May 29, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 29, 2014, 7 p.m.
A/N: Pathetic excuse for a chapter but yano...Sorry I havent posted in the last two days - yesterday I was writing my new story and sorting something out with my friend and the day before I was revising for Science. I also wont be posting on Sunday, just as a warning. Enjoy!
Are we still on for our movie date? :) xx - Kurt
Blaine groaned as his phone began to bleep on his bedside table. He rolled over in his bed and clumsily grabbed it, reading the text on the screen through bleary eyes.
im sikc - Blaine
Whats wrong? :( - Kurt
cold - Blaine
Youre cold or you HAVE a cold? - Kurt
have cold...both - Blaine
Can I still come over? I can take care of you :) - Kurt
yuh - Blaine
Blaine sent his last message before promptly falling back to sleep, his phone lost in the mess of sheets and tissues on his bed. He didnt wake up again until he felt a body sliding into his bed next to his.
"Shh," Kurt said softly as Blaine let out a whine, helping his boyfriend get situated with his head on his chest. "Go back to sleep." He said, carding his fingers through Blaines messy hair.
"Kay," Blaine mumbled, already half asleep. "Luff oo."
Kurt chuckled lightly, pressing a kiss to Blaines warm forehead. "I love you too."
The next time Blaine woke up, he found his face buried between Kurts body and arm. He wiggled his way out and looked up at Kurt, who was smiling down at him contentedly. "Hey sleepy head, how do you feel?"
"Icky," Blaine frowned, his voice nasal and croaky. "How long w-w-was I asleep?"
"Just under an hour," Kurt replied. "Youre adorable when you sleep."
"Thats c-c-c-creepy." Blaine laughed.
Kurt smiled at his boyfriend before sighing a little. "You look all sad and...ill."
"I am ill," Blaine pointed out. "And Im s-s-s-s-slightly s-s-sad, b-b-but y-you b-b-b-being here m-makes m-m-me f-f-f-feel a little b-better."
Kurt smiled, cupping Blaines cheek and gently running his thumb over the warm skin. "Have you taken any medicine?"
"Ugh," Blaine groaned. "N-no. It just m-m-makes m-me r-r-really d-d-drowsy and I t-t-turn into a c-c-crazy p-p-person."
Kurt chuckled. "Itll make you feel better."
"Fine," Blaine huffed. "We h-h-have s-s-some in the f-f-fridge d-d-d-d-downstairs."
"Okay," Kurt smiled, pressing a kiss to Blaines forehead. "If Im not back in ten minutes, I got lost."
Blaine laughed as Kurt grinned, leaving the room and trying to find Blaines kitchen. He successfully made his way downstairs and found his way back to Blaines room to find the boy in the middle of a sneezing fit.
"You okay?" Kurt asked once Blaine had finished sneezing, rubbing his back gently.
Blaine sniffed and nodded, wiping his watery eyes before blowing his nose. "D-d-did y-y-you f-find it?"
"Yup," Kurt smiled, showing Blaine the bottle. He took the cap off and poured some onto a spoon. "Here comes the airplane..." He teased, receiving a glare from Blaine as he took the medicine.
Blaine shivered as he swallowed the liquid, pulling a face. "Yuck," He grimaced. "N-n-no m-matter h-h-how m-m-many t-times I take that stuff, the t-t-taste n-never improves."
Kurt laughed, putting the lid back on the bottle and placing it on Blaines bedside table, lying back down and allowing Blaine to snuggle into his arms. They laid in silence for a while before it was apparent that Blaines medicine had kicked in and he started humming quietly.
"You okay?" Kurt asked, playing with Blaines hair.
Blaine looked up at Kurt and smiled softly, nodding. "Youre p-p-pretty." He said, eliciting a chuckle from Kurt.
"So are you," He replied. "Even if you are snotty and gross."
"You love m-m-me anyway. S-s-s-s-snot and all."
"I do," Kurt smiled, brushing Blaines sweaty curls away from his forehead. "Snot and all."
Blaine laid his head back down on Kurts chest and let out a yawn. "S-s-s-sleepy."
"Go to sleep," Kurt replied, hugging Blaine close. "Ill still be here when you wake up."
"Mmm..." Blaine mumbled, pulling the covers up higher around his shoulders. "Kay. L-love y-y-you."
"Love you too." Kurt smiled, kissing the top of Blaines head as he drifted to sleep once again.