Feb. 26, 2014, 6 p.m.
Feb. 26, 2014, 6 p.m.
Please review :)
Kurt was... he was different. Blaine oculdnt quite figure out what was so alluring about the chestnut haired teen; he didnt even speak, yet Blaine always seemed to find himself wanting to know more about him. Blaine found it sort of amusing how he and Kurt had only just started working on their English project, theyd only really interacted once out of school - text messages not included - and he already found himself wanting to be Kurts best friend.
He wasnt entirely sure why Kurts lack of speech didnt phase him in the slightest but Blaine also wasnt sure why other people were so bothered by Kurt not talking; he was still amazingly sweet and kind, he still had a good sense of humor - so why did he always seem to get picked on for not talking? Blaine wondered if Kurt physically couldnt speak or if he just chose not to, but he assumed that the latter was true as he had heard Kurt laugh and if he physicall couldnt speak it was unlikely that he could make any sound at all, right?
Regardless, Blaine found Kurt intruiging. In addition to this, Blaine decided that Kurt was beyond cute and as soon as he heard Kurt giggle for the first time, he thought that was adorable too. His laughs and giggles, despite being tiny and barely audible at times, had a small hint of Kurts voice in them and Blaine longed to hear the other teen speak so that he could really hear what he sounded like. Sure, Blaine was perfectly content with Kurts perpetual silence but that didnt mean he couldnt have a hidden desire to hear his voice; in fact, it was completely natural.
The two boys had made plans to study at Kurts house on the weekend and Blaine was secretly hoping that theyd end up spending more of their time getting to know each other better as they previously had. He knew that they had to get their project finished eventually but honestly, they had way more time than they actually needed.
Blaine texted Kurt the morning of the Saturday that they were studying together to confirm that it was still okay for him to go over to Kurts house and much to Blaines happiness, Kurt replied telling him that he was already waiting for him. Blaine grinned, pocketing his phone and leaving his house.
When Blaine got to Kurts house he knocked on the door and it flew open almost immediately to reveal and extremely smiley Kurt holding a sign with HI! written across it in huge writing.
"Hi," Blaine laughed, entering the other teens house. "I see someone is excited to see me." He teased, causing Kurt to blush and duck his head as he wiped the whiteboard clean.
Lets go upstairs and get started. Kurt wrote across the whiteboard and showed it to Blaine before leading him up to his bedroom.
When they reached Kurts bedroom, the chestnut haired teen stepped to the side to allow Blaine inside and stood shyly by the door as the other teen looked around his room with an unreadable expression. Blaine curiously looked around and smiled at how Kurt-like the bedroom was, even if he didnt know that much about him.
"I like your room," Blaine said, turning to face Kurt and smiling. "Its very you."
Kurt let out a little breath before writing a small message across the whiteboard: Thank you.
"Youre welcome." Blaine replied with a small laugh before he and Kurt got out all of their resources and began to work on their project.
Again, the two boys ended up spending most of their time talking (or writing in Kurts case) and getting to know each other better. They were both in hysterics when Carole came upstairs to see if they wanted anything for lunch and looked between the two boys with a look of confusion, but happiness, written across her face. Shed probably never heard Kurt laugh, not properly at least and before her she saw a boy shed never met before with her step son, actually getting sound to come out of him.
"Hey guys, I was just about to make lunch, do you want anything?" Carole asked as she entered Kurts room to see him and Blaine sitting on the floor surrounded by books and paper.
Kurt picked up the whiteboard that was buried underneath scattered paper and wrote across it: Yes please.
"Okay, Ill bring something up in a bit." Carole smiled before leaving the room and making her way down to the kitchen where she proceeded to tell Burt about what shed seen upstairs.
"Wait, actual sound was coming out of him?" Burt asked incredulously.
"Yup. He wasnt speaking but they were both laughing, and loudly at that. I dont think Ive ever heard him make noise before to be honest."
"I figured out that Kurt was starting to...I dont know, change? The other day when he came and watched TV with me but even when he laughs its usually silent or he stops himself before anyone can hear him."
"Well whoever this Blaine kid is hes obviously helping Kurt a lot." Carole said and that was the end of that conversation.
Blaine didnt actually end up leaving until later that night; the boys managing to fit in a few more hours of studying and watch a movie. Somehow Burt managed to get Blaine away from Kurt for a little while — he suggested that Kurt help Carole make dinner while he watched the football with Blaine and Kurt agreed in a split second, causing laughter from both Burt and Blaine — so that he could talk to the hazel eyed teen. As soon as Blaine realised that Burt wanted to speak to him he tensed and had a guilty look plastered to his face, which elicited a slight laugh from Burt.
"Calm down, kid. You look like I just told you I kill puppies for fun," Burt laughed as Blaine visably relaxed slightly. "I just wanted to thank you."
"For what?" Blaine asked confusedly with a raised eyebrow.
"Helping Kurt, I guess," Burt said, confusing Blaine even further. "When his mum died, he pulled away from everyone and even though hes happy its not the same as when she was alive but since you guys started working on this project or whatever, he seems to be opening up a little bit more."
"Is that why he stopped talking?" Blaine asked, sadness in his voice. "Because his mum died?"
Burt nodded. "He was really close with her, even closer than he was with me and it just kind of broke him. I mean, I was devastated of course but Kurt...I guess he just dealt with it by disconnecting from everyone around him and he never really took down the walls that he surrounded himself with but you seem to be helping him break them a little bit, so thank you. He needs a friend like you, he always has really."
Blaine was about to reply when a smiley Kurt entered the living room, holding the whiteboard out in front of him with DINNER!!! written across it.
As Kurt walked Blaine out later that evening, the hazel eyed teen enveloped him in a hug. Kurts face scrunched up in confusion but he wrapped his arms around Blaines middle nonetheless. When they pulled apart, Kurt looked at Blaine with a confused expression for a few moments while Blaine tried to figure out what he was saying. After a few silent minutes of neither of the boys saying anything, Kurt sighed and pulled his phone out of his pocket to send Blaine a text.
Kurt: What was that all about?
Blaine was silent for a few more moments while he tried to figure out what to say. He couldnt exactly tell Kurt that his dad had practically told him his life story, so he wasnt really sure what to reply.
"I just felt like hugging you," Blaine replied nonchalantly. "Okay, I should get going before my parents start to worry about me." He continued, beginning to walk away. He looked over his shoulder as he walked away and waved at Kurt, who giggled slightly and waved back shyly.
Kurt stood outside his house watching Blaine walk away until he was out of sight and he made his way back inside and up to his bedroom.