June 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
June 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
A/N: Im super sorry if there are any typos/spacing mistakes on this; my laptop broke last night so Im posting this from my kindle...
Adjusting to New York had its ups and downs for Kurt. It was fun because he got to wake up next to Blaine every morning, and it was New York. But moving to a new place and adjusting to spending every day in a new home caused Kurts nightmares to increase, and waking up almost every night with a nightmare wasnt fun for either of the boys.
"I cant take this anymore!" Kurt screamed from the bathroom, causing Blaine to come running in. Kurt was standing by the sink, holding his bottle of medicine in his hand. "These stupid tablets arent helping at all and Im so freaking tired and upset all the time!" He shouted, angrily throwing the bottle against the bathroom floor.
"Hey, hey," Blaine said gently, taking Kurt into his arms. Kurt was crying loudly and began to hit Blaines chest with his balled up fists. Luckily he was crying so much that he was uncoordinated and weak and it didnt really hurt Blaine a lot, so he just rubbed Kurts back and let him continue. "Shh, thats it, let it all out." He said softly, holding him close as he wore himself out.
"Im sorry." Kurt sniffled, fisting his hands in Blaines shirt and hiding his face in his shoulder.
"Its okay," Blaine replied, still rubbing Kurts back soothingly. "I know this hasnt been easy on you."
"I dont know what Im supposed to do," Kurt said. "I start college next week and I rarely get a lot of sleep, Im grouchy all the time and I just snap at the smallest things."
"We can go back to the doctors if you want?" Blaine suggested.
"Theres nothing they can do, though," Kurt pointed out. "I was lucky that they could do anything the first time."
"Well figure something out, I promise." Blaine assured him.
"Im so tired."
"Come with me." Blaine said, taking his hand and leading him into their bedroom. He and Kurt climbed under the covers, Kurt snuggling into Blaines arms. Blaine gently ran his thumb back and forth over Kurts cheek and quietly started singing Teenage Dream, looking down to see that Kurts eyes were beginning to droop a little.
Kurt was fast asleep before Blaine even reached the end of the song. It was only eight, but Blaine was happy to stay in bed and hold Kurt while he slept, even though he himself wasnt tired.
Kurt felt significantly better when he woke up the next day, and he was glad to see that hed managed to sleep until the early afternoon. He got out of bed and found Blaine in the living room, playing the piano that hed insisted they buy.
"Hey," Kurt said, sitting down next to him and resting his head on his boyfriends shoulder, smiling as Blaine continued to play the piano while answering him.
"Hey. How do you feel?"
"Much better," Kurt replied truthfully. "Thank you."
Blaine stopped playing momentarily and pressed a kiss to the top of Kurts head. "You know Id do anything for you."
Kurt smiled. "Whatre you doing, anyway?"
"None of your business." Blaine said teasingly, grinning at his boyfriend, who pouted at him.
"Youll find out soon enough." Blaine replied, kissing Kurts nose and laughing when he scrunched his face up.
Kurt sighed dramatically. "Fine."
"Go get dressed," Blaine chuckled. "You need to eat and I feel like going out."
Kurt pressed a kiss to Blaines lips before going back into their room and getting dressed.
A week later, Kurt found himself clumsily navigating his way around college, wishing that he had Blaine with him. He was having a disaster trying to find all of his different rooms and hed been late multiple times.
"You look lost." A voice came from behind Kurt, making him jump.
He quickly recovered and turned to face the man that had spoken. "I am..." Kurt sighed. "I have no idea where my classroom is."
"Let me see your schedule," He replied, his voice clear as day and...British. "Youre in the same room as me, come on, Ill show you."
"Thank you." Kurt said, taking his schedule back.
"Im Adam by the way."
"Kurt," Kurt smiled, following Adam to their lesson.
"Im guessing youre a freshman?" Adam chuckled.
"Am I that obvious?" Kurt laughed.
"Just a little," Adam replied. "Dont worry about it, I was the same when I first came here."
