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Understanding: Big Brother

T - Words: 815 - Last Updated: May 29, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Apr 19, 2014 - Updated: Apr 19, 2014
156 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/N: I dont know what happened at the end of this chapter...forgive me?


Blaine was mortified.

It all started when Kurt picked him up from school one afternoon and they made their way back to the Anderson household. Everything had started out innocent; they were cuddled up on Blaines bed watching TV. But then Blaine had laughed at something Kurt said and kissed him on the lips, and one kiss lead to another, and that one led to another, and before they knew it Kurt was on top of Blaine and things were pretty...heated.

"Squirt!" A voice exclaimed as the door to Blaines bedroom flew open, causing Kurt to squeal loudly and roll off of Blaine too quickly, sending him flying onto the floor.

"Cooper!" Blaine screeched, sitting up and leaning over the edge of the bed to make sure Kurt was okay.

"You have a really hard floor." Kurt groaned, sitting up and rubbing his head.

"Are y-y-y-you ok-k-kay?" Blaine asked. Kurt nodded, letting out a whine when he got up and sat back down on the bed. "You s-s-s-suck." He said, turning to face the man at the door.

"Im offended," He gasped, sitting down on the edge of Blaines bed to face the teen. "Arent you going to introduce me?"

Blaine sighed. "C-C-Cooper, this is K-K-Kurt, m-my b-boyfriend. K-K-Kurt, this is m-my b-b-brother C-Cooper, who d-d-doesnt k-k-k-k-know w-w-what k-knocking is."

"Its not my fault you were making out with your boyfriend!"

"Im a s-s-sixteen y-year old b-b-boy! What d-d-do y-y-y-y-you expect?"

"Simmer down, children," Kurt teased. "Im the one that fell on the floor."

"What are y-y-you d-d-doing h-here anyway?" Blaine asked. "M-M-Mom d-didnt m-m-mention y-y-y-you w-were c-c-coming."

"She told me about your speech therapy," Cooper admitted. "I wanted to surprise you."

"Why is she m-m-making s-s-s-s-such a b-b-big d-deal out of it?" Blaine groaned. "Im f-f-f-fine."

"You say your fine but whether or not you really are is a different story." Cooper pointed out.

Blaine glared at his brother. "I am f-f-fine," He said honestly. "Ive on-nly j-j-just s-s-st-started g-g-going s-s-so ob-b-b-bviously its s-s-scary, b-b-but I s-s-swear Im okay."

"Is he really?" Cooper asked, turning to face Kurt.

Kurt glanced from Blaine, to Cooper, back to Blaine before finally settling on looking at Cooper. "Hes fine when hes with me."

"Fine, Ill drop it," Cooper said. "Anyway, since when did you stop gelling your hair?" He asked, reaching out to pull on one of Blaines curls.

"I d-d-d-didnt," Blaine replied, swatting Coopers hand out of the way. "I w-w-washed the g-g-gel out w-w-when I g-g-got h-h-home."

Cooper looked over to Kurt, raising his eyebrow. "What?" Kurt squeaked. "I like his curls."

"Okay...Well, Im gonna leave you kiddos alone and go terrorise mom for a while," He said, standing up and ruffling Blaines hair. "See ya, Squirt."

As soon as Cooper was gone, Blaine groaned and threw himself back against his pillows.

"You okay?" Kurt asked, crawling up to the head of the bed and lying on his side next to Blaine.

Blaine sighed, turning onto his side to face Kurt. "Yeah, h-h-hes j-j-just...emb-b-b-barrasing."

Kurt smiled, reaching out to gently run the backs of his fingers over Blaines cheek. "He seemed like he really cared about you."

"He d-d-does, and h-h-hes am-m-m-m-mazing and I l-l-love h-him b-b-but hes j-j-just s-s-so...annoying ab-b-bout it."

"You guys arent close, are you?"

Blaine shook his head. "We used t-t-to b-be as k-k-kids and h-h-he w-w-w-w-was s-s-super p-p-protective of m-me b-b-but n-now hes n-n-never at h-h-home and w-w-weve k-kind of d-d-drifted ap-p-part."

Kurt smiled sadly, shuffling closer to Blaine to that he could press his nose against his boyfriends. "Can I ask you a question?" Blaine nodded. "Dont be mad at me, but you seemed to get really defensive when Cooper asked you about speech therapy...are you sure everythings okay?"

Blaine sighed. "Its okay," He said. "Im j-j-just k-k-kind of unc-c-c-comf-fortable there. Its w-w-w-weird j-j-just s-s-s-sitting in a r-r-room in f-f-front of somebody b-behind a d-d-desk and t-t-talking ab-b-bout y-y-your s-s-sp-p-peech. I h-h-havent r-r-really adjusted t-t-to it y-y-yet."

"Promise me youll tell me if you really dont like it?" Kurt asked. "I hate seeing you unhappy."

"I p-p-promise," Blaine smiled. "And Im n-n-n-not unh-h-happy, I h-h-have y-y-y-you."

"You sap," Kurt laughed, rubbing his nose against Blaines. "I love you."

"I l-l-love y-y-you t-t-too," Blaine smiled. "So, s-so, so, so, s-so much!" He exclaimed playfully, shoving a laughing Kurt backwards and climbing over him, hugging him so tight that he was practically plastered against his boyfriend.

Kurt laughed, rolling Blaine over so that he was on top before climbing off of him and running out of the room and downstairs. Blaine chased after him, shouting "come back here!" at the top of his lungs until he reached the bottom step and jumped onto Kurts back, hiding his face in his boyfriends neck and giggling happily when he ran through the living room with him on his back.

Blaines family shook their heads with silent laughter, smiling at the grin that was on Blaines face as Kurt dumped him onto the sofa, the teen laughing happily. Kurt crawled onto the sofa next to Blaine and hid his face in his boyfriends cardigan, laughing along with everyone else.


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