating cars. Blaine was evidently not as sane as one Kurt Hummel.

He headed to his Tumblr inbox, biting his lip as he read the first message from a random person he had never spoken to before. He responded with a polite response, disliking the way the person spoke and the icon of a man covered in blood. He knew it shouldn't affect him - he was a major Supernatural fan - but having to stare at something so gruesome for a long period of time caused his stomach to churn.

He scrolled down until he reached a familiar icon and exhaled in relief. Sam. “Kurt, my freinds a Dalton kid, were gunna mete him next weekend, grate, rite?”

Kurt frowned. “Dalton Warblers?” he said out loud, wondering if that was their full title. He'd not done his research on them, having been confident that his Glee Club was much better.

“Sam, Rachel will kill you if she realizes you're speaking to the enemy! Please tell me you haven't mentioned anything about our set-list? I must admit, I am rather excited at the possibility of having yet another Supernatural friend. But - the point still stands!”

Kurt sent his message, running a hand through his styled hair, ruffling it so much it became untidy. He looked at his mobile, pondering if he should send a text to Rachel about Sam fraternizing with the enemy, but decided against it. Sam just wanted a friend. Rachel had no business knowing what Sam did in his spare time.

He answered all the messages in his inbox and paused as he finally reached the one answer he was seeking. Blaine's icon was just as handsome as ever and Kurt wondered if it would be rude to stare at it for a few more minutes and drool. Blaine was gorgeous. It was unfair.

Tearing his eyes away, he looked at the response, hoping that Blaine had accepted his proposal. It would be nice to have a fan ensure his work was the epitome of perfection. A beta... He was rather bemused as to why he was so set against them in the past.

“Oh, wow, thank you, Kurt, you have no idea how much that means to hear you say that. And about the plot... Well, I wrote that one at two am after a party with some friends. I was kinda… out of it, to put it like that: P
But yes, yes I'll be your beta. I'll do my best.”

Kurt outright laughed at Blaine's response, making both Burt and Finn knock loudly on his bedroom door to see if he was alright.

“I'm fine!” he shouted to the two of them. “Funny YouTube!”

The two men seemed to accept his response and Kurt could hear their retreating feet from where he sat, smiling broadly, wondering how he could respond.

“I'm honored to have you as my beta. Two am? Wow, honey. That's one of the first rules I learned in fandom. Never write when tired. You'll get teased mercilessly for the rest of your life. Now, I need your email address. I can easily send you my chapters, then. You better not change the plot. I don't need any jumping Impala's, or dishes running away with spoons.”

Kurt hit send, his face red with laughter, and shut down his laptop, placing it on the desk next to his bed. Snuggling under the covers, he fell asleep easily, confident and satisfied with his life.


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