Aug. 31, 2013, 12:53 p.m.
Aug. 31, 2013, 12:53 p.m.
Prom was coming up, and Kurt wasn't sure how he felt about it. He wanted to go, of course, but he wasn't sure if he could handle it. It wasn't just his speech, he was just generally a shy person and would rather curl up in the corner by himself with a book instead of join a group of people. He wanted to talk to Elliot about it but he didn't want to seem like he was just assuming that Elliot would even want to go with him.
He didn't have to worry about that anymore, however, when Elliot asked him to go with him during the middle of one of their movie dates in Kurt's living room.
"I actually wanted to talk to you about that..." Kurt began.
"I want to go but...I don't know if I can handle it, it might not end well."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't exactly handle being in large groups of people very well...when I was eleven Blaine took me to his dad's birthday party and he literally had to carry me the whole time and then I went to find Wes by myself and ended up in the bathroom crying because I got lost." Kurt explained.
"Oh...well, you'll be with me and Rachel will be there too."
"I really wanna go but I'm scared that it's gonna become overwhelming and I'm gonna ruin your night."
"Kurt," Elliot said, smiling a little. "You won't ruin my night. Do you really think I care more about being at a school dance than your happiness?"
"No but I still don't wanna ruin it for you."
"I promise," Elliot began, putting his hands on Kurt's cheeks and resting their foreheads against one another. "You will not ruin my night."
"Okay?" Elliot asked hopefully.
"Okay, I'll go to prom with you." Kurt smiled as Elliot kissed him hard on the lips.
"Ehm," Blaine said ammusedly as Elliot pulled away from Kurt and both boys blushed. "Hi."
"Hi..." Kurt said awkwardly, looking up at Blaine.
"Having fun?" Blaine smirked.
Kurt groaned and hid his face in Elliot's shoulder.
"You're embarrassing." Kurt groaned.
"Duh, that's my job." Blaine retorted as Kurt picked up one of the sofa cushions and threw it at Blaine.
"We need to start having our movie dates at your house." Kurt said to Elliot.
"Ha, no. Jess will probably climb all over us if I try to kiss you." Elliot replied, eliciting a laugh from Blaine.
"I need to meet your little sister."
"Go away." Kurt whined, burying his face in Elliot's shoulder once again.
"This sofa is free for everyone, if you want to make out with your boyfriend maybe you should relocate to a more private location." Blaine teased.
"Fine." Kurt replied with a smile, grabbing Elliot's hand and leading him upstairs.
"I was kidding!" Blaine called out with a laugh, but the two teenagers continued to run upstairs nonetheless.
Of course, when Blaine went upstairs to tell Kurt and Elliot that dinner was ready, they were lying on Kurt's bed kissing — which just made everything even more awkward.
"I really can't leave you two alone for two seconds," Blaine laughed. "I think you need to be chaperoned from now on."
"It's not my fault you always seem to walk in on me kissing my boyfriend." Kurt shrugged as he scooped more pasta into his bowl.
"Because you're always kissing," Blaine teased, rolling his eyes and sliding a bowl of pasta across the table to Elliot. "Then again you probably won't be after this, I know what happens when you eat spaghetti." He said as Kurt lowered his forkful of pasta slowly.
Elliot just looked between the two of them with a confused expression. "Um...I'm lost?"
"Well Kurt has this thing about getting food over his face instead of in his mouth." Blaine explained as Elliot laughed and Kurt covered his face with his hands.
"Stop it," Kurt groaned. "I hate you all."
"Eat your dinner." Blaine instructed.
As expected, Kurt's face was a complete mess when he finished eating and Elliot — for some strange reason — found it absolutely adorable and Kurt had to practically pry his phone out of his hands before he took a photo of him.
"Don't worry, I have some from when he was little." Blaine assured him.
"What!?" Kurt all but screeched.
"You were the messiest eater ever, jam monster. Don't think I never took photos of you."
Kurt huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting at Blaine.