"Which was when...?"
"Last year," Adam laughed. "Im not that old!"
"I wasnt calling you old!" Kurt laughed. "I was just wondering."
"Whatever you say." Adam teased.
Adam sat with Kurt during their lesson, which Kurt was thankful for as he didnt know anybody and he hadnt been able to really fit in during his other lessons as everybody else already knew each other.
"Hey, do you wanna go get lunch together?" Adam asked a little later.
"Um, Im supposed to be meeting my boyfriend..." Kurt said. "Maybe tomorrow?"
"Sure," Adam smiled. "Well, you have my number so if you get lost again..."
Kurt rolled his eyes but laughed nonetheless. "Ill see you later."
"Bye, Kurt." Adam said as Kurt left the building and made his way to meet Blaine.
As soon as Kurt spotted Blaine, he ran towards him and hugged him tight, grinning widely. "Hi."
"Hey," Blaine laughed. "Whats up with you?"
"Nothing," Kurt said, pulling back with a smile. "Im just happy to see you."
"Hows college so far?" Blaine asked, taking Kurts hand into his own as they walked towards a small restaurant.
"Its like a jungle," Kurt admitted. "I thought Dalton was bad...but I like it, and Ive already made a friend."
"Good," Blaine chuckled, kissing Kurts cheek. "Im glad youre making friends."
"His names Adam," Kurt said, sitting down opposite Blaine. "...Hes British."
Blaine laughed, holding Kurts hand across the table. "Youre the cutest." Kurt blushed and made a whining noise, causing Blaine to chuckle at him. "I love how you still get embarrassed by me complimenting you."
"Shush," Kurt said, smiling at his boyfriend.
They ordered their food and ate in silence for a little while before Blaine rested his chin in his hand and stared at Kurt with an adoring look, smiling softly.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Kurt asked, his fork almost at his mouth.
"Nothing, I just...I love you." Blaine smiled.
"I love you too...but youre being really creepy." Kurt laughed.
"Im just really happy," Blaine said. "Not too long ago I didnt think there was a chance in hell that Id ever be in this situation and I just...Im really thankful that we get to go on this journey together."
"Youre such a sap," Kurt giggled. "But so am I. Although I always knew, deep down, that wed end up back together."
Kurt shrugged. "I was terrified to let you back in, but I think I always kind of knew that I would eventually. Even when I was with Nick...I still think it was always there, at the back of my mind."
"How have you always been so much smarter than me?" Blaine chuckled.
"Because Im more awesome than you, duh."
Blaine laughed and threw his napkin at Kurts face, grinning happily.
"Come on," Blaine said, standing up and holding his hand out for Kurt.
"Where are we going?" Kurt asked, raising his eyebrow. "We dont have to be back at school yet."
"I know," Blaine laughed. "I want to walk you back."
Kurt shook his head with laughter and left the restaurant with Blaine, smiling and squinting in the sun.
"Kurt, hey!" Adams voice sounded from across the street, prompting Kurt to look across the road.
"Adam," He whispered to Blaine before smiling at Adam, who was jogging across the street and over to them. "Hey."
"Hi," Adam smiled. "Im guessing this is your boyfriend?"
"Yeah," Kurt replied. "This is Blaine - Blaine, this is Adam."
"Its nice to meet you." Adam said, holding his hand out for Blaine to shake.
Blaine raised his eyebrow at him, but shook his hand nonetheless. "You too."
"Mind if I walk with you guys?"
Kurt looked over to Blaine, who looked a little sceptical, before looking back at Adam and nodding a little. "Sure.
"So, where did you guys meet?" Adam asked.
"Uh, high school." Kurt said.
"He looks...older than you." Adam pointed out.
"Um...he...um...is..." Kurt mumbled.
"So," Blaine interrupted loudly. "Kurt said youre from England?"
"Yeah, I thought that was kind of obvious," Adam said bitterly. "You know, with the accent and all..."
