May 29, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 29, 2014, 7 p.m.
Please send in prompts/ideas for other chapters I could write for this :D (The next chapter is Blaine meeting the Hudson-Hummels, just so youre aware)
"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel!" Burts voice boomed the second Kurt entered the house.
"Yes?" He said sweetly, entering the kitchen where his father was sitting at the dining table.
"You have a lot of explaining to do, Miser. Sit." He said, pointing to the chair opposite him.
"But -"
Kurt huffed and sat down opposite his father, slumping down in his seat.
"First lets start with the fact that Finn got home from the football game over two hours ago and youve only just walked through the door -"
"Dad, I -"
"Im not finished," Burt said. "Youve only just walked through the door, and Finn tells me you were with your boyfriend. Care to explain?"
"Dad, I..." Kurt sighed. He was going to kill Finn. "I know how it sounds, but I swear its not like that at all. Weve only been going out for two weeks and -"
"Two weeks!? And Im only just finding out about this - and from someone else?"
"Tonight was only our third date," Kurt exaggerated. "I swear, I wasnt hiding it from you I was just waiting for the right time to tell you. Weve only just started dating, so we could end up breaking up in two days time."
Burt sighed. "Okay, but if it isnt how it sounds then where have you been for the past two hours?"
"I took Blaine home," Burt raised his eyebrow at that. "He lives in Westerville. I didnt go inside his house, okay? I drove him home, walked him to the door, said goodnight and then drove back home."
"And you didnt think to call me first?"
"Im sorry," Kurt groaned. "I didnt think. I promise I will call you next time I take Blaine home after a date, now can you please stop interrogating me?"
"Fine," Burt said. "I want to meet him though."
Kurt groaned and hit his head against the table. "Hes really shy."
"Everyones shy when they meet their boyfriends parents, or girlfriends."
"No, but hes like...ugh."
Burt laughed. "Invite him to dinner on Friday, okay?"
"Fine." Kurt whined.
Kurt went upstairs and grabbed his phone, starting a new text chat with Blaine as Blaine had told him he didnt like speaking on the phone.
Kurt: My douche of a step-brother told my dad everything and he wants to meet you on Friday.
Blaine: What!? I cant meet your dad, Im going to make a complete idiot out of myself!
Kurt: Youre not. Hell love you, just be yourself.
Blaine: I dont know if youve noticed but I stutter MORE when Im nervous, Im barely going to be able to get a word out of my mouth.
Kurt: I can tell him about your stutter before Friday if you want? Or if youre really uncomfortable with the idea then Ill just explain to my dad that youre not ready to meet him yet.
Blaine: No, Ill be fine.
Kurt: Are you SURE? I dont want you to do anything youre not comfortable with.
Blaine: Im sure. I promise :)
Kurt: Okay. Itll just be my dad, my step-mom (Carole, a.k.a Finns mom) and Finn.
Blaine: I might die...
Kurt: Ill hold your hand the entire time and Ill kick Finn under the table for you if hes an idiot again :)
Blaine: How do you do that?
Kurt: Do what?
Blaine: Put a smile on my face even when Im nervous or upset
Kurt: Magic :) Oh, what food do you like? I dont want the whole evening to turn into a disaster because my dad cooks something youre like, allergic to
Blaine: Ill eat basically anything that isnt meat
Kurt: Youre a vegetarian?
Blaine: Yeah, I thought you knew that. I ordered the vegetarian pasta on our first date.
Kurt: Oh...I wasnt really paying any attention. But...why? I mean, I have nothing against it, I guess Ive just always wondered why vegetarians ARE vegetarians.
Blaine: I dont know. I guess its just that, you know...animals are living creatures too, just like us, and you wouldnt grab a random person off the streets, kill them, cook them and cover them in breadcrumbs would you?
Kurt: ...ew
Blaine: Yeah, that probably wasnt the best way to explain it...but you get my point. Its not fair that a living creature should get killed just so that we can eat it when there are plenty of other types of food that we can eat.
Kurt: In a weird, gross way, thats sort of endearing. Although my dad loves him some meat, so hes probably still going to cook it.
Blaine: Thats fine. I have nothing against people who DO eat meat. You had meat on our first date and it didnt bother me.
Kurt: I guess...I just didnt want you to get offended or anything.
Blaine: Kurt...I cant even put into words how sweet you are sometimes...
Kurt: Im glad were texting each other right now because Im blushing so hard
Blaine: See ;) Okay, Im going to go to bed. Its getting late and I need my beauty sleep
Kurt: Me too, I have a murder to plan out tomorrow
Blaine: Just talk to him, see if he has a reason why he told your dad after you asked him not to
Kurt: Meh. Youre too nice.
Blaine: :D
Kurt: Goodnight Blaine x
Blaine: Goodnight :) x