Meeting the Hudson-Hummels Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Understanding: Meeting the Hudson-Hummels

T - Words: 1,087 - Last Updated: May 29, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Apr 19, 2014 - Updated: Apr 19, 2014
168 0 0 0 0

"Ill get it!" Kurt all but screamed when he heard the doorbell that Friday evening, running to the door. "Hi!" He said when he answered the door.


"Im t-t-t-terrified," Blaine said, fiddling with his hands. "Im m-m-m-m-more s-s-s-scared t-t-than I ttthought Id b-b-be and m-m-my s-s-s-s-s-s-speech s-s-s-sounds h-h-horrible."


Kurt pulled Blaine inside and wrapped his arms around his neck, hugging him tightly while Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurts waist and buried his face in his shoulder. "Your speech sounds fine."


A cough came from behind the boys and Kurt pulled away from the hug, turning to face his father while reaching down for Blaines hand, squeezing it gently and not letting go despite how clammy it was.


"Um, Blaine this is my dad, Burt Hummel. Dad, this is Blaine...my boyfriend."


Blaine held his hand out for Burt to shake, wishing he could say something, anything, but knowing that hed freak out if he did. Burt shook his hand momentarily before speaking.


"Carole and Finn are in the kitchen, dinners almost ready."


Kurt and Blaine followed Burt into the kitchen and Kurt introduced Blaine to Carole before they sat down at the table.


"Blaine, we didnt really know what to make for you so we just made up a salad with some beans and stuff, is that okay?" Burt asked.


"T-t-th-th-" Blaine closed his eyes and sighed, nodding instead.


"Are you okay, sweetie?" Carole asked.


"He cant speak properly," Finn supplied. "Thats why hes so shy."


"Finn!" Kurt shouted, glaring at his brother.


"I-I-I-Im f-f-f-f-fine t-t-t-th-th-thank y-you." Blaine said, cringing at how many times he stuttered. Kurt squeezed his hand reassuringly under the table while Burt gave everyone their dinner.


Finn leaned over to look at Blaines plate, squinting at the beans. "I thought beans were orange and covered in sauce?"


"Oh my god..." Kurt muttered.


"Those are baked beans, sweetie." Carole replied.


"So Blaine," Burt said. "What school do you go to?"


"D-D-D-D-Dalt-ton A-A-Ac-c-c-" Blaine took a deep breath and tried again. "Ac-c-cademy."


"Isnt that a private school?" Carole asked.


Blaine nodded. "M-m-m-my p-p-p-par-r-r-rents t-t-t-t-tr-r-r-r..." Kurt squeezed his hand again, rubbing his thumb over the back of it gently. "T-t-tr-tr-transferred m-m-me t-t-there b-b-b-be-be-be-because I used t-to g-g-get b-b-b-b-bullied."


"So how did you meet Kurt?" Burt asked.


"S-S-S-Sam, w-w-who g-g-g-g-g-goes ttt-to K-K-K-K-K-Kurts s-s-sc-sc-school, h-h-has b-b-b-b-been m-m-my b-b-b-best f-f-friend s-s-since we were b-b-bab-bb-bies...b-b-babies and-d h-h-he s-s-sort of s-s-set us up."


"Well that explains what happened on the football field..." Finn wondered aloud.


"Oh my god, please stop talking." Kurt groaned.


"Kurt," Burt warned.


"Sorry." Kurt said, taking another bite of his food.


"What do you want to do when youre older?" Burt asked Blaine. Kurt snorted a little, sharing an amused look with Blaine, who rolled his eyes.


"Sorry, inside joke. Carry on." Kurt said.


"I d-d-d-dont r-r-really know w-what I w-w-want t-t-to do y-y-yet. I havent f-f-f-found anything that Im in-in-int-t-t-terested in p-p-p-pursuing."


"What are your hobbies, then?" Carole asked with a smile.


"Um...I like s-s-s-singing and I um...t-t-take b-b-b-bb-boxing lessons."


