July 17, 2013, 10:20 a.m.
July 17, 2013, 10:20 a.m.
Kurt glared at Jim Starling, possessively wrapping an arm around Blaine's waist. He was talking about clothes. How amazing Blaine looked tonight, and generally Kurt was fine with that. Kurt knew Blaine was beautiful and he loved seeing other men want him but know they couldn't have him. He was Kurt's. Hebelongedto Kurt.
Only Jim didn't seem to realize that. He kept touching Blaine. Running a hand down his arm or around his collar, pulling at his bowtie. He ran his hand down his chest, admiring the soft feel of the fabric of Blaine's shirt, or so he said. He just wanted to feel Blaine up, with no regard to the fact that his boyfriend—his dom—was standing right next to him.
Kurt almost growled when Jim's hand got too close to Blaine's crotch, an almost animalisticminepulsing through him as another man tried to touch what was his. Blaine placed a hand on the small of his back, rubbing soothingly, but did absolutely nothing to stop Jim from touching him.
In fact, he almost seemed to be flirting back. Talking about how stunning his knee-high boots were. Kurt had worn a pair exactly like them yesterday and Blaine had said nothing. He licked his lips as he stared into Jim's eyes, like, who does that? And did he just hold his hand? He was holding it much too tightly tojustbe looking at his ring.
Kurt seethed, his fingers digging into the bruises he knew Blaine had on his hip from him fucking him last night. Blaine didn't flinch, he didn't react, and he didn't stop flirting. Kurt pressed again and Blaine jabbed him the back once, glaring pointedly at him before returning to his conversation.
Kurt glared at Jim, hoping that maybe he could make him burst into flames with his anger alone.
Eventually, Jim left them and Kurt turned to Blaine, "Let's go home."
"But I have a few more people I want to talk to," Blaine said.
Kurt's eyes narrowed.
"Kurt, is something wrong? You were acting very... Dommy while Jim was talking to me and you usually don't get like that in public." Blaine was searching Kurt's face.
Kurt leaned in closer to Blaine, nibbling on his earlobe, "Let's just go home, so I can fuck you into the mattress, pet." Blaine shivered, nodding once and Kurt grabbed his hand dragging him from the party.
Kurt kept massaging Blaine through his pants the entire cab ride home and Blaine so desperately wanted him to stop because, seriously? The driver could look back at any moment and see what they were doing. But he could also sense the mood Kurt was in, possessive, dominant, and maybe just a little cruel, and Blaine knew that if he batted Kurt's hand away right now there was a less than 7% possibility that he would actually be allowed to come tonight. And, god, he was feeling so desperate already.
Kurt threw a fifty at the driver, telling him to keep the change and drug Blaine out of cab and into the elevator of their apartment building. The second the door closed Kurt shoved him against the wall and started sucking a nice dark hickie onto his pulse point. Blaine moaned, rutting up against Kurt's leg, all thoughts of the fact that someone else could very well need to use the elevator gone.
Kurt pinned his hands above his head, kissing him hard and Blaine was torn between wanting the elevator to keep going forever so they never had to stop and it getting to their floor immediately so they could get to the safety of their own apartment.
Eventually the elevator dinged and Kurt pulled off of Blaine as quickly as he had attacked him, tugging him the rest of the way to their apartment. Blaine expected him to push him up against the wall as soon as the door shut like he had in the elevator, or maybe even use Blaine's body to close the door, but instead Kurt walked away, leaving Blaine hard, achingly desperate, and so so confused in the front hallway.
Blaine almost called after him, but then he remembered Kurt's mood from earlier and dropped to his knees in front of the door, grasping his elbows behind his back and keeping his eyes on the ground.
The wait seemed so much longer than ever before, which was strange considering that Blaine had once waited like this for Kurt for almost five hours, having forgotten that he had a study group that night. This time, however, he was hard, and knew Kurt was somewhere in the apartment. He could also tell that Kurt seemed almost angry with him, though for what, he didn't know.
After what seemed like hours, though it was likely less than ten minutes, Kurt came back and grabbed Blaine's hair, yanking his head back, forcing him to look up.
