March 31, 2013, 9:31 a.m.
March 31, 2013, 9:31 a.m.
He sighed as he closed his laptop and slumped back onto his mattress. He had just spent another Saturday night with reading awfully written 'Twilight' fanfiction and looking up potential boyfriend material on some dating site for gay teenagers while probably having swallowed about 3000 calories in just a few hours.
Kurt Hummel's life sucked. It sucked big ass. As if being the only out gay kid at his homophobic school wasn't bad enough already, he also had to deal with the constant harassment and bullying by this group of uncivilized Neanderthals he went to school with: The Jocks.
They were his mortal enemies and the moment he had stepped foot into McKinley, they went after him. He still remembered his first real encounter with them in his freshman year, where some of them had cornered him in the locker rooms after gym and had rubbed a pair of used boxer shorts in his face...which had been soaked with their come. Then they had played this funny little game of 'pushing little sissy Hummel around', which consisted of slamming him against the wall, the lockers and their fists.
He could still hear them barking with laughter.
But that hadn't even been the worst of this whole thing. His dad had gotten a call from Coach Tanaka that day, telling him they had found his 14-year old son passed out in the locker rooms, his small body covered in bruises. Thankfully he didn't have had any broken bones or serious injuries.
The boys immediately got expelled. And some of them had to do social work for a few weeks. But eventually they had come back. They mostly left him alone after that, only the usual homophobic taunts and cat whistles when he walked by which made him duck his head in fear and run away as fast as possible.
But Kurt would never forget how upset his dad had been. When he had passed his father's bedroom on the way to the bathroom that night, he had seen something terrible. His father, his big and strong father, had been sitting on the side of his bed, his body hunched over and his face buried in his hands. His dad had been crying.
Maybe it had been his own fault for wearing a pair of leggings and that knee long sweater, which had obviously been made for girls, on his first day. Or maybe doing vocal exercises in the boy's bathroom hadn't been a good move either because his special voice had somehow always encouraged people to be mean and rude. And maybe he shouldn't have directly insulted one of them when they had made fun of him. Seeing what his behavior had led to and what it had done to his father, he couldn't help the feeling of utter guilt that came over him. But he couldn't just snap his fingers and change into someone else, someone who was normal, who was not him. And to be honest, he didn't want to. His parents, especially his mom, had always told him to stay true to himself no matter what anyone said. So, no, he wouldn't change or pretend to be someone else but he wouldn't cause his father to worry anymore. He would be strong.
Kurt had always prided himself with being a great actor but sometimes he was actually shocked at how easily he could lie to his dad whenever he was asking him about school.
When Kurt returned to school on Monday, he felt as if he'd missed something. Something big. As he passed the halls, he saw that every place was filled with small crowds, all of them whispering excitedly.
He walked over to his locker, his ears trying to get a hold of what exactly everyone was talking about but it was impossible to hear anything through this muddle of voices.
Then he felt someone tip on his shoulder and as he turned around he saw Mercedes, the girl who sat next to him in some of his classes, standing in front of him, a wide grin on her face.
Mercedes was by far the only person who ever willingly talked to him and didn't treat him like a leper. They weren't really friends though, which probably had to do with the fact that Kurt had a huge problem with letting people into his life. So, this little thing with Mercedes was perfect, they chatted and shared the newest gossip, talked about random stuff and none of them expected any real commitment to their so called friendship, at least Kurt felt that way.
"So, have you heard it?" Mercedes whispered, as if she was afraid for anyone to hear her.
Kurt leaned in closer to her and whispered back, "Heard what?"
"Okay so, apparently two nights ago, some people have seen something very interesting on the parking lot of Breadsticks." Mercedes paused as if to add more tension.
Kurt squinted his eyes. "And what would that 'something very interesting' be?"
"Okay, Kurt, listen. So these guys were just walking over to their cars, when they heard some moaning. Well, and of course they walked over to the car, where the noises were coming from, probably to knock on the windows and scare them or whatever, but here's the thing: Inside the car, was a guy who goes to this school. And he was lying on top of another...guy. "
Kurt's brain must had short-circuited at the last part of Mercedes's words because suddenly about hundreds of faces were flashing through his mind and he wondered which one could be the boy he'd just heard off.
So, there was another boy like him. Another boy who liked boys. And he was going to the same school as him. He was enthralled to say the least. And before he could stop himself his brain wandered off even more. He had already begun to plan their wedding in his head and could picture moving into a fancy apartment in NY together with his sweetheart - who was a guy he's probably not even met before. Wow, Kurt. Really? This was becoming ridiculous, not even his 35-year old aunt Lois, who had a more intimate relationship with her cat than most married couples, was that desperate to finally find the man of her dreams.
Suddenly Mercedes' voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He shook his head and stared at her. "Wait what did you say?"
She rolled her eyes and repeated what she'd just said: „I said the best thing is yet about to come. The guy in the car, he wasn't just someone, it was that arrogant little jerk, Blaine Anderson. "