"Kurt, honey," Blaine said sweetly, changing the subject. "What do you want for dinner tonight?"
"Dont get too messy with the dessert," Adam teased, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Blaine looked at him with a monotonic expression, unsure of how to reply, while Kurt let a little giggle escape, looking guilty afterwards.
Kurt felt Blaines hand grip his harder as he tensed, his facial expression dropping.
"Thats not funny." Blaine said, venom in his voice.
"It was just a joke," Adam defended. "Dont get your panties in a twist."
Blaine ignored him and the three of them continued to walk in silence. Glancing over to make sure Adam was facing forward, Blaine pulled Kurt closer to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek before whispering something in his ear, staring directly into Adams eyes when he turned to see what was going on. Adams eyes narrowed as Kurt bit his lip and giggled softly, turning to kiss Blaine on the lips as they approached the building.
Blaine smiled against his lips, pulling Kurt closer and wrapping his arms protectively around his waist, deepening the kiss while Adam stood awkwardly to the side. Kurt let out a little laugh and made to pull away, letting out a surprised yelp when Blaine laced his fingers into his hair and held him in place, kissing him dominantly.
Adam noticed as Kurts cheeks turned pink, his breathing coming out in heavy pants as they finally disconnected.
"Ill see you later." Blaine said suggestively.
"Y-yeah..." Kurt stuttered, barely noticing when Blaine pressed a final kiss to his lips before walking away, leaving him shocked.
"Kurt," Adam snapped while his friend stood still, watching Blaine walk away as if in a trance. "Kurt!"
"What?" Kurt said, spinning around to face Adam.
"Were going to be late."
Kurt followed Adam inside, still blushing furiously. The two boys didnt speak much for the rest of the day, and Kurt was relieved when his classes were over and he could go home, so the awkwardness was gone.
Kurt made his way home and entered his apartment to find Blaine sitting on the sofa, waiting for him.
"On a scale of one to ten," Blaine began. "How mad at me are you?"
Kurt smiled a little. "Im not sure," He admitted, pulling his shoes off and sitting down next to Blaine, placing his bag on the floor next to him. "I just dont understand why you were so..."
"Possessive?" Blaine suggested, receiving a small nod from Kurt. "Me neither, really...I just got kind of..."
"Jealous?" Blaine nodded. "But why?"
"I dont know," Blaine replied. "He was just so...cocky, I guess. And then he said that stupid joke - which wasnt funny at all - and you laughed and I just...I wanted to rub it in his face that youre mine, I think."
"Why did that joke make you so uncomfortable anyway?" Kurt asked.
Blaine shrugged. "We just...we havent...you know," He said, making ambiguous gestures with his hands. "And it has nothing to do with him so I just got protective of you."
Kurt smiled softly, cupping Blaines cheek. "And I love you for that," He said. "But Adam isnt a bad guy, and I dont want to be with anyone but you so it doesnt matter what he, or anyone else, says."
"I know, I know," Blaine smiled. "Im sorry."
"Its okay," Kurt replied, leaning in to kiss Blaine momentarily. "Honestly...I kind of liked it," Blaine rose his eyebrow a little, smirking at his boyfriend. "I mean feeling like you wanted to show me off, you jerk." Kurt laughed, shoving Blaine a little.
Blaine laughed and kissed Kurt gently. "I love you."
"I love you too." Kurt smiled, wrapping his arms around Blaines neck in a hug.
"Now, in all seriousness, what do you want for dinner?" Blaine asked, eliciting a laugh from Kurt.
"Anythings good with me." Kurt replied.
"Okay," Blaine said, pressing a chaste kiss to Kurts lips before pulling away. "And I think you should invite Adam for dinner one night."
"Really?" Kurt asked sceptically.
"Yes, really," Blaine laughed, rolling his eyes. "Hes your friend, so I need to at least try to get along with him."
"Youre the best." Kurt grinned.
"I know." Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt once more before making his way into the kitchen to make dinner.