"Go, get undressed, and get on your hands and knees on the bed."
"Yes, Sir," Blaine breathed, happy to finally have an order.
Blaine crawled to the bedroom, hearing a hum of approval from Kurt. Once he was on the bed he took his bow tie off and started unbuttoning his shirt. He shimmied out of his skinny jeans before pulling his shirt all the way off and shucking his boxer brief. He flipped over into position, staring at the pillows beneath him.
Kurt padded in softly, grabbing something from toy box before climbing on the bed behind him. Blaine shuddered as Kurt pushed a cold slick finger inside of him, giving him no warning and hardly anytime to adjust before he followed up with a second on. He scissored them roughly inside Blaine, stretching him quickly but thoroughly and then the fingers were gone and he felt the blunt pressure of Kurt up against him hole.
Blaine gasped as Kurt sunk in in one shove, the pulled out and slammed in again, rougher this time. Kurt started fucking his ruthlessly, fingers digging into the the bruises already on his hips and leaning over to suck a hickie onto Blaine's back.
"Sir," Blaine moaned.
"Unless you're safe wording I want your mouthshut,whore."
Blaine bit his let, letting out a small squeak and Kurt brought his hand down on his ass. Yes, Kurt was definitely mad at him about something. He spanked him and fucked him with no mercy until tears were rolling down Blaine's face. He never safe worded during punishments, he always deserved them no matter how much they hurt, but Kurt always told him what they were for.
"Sir," he started again.
Kurt paused for a minute, giving him the opportunity to safe word. Blaine took it as silent permission to speak.
"Did I—"
Kurt slapped him again. "What did I say about speaking, slut?" he growled.
"N-not to," Blaine stuttered, sniffling slightly.
"Exactly, do I need to gag you, or can you manage this task on your own, pet?"
"I-I can... stay quiet, Sir."
Blaine almost sobbed at the lack of a 'boy' accompanying that word and Kurt started fucking into him again and it seemed almost rougher than before.
"That's right, whore, you take it. You were just made to be fucked weren't you. Just look at you taking it like the good little slut you are. You ass just swallows my cock up, I wonder what else we could fit in there."
Blaine mewled quietly as he felt one of Kurt's fingers at his rim with his cock still in there. He whined as the tip of Kurt's finger slid in next alongside his dick and shook his head furiously.
"Don't like that, whore?" Kurt asked, pulling it out and Blaine shook his head again, "Maybe you're not as good of a slut as I thought you were." Blaine winced, more silent tears falling.
Blaine groaned, feeling Kurt's rhythm inside of him start to falter before he was exploding in his ass and pulling out before shoving a large butt plug into him. Blaine collapsed on the bed, rutting against it weakly.
"Do that all you want, pet, you're not coming tonight."
Blaine's eyebrows shot up into his hairline, opening his mouth to speak but remembering Kurt's earlier order and simply shutting it again and nodding.
He could definitely tell that Kurt was mad but he still didn't know what he had done. Finally Kurt crawled into bed with him and Blaine curled up at his side.
"Goodnight, slut," Kurt yawned and Blaine flinched. Kurt always called him beautiful or gorgeous right before bed. Slut and whore were used purely for during playing time, and even if the playing turned into an all night thing he still called him beautiful. Blaine turned away from Kurt, burying his face in his pillow.
Kurt woke up the next morning in a slight (read: extreme) panic. He'd been too rough last night. Not with the sex, but with his words. Being called a slut and a whore is a very big turn on for Blaine. He loves dirty talk, but when he can already tell Kurt is angry about something it tends to upset him more than make the sex better. And there was absolutely no way Blaine could have missed the fact that Kurt was pissed.
He'd also basically called him worthless and had not even acknowledged how good he was being and taking his punishment for flirting with Jim... shit. Kurt hadn't specified that he was being punished. He'd said nothing... and he hadn't let Blaine talk so he could ask. God, he was such a terrible Dom. His sub needed to know that he was being punished and what he was being punished for or all it did was upset him.