"Go wash your face," Blaine laughed as Kurt stomped out of the room dramatically. "I love you!" He called out.
When prom finally rolled around, Kurt spent the entire night gluing himself to Elliot's side. He was squeezing Elliot's arm so hard when they walked through the doors that he was surprised it didn't burst. Kurt made a whining noise and hid his face in Elliot's arm.
"Are you okay? We don't have to do this." Elliot asked.
Kurt shook his head, looking up at his boyfriend with a tiny smile. "I want to. I talked to Rose about it and she gave me a challenge to try and dance with you at least once, I'm not leaving until then."
"Okay." Elliot smiled, pressing a kiss to Kurt's forehead.
The two boys sat together for a while and spoke a little until Rachel came over and all but begged Kurt to dance with her until he finally gave in.
"I can't believe you actually came." Rachel said as she danced with her best friend.
"I wanted to...plus Elliot wanted to come so I wanted to try for him."
"Aww." Rachel cooed.
"Shut up," Kurt laughed. "Rose thought that it would might help anyway...I don't know how or why but she's a therapist so..."
"Well, I for one am glad you came."
"Me too...sort of." Kurt laughed.
"Okay, I think your boyfriend misses you," Rachel said with a smile. "Go, I'll find you later."
As soon as Kurt reached Elliot, he took his boyfriends hands and dragged him into the middle of the dance floor, wrapping Elliot's arms around his waist as he wrapped his arms around the other teen's neck and leaned his head against his shoulder.
"You okay?" Elliot asked, hugging his boyfriend tight as they sort of swayed together.
Kurt nodded. "Yeah...It's just easier to forget that there's a room full of people this way."
"You feel really tense." Elliot pointed out.
"Because I'm like three seconds away from breaking down."
"Do you wanna g-" Elliot was cut off when Kurt shook his head.
"Please just hold me for a minute."
"I'm right here." Elliot whispered as he placed a kiss to the top of Kurt's head.
Kurt and Elliot left the prom not too much later as Kurt just wanted to go home, get into his pyjamas and watch TV. Elliot walked Kurt to his front door and wrapped his arms around his boyfriends neck in a hug; Kurt instantly hugging back.
"I actually had fun tonight." Kurt muttered into Elliot's shoulder.
"Me too," Elliot smiled, pulling back to look at his boyfriend. "I told you that you wouldn't ruin my night."
"Well how could I?" Kurt asked teasingly. "I'm an amazing boyfriend."
"You are," Elliot said honestly, even though he knew Kurt was messing around. "You're more than amazing." He said, leaning in to brush his nose over Kurt's.
"So are you."
"I love you." Elliot whispered.
Kurt was pretty sure his heart stopped beating. He looked up at his boyfriend to see Elliot looking at him with such a loving expression that he kind of just wanted to cry.
"I love you too." Kurt replied.
Even though it was barely audible, Elliot heard and pressed a gentle kiss to Kurt's lips before pulling back. "I should let you get inside."
"Oh...yeah," Kurt laughed, completely forgetting where he was. "I'm pretty sure Blaine was watching that from one of the windows now that I think about it."
"Actually...he was," Elliot replied, nodding towards one of the windows. Kurt turned his head around to see Blaine waving at them from inside the house.
"That jerk." Kurt laughed.
"That jerk is waiting for you, you should go inside."
"I suppose," Kurt sighed dramatically. "Call me later?"
"Yup." Elliot smiled, kissing the end of Kurt's nose.
As soon as Kurt got inside his house, he leant against the door and grinned wider than he probably ever had in his life.
"I assumed Elliot was a good kisser considering how much you kiss him but wow, he must be good if you have that big a smile on your face." Blaine laughed.
"Not that..." Kurt said with a slight laugh, still smiling. "He said he loved me."
"Aww," Blaine cooed. "I wondered why it looked so intense out there."
"You honestly just substitute TV for watching me and my boyfriend don't you?"
"You guys are a lot more interesting, trust me," Blaine laughed. "But honestly, I'm glad that you're happy."
