Something Missing In My Life
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Something Missing In My Life: Chapter 7

K - Words: 1,203 - Last Updated: Aug 31, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/23 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
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Author's Notes: Please review :D

When Kurt was ten, Blaine's suspicion of Kurt being gay that arose when he was younger began to resurface.

Whenever they were shopping or Kurt watched TV, Blaine would notice Kurt looking at boys instead of girls and he was pretty sure that people were teasing him, but the ten year old never let it show.

He'd also noticed that Kurt wasn't really into the same things as other boys his age were. He showed absolutely no interest in sport and was more fascinated by the idea of tea parties than he was by the idea of something like Lego or running around kicking a ball.

Kurt was also becoming increasingly interested in fashion and always had fun when Blaine took him shopping for new clothes. He was very particular about what he wore for a ten year old, but Blaine found the way that he liked to dress up sort of endearing.

Another thing that Kurt would do a lot as he got older, was spend time in the old tree house that Blaine had in his garden writing stories. Of course, Blaine fixed it a bit as he didn't know how long it would last once Kurt began spending so much time in there, but he would have built a completely new tree house if it made Kurt happy.

It was crazy whenever Blaine would think back to first adopting Kurt and realising that it was four years ago. The time had gone extremely fast, yet slow, but Blaine was so happy looking after Kurt.

"Kurt?" Blaine called, climbing halfway up the stairs to the tree house and almost laughing out loud when he saw Kurt poke his head through the flap that he used to get inside the wooden house, ultimately making him look at Blaine in an upside down manner. "Dinner's ready."

"Okay." Kurt replied cutely, pulling his head back inside the tree house before beginning to make his way down the stairs, only to be pulled into the arms of Blaine who spun him around backwards and elicited a half squeal, half giggle from the ten year old.

Blaine laughed before setting the little boy on the floor, where Kurt proceeded to run back inside.

"So, how's school?" Blaine asked as he and Kurt began to eat their meal.

"I made a friend." Kurt said happily before spearing another forkful of pasta into his mouth.

"Did you?" Blaine asked curiously.

"Mhm," Kurt mumbled around his food before swallowing and properly answering Blaine. "Her name's Rachel. She likes singing too."

Blaine couldn't help but laugh at the adorable expression on Kurt's face. He had spaghetti sauce surrounding his mouth – his habit of being the messiest eater on the planet sticking with him as he grew up – and he wore the cutest smile, making him look incredibly proud of himself for making a friend.

"Well I'm glad that you're making friends," Blaine smiled, taking a napkin and leaning across the table to wipe the sauce from Kurt's mouth and dropping a tiny kiss to Kurt's nose when he scrunched it up.

After dinner, and much coaxing from Blaine, Kurt took a bath before getting into his pyjamas and curling up in bed while he watched a movie. He was sound asleep by at least eight o'clock, and Blaine tucked him in properly before pressing a gentle kiss to the ten year old's forehead, turning the TV off and silently leaving the room.

The next day, Blaine came to realise how incredibly loud Rachel Berry could be. Kurt had near enough begged him to let Rachel come over for dinner. The two friends were playing in Kurt's room when Blaine heard Rachel's extremely loud laughing fit, from downstairs. The twenty nine year old just shook his head with silent laughter before continuing to prepare dinner.

He'd never seen Kurt so comfortable with another person, other than himself and Wes. Blaine was glad, in a way, that somebody else had managed to break Kurt's shell, even if it was just a little bit. He knew that Kurt would probably never get over his shyness completely, but who does stop being shy completely?

At the same time, however, it wasn't just that Kurt was shy. It was that he was seemingly afraid to speak to people. Thinking back, Blaine found it sort of odd how quickly Kurt had become comfortable with him. Sure, he didn't speak to him for four weeks after first meeting Blaine, but he was still comfortable being in Blaine's presence whereas he would completely shut himself off from other people.

He was sort of proud of how far Kurt had come since he first adopted him, even if he did still hide behind Blaine and whimper when he tried to introduce him to new people. It was understandable that Kurt found it hard to talk to new people, he'd been through a hell of a lot for a ten year old.

Blaine was snapped out of his thoughts when two hungry ten year old's came running into the kitchen.

He noticed through the course of dinner that Rachel seemed to be the one to do most of the talking, but Kurt seemed happy enough to let her talk away while he occasionally giggled at something she said or, in very rare instances, reply to something she said.

By the end of the night, Blaine was scarily thankful that Kurt wasn't big on talking. He wasn't sure how he would tolerate having a child that talked as much as Rachel did.

"Kurt?" Blaine called up the stairs and laughed slightly when Kurt came running to the top of the stairs dressed in blue pyjamas with soaking wet hair.

"Yeah?" Kurt replied sweetly.

"Do you wanna come and watch a movie?" Blaine asked and Kurt nodded before running back out of sight again.

He came downstairs a while later with somewhat drier hair and The Lion King in his hands. Blaine put the disc in the DVD player before sitting down on the sofa, Kurt head in his lap, and wrapping a blanket around the ten year old.

Despite laying in a slightly awkward position, Kurt sung every song from the movie and Blaine even joined in on a few. The ten year old was giggling uncontrollably at Blaine's singing, although the twenty nine year old wasn't sure why he was so amused.

"You're silly." Kurt giggled, sitting up next to Blaine.

"Is that so?" Blaine asked curiously, raising his eyebrow at the little boy.

"Mhm." Kurt hummed, nodding his head in a matter-of-factly way.

"Hmm, well if I'm silly I guess it's okay for me to do...this!" Blaine exclaimed before beginning to tickle Kurt's sides mercilessly.

Kurt just began to giggle harder and squirm around until Blaine grabbed him and pulled him into his lap.

"Am I still silly?" Blaine questioned, hugging the little boy close to him.

"Yup." Kurt said, still giggling a little.

Blaine laughed, shaking his head before blowing a raspberry on Kurt's cheek.

"See!" Kurt laughed. "Only silly people do that!"

"Well then, I guess I am silly." Blaine sighed dramatically before joining Kurt in laughter. "I love you little one." He said, cuddling Kurt closer to him.

"I love you too Blainey." Kurt replied.

"Blainey? That's new."

Kurt just laughed and hid his face in Blaine's neck, and that's the position he was in when he eventually drifted to sleep.


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