Feb. 26, 2014, 6 p.m.
Feb. 26, 2014, 6 p.m.
YAY! Sorry for the angstyness but I think overall...yay! Please review :)
Working with Blaine ended up being a blessing and a curse for Kurt. It was a blessing because he finally got to spend time with him and hed made his first friend but it was a curse because it made his slight crush increase tenfold and he found himself blushing around Blaine more than he thought physically possible.
Nonetheless, Kurt immensely enjoyed the time that he spent with Blaine regardless of the fact that they were doing school work half of the time. Actually having a friend that he could talk to and text whenever he wanted to was foreign to Kurt but he loved the feeling. He wasnt even sure why Blaine wanted to spend time with him. He was a freak. He didnt speak, he was obsessed with clothes and he was pretty much terrified to even make noise most of the time.
That thought ruined Kurt for the rest of the day. Usually Kurt would be fairly happy when he want into school but his smile was gone as he tried to keep his head down and block everyone out. Blocking everyone out was easier said than done, however, when English arrived and charming, gentlemanly Blaine figured out that something was wrong.
Nothing, Im fine. Kurt wrote across his whiteboar as he attempted to smile at Blaine.
"I dont believe you but fine. Are we still studying at yours tonight?"
Sure. Kurt wrote across the whiteboard before packing it away into his bag, silently telling Blaine that he didnt want to talk anymore and their conversation was over.
Although Blaine looked a little defeated, he understood what Kurt was trying to tell him and focused his attention back on his work, deciding to talk to Kurt later in the day. Even though he decided this, Blaine did hope that Kurt would start feeling better about whatever was bugging him, but unfortunately didnt happen.
When they arrived at Kurts later that day, they walked up to his bedroom in silence and started studying straight away. Usually theyd talk a little first, but Kurt seemed, well...grumpy — that was the only way Blaine could describe it. They studyed in silence for about ten minutes before Blaine broke, dropping his book on the floor in frustration and sighing dramatically until he caught Kurts attention and the blue eyed teen looked up at him with a confused expression.
"Youre annoying me," Blaine said without thinking, noticiting the hurt look that immediately appeared on Kurts face. "Sorry that didnt come out how it was supposed to..." He apologised as Kurt raised his eyebrow, prompting him to continue. "Youre miserable, and dont even try to deny it because its written all over your face. Why wont you talk to me? Do you not trust me?" He asked, Kurts facial expression softening as he picked up the whiteboard.
I DO trust you. Kurt wrote across the whiteboard quickly and showed Blaine.
"Then why wont you talk to me?"
Kurt threw his head back with a tiny, barely audible groan before writing across the whiteboard: It sounds so stupid.
"I dont care, Kurt. It can be the most stupidest thing in the world for all I care, I just want to make you feel better." Blaine replied honestly.
Finally, Kurt gave in and began writing what he wanted to say across the whiteboard. Blaine became slightly worried when Kurt just kept writing and writing, but soon enough he was finished and sliding the whiteboard to Blaine as he stared down at the floor and started picking at the edges of the pillow that hed put in his lap to lean on.
I just...I dont understand why you want to be friends with me. Ive never had any friends before and thats for a reason; Im a freak. I mean, I dont even speak and thats not exactly normal especially as Im capable of it, I just choose not to. But I guess that doesnt matter because Im not normal. Im gay, I love fashion, I hate sports, and if I actually let people hear my voice, well....youd understand why I stopped speaking. Its like, a nightmare for you to communicate with me so why do you even bother? There are tons of people who would be willing to be friends with you, but you want to be MY friend and it doesnt make any sense to me at all.
Blaine frowned as he read the message. He could understand why Kurt felt that way, he knew that it wasnt the most natural thing for a sixteen year old to not speak, but he didnt understand why he seemed to think that he deserved no friends because of it.
"Kurt," Blaine said sadly. "Youre not a freak. Firstly, Im gay too so I know exactly what you feel like. Theres nothing wrong with you liking fashion and not liking sports, there isnt a guidebook to life telling you that every boy has to be obsessed with sports. Although I havent heard you speak, Ive heard you laugh and your laugh is adorable so Im pretty much certain that youre voice will be the same. Its not a nightmare to communicate you. Sure, it takes longer but I dont care. And I dont want to be friends with the tons of people who would be willing to be friends with me because a, half the people in our school are jerks and b, I like you, Kurt. Youre funny and sweet and we actually have a lot of stuff in common, like we both love music and broadway. Thats why I want to be your friends, I dont care whether you speak or not, Im not like those other losers who didnt actually try to get to know you and honestly its their loss, because youre pretty awesome."
Kurt looked up at Blaine, tears in his eyes as he crawled onto his knees and wrapped his arms around Blaines neck. Blaine reciprocated the hug with ease, wrappings his own arms around Kurts middle and cuddling him close. Although Blaine wasnt entirely expecting the hug, he most definately wasnt happening what ensued afterwards...
"Thank you." Kurt whispered into Blaines ear so quietly that he wasnt sure if the other boy even heard it, but he did.
Suddenly, Blaine had tears of his own in his eyes. Although he felt kind of weird for tearing up at the sound of someone speaking, he was kind of shocked that itd happened. Hed known that speaking was a big deal for Kurt, even before he knew why that was, and he also knew that he was the first person that Kurt had spoken to since he was eight. Blaine didnt really understand why Kurt seemed to trust him enough to speak to him, but he was glad that he was finally getting through to Kurt and getting him to open up a little bit.
"Youre welcome."