"You box?!" Finn asked excitedly. "But youre like a tiny little puppy!"


"Thats what I said." Kurt laughed.


"Im s-s-s-stronger t-t-th-th-than I l-l-look, okay?" Blaine laughed.


Everybody chuckled and Kurt smiled at Blaine, giving him an I told you so look.


After dinner Kurt took Blaine upstairs to show him his room while Carole made desert. He almost had to beg Burt to let him, but after promising to keep the door open he finally allowed it. Blaine wondered around the room with a cute little smile on his face, looking around Kurts bedroom while Kurt stood awkwardly by the door.


"I l-l-like it," Blaine smiled. "Its v-v-very y-you."


"Thank you." Kurt chuckled, crossing the room to Blaine and taking both of his hands, walking backwards towards his bed and sitting down on the edge with his boyfriend.


"Im h-h-having f-f-f-f-fun t-tonight," Blaine said, running his thumbs over the backs of Kurts hands. "At f-f-first I kind of wanted to r-run away s-s-sc-screaming, b-b-b-but your f-family is r-r-really n-nice."


"I told you theyd love you," Kurt smiled. "I could tell when you started to feel comfortable because you started to joke around a little bit."


"M-m-my s-s-sp-speech w-was a m-mess," Blaine groaned. "I t-think Im s-s-s-st-tuttering a lot less now t-t-though."


"Your speech was fine," Kurt emphasised. "Even when you had trouble getting words out we could all understand you perfectly fine."


Blaine smiled softly, leaning forward to press a little kiss to Kurts lips when there was an uncomfortable cough at the door. They turned around to find Burt standing in the doorway, smirking at them.


"I knew I couldnt trust you two."


"We were talking," Kurt said, rolling his eyes at his dad. "Our lips were barely even touching then."


"Mhm," Burt hummed with a laugh. "Desserts ready."


They ate dessert and Kurt had a little more time with Blaine alone before he announced that he had to go or his parents would be worried about him.


"T-t-t-th-thank y-you f-f-f-for d-d-dinner and f-for m-making the s-s-s-s-salad and s-s-s-stuff." Blaine said to Carole and Burt nervously, fiddling with his hands.


Carole smiled sweetly at him while Burt huffed, trying not to smile. Kurt buried his face in Blaines shoulder where he was standing behind him and hid his smile, trying not to squeal like a little girl.


"Youre more than welcome, Blaine," Carole said. "And wed be happy to have you over again."


"T-t-t-t-thank y-you." Blaine smiled.


"Can we have a minute, please?" Kurt asked, resting his chin on Blaines shoulder so he could see Burt and Carole. Carole nodded, walking with Burt into the kitchen.


Blaine turned around and smiled at Kurt. "T-t-t-t-tonight w-w-was m-much m-more f-f-fun t-than I expected it to b-b-be," He admitted. "I r-r-r-really liked y-your f-f-family."


"They really liked you too," Kurt smiled, holding Blaines face in his hands gently. "Promise."


"I b-b-b-b-believe y-you." Blaine giggled. Kurt grinned at him before leaning forward and pressing their lips together. Blaine opened his mouth a little and allowed Kurt to deepen their kiss slightly for the first time. Kurt moved his hands from Blaines face and wrapped his arms around his neck, Blaines arms fitting perfectly around his waist.


"Ive given you more than enough time." Burts amused voice came from behind them.


Kurt removed his lips from Blaines but kept his head in the same position, their noses touching as he stared into Blaines honey-coloured eyes for a moment before he leaned back in to press a chaste kiss to his lips before pulling away entirely.


"G-g-g-goodnight." Blaine smiled as Kurt opened the door for him.


"Bye." Kurt said quietly, unable to wipe the smile off his face as he watched Blaine walk to his car.


He stayed by the door until Blaines car was out of sight and finally shut the door, turning to face his dad, who had a smile on his face.


"You did good, kid."


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