Kurt rolled over to find Blaine curled up on the opposite side of the bed, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs that yanked at Kurt's heartstrings.
"Beautiful?" Kurt whispered and Blaine let out an audible and slightly relieved sounding sob. "Blaine, gorgeous... I..."
"What d-did I do, Sir?"
Blaine's voice was so quiet he almost didn't hear him.
"Oh, beautiful, it doesn't matter," Kurt said, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Blaine yanked away. "Yes it does, Sir. You punished me for whatever it was, and it was apparently really bad because you didn't even..." Blaine let out a harsh sob, curling in on himself.
"Blaine," Kurt started but Blaine cut him off.
"You called me a slut," he whispered.
Kurt paused for a minute. "But... I always do that, and I know last night probably wasn't the best time for it, but you've never caredthismuch before..."
"No... when you said goodnight. You called me a slut. Not beautiful, or gorgeous, or even pet, which probably would have been better. You said, 'goodnight,slut'." Blaine practically spat the word.
"Oh, Blaine," Kurt scooted closer to him, pulling Blaine towards him until his back was flush with Kurt's chest.
"What did I do?" Blaine asked again.
Kurt swallowed, "Jim was flirting with you..." Blaine finally looked up at Kurt in shock. "He kept,touchingyou and he had his hands all over you, and there were times where I felt like you were flirting back and you were both just completely ignoring the fact that I—your boyfriend, you Dom, your future-someday-maybe-husband—was standing right next to you. I got jealous and I overreacted a bit."
Blaine gave him the best bitch-please look he could manage with his eyes still puffy and red rimmed and tear tracks running down his face.
"Okay, I overreacted a-lot-a-bit, and I'm sorry. I just... you're mine," Kurt looked into his eyes, "I love you, and you're mine. You've given yourself to me in the most amazing way and seeing someone trying to take you from me sets me off, because I honestly don't know what I would do without you anymore. That's no excuse, but—"
Blaine cut him off with a kiss, turning around in Kurt's arms. "Can I tell you something?"
"Of course, beautiful." Blaine smiled, because last night that's all he'd wanted to hear.
"I didn't think about this last night, during the punishment, because all I was really thinking about was what I had done to upset you. But after you went to sleep, and the fact that you hadn't called me beautiful at all, I just... I felt like you didn't want me any more."
"Like I'd really become some worthless whore that wasn't worth your time any more—"
"I would never—"
"I know, that's just what I thought. I know it's dumb, and you would never not want me. But if that happened... I don't know what I'd do. So... I have a request."
"Anything you want, gorgeous." Kurt kissed his forehead.
"No dirty talk for a while, okay?"
"That seems perfectly reasonable," Kurt smiled, "only sweet nothings and cheesy romance lines stolen from chick flicks from now until you say."
Blaine giggled, "But... I also think we both need a little reminder that I belong to you and that that's not going to change for as long as I have a say in this." Blaine pulled away from Kurt, sliding to the floor and crawling over to the toy box. He found what he wanted and climbed back on the bed, setting it in Kurt's lap.
"A chastity belt?" Kurt said, "But we haven't use one of these since..."
"Since, I cheated on you because I felt like you didn't want me anymore. Sound familiar?" Kurt nodded, "We used one of these to remind the both of us who I belong to. I think we need to do that again."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course. I've actually kind of missed having this constant reminder of what you are to me. I also have another idea."
Kurt raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'm still wearing the butt plug."
"I really put that in you? God, Blaine, I'm—"
Blaine pressed a finger to his lips. "Shh, you didn't let me finish. I wouldn't mind... wearing it for... a while longer."
Kurt smirked, "How long is a while?"
Blaine shrugged, "After you fuck me again, I was thinking all day."
"You have classes today, don't you?"
Blaine nodded.
"So, let me get this straight. You want me to fuck you and fill you with my come, then put a butt plug in so you can feel it inside of you anytime you move. Then, you want me to put you in what I'm pretty sure is our most punishing cock cage and then you'll go to school like that... for the rest of the day."
"I think I can work with that."