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Understanding: Jealousy

T - Words: 840 - Last Updated: May 29, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Apr 19, 2014 - Updated: Apr 19, 2014
186 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I just read through this as I was posting it and I think I was supposed to write more at the end...oops. Oh well! :)

It was Friday at the Hudson-Hummel household and Blaine had gone over for Friday night dinner. He was helping Carole make dessert and he was laughing at the stories Carole was telling him.

"Ive noticed Blaines speech is improving," Burt said quietly to Kurt. "I guess his speech therapy is going well?"

"Yeah," Kurt smiled. "He said he feels more comfortable going there now than he did when he first started going."

"He seems more...confident when he speaks."

"He is," Kurt said, unable to wipe the proud smile off his face. "He always tells me when he hasnt stutter on an S word or an R word or other words that he usually stutters on."

Burt smiled, noticing the pride in Kurts voice. Blaine happily came skipping over to Kurt with a grin on his face when he was finished, pressing a kiss to his cheek and sitting next to him.

"Youre extremely happy today." Kurt smiled.

"Ive had a g-good week," Blaine replied happily. "And n-now I g-get to s-spend even m-m-more time with y-you than I thought Id b-be able to." He said, leaning forward to press a kiss to Kurts lips.

"Hey," Burt scolded playfully. "Dont make me regret letting you spend the night." He said, causing Kurt to roll his eyes while Blaine blushed and giggled.

"I still think its unfair that youll let Blaine stay but you wont let Rachel." Finn huffed.

"His parents arent in town." Kurt pointed out defensively.

"So? He couldve stayed with Sam."

"Well he didnt."

"Enough!" Burt exclaimed. "Finn, Im sure youll have your fair share of sleepovers with Rachel - just drop it, okay?"

"Fine." Finn groaned.

They ate dinner mostly in silence, until Kurt and Blaine were finally allowed to escape with the promise of his bedroom door being left open.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked once they were in his room, sitting at the head of his bed with Blaine cuddled into Kurts arms. "You seemed all excited and happy before and now youve gone really quiet."

"Finn d-doesnt like m-me, does he?" Blaine asked.


"I do," Another voice came from the door. They looked up to see Finn leaning against the door frame. "I do like you." He entered the room and sat down on the edge of Kurts bed, facing the two teens. "Thats not why Im such a jerk all of the time. I guess Im kind of...jealous of you guys."

"Why?" Kurt asked confusedly.

"Because Ive known Rachel more than triple the amount of time youve known Blaine and weve never had the relationship you guys have. Because your dad and my mom dont even view mine and Rachels relationship as a real relationship whereas they love you guys."

"Thats because Blaine and I dont break up every other week," Kurt pointed out. "If you and Rachel were more mature about your relationship then they would trust you as much as they trust us."

"We are mature." Finn defended.

"Finn, the last argument you guys had was about her song choice for regionals and you stormed out of the choir room like five year old who got told no," Kurt said. "Have you even made up with her yet?"

"Well...no, not exactly," Finn said, staring down at the floor. "Fine, maybe our relationship isnt as stable as yours or whatever, but theyd still rather have Blaine over for dinner instead of Rachel."

"Because you guys just argue every time she comes over!" Kurt groaned frustratedly. "I honestly dont know how you two are still together."

"Fine, how am I supposed to be more mature then?"

"Talk to h-her," Blaine said. "Tell her that y-youre s-sick of arguing with h-her."

"And stop taking it out on us," Kurt added. "Its not our fault."

Finn sighed. "Im sorry. I dont mean to be so horrible to you, and I honestly am happy for you guys."

"Thank you," Kurt smiled. "Now go phone your girlfriend. And Ill talk to Carole and my dad and see if she can come over for dinner next week, okay?"

"Thank you." Finn replied.

Finn left the room and Kurt sighed, leaning his head back against the headrest on his bed.

"Whats up?" Blaine asked.

"Nothing," Kurt said, smiling down at his boyfriend. "My brothers just an idiot," He chuckled. "So, watcha wanna do?"

"Stay in y-your arms f-forever?" Blaine grinned, cuddling closer to Kurt.

"Hm, as much as Id like that, it could cause problems. Such as needing food...and needing to pee and shower."

"Who n-needs any of that?" Blaine teased.

"I dont want a stinky boyfriend," Kurt laughed. "And I dont really want either of us to die so food is essential."

Blaine shook his head with laughter, leaning up to kiss the sixteen year old. "I love you s-so d-d-damn much."

"I love you too," Kurt smiled. "Its kind of funny..."


"No matter how many times I hear you say you love me, I never get sick of hearing it."

Blaine just smiled at his boyfriend, burying his face in the crook of Kurts neck. "Youre s-so warm and c-cuddly."

Kurt laughed. "Im glad you approve of my body heat."

"Youre like a g-giant t-t-teddy b-bear." Blaine said, grinning into Kurts neck.

"Youve officially lost it." Kurt laughed, tickling Blaines sides as he squealed and rolled away from him.


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