"Thank you," Kurt smiled. "Speaking of...why don't you have a boyfriend?"
"Uh...because I don't want a boyfriend?"
"But you're like thirty six...you're gonna be like a crazy cat lady but...without any cats...and you're not a lady...you get what I mean!"
"Okay firstly, did you just call me old?" Blaine questioned with a raised eyebrow. "And secondly, I'm not a crazy cat lady, thank you very much."
"You're not old, but you're not exactly young either..." Kurt replied as Blaine playfully pushed him into the kitchen.
"Look, I'm happy right now. I don't want a boyfriend at the moment, that doesn't mean I'm never going to have one though."
"Ugh, I'm too tired to have this conversation. Can we watch a movie?" Kurt asked, batting his eyelashes cutely as he knew that Blaine couldn't say no to him when he did that.
"I would have said yes anyway, you don't need to do the batty eyelashes thing." Blaine laughed.
"Yay!" Kurt said happily. "I'm gonna go put my jammies on, I'm trusting you to pick something decent to watch."
"Yes, sir." Blaine replied, mock saluting at Kurt.
A little while later, Kurt was lying across the sofa with his head in Blaine's lap while they watched The Lion King.
"So, how's therapy?" Blaine asked.
"It's okay...I guess."
"You guess?"
"I mean, the challenges and stuff help but like overall I don't feel like I'm achieving anything."
"You know that it's gonna take time, right?"
"I know but I've been going for over a month and I don't feel like I'm making progress...I kind of hate going, which makes no sense because I want to go."
"Yeah, you're right...that made no sense." Blaine laughed.
"It's like...I hate going. I hate talking about my speech, I hate having to think about it more than usual but I want to go. I want to try and make it easier even if I do hate doing it...which sucks."
"Do you regret going?"
"I don't feel like I can really answer that yet because like I said, I feel like I haven't made any progress."
"I think you have," Blaine said honestly as Kurt rolled onto his back to look at the thirty six year old. "Maybe not with speaking so much, but you've definitely gotten a lot more confident. Whenever we used to go out, you would shy away from other people but now, even if you don't speak to them, you're more confident about being there."
"That's not true all of the time though."
"Maybe not, but it still proves that you're making progress a little bit, even though you don't feel like you are."
Kurt sighed. "I just wish I could talk to people. I wish that my words wouldn't get jumbled up and I wish that I wouldn't break down whenever things get bad. I don't know how that's supposed to be fixed."
"Jumbled up?"
"I spoke about it in therapy...It's like, sometimes I can't talk because all of my words get mixed up in my head and I can't string a sentence together. Rose thinks that's why I start freaking out but it mostly just makes me feel dumb."
"Is that why you shut off sometimes, even to the people you're okay with talking to?"
Kurt nodded. "It kind of like if I speak too much or when I just generally don't want to speak my brain shuts down and I can't form any comprehensible words. It was more confusing when I was little though, that's why I would break down a lot more, because I didn't really understand what was happening and it was like the alphabet was just flying around my head and mixing everything up."
"So do you understand it now then?"
"No...I just understand what it feels like more now whereas I wouldn't have been able to decode it when I was little."
"But you'd still write whenever you closed off..."
"Yeah but when I write I don't really think about the words. I have an idea in my head and I just write it down, I don't think about the letters, the words or the sentences that I'm writing. I just...write them."
"That's kind of amazing...in a way. That even when you can't actually say anything you can write stuff, almost subconsciously."
"Rose thought the same thing but I still can't write what I would say if I could actually speak. When I had one of my 'word blocks' — as Rose likes to call them — in therapy, she tried giving me a piece of paper and nothing came out because I had to actually think about what I wanted to say and it just screwed up the whole system."
"Well," Blaine began, sensing that Kurt was sick of talking. "I for one, am extremely proud of you. I know that you hate going to therapy but you still go because you're determined to try and get better."
Kurt just smiled up at the thirty six year old for a few moments before turning onto his side again to watch the rest of the movie.