Something Missing In My Life
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Something Missing In My Life: Chapter 6

K - Words: 1,025 - Last Updated: Aug 31, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/23 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
132 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review :)

When Kurt turned nine, Mrs Anderson, Blaine's mother, decided that she wanted to start taking part in her sons life again, meaning Blaine had to introduce her to Kurt. Of course, she already heard about Blaine adopting Kurt, but she was yet to meet the nine year old even though it had been three years since the adoption.

Mrs Anderson had let Blaine know that she would be coming by to visit one week and Blaine made sure Wes was there in case Kurt became uncomfortable because Kurt was okay with interacting with Wes.

Blaine was dreading his mothers visit, to say the least, but he couldn't exactly tell her not to come.

When the day of Mrs Anderson's visit arrived, Blaine made Wes play with Kurt upstairs until he had spoken to mother.

"Hey mum," Blaine greeted when the door for his mother.

"Blaine, dear, how are you?" Mrs Anderson asked her son, entering his house.

"I'm great, thanks." Blaine replied awkwardly.

"And where's this little Kurt I've heard so much about?"

"He's nine, mum. And he's upstairs playing with Wes, I wanted to talk to you first."

"Well hurry up and introduce me to my Grandson." Mrs Anderson said snobbishly.

"He's not your Grandson. I'm not his Dad and I don't pretend to be," Blaine said, crossing his arms over his chest. "He lost his parents when he was five, I'm not going to try and replace them, I'm here to look after him."

"Well..." Blaine's mother said, clearly defeated. "I still want to meet him."

"I'll go get him just...he's really shy so I don't know if he'll say anything." Blaine said before going upstairs to get Kurt.

Somehow Blaine ended up carrying the nine year old down the stairs as he was already becoming shy and refused to move his head from where it was buried in Blaine's shoulder.

"Kurt? Can you say hi?" Blaine asked gently, Kurt shaking his head in reply but still not removing it from Blaine's shoulder. "Can you at least look as us?" He asked next, and Kurt slowly lifted his head, leaning it against Blaine's and looking shyly at Mrs Anderson.

"Hi," Mrs Anderson said softly, so softly that Blaine was sort of shocked.

Kurt whined quietly and hid his face in Blaine's shoulder again.

"Do you wanna go play with Wes?" Blaine asked the little boy, who nodded and gratefully took Wes's hand when Blaine lowered him to the floor.

"Wow, he really is shy." Mrs Anderson observed once Wes had taken Kurt back upstairs.

"It's understandable...I mean, he lost both of his parents when he was five and then spent almost a year in the foster system because no one was willing to adopt the kid who never spoke. He didn't really have anyone until now. It took him four weeks to speak to me for the first time and even then he only said one word to me."

"I'm proud of you, you know," Mrs Anderson said suddenly. "It's not just that you've been looking after a child since you were twenty five, it's also why you did it. You adopted Kurt because you wanted to help him; because he had no one."

"Well...I'm glad that I did. I love looking after him, I love him." Blaine smiled.

"I can tell. I may have only seen that little scene there but it's written all over your face."

"He's the sweetest kid ever, I swear."

The next few hours were spent with Blaine catching up with his mother while Wes played with Kurt upstairs until it was time for dinner and Blaine had to physically sit Kurt on his chair because he wanted to sit on Blaine's lap.

Much to Blaine's surprise, his mother didn't actually ask Kurt that much, knowing that he wouldn't respond. She did get a few little giggles out of Kurt, however, when she told the nine year old stories from when Blaine was little.

"Okay, mother. I think that's enough embarrassment for one night. Why don't you go and pick a DVD for us to watch?" Blaine said, directing the last part in a softer tone to Kurt, who nodded before running out of the kitchen and upstairs to find a movie.

When he came back down, Kurt handed his DVD to Blaine before sandwiching himself between Wes and Blaine while Mrs Anderson sat next to Blaine, smiling at the little boy who snuggled into her son's side.

"Blaine?" Kurt said softly from where his head was buried under Blaine's arm.

"Yes?" Blaine replied, looking down at the nine year old.

"I love you." Kurt said in his childish voice and Blaine smiled softly at him before ducking down to press a kiss to his head.

"I love you too, little one."

Kurt fell asleep a little while later and Blaine manoeuvred him into a position where he was lying with his head on his lap and his knees tucked up to his chest. He let the little boy sleep there until the movie was over and he carried the nine year old up to his bed and tucked him in.

Blaine woke up the next morning and went into the kitchen to find his mother teaching Kurt how to bake cookies. Kurt was standing on a chair, as he still couldn't reach the kitchen counter, and staying silent while watching Mrs Anderson and copying her actions when she instructed him to.

"Whatcha doing?" Blaine asked, poking his head in between his mum and Kurt.

"We're making cookies." Kurt said in his small, childish voice, before turning around and wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck in a hug.

Blaine smiled and hugged the little boy back before releasing him as Kurt went back to helping Mrs Anderson with the cookies.

They decided to go to the park and eat lunch, so Blaine made some sandwiches before packing them in a bag with drinks and their cookies before they all went out.

They found a bench in the park and Kurt sat next to Blaine while Mrs Anderson sat on the other side. Blaine had made special star-shaped sandwiches for Kurt- a habit that he picked up when Kurt was younger- and the nine year old munched happily on them while Blaine and his mother ate their sandwiches and spoke about stuff that Kurt was blatantly ignoring.


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