Aug. 31, 2013, 12:53 p.m.
Aug. 31, 2013, 12:53 p.m.
"I can't believe that I have to go to speech therapy, today of all days." Kurt groaned as he walked to his locker with Elliot.
It was Kurt's eighteenth birthday and, typically, it fell on the day that he had speech therapy. He wasn't exactly happy about it as he already thoroughly disliked going to speech therapy, and having to go on his birthday made it even worse.
"I know," Elliot said sympathetically. "But it's only an hour and you said you wanted to get better."
"I do but I don't want to go on my birthday." Kurt replied with a pout.
"At least you have dinner with me, Blaine and Rachel afterwards."
"I guess," Kurt sighed, leaning against his locker door.
"Cheer up! It's your birthday and you know what I do to sad people..." Elliot said suggestively as Kurt raised his eyebrow at his boyfriend. "Think about it. It's sort of how we first got together."
"What are you...oh god." Kurt groaned as he realised what Elliot was talking about.
"So if I remember correctly you have five seconds..."
"Elliot we're in school!" Kurt exclaimed quietly, even while Elliot was couting down.
Apparently being in school didn't phase Elliot as he continued to slowly count down. As soon as he hit one, the other teen practically ran for his life, Elliot chasing behind him.
Kurt ended up in the auditorium. He looked around as he stood in the middle of the stage and let out a breath once he realised he was only, or so he thought... Kurt let out a yelp as a pair of arms wrapped around his middle and lifted him off the ground, spinning him around in a circle as he flailed about.
"Elliot!" Kurt exclaimed with a laugh. "Put me down!"
"What was that? I couldn't hear you through all of that laughter." Elliot teased, tickling Kurt's side with one of his hands while he kept him safely in the air with his other arm.
"Elliot!" Kurt laughed, squirming around even more in his boyfriends arms.
"Okay okay," Elliot laughed, lowering Kurt to the ground. "I knew that would work."
"I hate you." Kurt said as he rested his head against Elliot's shoulder, still laughing.
"Hmm, no you don't," Elliot hummed happily, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist and resting his chin on the top of Kurt's head. "You love me."
"A little bit."
"Oh really? Just a little bit?" Elliot asked as he slowly moved his hands back to Kurt's side and began to tickle him softly.
"No!" Kurt exclaimed through a laugh, grabbing Elliot's hands and pinning them behind his back. "A lot okay? I love you a lot." He laughed.
"I love you a lot too." Elliot laughed, leaning forward to press a kiss to Kurt's lips.
Kurt seemed to be happier for the rest of the day, Elliot managing to completely take his mind off of speech therapy until the end of the day. Kurt curled himself into Elliot's side as much as physically possible during the car ride to therapy, it was actually sort of surprising how small Kurt could make himself. Much to Kurt's surprise and happiness, Blaine had convinced Rose to cut the session in half so that it was half an hour instead of a whole hour as it was his birthday and she agreed.
According to Rose, Kurt was making really good progress and she was proud of him. Kurt still felt as if he wasn't making a lot of progress but everyone around him continously told him that they were proud of him and somehow that helped him to keep going, to keep pushing him further and to keep trying to get better.
After a torturous — but slightly less torturous than usual — therapy session, Kurt was on his way to dinner with the three people that were most important to him and it was the highlight of his day.
Despite dinner being amazing, Kurt was sort of excited to get home and watch a movie with Blaine. He loved spending time with Blaine, even if he was basically Kurt's parental figure. Of course, he loved Rachel and Elliot but it was also nice to just be with Blaine sometimes. As soon as they got home, Kurt happily ran upstairs and got changed into his pyjamas before grabbing a DVD and making his way back downstairs.
"Some things never change." Blaine laughed as Kurt put the DVD in the player and joined him on the sofa.
"Shut up." Kurt retorted even though he was smiling, curling himself into Blaine's side as the thirty seven year old wrapped his arm around Kurt's shoulders and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
"Did you have a good birthday?" Blaine questioned.
"Yeah, you can thank Elliot for that." Kurt replied, confusing Blaine.
"I was kind of depressed this morning because I had therapy but he chased me round the school and tickled me until I cheered up."
"You guys are so weird." Blaine laughed.
"Why, thank you." Kurt replied with a laugh of his own before they proceeded to watch the remainder of the movie in content silence.
While they were watching the movie, Blaine mentally reminisced the past twelve years of his life, having Kurt with him. He found in insane how quickly that time had passed as it felt like it was just yesterday that he adopted Kurt. He looked down at the eighteen year old who was slowly drifting to sleep and smiled. When Kurt sensed Blaine moving he looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"I can't believe it's been twelve years." Blaine said as way of explanation and Kurt hummed in response before snuggling back up to Blaine and slipping his eyes shut once again. What Blaine wasn't expecting to hear, however, was the last sentence that left Kurt's mouth that night...
"You're the best daddy ever." Kurt mumbled sleepily as he drifted into slumber, leaving Blaine trying to remember how to breathe properly.